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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Printable Version

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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - bluntpencil2001 - 12-19-2007

Well, the Sabre is flown by the Hacker Guard, so spamming that wouldn't bother me, personally. The only reason normal Hackers fly weaker ships is so that the difficulty is scaled by location for the Vanilla SP. Perhaps allowing the Sabre and Falcata once a member is fully green with Hacker Guard?

Also, check the Hacker bases... you may find that one of them sells the new Improved Debilitator gun;).

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Kane - 12-19-2007

Hmm... Not bad, not bad...

But, Phantoms hostile. If you don't mind my asking, why? A few of our events done in the past were done using hired LH hackers to access computer systems... Would be strange to suddenly not be able to do so again if need be, no?

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Gamazson - 12-19-2007

' Wrote:Hmm... Not bad, not bad...

But, Phantoms hostile. If you don't mind my asking, why? A few of our events done in the past were done using hired LH hackers to access computer systems... Would be strange to suddenly not be able to do so again if need be, no?

For the most part, everyone assumes themselves to be defacto hostile to the Phantoms. Xoria probably didn't know of any history behind the lane hackers and the phantoms.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - uspatriotsf - 12-19-2007

Looks great!!!

Fits all of my faction criteria. Good luck Xoria, very well done!:)

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-19-2007

I see now that the Hellfire Legion has their diplomacy set as neutral to the Phantoms, but the Phantoms list the HF as hostile (according to AC Merc's quick ref quide). Until that is sorted out, anyone who is hostile to HF is going to be listed as Hostile from The Lane Hackers.

Quick note: I am going to be revamping the Career Advancement Requirements, especially the Trainee to Specialist requirements. The financial contribution from trainees is going to disappear and be replaced with a couple of roleplay requirements, along with some other changes.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Jinx - 12-19-2007

systems listed as fields of operations - there are several guard systems listed. don t know if thats working - aren those "private" systems purchased from the factions? - while it might - in special cases make sense to enter a liberty guard system - i m unsure about a kusari guard system. gonne edit as i read through it all - there are allready so many opinions and the original post is long enough, too - so i can t put it all into the original reply.

- alaska - no lanes to hack, not sure if it counts as an official liberty system either, cause its sort of a secret system with a very secret entrance ( if you don t count the obvious conneticut gate )
- it appears that allmost all bretonia is within the field of operation - which might be quite a lot. ( judging from the behaviour of NPCs that are not seen in bretonia ) - maybe making it rank dependent about how big your field of operation is is more effective. - so that a higher ranked LH doesn t need to ask if he can enter zone X - but knows perfectly where his ZoI ends. and maybe only add systems that are somewhat adjacent to the primary field of operation - unsure if that should include adjacent systems to allied factions, too - but thats about to be seen.

there is little else to say about the faction concept - before you can really do your roleplay, you might need to advertise that part of sirius though. - cause the reality looks rather dark - there might be lanes to hack, but only few ships to tax. since Clover as Gaian is bound to pirate in leeds only - my experience is that there is hardly any traffic to be considered "worth" staying around to pirate. - and i am alone, and not a faction.

so if piracy / lane hacking is the primary method - you ll have some boring times. so you might want to get into interaction with the various factions quickly to offer apps something.

other issues have been addressed allready

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Fellow Hoodlum - 12-19-2007

The nature of those diplomacies has changed recently with the old AW/HF alliance being dissolved. The only
time the HF have seen fit fit to attack the Phantoms recently is when someone, not a member of HF, was
flying one of TankTarget's old shared account ships.
That needs to be addressed from the HF's point of view. Who actually is a member, and who has access to
their ships ...


The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Eppy - 12-19-2007

Yes, we're trying to, ah...(coughcough)...not think about that incident...Lotka...

Anyways, it will be interesting to see a true Lane Hacker faction running around and giving the LSF/SA some real hell:lol:Hellfire has been inactive of late, and our RP is more of an unlawful military closely associated with the Hackers, instead of Hackers themselves...I would advise lightening up your gun and fighter/bomber Denelo said, the Dagger and Stilletto are absolute crap. Solo Scimitars won't be able to handle a freighter, either, Light Fighters are designed as dogfighters and little else. Sabers and Outcast weapons would be advisable. Also, I might just put [IND] as neutral if I were you, they have some...shadier...connections on the Outcast side of the war that actually benefit the hackers a good deal...

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - pipsqueak - 12-19-2007

Nice work Xoria...very nice initial setup for RP

Looking forward to working with/against you...
Do let me know if I can help in any manner.

Kind Regards,

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-19-2007

[IND] is Interspace Commerce affiliated. The Lane Hackers' vendetta against IC is only surpassed by their vendetta against Aeira, just read the infocards. Besides, there is no other commercial player clan that is active in Liberty Space for us to target, and very few Traders obtain IC or Ageira tags (that I have seen). If they don't wanted to be blown up, they have to pay through the nose and out the ears for colluding with Ageira in their past crimes against The Lane Hackers.

It's a vendetta...the Outcasts ought to understand that. The diplomacy towards [IND] can become neutral once we bankrupt them.
(If [IND] secretly supplies us with weapons and equipment, or helps us infiltrate Liberty Facilities to spoil dinner at the LSF barracks, we might bankrupt them more slowly than we otherwise will, maybe one or two of them will even be permitted to die of old age instead of Hellflurry fire; ahem, RP hint).

And this is a special message from The Lane Hackers to [IND]:
