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The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Printable Version

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The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Ian.James - 05-14-2008[Unknown].recognized...transmission.encrypted...uploading data...

Hello? I am confident in my hacking abilities that you will receive this message. I have just finished hacking you encrypted comm channel, hope you don't mind. I was in the bar a few weeks ago and I heard the most satisfying rumor from a pilot of a transporter. He told me as much as he could about you Lane Hackers. He explained how you interrupt trade links to seize valuable goods. But little did I know, there is much more to what y'all do. You can call me Maverick, and this is my story.

It all starts with the those damn LSF; they killed my parents. They believed them to be undercover rogues living on Manhattan, I was just a small boy then. Truth is, I'm not sure if was true or not. All I know is, I wanted revenge on the LSF. I grew up with my uncle who raised me to be an excellent pilot. Over the years, I also practiced a....hobby of mine. I would always hack my way into things that got me in trouble, but I was just a teen, nothing to serious. That all changed when I hit the age of 19. My uncle got me a job at Ageira Technologies, he said it was vital that I be in on the future of space travel. I worked there for several years, and things always seemed odd to me. My uncle would always be doing secret things behind my back. Obviously, I was curious. I would sometimes hack into his secret files, hoping to find some juicy info. But one thing I found changed my life forever. I found out that my Uncle was actually a Liberty Rogue! He has been working under cover in Ageira Technologies for some time now. I tried to pretend I never found out, but eventually I confronted him about it. He explained about the corruption in Ageira Technologies and how he is working secretly to take them down, I'm sure he knew nothing of the Lane Hackers. Suddenly an alarm sounded, my uncle looked worried. He told me to hide under a desk, so I did. Around 10 LSF members busted open the door to the room my uncle and I were in, I watched in shock. They told him they found secret files of him being a Liberty Rogue. And before he even got a chance to say anything, they open fired. I watch in horror as they killed my uncle, to shocked to move. They just left the body, can you believe it? After they left, I heard my uncle in a dieing voice. With his last words he gave me a secret pass code to all his life's work...he wanted me to continue his work. How could I refuse? The LSF has single handedly killed my family, and they went taking me. I worked at Ageira Technologies for only a year longer, collecting all the data I could. What made me and my uncle different, is that I could hack. Made operations so much easier. I always thought I was alone on the goal to take down Ageira Technologies, but after I heard the rumor at the bar, i used the Ageira Technologies main database computer to see if there was any info about you guys. Sure enough, they have countless information about you guys. I gathered as much as I could, and flew into space. In space, I read a particular file that stated y'all have a special encrypted comm channel that they have been trying to hack for years. I accomplish this in matter of hours. And here we are.

I believe that I would be a perfect aspect to your team. We have common goals, and my skills in hacking and combat is more than average. Taking down Ageira Technologies has been near to impossible by myself, now I know you guys exist. With me by your side, working as a team. We can take down Ageira Technologies for good. And I can finally get justice for my uncle, and in turn, My parents.

//GMT -6 hours terminated...

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Junker Congress - 05-16-2008

/run securcomm.exe
Firewall status... OK!
Dish rotation... OK!
Receiver signal... OK!
Handshaking... OK!
Sending tightbeam encryption key... OK!

You may recognize me from our wrestling broadcasts, but not by face. And masks are easy to change. House companies have always been reluctant to advertise on our airtime due to our location in Curacao and the anti-establishment content of our satires and effigies. This, with the tariffs from Agiera-owned broadcasting companies being jacked sky-high, the organization is financially being driven into the ground. With these two jaws of the vice closing in on us, we've received an offer from the LBC; turn over controlling interest and let them decide on the content and direction of the federation.

We can not allow this; they will dull our keen edge, they will censor our humor and social commentary with their propaganda, and they will snuff out the proud and noble spirit of Lucha Libre.

Most of my "brothers" are trained and skilled pilots, as well as the finest Luchadores in Sirius. We are fearless, we are quick, and we know how to drive awe into the hearts of lesser men. (One of us currently runs freight to raise the funds to keep the business alive. He's managing so far; but we must teach these swine a lesson, rather than continue to let them gorge upon the fruits of his labor.)

So without the knowledge or blessing of mi familia, I submit this application to you. We of Casa Del Raza are good men who detest crime, so you understand the urgency of this plea. If you so choose, I pledge my wits and my bravery to you.

Viva Lucha Libre!
Viva Resistancia!
Viva Del Raza!

By El Santo's will,
- "El Anonimato"

/del *.*

Are you sure? Y/N (Y)

100% Complete.


A day later, Agiera employees were confused and dismayed at the black-market EMP Generator carried into and turned on in the server room of the Curacao office of Liberty Broadcasting Co. While most of the vital long-term data was backed up on Optronic Flash Drives and thus was unaffected by the interference, much of the other hardware was scrapped, including all RAM and thus all data from the past 36 hours of ground-to-sat transmissions.

The lone guard posted in the facility at the time of the break-in was apparently distracted by a particularly exciting wrestling match on the Holo. Upon the backup generator kicking on and the alarm being tripped, he managed to get to the suspect's tracked location only in time to see him bound up and over the compound wall with uncanny agility. No facial ID could be recorded as he wore a full face mask.

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Nimble - 06-02-2008

//opening succeeded
//secureChannel opened
//redirecting message
//sending message
//sending succeeded


You may call me Otiluke, I will keep my real name hidden for security reasons.

By sending you this message I would like to apply to your "group", if I may call it like that.

I haven't been damaged, wronged, neglected or treated unjust by Ageira, or any other company for that matter. But reading your history, I did realise they are, if not pure evil, at least money-obsessed, singleminded bandits. Thus, I would like to stand up to them and fight for your cause.

I have nothing to lose: my family is dead and I've lost my confidence in both the government and the employers; I am willing to risk everything for a just cause.

Having learned all my computer skills from an uncle of mine, I am quite confident I can hack just about any, not overly secure, computer.

Hope I will be approved,



The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - 0siris - 06-04-2008 UTC/GMT +10 hours..


Hello? Is there anybody out there? I've been on the run for months now ever since the orders came down from head office to close the workshop.

Ageria have gone mad with money and power people have been dissapering left right and center but the corruption doesn't just end with Ageria it's goes all the way through the House of liberty the LSF the LPI they've got agents everywhere watching wating.... I must becarefull or face certain death.... Forgive me if i sound insane but the months of solidarity have taken a toll my story is as follows...

It all started 24 months ago when Malone and I were re-assigned to the new gate security and Anti-hacking program. We'd been working on the new system about 12 months when Malone stumbled upon some documents that prove the factory fire in manhatten was not an accident and that several other "accidents" and dissapearences involving personell and pirated shipments were also orders comming from high up. We started to investigate into the matter further but Malone became paranoid started acting funny. all i know is he must have tipped off someone on the inside cause those were to be my last days of freedom and the last time i'd talk to Malone, The next day I came in to the office to find Malone hanging above our desk a suicide note in messily scribbled handwritting lay upon the keyboard. They had it all setup they told me that he'd been seeing a phyciatrist and that he was deepely troubled but i knew the truth. There was no way he'd have done this we grew up together we told each other everything. I couldn't let them know what i knew so i went along with thier story all the while trying desperately to find a way to get my family out and move them to safety but it was all in vain a few days later my family died in a "house fire" and i was wanted for questioning. With my accounts frozen, nowhere to turn and very little money i stowed away on a freighter bound for manhatten, using my computer hacking skills i stole several million dollars from my ex-employers created a new identitiy and beging fighting in the war against the Ageria Corporation and the House of Liberty

If this message is recieved please I must speak with you whoever you are i belive that only you can help me... I want revenge... I want to spill thier blood and make them pay for what they've done they've taken everything from me my home, wife, family, and my best friend they've left me with nothing I must pay them back. Thier uppance will come.


Encrypting.Message.... Message.Sending....
Packets:Sent =4, Recieved =4, Lost=0
Aproximate Round Trip Trimes In milli-seconds:
Minimum =10, Maximum =20ms, Average =10ms..

"Now All I Can Do Is Wait And Hope"

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Cyberanson - 06-09-2008


TRACING SOURCE... not found

MD5 ID 6c0d6eef3261ce67cb20643719ff93db

[Image: hacker.png]

I have only little time to send you everything that is neccessary. Agents of your and now my enemies also, are about to discover my hide.

I will send you my name via a special encrypted channel I you want, but it doesn't matter.

During a meeting between Ageira and Planetform Inc. on planet Cortez I was abled to hack into a LAN from Ageira and get my hands on some very sensitive data. I offer this data in exchange for asylum on Mactan or another safe place that you have under control.

My life is endangered if I stay here...

Give me the permission to join your pilots, so I'm safe for this time, while I'm fighting on your side to destroy those horrible credit krakens, which are besmirching mankind.


The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Walker - 06-12-2008

New Transmission
Comm ID: ERROR Sender KIA.
Source: UTC/GMT -10:00 Hours.
Establishing Connection...
Link Established...

A memo to the Directors of the Lane Hackers, from Project: Whitelance.

Dear Directors, I write today in response to your organization's request for more pilots and information about Ageira Technologies, and the suspected incident at Outpost 55-C.
No doubt by now, you have heard of the Incident of which I have spoken. I am sure you have seen the news; the suspected treason; and the immediate termination of Outpost 55-C.
The Incident involved what was known as Project: Whitelance - Ageira ordered us to create a way to clone cells, many of us jumped into the project headfirst! With the cloned cells there would be major medicinal breakthroughs, perhaps even extended life...
As the project neared completion we saw that the machine was far more capable of just reproducing cells, We had created something that defied god himself, How could I be so foolish! As the I immediately suggested the termination of the machine and all of the research statistics but... My colleagues objected, Idiots. They were friends and colleagues, and they were idiots.
They placed me under surveillance and I continued to work on the project until an opening appeared... The Machine had grown so much... Not only could it spit out living people but anything we put through it.
A Machine the size of a Shipyard's Dock could spew out a near endless supply of Capital Ships and crew, all completely identical. A single 350 credit box of H-fuel could power an entire nation.
I realized by now that this Machine could have tremendous breakthroughs on everything if its power was only used for good; My Superiors did not think otherwise.
On opening day they arrived, Demanding to see the marvelous work of which we had given birth to. The Outpost was sabotaged...

I almost failed my people once before...and I will NOT do so again.
Ageira has fallen from what I had seen with my eyes; To a shadow of its former glory... Such a filthy thing does not deserve to breathe. I will see them be cleansed before I see my life flash before my eyes! Our lands are beset by conflict and I wish for it to be peaceful once again...
They will stand trial for their crimes. They will stand in chains as their fate is decided... and we will be rid of their taint forever!

I wish to assist you in your goals... my knowledge is at your disposal. As if my skill as a pilot.
My skills as a researcher I may be able to create your Inter Molecular quasi dimensional Nomad Disgruntathingamabob. As for bankruptcy, I have heard of other secret projects that if sabotaged or destroyed would cost Ageira a bundle... And Ive always been charismatic in a sense; I may be able to make the (pause) authorities to look onto more... Pressing matters.

You may call me, Vek'lor.

Link disengaged.

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Iondark - 06-12-2008 data...

This is Mike Hawk looking to apply for the Lane Hackers, I had a father who was a Lane Hacker, sadly taken out and given the death penalty by Liberty officers. I come here to avenge his death and hold to save many in the future, my hacking skills are good, learned from my father. I currently live in Kepler. If there is any more information needed, please tell me.

My feel of wrath against liberty is one of the most you could see. ANYWHERE in liberty i am placed for duty i will succeed, no questions. i know my maps and everything. i know my enemies too.

My will for fighting and smuggling is high. I will go to the highest limits of risk to attain my goals. terminated...

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Viro - 06-15-2008

Fool's Bane v.24X576[666]

//Primary Function
**Primary Function Charged**
//Secondary Function
**Secondary Function canceled**

Execute Primary Function?[Y/N]

**Magnetic shield raised, Rhythm Synced**
//Detonating Charge
**Charge Detonated**
***Ion Pulse successful***
//Terminate Fools Bane
*Program Terminated*

GMT -5
This Message is a delayed communication, sent via a personal Satilite.
When you receive this message I will be long gone.
Project "Fools Bane" is my child, a program that could not exist with out your inspiration.
Its a blunt tool, but it gets the job done, and it's untraceable.
It knocks out comm arrays with an Ion Pulse...
It is designed to hijack the array, and echo the pulse to any array currently connected to it.
This results in a total Black out of all *local* communications...

As such this message is currently untraceable, no...
...Undetectable, as far as 3 systems from here, depending on the web of comm arrays.
With an absolute minimum of the 40K blast radius (no comm echo whatsoever).
But it is my baby, and I simply can't raise it alone...
I need your help.
They are after me, and my child.
I am aboard a cargo ship, a man named Virotutis, has been kind enough to let me stay.
Contact him, if you can.
I'm sure that I can be an asset.
While I don't posses the "usual" skills, I'm sure that you mite find some use for my child.
I need to perfect her.
I need your help.

I personally designed this piece of engineering, while under the "authority" of [IND].
I decided to use their money against them, I stole my own project away.
They hardly know what it even is... they just funded me expecting results...
I will give them
It will hit the fools like a brick.
Fool's Bane.
//End Comm

Fool's Bane v.24X576[666]

//Secondary Function
**Secondary Function Charged**

Permanent Comms DESTRUCTION[Y/N]


*Program Terminated*

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - DarthCloakedGuy - 06-19-2008

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source: Unknown
*** Tracing, source location Comm Satellite 001, Texas system
*** Tracing, source location Police Mainframe, Manhatten, New York system
*** Tracing, source location Spaceport, Pittsburgh, New York system
*** Tracing, source location Battleship Missouri, New York system
*** Tracing, source location unknown object, Cortez system
*** Tracing, source location unknown object, unknown system
*** Tracing... tracing... tracing... tracing... error: operation timed out.

*** Message as follows:

"Hello, Hackers. Attempt to trace this message if you can; I'm confident in my abilities. I taught myself to hack while bored in class. I never had a decent program to use until now. I've got this signal bouncing off so many receptors it's not even funny.

"It's not so much that I want to hit back. I'm not joining the Hackers out of anger-- I'm joining out of desperation. I tried to hack into the police mainframe to find out what's really going on in Zone 21. I didn't know the Police and Navy maintained completely seperate mainframes. I'm a hunted man, Sir. I didn't have a decent program then; they traced me. I've been expelled from school and they're after me. I had to hackwire a Starflier just to get off Manhatten. It was hard to outfly two wings of Defenders with only one hand to work with.

"I'll do whatever it takes, Sir. Pirate software off the Lane network, fly beside you in Transport raids, I have no life to return to if I leave the Hackers. I will prove a most valuable asset once we have the funds to replace Ageira.

"You can call me Kronsteen."

*** Message ends. ***

The Lane Hacker Personnel Department - Putte - 07-01-2008

** Local Node Timezone: GMT+2.
** Connecting to remote adress... Done.
** Input logon sequence... Failed.
** Running Bypass.logon.ln... Executed.
** Connecting...
** Connected to remote. Welcome user &###EOF.

I'm not sure where I should begin. The fact that this encrypted connection exist both relives me and makes my stomach cold. I thought I was going insane. Was it only I that saw the corruption, the inhumanity of Ageria? How could they box in humans and made them slaves for their system? I had to know if I was going crazy. Now that i've found this, I almost wish I was. Almost.

I started working as a software programmer six months ago. Everything was diffrent then; this work would solve so much for me! A golden opportunity, my friends had said. A dream come true. And it was too, at least for the first 2 months. Then the shallow layer of gold was blown away, and the horror under was revealed. I started asking questions to my workmates, and they just told me "Forget about it! That's how it works around here!". I asked my boss, and he simply told me that it was none of my business how the corporation was run. I couldn't handle that, all my work partners may have accepted it and moved on, but I could not. I looked around, searched around, and found out about the Galileo bypass scandal. Well, found out more. I had simply thought of it as a investment gone wrong, I had no idea Ageria threw away the involved workteams as plastic gloves!

I talked around a bit, and now, most people at work are avoiding me. It's an uncomftable situation, as if a blade is pressing down on a thread, almost breaking it. Tense. I can't stay here. I have to break free from this place.

I can't let Ageria get away with this kind of oppression and power-mongering. I will follow the instructions, and hopefully I will meet whoever created this encryption at 'Mactan Base'.

** Run Log.swipe.oi... Exectuted.
** Disconnecting... Done. Goodbye!