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Joining OS&C| - Printable Version

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Joining OS&C| - Skullz - 07-18-2012

-Incomming Transmission-
-Orbital Spa & Cruise-
-Kim Allen-

To: Ted Prescot

After reviewing your application it has been decided that you have not been successful this time.

The following reasons are as to why. Questions are not answered in an appropriated way, at all or responded to in a way that makes no sense at all. For example, we asked you what drew you to logistic's and you answered by talking about your family. With no correlation how the two are related with an explanation.

Please make sure you understand the questions before answering them, and answer as you would be applying for any other job.

In the meantime, we wish you luck in your future endeavours.


Kim Allen

-Transmission Terminated-

Joining OS&C| - Apollon - 07-26-2012

Place of Birth:Planet Denver,Colorado

Work History:Freelancer trader,Interspace commerce ,Leader of the Costa_Sereena liner

Relevant skills:Diplomatic,Quick-witted,good pilot ,hard worker,tactical,and do anything for the good and safety of his crew ,a passengers on board

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:*
[] General Operations
[X] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?

having a good trained crew ,secondary routes ,good hospitality on the Liner And security

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?

to be sure that all the passenger,get to their wanted destination safely,because money could be restored but human life cannot be restored

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?

introduce themself and the crew ,with a polite way ,and show them the Hospitality of themself and the OS&C ,and to be reliable and to take care of his guests and passengers

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?

i inform the Authorities and Military about this ,and to persuade him to leave the slaves,in the way that i guaranty the safety of my passengers,in the first place then my crew and ship

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?

yes,helping the economic of Sirius to flourish ,and to help mankind ,and to accomplish the Human's requests

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?

i inform the nearby military and try to get time,and if i don't i give him anything he wants,to ensure the safety of my passengers ,because money could be Restored ,but human life cannot be restored

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?

offers safety transportation for the passengers and costumers with there good and with Good Hospitality

Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address: I don't have and i can't have for political reasons ,and if i had i wont use it for games i use it for real life

But i have Teamspeak 3

Notable roleplay that you have been involved with:played the game for 4 months and i am an officer in Liberty navy , and miner in IMG and IMG transport
Characters that you already use:Eagle_6 - IMG|Farkas.Shaker- IMG|Adam.Jensen - Costa_Sereena
Please now make a paragraph about something:

i am a good trader ,and know a lot of good trade routes ,good pilot,not very bad in PVP fight
and transported a lot of passengers in my Bison ,and i piloted a liner several of times

i want to join OS&C

the choice is yours dear sirs

Joining OS&C| - djordje_petrovic - 07-26-2012

' Wrote:
-Incomming Transmission-
-Orbital Spa & Cruise-
-Kim Allen-

To: Ted Prescot

After reviewing your application it has been decided that you have not been successful this time.

The following reasons are as to why. Questions are not answered in an appropriated way, at all or responded to in a way that makes no sense at all. For example, we asked you what drew you to logistic's and you answered by talking about your family. With no correlation how the two are related with an explanation.

Please make sure you understand the questions before answering them, and answer as you would be applying for any other job.

In the meantime, we wish you luck in your future endeavours.


Kim Allen

-Transmission Terminated-

Regarding logistics question and unclarified answer. My family are all ship captains and can provide assistance from time to time. More precise, which i supoose is interesting you i have 2 trading vessels , democritus luxruy yacht and liner i mentioned on disposal to OSC for regular duties or third party cooperation. In term of logistics that is summa summarum of HR (human resources) and resources in vessels and cargo capacity that i can provide for OSC services.
Hope the issue is clarified now. Thnks in advance.

Joining OS&C| - Skullz - 08-02-2012

-Incomming Transmission-
-Orbital Spa & Cruise-
-Kim Allen-

To: Adam Jenson

Your application is has been determined successful.

Please now ensure you encode our specific coding on to your ships IFF. That of being OS&C|ShipName. As you are part of the General Liner Fleet you are welcome to use any name you wish, However we do have a rather common convention, that being of "Name" of Sirius being the ship names. Of course if it is too long then the of Sirius can be omitted. Though that is your choice to follow the common general Liner Fleet convention or not.

Anyway, Our Employee's will look forward to seeing you in space. On a side not, due to your technical difficulties please ensure that you send myself a personal message with the name of your ship after the additional Coding has been done so that I can pass it on to all our employee's so that they know whom you are.

Good Luck

To: Ted Prescot

As previously mentioned your application was unsuccessful this time round, however you may apply again in full using the application form again starting a fresh.

Good Luck


Kim Allen

-Transmission Terminated-

Joining OS&C| - ZTeeVeR - 08-08-2012

Name: Mr. Kindle
Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles, California System

Personal Statement:
After having worked endless hours on LA and minor trading activities in the last few years, it's is time to work on a more solid future

Work History:
Deep Sea welder on planet LA working on the installations build to experiment with influencing the chemical water contents on LA. This turned out to be unfruitful and quite dangerous. After this, i started with some minor trading activites in the liberty region. Currently flying a "Heron"type civillian train, running some occasional contract for OS&C, carrying goods from several different locations.

Relevant skills: Tactical Mediator, experienced transport pilot, eager to expand knowledge and experience

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:*
[] General Operations
[X] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?
In the end, we are all doing this for the survival of our company. This means that you need to be able to run a profitable organisation. Aspects such as, buying- and selling price, safety, efficiency all come into play. It is a delicate balance of several aspects.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
OS&C's primary role is to provide vacations, cruises and tours. This means we are dealing with one of the greater goods, humans. Security is therefore vital. Not only does it impact the direct safety of our passengers, failing to provide a comfortable and safe journey impacts our core business directly.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
In addition to being a pilot or captain, we are also the host on a prestegious vessel and we should act as such. Customer is king, however, when it comes to health and safety, we need to be very clear and straightforward. Space is a dangerous pleace to be and we need to make sure that this is also clear with our guests

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
Alert the authorities. When able, try and mitigate with the transport to take the slaves on board, even if this means that some credits need to be spend. Be very reluctant with aggression, people transporting slaves do this in the more remote regions of space, and it is more likely that others will be around than lawfuls

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?
Not really, i am an adventerous person and most of my activities are related to this. Logistics is also a good way to earn a decent living, provided you are willing to take some chances

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
Be sensible, a pirate usually only wants money, which can be negociated. There are not a lot of pirates out there who's primary goal is to destroy vessels. They woud be kannabalising their own business. They are also just people that can be talked with,

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
OS&C's primary role is to provide vacations, cruises and tours. Passenger safety is always priority number 1.

Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address:I can share that, although i do not use it that often.
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with:Not much, have been soloing or playing with friends
Characters that you already use:Mr. Seagull (IMG miner), Mr. Fuzz (mainly used as bank account), Karel (Zoner trader, just applied with OSI)
Please now make a paragraph about something:
I am not online in a frequent basis (ie daily), with 2 kinds, life is kinda busy:). When online, it is usually in the evening (GMT), and i try to play for a few hours.

Joining OS&C| - Skullz - 08-10-2012

-Incomming Transmission-
-Orbital Spa & Cruise-
-Kim Allen-

To: Mr Kindle

Good afternoon and thank you for your patience.

I just require you to give us your full name please as well as your S.K.Y.P.E Identity for which you have installed. The program itself I am sure you will find usefull in a variety of ways in the near future. Once you have submitted both requested items you will be able to join the team and fly as part of the General Liner Fleet as a Executive Officer on board your Liner.

Once the above is done, I believe it may be beneficial for you to enter details about your vessel in our Manifesto found here.


Kim Allen

-Transmission Terminated-

Joining OS&C| - djordje_petrovic - 08-11-2012

Application form 1.02 ver

Name: Ted. Prescot
Place of Birth:Planet Houston, Texas
Age: 32

Work History: GMG trader , part time freelancing, own private liner Costa_Concordia and yacht Mare_Nostrum. Have special space hyperjump coordinates surveliance ship for special asigments.

Relevant skills: good knowledge of space charts , trade routes , and expirienced in navigating liners and big ships even in harsh space conditions

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:*
[] General Operations
[X] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?

competent command stuff, safety of flight routes and diversity of flight destination.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?

Cause tranposrting humans is most responsible task. You can replace multiplexor by new one, but human life is unique and priceless. Out of question security IS biggest matter of concern for my appinion.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?

Adressing passenger in polite way , ensuring that they can enjoy during flight , good food and confortable cabins. Some extra cargo loss capacitiy due to some additionall facilities for recreation and leisure time , YEA , i would go for that. Profit comes and go , but good name needs big effort to make.

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?

Those who tranposrt slaves wouldnt hesitate to add some more on the way if opportunity gives a chance. I would pass near tansport and act i havent noticed anything. I would inform authorities about encounter, but wouldnt risk anything otherwise.

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?

Couriosity in first to explore different parts of univerese, some family piloting tradition. I figured by time that many people would like to go "to see the stars" litterary but cant afford to buy a ship so i feel good to help them achieve their dreams.

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?

Well i avoid the fight, if pirate is bold and try to extort unreasonale sum of money i try to bargain with him. I dont hesitate to offer from time to time to haul with my tranport some stuff for shady groups in discretion. Although they believe most in raw credits, if i succed to convince them to accept some commodity donation, that bring me in position that they dont consider me enemy in future as expirience taught me. Ofc such ehm.. operation has to be discrete and somwhere away from main routes. To prevent situation of encounter sometimes i request temporal commlink from authorities when entering house space for instant distress call if needed. They mostly comply with requests for escorting passengers convoys.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?

For one coorporation i suppose tranporting passangers to desired destinations , ensuring safety of flights and good service. For me personally its even more. Helping people to get a bigger picture of world around them , see unseen, move their prospective ahead and bring tolearance and understanding the ways and customs of others , but as i said this is my personall prospective along some general basis.

Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address: We hooked up already

Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: GMG trader , i made some RP unofficially for OSC when that damned goldern coin appeared, hope that i havent bring you some messs about it, i am good teamworker

Characters that you already use: Costa concordia , mare nostrum ted. prescot zax.prescot and star surveyor
Please now make a paragraph about something:

Yes , WE can ! OS&C

thnks Sir , and hope my reapply is proper now.

Joining OS&C| - Duncan Farquar - 08-12-2012

-Incomming Transmission-
-Orbital Spa & Cruise/Zapico Family-
-Rubén Zapico-

[Image: applz.jpg]
Name: Rubén Zapico García
Place of Birth: Omicron Theta, onboard family ship Horizonte Lejano
Age: 50

Personal Statement: For reasons of family policy, I did acquired Zoner citizenship in Freeport 9 and kept it, despite my entry on Orbital Spa & Cruise. Anyway, after that, I have proper OSC identification papers too.

Work History: Since 787, I join the crew of the Mastodonte, a ZBT-100Z 2 transport of the Zapico family, as navigator. In the following years I have occupied the range of engineer and finally the range of first officer.
After that, in 799, I was transferred to the interplanetary trade section of the Zapico company, located since 798 in Gran Canaria, as an executive, and in 810 I made the deal between Zapico Family and Orbital Spa & Cruise that became in the acquisition and joint operation of the Antroxu, becoming its captain in 812.

Relevant skills:
- Great navigation and mechanical knowledge. Trained from childhood to acquire leadership skills.
- Seven years at the helm of Antroxu, which has given me much experience in human relations, specially with VIP's.

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:
[] General Operations
[X] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?
Customer service and satisfaction. These two features summarized all of our work.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
Because people is our business, and their lifes are the most valuable thing in the Universe. Also our shipments require security, to maintain the prestige of our company throughout Sirius.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
The look should always be impeccable. Any crew member (including me) who has even the slightest contact with the passengers must always show a perfect appearance.
Aboard the Antroxu that excellence is required even to engineering staff, since sometimes the VIP's request to see the engine section.

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
I call any navy or police ship that can handle it.

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
Calming the pirate by accepting their demands, and trying to fix the situation with money. Only in the case of a distinct and safe possibility, start cruise engines and escape.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
Gives the inhabitants of Sirius the key to travel anywhere safely and with the comfort they desire.

Signed: Rubén Zapico, Captain of the Antroxu

-Signal Lost-

[font=Garamond]Out of Roleplay Application Form

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Address:
I can't have one. If necessary, details via PM.
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: None
Characters that you already use: Ship: Bannockburn / Char: Duncan Farquar (Junker, Salvager Frigate) | Ship: STB-Reims / Char: Alan Berland (Gallic Junker, Vache Transport and formerly Salvager Frigate as a Gallic Junker spy in Sirius) | Ship: Etoile Lointaine / Char: Jules Moreau (Solar Engineering, Lucullus Liner)

Joining OS&C| - Skullz - 08-20-2012

-Incomming Transmission-
-Orbital Spa & Cruise-
-Kim Allen-

To: Current Applications

Thank you for your patience. Mr Zapico and Mr Prescot you are both welcome to Orbital Spa and Cruise with in the "General Liner Fleet" as such your ranks are of Executive Officer's Captaining your Liners. Please proceed to enter details about your vessels at the following Register.
Furthermore, please ensure that you attach the main fleets Identification coding of OS&C|"Shipsname"

Good luck and I look forward to working with you.

Yours faithfully


Kim Allen

-Transmission Terminated-

Joining OS&C| - Jairden - 09-03-2012

Name: Jairden
Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan
Age: 25

Personal Statement: I'm a rocket jockey, hoping to make it somewhere mainstream.

Work History: Been freelancing since I left home, managed to keep myself in the black without breathing the thin stuff. Now looking for something a little more stable.

Relevant skills: I'm a competent pilot with small ships, preferring get up and go to heavy duty. I can handle myself in a fight; more importantly, I know when to run away. I am efficient as a courier, both for parcels or messages.

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:*
[X] General Operations
[] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?

-Logistics is all about moving things in the most efficient manner, without a waste of time.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?

-Rich tourists equal hot targets for piracy. In addition, since OSC isn't limited to the governed systems, they're often on their own.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?

-Professional yet courteous. One should obviously be an officer of the ship rather than a passenger, but one should be polite and approachable as well.

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?

-If authorized, attack and disable; if not, contact local government or an OSC security detail.

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?

-I like steady work and don't mind what some call the "monotony" of logistics assignments. Space is my thing, and any run from point A to point B is a pleasure.

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?

-Give in to pirate demands, unless those demands are for passengers. Get as much description of ID as possible from the attacking ship and report it to security ASAP.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?

-OSC helps people chill and have fun. Since I'm not a rich playboy debutant, my closest in is to work for the company. Here's hoping the employee benefits package includes discounts.

Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address: I use skype for personal use with people I know. If required, I can consider setting up a secondary account.
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: I'm new to Discovery, but I'm an RP fanatic, typically with tabletop RPGs.
Characters that you already use: None, I'm a newb.
Please now make a paragraph about something: I'm not actually sure what you're looking for here, to be honest. But I'm interested in being involved in Discovery Freelancer, and this in-game faction tickled my fancy. I hope you accept my application.