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[Old] Operational Report Archive - Printable Version

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RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - MathiasCZR - 11-20-2013

>>>( Incoming Transmission )<<<

[Image: 8pgv.png]

To: BDM Central Command
From: Oberinspektor Adolf Dermen
Encryption: Very High
Subject: Recon Report / Redeployment

Guten Tag Command!

I have the recon report that has been requested. The Recon patrol started in the Omciron Lambda system. Primary mission was to reach Freeport 11 in the outer systems. We were encountered by... some kind of new alien being or object more or less. Their were machine fighters that appeared to us when we entered the Omciron Kappa system. After 10 minutes of communication that didn't seem to work we were fired upon by the machines and returned fire. Soon the Order found us and join us in our conflict, we easily over powered the ailens and they were destroyed. With kind help of the Order they escorted us to Freeport 11. Where we await for our next move.

Adolf Dermen signing off.

Camera Reports

Hostiles Neutralized
Alien Machine - BDM|RNC-Goendul
Alien Machine - BDM|RNC-Goendul
Alien Machine - BDM|Ins-Rainer.Braun

>>>( Link Lost )<<<

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Flash™ - 01-07-2014

>>> Incoming Transmission <<<

[Image: 52142.jpg]

Name: Rainer Braun
Rank: Inspektor
Ship: " Wraith "
Subject: Operation report

Guten tag,

Ahhh, haven't done one of these in a while. Well, I started from undocking in New Hampshire on our Glorious Battleship the Bismark. Then I headed out on a mission with more pilots to Liberty, Pennsylvania to be specific, and there....well was do I say this. Let's just say half of sirius factions arrived. Rogues, Navy, Freelancers, Police, Outcasts, and of course glorious Buro. A fight started, with Liberty against Rogues and us. We noticed we were being out numbered and outgunned, we made a run for it, on the way back home, a Navy pilot was gunned down for shooting Direktor Amsel Claus. We then made our way back to Rheinland.

Rainer Braun

>>> Transmission Lost <<<

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Euca - 01-09-2014


[Image: 8pgv.png]
ID: Inspektor Viktor Brandt

2 new Outposts registered.

Outpost File #322 Wrote:Outpost Name: Cameron Solar Port
Location: Sector C4, Omega-9 System
Protocol: New, undefended, neutral.

Interesting Outpost, showed neutrality towards me and even allowed me to dock. On-board the station, MOX was being sold at 1000 credits per unit. Alignment unknown.

[Data Files Detected: [x] [x]]

Outpost File #323 Wrote:Outpost Name: Freeport 101
Location: Sector E4, Omega-9 System
Protocol: Defended, neutral, prohibited docking rights.

Supposedly a 'Freeport', but denied me to dock because docking is restricted. Keeping an eye on this base may prove useful.

[Data Files Detected: [x]]

Despite Omega-9 being out of Rheinland's reach, these base should still be monitored for suspicious activity.

~Viktor Brandt, Inspektor.


RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Jaffa - 01-18-2014

[Image: video2.png]

Encryption: Enabled
From: Rekrut Helmut Wecht
To: Buro der Marineintelligenz command
Subject: Investigation report

At the beginning, I did not expect this to be an object of a mision report, however how I burried myself deeper and deeper into this incident I started to realize that this is something different.

Last week I had some free time so I decided to dock at Battleship [CLASSIFIED] and take a day off. My fighter needed a proper maintenance anyway so I did not see a problem with that. I was surprised how quiet the docking bay was… you could not even tell that you are aboard a military battleship. The chief engineer assigned my fighter maintenance to two technicians. They were pretty young, but they did look capable enough so I decided to keep my fighter in their hands and went to a mess hall. I was starving. I know that the military food is not famous for its good taste, but at that moment, believe me or not, I was looking forward to it. As I expected, the taste was awful but I at least I was not hungry anymore. I was on my way to a bar, when a Leutnant stopped me. His name was [CLASSIFIED]. I have not seen him before, but he looked serious. He asked me to accompany him to his office on this ship and I agreed. He wanted my help, as a member of BDM, to investigate a series of incidents that occurred aboar this ship in the last few days. He had a pretty strogn suspicion that someone on this ship is a Liberty cover agent. He needed an outside help. At that moment, I was not sure if i shoud call for a BDM officer…afterall, I am still just a rekrut… but I did not want to risk the possibility that the agent will notice my attempt to call for help. It was my duty to help against this threat, so I agreed to help him.

The Leutnant told me he noticed three serious incidents in the last four days. The first one happened on Tuesday, 0900 hours. According to his readings, something happened to the long-range sensors. His investigation did not snow any unauthorized manipulation with the sensors, however he noticed a slight fluctuation in the system diagnostic and the pattern was too repetitive so it was not just a random space anomaly. I decided to visit the department where was placed the main control of the ship sensors and see it for my self. I am going to call this department a „sensor room“. Head of this sensor room is Leutnant [CLASSIFIED] and I must say that I have never met such cold-blooded officer. I did not expect that she will be aware of the incident that happened on Tuesday. I am sure that Leutnant [CLASSIFIED] did not tell anyone about these incidents. In any event, when I asked her how does she know about it, she just coldly answered that she is not an idiot and she, if I did not noticed, is an expert on long-range, mid-range and short-range sernor arrays. I asked her a few questions and found that on Tuesday at 0900 hours there was only one person on duty. Her. She rejected any accusation. I decided to check the main console. I found the fluctuation and downloaded all informations to my datapad for further investigation. I found evidence that the console was manipulated remotely. I tracked the signature of the signal to the next room. There was one thing I was sure of. The signal signature, was Liberty. I wanted to use my fighter computer to check the downloaded informations more closely. I told the Leutnant [CLASSIFIED] not to leave the battleship, she agreed. I was quite sure she is innocent… but safe than sorry. My fighter computer uncovered very well hidden encrypted data in the sensor fluctuation. Somebody has beed manipulating with the sensor readings for sure. The closer diagnostics showed that the person was scanning the surrounding space and downloaded many informations about one specific object. It was the [CLASSIFIED]. I had to stop him. He could send sensitive informations about our defences directly to Liberty‘s bony hands. Now I realised that the second incident occured on Wednesday at 1800 hours in the communication center. The agent could send informations to the enemy directily through the ship transmitter. At first I thought that it is not possible. Unauthorized transmittion would be detected and terminated, but then I realised I am probably dealing with an experienced, well trained Liberty agent, capable of almost everything. I did not want to underestimate my enemy.

I decided to check the communication console long for any suspicious signs of manipulation. It was as I expected. The console showed the same signs of manipulation as the sensor one, and again, this console was also operated remotely from the same area. The room next to the sensor room. Unfortunately, this time I was not been able to find what did the agen do with the console. It looked like he made some modifications to his encryption and I did not managed to crack it. It was a dead end. Disappointed with the progress of my investigation I returned to my quarters. I was going through all the information I got and started thinking about the last incident that occured on Friday, 0200 hours. According to the Leutnant [CLASSIFIED] someone tryed to disable the primary weapons system. I went to the weapon control room. There was something bothering me. Friday’s incindent was not like the others. This one was tacky, he did not even bother to hide the manipulation with the systems. Did somebody disrupt him? I checked my datapad for any signs of short-range remote signals. I found the same Liberty signal signature, but this time I was unable to reveal the location where the signal came from. I decided to reeturn to my quarters. On my way back I was double checking all the readings I made. So far every console was operated remotely and each of my readings indicated the same remote-control device. In the last two cases I was able to track down the signal signature to the same area, but in the last case I was not. Then I realised something. So far I thought that the signal signatures of the remote control device were just an old remains of the original signals, back from the days when all the incidents occured. However, after closer examination I found that the signals were changed. I payed too much attentionto the consoles, that I did not check the remote signal signature properly. It was not an old signature and it was not Liberty signal. It was Rheinland. The agent observed me all along. I was foolish that I did not realise it sooner. I entered my quarters. The room was dark. I draw my handgun when sombody attacked me with a knife. The attacker knocked my on the ground and the handgun slipped out of my hand. We struggled for a quite some time. There is no need for closer description. I mannaged to grab my handgun and shot the attacker. He was injured, but not dead. The gunshot trigged off an alarm which called a security team right to my quarters. They took care of the attacker and imprisoned him.

I have never seen him before. Further interrogation revealed that he is a member of small mercenary group [CLASSIFIED], working for the "highest price". I have no idea how he managed to infiltrate our units, but I am sure we will find out eventually. Using the informations I gathered I mannaged to create a security upgrade. This shall not happen again.

- Rekrut, Helmut Wecht

[Image: video3.png]

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Garuda - 02-01-2014

--------Incoming Transmission

ID: Katja Weirich
Location: Barrier Station
Subject: Report

Guten Tag,

my last report ...well, now I have time again.

A lot of things happen in the last weeks.

Kusari and Liberty Embargo, which caused a lot of panic.
A strange Kusari Agent on Barrier, asking questions about experiemental gate in Alberta.
and today, the fight.

About Kusari Liberty, I heard only, a small group of Navy Fighters penetrated the Kusari Space. I'm sure, the Navy underestimated the reaction from the Kusari government.

Now, the Kusari Agent. I know the name of Kusari Agent, her name was Hazawa. She asked few Freelancers and Ageira workers questions, about this Gate in Alberta. Not sure, what the KPT want from this gate...I stayed hidden, and watched her carefully...

So, and today action. Launched my fighter from the Barrier Station, then I got over the neural net comms the orders to move to the Texas System. From Coronado to Texas without Tradelanes. I tried to avoid, because I was sure the Police would pick me up with scanners if I use a lane...

Sadly, they caught me then, because I was distracted a bit from sun eruption and didn't look on my scanner display. I tried to move away, and flew into the field.
But, one of them was a freighter and he intercepted me then. I tried to lure them deeper into field to the Texas Hole, which worked only a bit. Then, the freighter started shooting me, and soon a fighter as well.

To my luck, Herr Wolfgang arrived and we took out both. Then we moved to Texas with Herr Direktor Amsel together, we met then there a small combat group of Militaries to hunt a Carrier.

We found then something by the New York Lane, a small Liberty Patrol.
Two VHF vessels.

Then a Liberator appeared as well a Dreadnought..

We attacked, but the Crusier exploded very fast.
Then we lost, Wolfgang. Nova....

I made it save back to the Barrier Station after this worst case of fight.

I'll try to fly back to Rheinland soon.

Frighter and Fighter
Boom #1
Boom #2

That is all.

Transmission End-----

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Garuda - 02-03-2014

--------Incoming Transmission

ID: Katja Weirich
Location: Schatten Research Facilty
Subject: Casualty Report

I cannot greet anyone, today....
I have to make a report, rather a disaster...

Around, 20:34 Berlin Time, the Excalibur exploded after a chain reaction of the reactor.

The reason for this unknown, but someone suspect that was sabotage act.
We have no idea, how this could happen, because we made only one of the usual patrols to test a new scanner system.

On our route, we docked only at the Mannheim Station...
Which is really secure, but still someone must smuggle something on our ship.

Maybe a bomb, or something else.

I have no idea, but I'll investigate with the highest priority.

Here the list of our casualties:
Max v. Damm
Herbert Halflinger
Fischer Martin
Peter Olafson
Steven Sinburg
Rudolph v. Bergen
Tina Marder
Weirich Anja
Rika Sizta
Tabea Maurer
Alois Geistingen
Olaf Kalwa
Fred Elan
Talko v. Fetzen
Timo Oranien
Kista Hoffmann
Altea Nobert
Saskia Schneider
Marco Tubita
Dexter Nowalis
Albert v. d. Eifel
Ingrid Hofstädter
Arthur Hainbuchen
Inga Daskia
Itashia Suzaki
Bernd Goldenäcker
Roland Überlauf
Alfred v. Stein
Henry Städten
Markus Dantinger
Andreas Molnar
Thomas Molnar

God bless their souls.
I want revenge, this was cowardly and terrorist act.
His head, will be on my desk filled with enough black powder to shoot his remains into the Omicrons!

Transmission End-----

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Savas - 02-22-2014

Buro der Marineintelligenz Archive

Decryption Key: KMKD-4D

Date: 21-2-821

Guten tag,

This report documents the few notable events that I was able to observe over the past week. The first event in question occurred in the California system, myself and Herr Siegfried were patrolling the trade lanes for cargo to re-appropriate or hostiles to neutralize. We happened upon a small convoy of DSE trade vessels, one carrying approximately five-thousand tonnes of boron, this captain was fortunate to possess the common sense that evades most Libertonians and donated his cargo to the Kanzler before taking his leave or being destroyed.

The next and most recent encounter was indeed intriguing. I managed to intercept a large group of VWA accompanied by none other than the Liberty Navy in Hamburg. An object of note for this particular encounter was that the Liberty Navy appeared to be transferring repair ships to the VWA, their use for them at the moment is unknown. I am not sure why they elected to escort their goods with a large military patrol instead of disguising them with civilian transponders before entering our space. Visual documentation of this report will be attached below.


RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Tabris - 02-28-2014

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissaroberrat Voss
SUBJECT: [ALG] Troubles.

[Image: WurrflerOfficer.jpg]

"Earlier today I answered a call from the Federal Police concerning a ship near the [New Berlin] jumpgate to [Hamburg]. After flying my Wraith from [Stuttgart] and to the location of the call I found two [Federal Police] vessels surrounding an [ALG] Transport carrying [Slaves]. The captain refused to release his prisoners and attempted to flee towards [Planet New Berlin] via the [Trade Lane Network] which were quickly disabled to prevent escape. This forced the Captain to change course to [Deep Space] and try to escape us on thrust speed.

When it became obvious that he wouldn't escape with the [Slaves] he jettisoned the contents of his hold, likely hoping we would be distacted. An [Federal Police Ship] picked up the [Slaves] while the other ships pursued the criminal. Unfortunately the [ALG] ship got a lucky shot off and managed to cripple one [Federal Police] ship, however he paid dearly for it and was destroyed with extreme prejudice. After confirming the ship's destruction I returned to Base.

Voss Signing off."


Cargo Hold

Questionable Paperwork


RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - EisenSeele - 03-04-2014

COMMID: Flotillenadmiral Siegfried, BDM| U-Flotte
LOCATION: BDM|RNC-Brynhildr, Mephistopheles Class 007 Production Type Cruiser, BDM|U- Forward Operating Base

[Image: mxJllY7.png]

Synchronizing ship logs - BDM|U-66
Reason: Hessian Terrorist Affiliation

Reason: Smuggling, Blood Diamonds, Resisting Arrest

Reason: Piracy, Possession of foreign warship in Rheinland Space, Resisting arrest.

Reason: Unioner Terrorist Affiliation, resisting arrest.

Synchronizing ship logs - BDM|LV-Sleipnir
Location: Alberta System - Sector [CLASSIFIED]
Object of Interest: CONSTRUCT
Addendum: This superstructure merits some further investigation. Power readings indicate that the structure was inert at the time of investigation - Baxter phenomena observed in the center of the structure appeared stable. More information needed.

Ship(s): VR-Harold.Kane. - Vagrant Raider Leader
Natural.Flame - Vagrant Raider aligned Hydra Colonial Gunboat
Location: Tau 37

Xenogen(s): K'Hara|Mahdi - Category Irra Mine Node
K'Hara|Kharvozein - Category Adad, Soldier Morph Bomber Type
Location: Cortez
Addendum: Both the Category Irra and Category Adad morphs were initially hostile - but ceased hostilities after several minutes of fruitless fire. The Category Irra morph then stopped to give us this sample of Liquid Cardamine, before vanishing. The Liquid Cardamine will be sent to Site 62 for additional testing and storage.


RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Operational Report Archive - Savas - 03-08-2014

Buro der Marineintelligenz Archive

Decryption Key: KMKD-4D

Date: 21-2-821

Guten Tag,

Today we accomplished much, and successfully defended the integrity of our Fatherland. We started out patrolling the New York system, our mission was conduct a thread assessment of the DSE security forces and document any aggression, as well as survey any hostile military forces we could find. Both objectives were accomplished.

Uploading Data-}>BDM.Wraith-7279, Inspektor Sari Prohaszka
Subterfuge - DSE
Status: Successful
Documentation: {|Column.1|}

The DSE security forces acted naturally, responding to our attempts to plunder their transport vessels with a defensive posture. Unlike many hostile entities, however, they show restraint when parleyed and will only fight. At the moment, they appear to only engage us only when we are aggressive, again - this is natural behaviour. We noticed that during our chat with the DSE security personnel, that it took an exceptionally long amount of time for non-reservist Liberty Navy personnel to confront us - this is exploitable. We can assume that this is due to the LN being stretched extremely thin across both the Rheinland, Gallic, and domestic fronts (Hellfire Legion, Xenos, Rogues, etc).

When said naval personnel responded, they pursued our squadron from New York to Hamburg, Westfalen to be specific. Luckily, we were able to assemble reinforcements from the RM and RFP and successfully crushed their assault on our sovereign space. Their squadron consisted of two gunboats, two fighters, and one mercenary; the mercenary was dispatched immediately, and the two gunboats were eliminated shortly after their fighter escort abandoned them.

Uploading Data-}>BDM.Wraith-7279, Inspektor Sari Prohaszka
Participants: RM, RFP, BDM
Status: Incursion repelled, no casualties
Documentation: {|Column.2|}

During the prelude to this battle, our objective was to propagate or observe a tactical error in the LN formation to exploit in the future. The procedure was simple - attempt to goad them into our own territory, assess tactical behaviour, and eliminate. Unsurprisingly, we succeeded, and the LN formation followed us from their core systems to Hamburg, even engaging in a standoff with us next to the Westfalen whilst we gathered reinforcements to encircle and destroy them. Why they chose to fight us on our own ground and give us time to reinforce is uncertain, it can only be assumed that it was a matter of overconfidence. If they continue this behaviour, they can be further exploited and defeated in the future.