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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 01-27-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Mister Lazarev,

Your name rings some bells, Sergei, if I may call you that. Maybe we got to fly together sometime, back when the Mandalorians had a contract with the Red Hessian Army.

At any rate, past behind us, I just have a few question for you, our trained donkey will spell it out for you, in binary code. Decipher them, answer them, and we will talk again.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 01-28-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Mister Lazarev,

Everything checks, as I expected. Suit up and welcome aboard!

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Domino - 01-31-2012


So like, I think you'd want me to join. I bring hot Gallic maids with me, which is well enough alone, but as a bonus I bring my awesomeness as well. Just see 'Boytoy' magazine, issue #197 and see my magic at work. It's a dude on dude type-o thingy magazine, but hey, everyone can be desirable by women, only real men get wanted by men.

You should've heard about me since I blew up quite a few of your assets back in the days. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it was a lot. In any case, I'm not into blowing you any more *Winks* and would much rather blow up for you. I have only one demand. Make me more famous, as if that's even possible, and I make you rich. Fair deal?

Call me, here's my card
[Image: domino2.png]

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 01-31-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Domino...a lot of familiar faces around, lately. Tell you what, I'll send over Billy's private "masseur", with some questions. You'll find he's quite something. Answer the questions, and I will contact you back. Even if, I must say, you had me at "hot Gallic maids".

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 01-31-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Everything checks, I'll send you all the information you need, and you're good to go. Oh and, from now on, you are no longer "that" awesome dude. We are "that" awesome group. Welcome among us!

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Blighter - 02-05-2012

From: Maximus Black

To: Them bros with lotsa' swagger.

About: Yo, 'sup.

Yo, 'ts me. I got to keep thinkin' 'bout that offer from Bill-bo, brah sure sounded convincin'. I ain' gon' think no mo', offer still standin' and I'll haul my Battleship to Bee-Gate and meet ya there. Gon' miss my Xeno homeboys 'ere in the hood, but if I'm lucky I gon' make some mo' money to support 'em back home, yo. Hustlas gotta hustle, ya dig. Been that way ma' whole life, born on Denver, gon' to school, worked in Ma's and Pa's store, then bam, one day they gon', 'rrested for donchaknowwhat, ain' seen 'em ever since, gon' joined the Xenos to live the real life, Ouray Boys for lyfe, ya dig, stuff we were all crazy 'bout when we were lil', but daymn it don' be cuttin' it brahs, my homies barely gotta duckttape to hold some o' their jazz together, so yea, I'm gon' go this way, support 'em financially, maybe put a lil' aside to get ma Battleship mo' pimpin' if you know what I'm sayin'. Ain' even had duckttape to keep 'er together, had to use glue an' screws, believe that willya. So I'll be ridin' dirty wit y'all if you take me in, but Maximus Black got two rules, yo.

First is bros before hos man, always, an' second's that you -ALWAYS- bet on Black.

That it niukkas, I'm comin'.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 02-05-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

The old fart did it again, didn't he? He sure likes to tackle random people and welcome them to our ranks...but a Xeno? Last time he got that wasted he took the first guy he found and put him in charge.

But fair is fair, I'll "put my bet on the black" and give you a chance.

Welcome aboard.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 02-05-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Mr Black

When you get to "Bee-gate", as you call it, please make a point of speaking to our contact in the bar.

He will greet you, ask what you have been up to, and you will respond "Intercourse with a horse of course."

He will wear a brown jacket.

He will take you where you need to go.


On second thought, I'm going to get him to wear a unique colour of jacket. Lets go with fucia.

Otherwise, this is just going to get you arrested, or worse.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - strongtoni - 02-05-2012

::::Incoming Transmission::::

::::Identification: Antonio Merdon ::::

Yes, it's me, i know you didn't forget your sexiest Mandalorian. *He smiles*
I want back in, after 2 years of drinking Jack Dainel's with GC girls i started to miss my old job, I am cold-blooded killer after all... *He smiles again*
I know Mandalore needs someone who fought many battles under Mandalorian id, and who's better for that then someone who even flew ship that was owned by Billy's...lets say friend...

::::Transmission Ends::::

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 02-06-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Mr Merdon

A months long bender with Golden Crys's?

That is almost a rite of passage for us...

Saddle up son.