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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Estiroth - 02-22-2012

[font=agency fb]COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Recruit James Corey
TARGET ID: Naval Personnel Management
SUBJECT: Flight Hours Requirement

"This is Recruit Corey reporting in from West Point. I just finished my first eight hour patrol through Liberty space, and hereby file my report on the following incidents:

  • Kusari Freighter Carrying Cardamine, Colorado
  • Rogues At The California -> New York Jumpgate, California
  • Freelancer In Trouble, Colorado
  • Pursue of Outcast Pirate, Signature: 'Fade'; New York and California
[font=agency fb]Kusari Freighter Carrying Cardamine, Colorado
[color=#009900]I was on my way from Pueblo Station to the Ontario jump hole, when I noticed a Kusari freighter bearing a Golden Chrysanthemum IFF. I scanned his cargo and found a dose of Cardamine. Due to the low amount, I just gave the pilot a verbal warning and escorted him to the Kepler jump gate.

[font=agency fb]Rogues At The California -> New York Jumpgate, California
[color=#009900]I continued my patrol through Ontario and to California. When I reached the California -> New York Jumpgate, I met two vessels with Rogue IFFs. While one managed to get through the Jumpgate, the other ship stayed in California. I ordered him to leave Liberty House Space and warned him that I would use force if necessary. After he wouldn't leave, I opened fire. His weapons outmatched mine, though, and I had to retreat to Ontario.

[font=agency fb]Freelancer In Trouble
[color=#009900]Unable to pass through California without support, I went back to Colorado through the Ontario -> Colorado jump hole. Once I passed through, I recieved a SOS call from a freelancer, who was engaged in combat against about a dozen Xeno Hawks. I joined in the fight, and together we eradicated the Xeno attack party. They pretty roughed the freelancer up, though, and I escorted him back to Pueblo Station for repairs.

[font=agency fb]Pursue of Outcast Pirate, Signature: 'Fade'; New York and California
[color=#009900]I patrolled back to New York to stand guard at West Point Academy. After some time there, an Outcast passed through, pursued by Liberty Gunship LNS-Ding. I joined in the pursue and ordered the Outcast to stand down. He wouldn't comply, so I engaged in combat, assisted by the Ding. He delivered quite a fight, in which a mercenary from the Armed Forces joined in on our side. Finally the pirate was able to escape through the California jumpgate. We followed in pursuit, but lost track of him once we got to the California system.

[font=agency fb][color=#33CCFF]Ship Specifications

Neural Link to report on ship's detailed technical specifications
Neural Link to report on pilot's perfomance

Liberty Forces Message dump - Melanie Tyler - 02-23-2012


[Image: JaneHartmanTransmissionBarEnsign.png]

TARGET ID: [color=#99FFFF]Liberty Forces Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Technical Problems

Sirs, Ma'ams.

[color=#CCCCCC]There's been a problem getting this Liberator squared away for flight, some registration nonsense.(//Moving house. Again.) ADMINO tells me it won't be ready to go again for a few days yet. It ain't an excuse for my lack of flying recently, but it's a reason.

I'll be back on patrol again as soon as possible.

Oh, and welcome to the Navy Corey. Stay sharp out there.

Hartman, out.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Haphestus - 02-24-2012

COMM ID: Lieutenant Jorzza Clark
TARGET ID: Naval Personnel Training Center
SUBJECT: Infantry Training

Clark Here,
I hereby request permission to receive permission and approval for Special Operations Infantry and Advanced Infantry Strategy training. It is always a good idea to have a Officer who has the same or better training than the Naval Infantry Forces to help co-ordinate and relay communications with the know how and instinct of a "ground pounder". While We have many highly skilled operatives in space, i dont know of many "in the trenches" so to speak, Not to mention the rise in transport attacks its a good idea to have the training in case we get boarded.

Clark Out


Liberty Forces Message dump - Contaan - 02-24-2012

--Incoming Transmission--
--Beginning Transmission--

Junior Lieutenant Michael Wright

Another fine evening to you all. My sincerest apologies for the slight tardy regarding this report however, I'm sure many of you will be quite excited in hearing what captivating adventures I had on patrol.

First, I flew a standard patrol around New York, minding my business (read: scanning everyone in the vicinity for their cargo) and eating my lunch until I was accosted by a Nomad (read: Purple Jellyfish with the intent of violating you). It seemed to be confused however, as I had felt contempt from the tiny terror but started shooting the patrols near West Point. I let it be for several more seconds until it started shooting me. Unfortunately, I had to put aside my food and actually work! Regardless, the demon was shot down.


After the nomad encounter, I made my way toward Colorado, which has been in quite a stir lately if I may add. A Xeno in a Roc Bomber with Navy pilots was found at the New York Gate. Unfortunately, he did not make the situation easy as he refused to give up our dear friends from his cargo hold (read: In my professional opinion, the captured pilots were probably forced to listen to the twisted, obscene and inappropriate hellspawn that is considered 'music' for the Xenos. I recommend a month of rehabilitation for these pilots). We engage in epic battle, my shots going this way, and his going that way. A battle for the ages. However, a Corsair wanted to help the Xeno! Unbelievable as that may sound, the Xeno refused, being a decent fellow (except for the torture of course) and we continued on. Eventually, my foe fell to my mighty guns. (Disclaimer: If you are female, and a Junior Lieutenant or less, I have one gun. Thank you.)


After a few days pass, I go on patrol once again to the hails of a fellow navyman requesting assistance as there were Rheinlanders in Texas! Like riding upon the heels of Nike, I burst through into Texas, and see this:


Now earlier, I had been modest in saying that the battle with the Xeno was "a battle for the ages". This battle however, is nothing of such sort. This battle, between ourselves and Rheinlanders was a battle of the universe's fate itself. In our glorious clash, I unfortunately was shot down.


Fear not however, as I will be back on the field very shortly. Whether it is appreciated or not. Until next time.

--End Transmission--

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jihadjoe - 02-24-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Commander Jasmine Greenson
TARGET ID: Recruit James Corey
SUBJECT: Recruit flight hours completed

Good evening Corey

The flight time documentation has been recieved and your performance has been evaluated. You have been promoted to the rank of Ensign on the basis of these reports. You are now able to pick up a Guardian or Avenger VHF as well as an Upholder bomber.

Good luck, Ensign.

Greenson out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Estiroth - 02-24-2012

[font=agency fb]COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]James Corey, Ensign
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Merchant Navy Convoy

Handed in February 24th, 819, Sirius Standard Time.

I was undocking from Fort Bush when I came across a BAF convoy, led by Lord Hamillton. I asked them about their destination and their buisness in Liberty. They stated, they were on their way to Planet Pittsburgh on a trade convoy. As a gesture of good will I offered them to escort them to Pittsburgh and on their further trade route through Liberty, and they accepted. From Pittsburgh we travelled through the New York and California system to Fort Severn, Ontario and then back through California to Magellan. In Magellan, the convoy was interrupted by three Lane Hacker pirates. They were ordered to clear the way and not to disturb the trade mission any further. After they did not comply, we engaged in combat and quickly drove them back. We continued to the Leeds jump hole, where we parted ways. I returned to Liberty house space immediately.

Liberty Forces Message dump - WildHorse - 02-27-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission<<>>Incoming Transmission<<<

[font=Arial]Comm ID: Mercant Navy - Commander Ravenolle
Target ID: [color=#000099]WHS-LNS|Braveheart
Subject: [font=Arial][color=#000099]Attack on Naval and LNS Officers on Duty by [77th]
Encryption: [font=Arial][color=#ff0000]High
Priority: [color=#ff0000]High

[font=Arial]I was on duty in NY when I received a request for help at D3 and I responded in to the request to find 2x [77th] carrying a BH identification however one transponder was BH and the other was Rhienland Military.

[font=Arial]It was unknown to me at that time that the [77th] were being hostile and I treated them like normal BH. I requested that the [77th]Drazi (unsure spelling) to correct his faulty transponder otherwise he would be considered hostile and maybe even seen as a possible spy. The other was [77th]Ice and he was the quiet one...

[font=Arial]After a blatant round of disrespect from the [77th] they said they had no interest in the laws of liberty or any faction standing then gave me the bird finger (verbally).

[font=Arial]After seeing advice from 2 LNS on how I should respond (I never opened fire) however I referred a message to a BHG operative in the NY system to ask sort out his men actions who were damaging the BH rep. (He refused saying he did not want to know).

[font=Arial][font=Arial]Chaos - Alpha 1 (Naval Officer) interceded and was blown up immediately in front of me...dam shame. These [77th] then taunted me and were firing Nova and SNACs till I was left no choice but to open fire in defence.
Whilst I gave a fair repore for LNS my ship was no match for Team SNAC and Nova's and eventually I sacumed to the inevitable once my shield was destroyed. (I also had a fatal computer so my computer crashed due to a skype call so evidence in minimal sadly)

[font=Arial]I respectfully submit that [77th] should be deemed KOS hostile and traitors of Liberty and I ask all LN and LNS to be on their guard to watch their movements very closely.

[font=Arial]LNS-Ugly.Duckling|36th can back up that I was attacked and killed by these 2 bombers

[font=Arial]Regards Ravenolle

[font=Arial]>>>Ending Transmission<<>>Ending Transmission<<<

Liberty Forces Message dump - Estiroth - 02-28-2012

[quote name='Estiroth' date='Feb 24 2012, 10:47 PM' post='1704045']

[font=agency fb]COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]James Corey, Ensign
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Possibility of a dreadnought gone rogue

I was headed to West Point Military Academy, ready to finish up my patrol, when I picked up strange comm signals originating somewhere around Newark Station. I went there immediately to find a Liberty dreadnought, the LNS-Flawless.Victory as well as a battle cruiser, the LNS-Hell.Hound and a freelancer. Appearently the Navy vessels had seized a smuggler and picked up his cargo hold filled with Cardamine. The dreadnought captain, he gave no ID, however refused to either deliver the contraband to a containment facility or to destroy it on the spot. I could tell from the stuff he said that he was probably intoxicated by the drugs. He fired up his cruise engines, the battle cruiser, the freelancer and I followed. He gave us quite a chase, through the Detroit Debris field up to the edges of the Badlands. Actually, our pursue was more aimed to prevent him from doing anything stupid than to shoot him down. We saw no options of engaging a dreadnought in combat and surviving the encounter. He was refusing to accompany us to the next station capable of docking a dreadnought. I didn't see any options left, my training has not quite included responses to such situations. So I hereby file this report and hear what High Command has to say about this.

Guncam and Cargo scan data

Liberty Forces Message dump - WildHorse - 02-28-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission<<>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Comm ID: Mercant Navy - Commander Ravenolle
Target ID: WHS-LNS|Braveheart
Subject: Officer with Contriband
Encryption: High
Priority: Strange!!

Yes I saw the same Dreadnaught pass Norfolk when I question what the rubish in his hold was the reply was "its was for Research"...all I could reply was oh really..well what else could I say?

Regards Ravenolle

>>>Ending Transmission<<>>Ending Transmission<<<

Liberty Forces Message dump - Melanie Tyler - 03-08-2012


[Image: JaneHartmanTransmissionBarEnsign.png]

TARGET ID: [color=#99FFFF]Liberty Forces Reporting Centre [Spec-ops Division]
SUBJECT: Intelligence Gathering
PRIORITY: Moderate

Sirs, Ma'ams.

[color=#CCCCCC]I've got some good news for you. I've been in contact with one of agents, operating in Gallia, and he's come across a few bits and pieces for us. Two Gallic weapons, which have since been transferred to Fort Bush for research purposes. Might be a fair while until we get anything useful out of it, but it's an improvement on what we had.

I've attached file authentication here.

Hartman, out.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****