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Gallic Underworld Bounty Board (Maquis, Brigands, Gaians, Corse) - Printable Version

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RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - ambasada.ludozerska - 07-25-2021

Your Ship Name:[FLG]NT-Carapace
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans):
[Image: 1kk3OhZh.jpg]

Forum link (If Applicable):
Money owed: 50 million for cargo, 10 million for propaganda.
Account to send to: [FLG]NT-Carapace

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Front de Libération de Gallia - 07-25-2021

All claims PAID. Keep up the good work.

Leaderboard to date:

Starting NEXT QUARTER top scorers for the three month period will be rewarded.

Lorraine Kill rewards now have a 1.5x multiplier of 1st post. Special 50,000,000 bounty is paid for taking or destroying any food commodities(at least 2,000 units) from EFL, GMS, IDF in Lorraine.
Champagne propaganda handout now pay 30,000,000 instead of the regular 10,000,000
Leader board will count them as base values.

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 07-25-2021

Cargo Acquisition + Delivery to sell point from EFL~Alpes
EFL was hauling something called Blue Jillies - figured we might want to take a look at what the hell that is.

[25.07.2021 18:45:22] [FLG]NT-Cobra: bonjour
[25.07.2021 18:45:25] [FLG]NT-Cobra: cut them!
[25.07.2021 18:45:36] EFL~Alpes: Bonjour.
[25.07.2021 18:45:56] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Now now EFL! what are we hauling!
[25.07.2021 18:46:40] [FLG]NT-Cobra: What is that in your cargo
[25.07.2021 18:46:55] EFL~Alpes: You can just Scan and see.
[25.07.2021 18:47:05] [FLG]NT-Cobra: I have no clue what that is putain *laughs*
[25.07.2021 18:47:08] [FLG]NT-Cobra: How about you explain
[25.07.2021 18:47:37] EFL~Alpes: Blue Jillies.
[25.07.2021 18:47:43] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Are they some sort of food?
[25.07.2021 18:47:48] EFL~Alpes: No.
[25.07.2021 18:47:54] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Animals?
[25.07.2021 18:47:59] EFL~Alpes: No.
[25.07.2021 18:48:25] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Well then what the hell is this !
[25.07.2021 18:48:54] EFL~Alpes: Plant.
[25.07.2021 18:49:17] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Why would EFL be taking them to the Union, most suspitions.
[25.07.2021 18:49:40] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Well, you wouldn't mind parting with 500 of them so we can take a look for ourselves would you? *unlocks safeties*
[25.07.2021 18:49:59] A bounty pool worth $378.000 credits for 3 kills has been deposited in your account.
[25.07.2021 18:50:53] [FLG]NT-Cobra: very well
[25.07.2021 18:51:00] [FLG]NT-Cobra: We have our eyes on you Union Pawn!
[25.07.2021 18:51:07] EFL~Alpes: Ok.
[25.07.2021 18:51:08] [FLG]NT-Cobra: Thank you for these
MONEY OWED TO [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire: 10,000,000

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 07-29-2021

Propaganda handout, Cargo Acquisition + Delivery to maquis base from Ardent_Journey
Some sort of confused Sirian called my cruise disruptor a city glassing missile. After some back and forth he accepted our propaganda and we got 500 cases of Tawny Port! The drinks are on me!

[25.07.2021 18:45:22] [29.07.2021 01:36:38] Ardent_Journey: Greetings!
[29.07.2021 01:36:40] [FLG]NT-Zurich: lets cut them
[29.07.2021 01:37:05] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Monsieur! how dare you defy me!
[29.07.2021 01:37:11] Ardent_Journey: Defy? You shot me wordlessly!
[29.07.2021 01:37:21] Ardent_Journey: What do you expect?
[29.07.2021 01:37:28] Ardent_Journey: A missile before you even spoke!
[29.07.2021 01:37:40] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Is let's cut them not understood in Sirius?
[29.07.2021 01:37:51] Ardent_Journey: Why would I cut them after you fire on me wordlessly?
[29.07.2021 01:38:34] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Well When someone cruise disrupts you
[29.07.2021 01:38:52] [FLG]NT-Zurich: You can somehow deduct what they want monsieur one would think *laughs*
[29.07.2021 01:39:04] Ardent_Journey: Oh, yes, of course. The missile warning clearly says it's a disruptor, and not something lethal.
[29.07.2021 01:39:05] [FLG]NT-Zurich: And that something is to have a chat Oui!
[29.07.2021 01:39:21] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Of course
[29.07.2021 01:39:29] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Does this humble friendly transport seem like it has missiles!
[29.07.2021 01:39:29] Ardent_Journey: It... actually doesn't.
[29.07.2021 01:39:58] Ardent_Journey: And, no, but I hardly had time to look. The instant I was out of the lane, you shot!
[29.07.2021 01:39:59] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Perhaps you call these missiles *laughs*
[29.07.2021 01:40:14] Ardent_Journey: Again... the warning only calls it a missile.
[29.07.2021 01:41:04] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Well monsieur, so what you are saying is that it was merely a missunderstanding?
[29.07.2021 01:41:50] Ardent_Journey: I suppose that much is obvious? It paints a poor picture when the instant I see you, I catch a missile warning...
[29.07.2021 01:42:20] 2021-07-29 01:42:27 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:42:20] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Apology accepted! You can fix your instruments Sirian, f they are not just so weak by default
[29.07.2021 01:42:47] 2021-07-29 01:42:53 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:42:47] Ardent_Journey: Rrrrriiiiiiight. So.
[29.07.2021 01:43:21] 2021-07-29 01:43:27 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:43:21] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Well, I suppose we can get to it - you wanted to give me 500 crates of that Port and take my propaganda Monsieur?
[29.07.2021 01:43:41] 2021-07-29 01:43:48 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:43:41] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Is that what you were implying? My sirian is not perfect
[29.07.2021 01:43:58] 2021-07-29 01:44:05 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:43:58] Ardent_Journey: What kind of propaganda? Is it going to get me harassed at the next stop?
[29.07.2021 01:44:12] 2021-07-29 01:44:19 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:44:12] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Not unless you go back to the Union!
[29.07.2021 01:44:17] 2021-07-29 01:44:23 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:44:17] [FLG]NT-Zurich: It speaks of it's Evils and such
[29.07.2021 01:44:24] 2021-07-29 01:44:31 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:44:24] [FLG]NT-Zurich: in other words, the thrusth
[29.07.2021 01:44:31] 2021-07-29 01:44:37 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:44:31] [FLG]NT-Zurich: thruth rather
[29.07.2021 01:44:37] Death: Atachi_Mada was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.07.2021 01:44:49] 2021-07-29 01:44:56 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:44:49] Ardent_Journey: What sort of evils? I thought the old government was overthrown, or something. You know, after the whole Bertonia thing.
[29.07.2021 01:44:58] 2021-07-29 01:45:05 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:44:58] [FLG]NT-Zurich: *sighs*
[29.07.2021 01:45:00] 2021-07-29 01:45:07 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:45:00] [FLG]NT-Zurich: It was
[29.07.2021 01:45:06] 2021-07-29 01:45:13 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:45:06] Ardent_Journey: So the new government is evil?
[29.07.2021 01:45:29] 2021-07-29 01:45:35 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:45:29] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Then those guilty retreated to the Hebrides. Then they took power back with the Council Traitors that were still left alive
[29.07.2021 01:45:52] 2021-07-29 01:45:59 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:45:52] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Henceforth the totalitarian military state run by war criminals - The Gallic Union
[29.07.2021 01:46:14] 2021-07-29 01:46:20 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:46:14] [FLG]NT-Zurich: That's what you can read about and it won't get you in trouble anywhere by Gallia, unjustly
[29.07.2021 01:46:49] 2021-07-29 01:46:55 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:46:49] Ardent_Journey: Wait- I thought-
[29.07.2021 01:47:25] 2021-07-29 01:47:31 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:47:25] Ardent_Journey: This.. this is why I don't do politics. It doesn't make any sense. Yes, fine, sure, I'll take your pamphlet and even read it.
[29.07.2021 01:47:42] 2021-07-29 01:47:48 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:47:42] [FLG]NT-Zurich: You're preaching to the Choir
[29.07.2021 01:48:02] 2021-07-29 01:48:09 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:02] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Why would those that overthrown the Royalist pawns would take them back indeed
[29.07.2021 01:48:05] 2021-07-29 01:48:12 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:05] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Fear my friend
[29.07.2021 01:48:11] 2021-07-29 01:48:17 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:11] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Fear during the Kusari invasion
[29.07.2021 01:48:14] 2021-07-29 01:48:21 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:14] Ardent_Journey: Though, I do have to say, I've yet to be shot by any of the 'new war criminals' for.. any reason, actually.
[29.07.2021 01:48:35] 2021-07-29 01:48:41 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:35] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Their trait they proudly parade is Xenophobia
[29.07.2021 01:48:39] 2021-07-29 01:48:46 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:39] [FLG]NT-Zurich: but now they need to rebuild
[29.07.2021 01:48:44] 2021-07-29 01:48:51 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:48:44] [FLG]NT-Zurich: They shall pretend and lay low
[29.07.2021 01:49:42] 2021-07-29 01:49:49 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:49:42] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Merci - I believe I deserve some free wine for this lecture *laughs*
[29.07.2021 01:49:55] 2021-07-29 01:50:02 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:49:55] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Orevoir Sirian - spread the word!
[29.07.2021 01:50:05] 2021-07-29 01:50:12 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:50:05] Ardent_Journey: Right. Maybe, more words, less missiles, next time!
[29.07.2021 01:50:15] 2021-07-29 01:50:22 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:50:15] [FLG]NT-Zurich: It's an invitation to stop *sighs*
[29.07.2021 01:50:20] 2021-07-29 01:50:26 SMT
[29.07.2021 01:50:20] [FLG]NT-Zurich: Fix your instruments
MONEY OWED TO [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire: 20,000,000

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 07-30-2021

Damn, if he damages my ship at least I take him down with me

Payment owed (Gallic Navy independent snubcraft) to [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire: 10,000,000

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Brimstone - 08-02-2021

Your Ship Name: [FLG]VG-Liberateur
Target: Lone.Starr, JacquesJour (Gallic Navy Battleships)
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans): IFFs only because of the tense situation preventing any attempt at documenting the combat. Imagery footage makes it obvious that these were bigger than gunboats. I will try to be more concise next time.
Forum link (If Applicable): REPORT
Money owed: 20,000,000 * 2 = 40,000,000
Account to send to: [FLG]VG-Emilie

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Front de Libération de Gallia - 08-11-2021

===Kill reward added - Roussillon is the Maquisard bastion, make sure anyone who doesn't call us friend feels it ====
Any non-allied or friendly acting combat ship in Roussillon - all factions included
Snubcraft, freighters: 10,000,000
Gunboat or bigger: 20,000,000

Does combine with other rewards - i.e. you kill a Gallic Royalist in Roussillon you get paid Royalist kill reward and Roussillon combat ship kill reward.

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 08-14-2021

Your Ship Name: [FLG]NT-Tau.Ange
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans): ID Kill

Cargo Acquired from:Charles.Walcott
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans): Pickup of Mined Niobium
Delivery to Pueblo (sell Point)

Beat a Royalist Bomber on my lightly armored GAT, and then snatched some free Ore from an IMG Miner.

Money owed: 10,000,000 (Cargo Acquisition + delivery to sell point) + 10,000,000 (royalist Snub) = 20,000,000
Account to send to: [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 08-14-2021

Your Ship Name: [FLG]Lionel
Target:HS>El_Cid in Roussillon
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans): ID Kill

We have some sort of infestation Brewing - strange ships and Sniffers keep appearing in our system. At least the Royalists that kept also seeping in seem to have finally died off.

Money owed: 20,000,000 (Hostile Cruiser in Roussillon) = 20,000,000
Account to send to: [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Laurent - 08-14-2021

Your Ship Name: [FLG]Liberte-1
Target: Kau.Helveit
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans): [14.08.2021 18:44:16] Death: Kau.Helveit was put out of action by [FLG]Liberte-1 (Gun).
Forum link (If Applicable): N/A
Money owed: 10 000 000$ (Hostile bomber in Roussillon)
Account to send to: William.Smith