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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Printable Version

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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - LancerZero - 12-19-2007

I know there's a lot for you to look through, so I'm just gonna leave this as a wee reminder to fix your diplomacy. Presently you have UKMG listed both as "targets of opportunity (neutral)" and "hostile." Aaaand you've got the RHA listed as "targets of opportunity", alongside allies of Corsairs...while you have Junkers, Hogosha, and Blood Dragons as friendly.

Seems a mite strange, yes? Especially since the infocard somewhere states that the Hessians are supposedly the second most powerful members of the Outcast Alliance, right behind the Outcasts themselves...though I know this isn't currently reflected by the RHA's membership.:P

That said...this is one of those faction ideas that makes me wish I wasn't already involved with so many others! XD Looking forward to RPing with - and against - you and your new faction.:)

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Drake - 12-19-2007

Aye, if I wasn't already a member of the BLS (and had any time whatsoever to play Freelancer...), I'd join up in a heartbeat.

LancerZero does bring up a good point... Aren't the Lane Hackers hostile, or at least unfriendly, with Hogosha? Hogosha is anti-cardamine and anti-Outcast, while the Hackers are one of the major members of the Outcast Alliance.

I really wish there were more unlawfuls neutral to the whole Corsair/Outcast war... Or at least not directly allied to one or the other.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - UKMG-Tsunami - 12-19-2007

I'm pretty sure he's just expressing most people's "Fond Hatred" of the UKMG. As much as we stay nuetral, alot of people just really don't like us (Alot of people make it seem personal..), so with all things granted I think his faction diplomacy is meant to be like that xD

Just kidding. Yeah, everything is good, but please decide whether the UKMG is unfriendly or neutral.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - RickJames - 12-19-2007

Well...I absolutely love it.:)Great job.

Only 2 issues I see that might need some work or an additional explanation.

It lists Bs| as neutral. Bs| is an ally of the Corsairs and an enemy of the Outcasts

It lists {BD}- as Friendly. {BD}- is an ally of the Corsairs and an enemy of the Outcasts.

With your group having such close ties to the Outcasts and Cardamine. As well as being hostile to Corsairs; diplomacy for those 2 groups might be a little sticky at times.

Just a thought.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Zapp - 12-19-2007

Actually, now the Order is neutral to Outcasts. And I believe the LH ties with the Hogasha are.... 'cordial' at best, because of the position of Leiden Base (Galileo).

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-20-2007

I have revamped the career advancement criteria. Thank you for all of the input about that. The original post has been edited to reflect the new criteria. The OLD criteria is presented below for comparison.
Any thoughts?
Also, I don't have time today to deal with all of the diplomatic critiques that are being presented, but they are all reasonable and helpful. I will be addressing them soon. I may be making our official faction post before they are completely changed to their final status, but I don't think there are any extraordinary problems with them for the time being. I will be creating an official LH diplomatic thread, so any differences can be hammered out with RP negotiations as well.
Thank you for all of the critiques. They have been extremely helpful to me!
Now what do you think about the new career path? [in original post now]

OLD Career Advancement Requirements [no longer in effect!!!!!]
Trainees advance to Technician
1) Providing the following pilots for mania-interrogation: 10 civilian pilots, 10 liberty police pilots, 10 Bounty Hunter pilots [unnecessary for LH Smugglers]

2) Contributing 3 million credits to the clan [10 million for LH Smugglers]

3) Demonstrating accurate understanding of the Lane Hacker Piracy Policy by commanding a Piracy Team under the supervision of a superior officer

4) Successfully hacking The Lane Hacker secure comm channel for reports on at least 3 separate days [contribute 3 in-character posts in this thread]

5) Complete at least 5 hours of service in good standing [screenshot your F8 window in game]. Submission of a screenshot of your galactic nav map to demonstrate adherence to the Lane Hacker Area of Operations Guidelines [attach these to your third RP post in this thread].

6) Contribution of 1 CODENAME weapon to the Lane Hacker Technical Department.
* Trainees should focus their efforts on becoming proficient in Lane Hacker piracy techniques, efficient teamwork, and tactical combat.

Technicians advance to Specialist by:
1) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 100 pilots for mania-interrogation.
[unnecessary for LH Smugglers]

2) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 10 million credits [25 million for Smugglers]

3) Successfully pirating a commercial Transport class vessel without assistance from other Lane Hackers or pirates [screenshot proof of chat log posted in this thread]

4) Completion of a mission assigned by a Lane Hacker Director

5) Demonstrating the correct use of mania-interrogation / harassment methods towards corporate or police/navy villains [screenshot proof of system chat log posted in this channel even if it is witnessed by a LH Director]. You will be instructed in these methods.

6) Contribution of 1 additional CODENAME weapon to the Lane Hacker Technical Department.
* Technicians should further refine their Trainee skills, and focus on the development of their Cardamine-enhanced Lane Hacker persona.

Specialists Advance to Hacker by :
1) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 200 pilots for mania-interrogation. This must include at least one Liberty Gunboat Pilot. [unnecessary for LH Smugglers]

2) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 20 million credits [50 million for LH Smugglers]

3) Creating, organizing, and executing a plan that follows Lane Hacker methods to further the goals of The Lane Hackers [stage an RP event of some kind that involves both RP in the forum and in-space activity]. The involvement of other Lane Hackers in the execution of the plan is required, even if they are merely witnesses. You must brainstorm the plan, but other Lane Hackers may provide input and participation at every stage.

4) Proof of the assassination of a corporate villain or their military hoodlums in the furtherance of Lane Hacker goals and methods. This may overlap condition 3. [unnecessary for Smugglers]

5) Demonstrate mastery of The Lane Hackers' Goals, Methods, Operational Guidelines and the LH Technical Manual through both verbal testing and flight demonstration for a Lane Hacker Director.

6) Have personally conducted the training of at least one Trainee.

7) Contribution of 1 additional CODENAME weapon to the Lane Hacker Technical Department.

8) Have demonstrated an overall superior record of personal conduct & operational skill.
* Specialists should focus on their overall RP contribution to Lane Hacker goals and methods. Creativity and brainstorming is highly encouraged.

Hackers Advance to Director by:
1) This promotion is only available when there is a vacancy. All Hackers interested in the promotion will be required to compete for the job through a competition constructed by the sitting directors.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - RickJames - 12-20-2007

Not really sure what changed in the advancement guide lines. I thought both versions were great. If there worthy of being a Hacker I think earning 20mil from taxing/pirating is fine. Then again I think raising in ranks should also have some time factor of a week or 2 per rank. Which works out great. A good pirate should be able to make 20mil in 6 weeks easy. 6 weeks being 2 weeks in each rank. Looks good.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Drake - 12-20-2007

A pirate in a light fighter, especially a Mk1 light fighter, can't make squat unless they find a particularly stupid or generous trader to pirate. Most trading ships could easily blast a Dagger out of the sky, especially if they're using fighter turrets. I like the updated advancement rules.

One question: How do you expect people to keep a Lane Hacker Pilot in their cargo hold at all times? Only way to get them is to blow up Lane Hacker NPCs...

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-20-2007

And thank you Drake for introducing the very thing that I wanted to ask for input on next.
There are three ways for Lane Hacker members to get Lane Hacker pilots in their cargo hold.
1) One is by each member killing one Lane Hacker npc whenever they need the pilot due to getting killed or accidentally selling or losing them somehow.
2)The second way is for someone in the clan to have a non Lane Hacker pilot who they use to "farm" the pilots to provide to our members.
3)The third way is for the clan to purchase Lane Hacker pilots from other players, as needed. Since the Lane Hackers are headquartered in Liberty, it shouldn't be hard to find a couple of "young" pilots who would gladly pop some Daggers and sell us the pilots for this purpose, whenever we need them. Actually, we could just try to collect a whole bunch of them all at once by paying, say, 20k for each pilot delivered during the course of the next hour after the announcement in NY. (and I'm sure that I could create a good RP reason for that announcement too)
Essentially, what is the feeling about the roleplay value of this idea in the first place? This requirement is clearly only for roleplay value. When someone scans a Lane Hacker ship, they will see a Lane Hacker Pilot and his cardamine stash.
So, is it great, good, neutral, bad, offensive?
Which method do you think is best to use?

And a quick notice: we now have enough members to become an official faction. I will take those steps per Fellow Hoodlum's instructions tomorrow evening, since I still need to finalize a few other things first. The second post of this thread is updated to reflect our new members.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - bluntpencil2001 - 12-20-2007

I'd probably leave the pilot out, actually. It causes a lot of hassle and your pilots will stop doing it rather quickly, I think.