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Corsair and Xeno alliance? - Epholl - 03-02-2008

- Xenos want to push Junkers outa Liberty to gain access to cardi trade... I dont see why shouldnt they try it with artifacts...

- They are neutral to IMG, so not "hostile to anyone exept zoners"

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - McNeo - 03-02-2008

I was saying that the Xenos would be the third link in the chain, not that they are the third link in the chain right now.

The Corsairs also have a deal with the Hogosha, giving them exclusive artifacts rights in exchange for keeping up the pressure on the Golden Crysanthemums and Blood Dragons.

And as said, the Xenos are searching for an ally.

The Corsairs do not supply the Junkers with any more than the bare minimum of artifacts, the Hogosha certainly get the lions share, but I am sure the market in Kusari is not that large, considering the pittence that they sell for there.

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - Doom - 03-02-2008

i agree with Eph that if Xenos are to have more friendly factions, it should be IMG. (they were listed along with Zoners on neutral list before)

IMG can connect xenos with corsairs and supply them with needed some extent...and close vicinity of IMG Freeport makes this a lot easier to communicate... faction should ever become Xeno allies...with friendlier status i agree...but in no way allied..

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - chopper - 03-02-2008

Actually, closest base of the IMG is in Magellan..
There are no Xenos in Magellan, Hackers would annihilate them.
So, they can't really help the poor Xenos.

Also, IMG can't connect them with the Corsairs.
CR/BSG are friendly/allied with the Corsairs, but IMG as a whole isn't.

IMG can't offer them a black market monopoly, Hogosha can.
They can receive some funds from the IMG, but I don't see what Xenos can do for the IMG.

While it would be a mutual friendship between Xenos and Hogosha.

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - sn!p3r - 03-02-2008

Soo, because artifacts sell the highest.. is a good enough excuse to have cruisers and up running around liberty? i think not.. i could see a fighter escort to distract the lawfuls.. but not capships.

Xenos should stay the way they are.. after all, having no friends and being enemies to just about everyone is what makes playing as a xeno so much fun.. such a challenge:)

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - Reverend Del - 03-02-2008

It might be a challenge, but whilst everyone else's roleplay moves on the Xenos get stuck with stagnation, not a good RP atmosphere. Plus without dynamic RP we are just the target for PvP whores who want to kill stuff, and that's not the way the Xenos should be. The cause is there but hardly anybody seems to care. The Xenos are so dirt poor that I believe they'll accept just about any help they can get, be it funding through Universal, or a direct alliance to the Hogosha. The Xenos cannot continue like they are , it's just not logical for a group with no freindlies at all to be able to continue to exist.

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - Othman - 03-02-2008

There are similar groups with no friendlies like Unioners or Junkers but Xenos are a bit more disadvantageous compared to them as being hostile to more factions. Anyway, both mentioned groups rarely exist with individuals, in which Junkers would most probably win with frequency. Despite all these, I don't believe that tieing the Xenos with Corsairs would be a good move.

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - Dopamino - 03-02-2008

I think you guys are over-thinking this a bit.

- The Unioner/Corsair thing should go back to how it was. Their guns even look the same, for pete's sake.

- Xenos are terrorists. Terrorists don't get many friends, these ones especially. That ties in with my next point:

- Xenos are Xenophobic. The only people who would possibly support them are outsiders - foreigners, if you will. Now, these are the same people the Xenos hate unconditionally. No matter how much money the Hogosha or Corsairs might offer, Xenos will always bite that hand because they are foreigners.
Think of how your racist neighbor (or whoever fits the bill for you) acts around Asians and Hispanics that are more successful or richer than him. Now, imagine how he would act if he had guns and they were both floating in open space. He would probably shoot them dead and take everything he could from them.

- Corsairs need some allies. That's the truth, plain and simple. However, having the Xenos as allies is NOT going to work. They aren't just going to put down their guns and sing "Kumbaya" and then "We Shall Overcome"as a chaser. What the Corsairs need to do is strengthen the allies they have. Then, through these strengthened allies, they can branch out and get more allies.

- First step - get the Unioners back again.
- Second step - Give artifacts directly to factions like the Gaians, the FA, and the Unioners. That will give them a good income so they can become more powerful.
- Third Step - I haven't gotten that far yet, ask me later:)

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - gezza999 - 03-02-2008

The Hogosha are on the Samura boat. The Samura run the food joints in Kusari, the places SynthFoods is trying to take over, this would give more jobs back in Liberty - Hence, the Hogosha would NOT fund the Xenos, because it'd be detrimental to both Kusari and the Samura.

DSE, SynthFoods, the Liberty Corporations would be funding the Xenos, and not much at that, to avoid them getting too powerful, in the end, they'd most probably join Unions after they'd given up or succeeded in their ultimate goal.

The Xenos already have less pressure from the Navy and Police, because they help kill off Junkers. Don't give them allies, do however, make more people neutral to them. The IMG for neutral would be OK, but not friendly, as some already interpret the neutrality between Corsairs and the IMG as them being allies ( Which is another rant, which I won't go into).

Only people inside Liberty gain from the Xenos, so only they would fund them, and it wouldn't be a public relation ship, so add a few rumours onto the Xeno bases of funding.

Corsair and Xeno alliance? - Horon - 03-02-2008

The Xeno's dislike Liberty trading with other houses, which would include Kusari. And since the Hogosha are closely tied with Kusari and Kusari industries, wouldn't make sense for Xenos to hang out with Hogosha, when they shoot down every ship in sight going to and from Kusari to Liberty.