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[Old] Recruitment Office - Printable Version

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RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Euca - 03-14-2014

To: Herr Aust
From: Karla Engel, Das Buro Recruitment Desk.
Encryption: High
Subject: Your new job!

Herr Kanwulf,

Family history that dedicates itself to Das Buro is greatly appreciated. Although you won't be escorting ships, you still seem to have the ability to pilot one. Your vader will be quite proud to know that you are hereby ACCEPTED into Das Buro as a Rekrut. First orders are to read the following documents with great detail. Then, I'll contact you on S.K.Y.P.3 protocol.

End Message

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Apollon - 06-09-2014

Name: Krista Riesenlaster

Physical Description:
Age: 21
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 65 Kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Military/Paramilitary Background: - Private escort for Kruger Operations an Dauman convoys.
- Fleiger in the Rheinland Primary Fleet.

Personal Background and History: Born on Planet Hambrug from a medium-class family, The Riesenlaster family has a long history of dedication and loyalty to the Rheinwher and the Government, They've participatedin the wars, starting from the '80 years war' with the Gas Miner's Guild, to the War with Liberty, and aren't planning to stop it this history.

My Parents took their part with the Police, leaving the role of The Rheinwher's Military for me, expecting me to continue on with this forever-lasting dedication, I had two brothers, who were in the Rheinland Military as-well, Henric, and Wulfred, but they met their fate in a battle in Bering, asking me to continue and complete their task, and hard work.

I worked as a private escort and security for Kruger Operations and Dauman convoys, as i had in no experience in being a pilot on the Military nor the Federal Police, But in time i gained experience, using the help of a pilot in the Military Secondary Fleets, a friend on the family, teaching me tactics, and encouraging me to join the Military.

Defending Rheinland, and it's citizens the righteous thing, enlisting to the Military would be the only way for me to be a true Rheinlander, Defending Rheinland, and continuing with my Family's history would be the task that i would spend my life on, That's what I thought. Thus I joined the Rheinwher, Although I don't believe that It's the right place to be at, I would like to enlist for tougher work that requires more dedication, And I see that the Buro is the right place for that.

S.K.Y.P.3: ghost.radical

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Tabris - 06-20-2014

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissaroberrat Voss
SUBJECT: Application

" Attention Krista Riesenlaster, we have reviewed your application for a transfer to the Buro, after careful consideration you have been Accepted into our ranks as a Rekrut.

As of right now your personal records have been sealed and access has been granted to Buro assets suitable for a Rekrut. Welcome to the Buro, serve our homeland well, be ever watchful and ensure the safety of our people.


Herman Voss, Internal Affairs, Buro der MarineIntelligenz"

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - .Flourescent. - 06-25-2014

Name: Natasha Gustav

Physical Description: Weight: 59kg, Height: 165cm, Age: 20, Hair: Medium blonde(1cm below shoulders), Eye Color: Blue

Military/Paramilitary Background: -Fleiger in the Rheinland military Secondary Fleet

Personal Background and History: Born on Bonn Station. Worked as an escort for the DHC for two years, then I joined the Rheinland Military Secondary Fleet when I had enough money for actually a good ship and soon as I joined, I was sent to the front lines in New Hampshire. I got experienced in the front lines as a scout or pathfinder. Experiencing that, I was interested in something more, something more interesting. The one day I got to go home, I heard about the Buro, and what they do. What I heard caught my interest, and so I am here...

S.K.Y.P.3: killer.spatula

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - King Owl - 07-07-2014

Name: D'anne Grunt

Physical Description: 185 cm Tall,80kg

Military/Paramilitary Background: She is a Android

Personal Background and History: D'anne has been born 24 years ago , by a Rheinland unknow scients. He wanted to create a species of advance being which will fullfi the men needs.D'anne was the first and single model left alive, after his project was public and the state close it. She after that time has grown her intelect and decied to make a common front with the humans. Since she can slef-learn , she decied o join the army as a paramiltary, but knowing her beging , the army send her in "Black Ops missions" and she got familar with the that kind of work.Today she stand towards joining the BDM and use her qualites in good and for other people

S.K.Y.P.3: tudor.vlaicu1

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Huursa - 07-26-2014

Name: Donnie Brasco

Physical Description: Weight : 72kg Height : 1,78cm Hair : Black

Military/Paramilitary Background: Bomber in Guardia of Malta, Leader of The Pirates Guild, and Leader of the Pegasus Piligrims

Personal Background and History: Howdy there guys i will talk shortly about my biography . So i was born in New Berlin, Planet New Berlin in normal family attachedly on the Rheinland i grew up in small house near the local bar there i listened many stories about the glory pilots and them battles i wanted to be like them, to kill enemies and defend my fatherland, the years rolled i became 18 and 2 weeks after my birthday i decided to enlist in the Buro der Marineintelligenz.

S.K.Y.P.3: d-devils97

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - An'shur - 08-04-2014

Name: Karl von Schlafenberg

Physical Description: Age: 35, height: 5 ft, 10 in, weight: 190 lb, hair color: black, eye color: light brown

Military/Paramilitary Background: Last one month of active service in Rheinland military as Flieger, recently promoted. Resulting in six action reports, capturation of smuggler, fights with Nomads, and last, escorting the RNC-Brynhildr from Frankfurt to Bremen. After this succesfull action, captain of this ship told me: ,,You should join the BDM."

Personal Background and History: Karl von Schlafenberg was born on 10th December of year 785 a.s. on planet New Berlin. He is from noble family with long history, which is now relatively mysterious and unknown at all. Shlafenberg family falls somewhere into Rheinland's average in terms of wealth since the Eighty years war, before which family history stays unrevealed and kept in secrecy between members, or forgotten.
He started with high school focused on maths and physics in planet New Berlin's capital during Nomad war, which negatively affected Rheinland education system, because all resources was pumped into warplans. After this, in year 804 a.s. he tried his luck in ruined military. Hard weather conditions of Rheinland's capital made him very immune, steady and strong-minded. Before 22nd birthday, he rarely left planet New Berlin, but military didn't required training only on surface, but on stations, ships, space in general, which is obvious. Drill changed his way of life. Previously he wanted to work in deep space research and astronomy. Then he was sure he will rise in Rheinland military. After conscription, for the first time, he left Rheinland. This was for long time. He joined Independent miners guild, focused on trade and mining of course. This meant long time in space and he became rich. In year 817 a.s., he returned to Rheinland and started to work for the military, because war with Liberty started. His military life wasn't stable until month ago, when he is allways on duty.

S.K.Y.P.3: Freelancer3,14159etc

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Tabris - 08-06-2014

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissaroberrat Voss
SUBJECT: Application

" Attention Karl von Schlafenberg, we have reviewed your application for a transfer to the Buro, after careful consideration you have been Accepted into our ranks as a Rekrut.

As of right now your personal records have been sealed and access has been granted to Buro assets suitable for a Rekrut. Welcome to the Buro, serve our homeland well, be ever watchful and ensure the safety of our people.

Donnie Brasco, we have reviewed your application for a transfer to the Buro, after careful consideration you have been Denied as your resume has risen several flags in our computers.


Herman Voss, Internal Affairs, Buro der MarineIntelligenz"

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Alexander - 08-15-2014

Name: Arthur.Kurt
Physical Description:
Age: 26
Height: 180cm
Weight: 75 Kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Military/Paramilitary Background: Freelancer , Rheinland Military rekrut , Rheninland Military capitain

Personal Background and History: I was born in Planet New Berlin , my parents was rheinland polizei officers . I started freelancering when I had 18 years old.
In my freelancer ship I missions agains Red Hessians , LWB , Unioners , but one day came too many Red Hessians and I almost died but I was lucky to be found by a Rheinland Military patrol . They saved me and I was recruited to be a member of their patrol . But unfortunately during a fight with LWB my friends died but after I eliminated all the enemy forces I returned to Battleship Westfallen where I was apointed capitan of a Rheninland Military patrol.

S.K.Y.P.3: blooodthirsty

RE: Buro der Marineintelligenz Recruitment Centre - Chivi - 08-19-2014

*** Opening Channel ***

Source: Battleship Karlsruhe
Destination: BDM High Command
Identification: Ralf Reinhart
Encryption: Medium
Signal Strength: 100.00%

Ralf Reinhart

Physical Description:
Height: 1.79 cm
Weight: 80 KG
Appeal: Brown eyes, black hair.

Military/Paramilitary Background:
Hired as a Bomber pilot by the Rheinland Forces. Took part in one attack on hostile capital ships.

Personal Background and History:

Born on planet Hamburg, Ralf lived a peaceful life studying to become an engineer, aspiring onto his father’s trail. His parents, Helmut and Alize Reinhart were both part of the Rheinland Military, his father being an engineer on Battleship Strausberg, and his mother, a Health Care crewman on the same mighty ship.
At the age of 22 after graduating College, he was transferred to Battleship Karlsruhe, which was stationed in the orbit of planet Stuttgart. There, he activated as a weapon engineer, where he was entrusted with the good functionality of the ship’s Razor Turrets.
However, one night, he felt his life needed to change, so he decided to become a pilot for the Rheinland forces. He knew he wouldn’t be able to pass the trials with little under no skill at all. So with the help of his father, he managed to buy a Roc, the renowned civilian bomber, from an old relative. The ship was in horrible shape. So his only chance was to put in all the effort to get the ship running again.
With the help of his father, and several other Rheinland engineers, he managed to get the ship fully operational in little under one month. Then, it was time for the final test. The ship’s engines slowly spooled up. It was alive, and with it the new dream of the young engineer became true.
Even though the ship was operational, it still missed one big element. The weapons. So with the help of a friend he made on Karlsruhe, he managed to purchase a Civilian Antimatter Cannon, which was very soon fitted on the Roc.
The training started in an asteroid field, outside Rheinland space. The young engineer proved he was a quick learner, and so, with little under no time, he was able to shoot moving asteroids while dodging his friend’s Dummy Lasers.
After two months of practice, he decided it was time to step it up. His Roc landed on Battleship Karlsruhe, and he went straight to the Human Resources desk. He quickly filled in the form and applied to be part of the fight. The next day he was assigned to Bomber Wing Gamma, the newest bomber wing, established on Karlsruhe which contained mostly Flieger ranked pilots, all of which were as eager as him to get in the fight.
His wing was dispatched to patrol Bering system, where they encountered an ambush made by Libertonian Vessels. As they were preparing to engage an Archer Class Cruiser, there was a massive pulse of light, and a Liberty Carrier decloaked, releasing dozens of fighters. The bomber wing managed to cripple the Archer Class Cruiser, however the Liberty Heavy Fighters quickly gained the upper hand and severely damaged most of the ships in the wing. His Bomber, a fully equipped 140-ARKM-N58 “Bergelmir”, was soon under attack, however it was in an asteroid field, and it was his turf there. The young pilot flew towards an asteroid, turned around just as he passed it, chain fired his EMP cannons, he then dropped two Nuclear mines, ducking behind the asteroid. The two ships that were pursuing him stood no chance. The nuclear mines exploded taking both fighters out of action. The pilots anticipated and managed to eject, however this gave the young pilot enough time to spool up his cruise engines and run towards the jumphole.
Just as he was ready to jump, a green beep light went up on his scanner. It was his wingman. He knew he couldn’t leave him behind to die, so he turned around. He was aware that even if he killed his cruise engines instantly, his core was dangerously low, and he had to let it regenerate. Hiding behind an asteroid, he waited, patiently, while his wingman kept thrusting towards him.
When his wingman was 500 meters away from him he yelled in the radio: “Right thrusters and drop two mines!”. His wingman reacted promptly, and saw Ralf going full military power, also dropping two mines, killing his engine and turning around. There was a sudden silence, followed by Ralf’s Cruise Disruptor Launcher firing a missle. The disruptor impacted on one Avenger class Fighter, blowing all four mines. The explosion took out both Liberty Fighters however even this time, both pilots survived. Even as, the explosion took out Ralf’s left wing, left engine, and his cruise capabilities. He crippled to the jumphole, ready to jump, but just as he engaged his autopilot, his other engine died. He desperately tried to spool it up again. It failed. He then remembered a trick he learned in the engineering school, when studying anomalies. He knew that if he can get the ship close enough to the hole, the gravity will pull him in, sending him through the hole. He told his wingman what to do, and so the other bomber used his tractor beam to slowly get him near the hole. They both managed to jump, and once in Hamburg, they docked on the Rheinland Carrier that was being used as a mobile Forward Operating Base.
He then knew he loved guerilla tactics. Scouting, exploring, hitting the enemy where he least expects it, you name it. It was time he quit the frontline and apply for the Buro der Marineintelligenz.
And there he was, one day later, signing his appliance message towards the BDM High Command, with hope and dreams of becoming a true defender of the Fatherland.

S.K.Y.P.3: razvee.gaming

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