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GC Tea House - Printable Version

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GC Tea House - Daerune - 04-29-2010

He smiles giving her one back. "I wouldn't know but remember never let your self become like your Sen-say, I don't want to influence you to much and when I am not having to work I will be here when I don't need to see." He'd look around a bit then whisper to her. "My sister." He would kiss her on the check before coming back. "I will never put down my weapons, I will always have to fight for the ones I love and your Father... is still alive.... if you wish to see him onto his end I'll leave that to you but first I'd like to speak to him if that's alright.... alone."

GC Tea House - Jansen - 04-29-2010

"If you want to interrogate him, do it, I dont want to see him again..." She takes another sip of her tea "Just let him suffer... It were men like him that dragged us into this, he deserves the pain."

She looks at her empty cup "Want to go to our room? Im a bit tired after this day... Too much work" She giggles.

GC Tea House - Daerune - 04-29-2010

Smiling and nodding he finishes the rest of his drink and holstering the dagger again as they head out he would collect every single one of his weapons before following Rika out

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 05-01-2010

She watched the exchange between Rika Ito and the male stranger for awhile up to the point where they got up from the table they were sharing and headed for the door of the Tea House. She then turns her attention to the other person she'd seen and nods slightly, beckoning to Saigo to come join her at the corner table Aki was sitting at.

"Please join me Elder, tea perhapes or would you like something else?"

GC Tea House - stardust47 - 05-02-2010

Optimusjamie entered the Tea House and walked over to the bar. Sure enough, Reina was standing there.
"So," began Reina, "Let's talk,"
"Right. I've got the components in my ship. You got what you need?"
"Yes. We'll need to do some planning first. Bartender, could you get me a margarita. And for you, miss Ozu?"
"I'll have a black coffee," She turned to Optimusjamie. "Why such a strong drink? You'll probably be drunk by the time we get to testing,"
"What's so bad about being drunk?"
"Ask a glass of water," They collected their drinks and chose a table. "So, how are we going to market this?"
"FOrget marketing!" said Optimusjamie. "We need a name for it first!"
"Hmmm..." said Reina. "MAC- Massive Assault Cannon,"
"Might get confused with the Agiera Assault Cannon which is a minigun not a... BFG,"
"Big Flippin' Gun,"
"You've just given me an idea!"
"Oh, no..."
"Blast Field Gun!"
"Why didn't I think of that?"
"Right. Let's get to my lab,"

GC Tea House - Slartibartfast - 05-13-2010

A man in his early twenties entered the tea house, wearing a traditional Blood Dragon robe.

"Konbanwa. My name is Ryuu Noboru, of the Rising sons..." he told the nearest Chrysanthemum he saw upon entering.

"I was flying today with two of your sisters and one invited me to drink some sake with her... I beleive her name was Hayley... A Libertonian, I believe?"

The chrysanthemum pointed him to Hayley's direction... Not that a young Libertonian - albeit her height not exactly exceeding that of an average Kusarian - woman would be easy to miss amongst a flurry of Kusarian women.

"Konbanwa, Winters-san. Is there anything in particular you wanted to talk about?" he says whilst ordering sake,
"feel free to ask anything... I myself am very interested in your reasons for joining the Chrysanthemums... Not very often we see outsiders - Gaijin - fighting for the just cause... So, if you don't mind me being so direct, what brought you here?"

GC Tea House - aerelm - 05-22-2010

Saerieve walks into the teahouse. He is visibly extremely tired, and his general appearance is unclean. With unshaved face - for at least a week - and a dirty leather jacket with a pair of jeans which is ripped on his right knee. If not Good, but he looked much better before he left for space earlier today. He has two bottles of wine in one hand, and his Digital Notepad in his other hand. Without even caring who is in the teahouse and who is not, he walks to the far end corner of the room and sits down on the ground, then puts down both the bottles next to him and turns the Notepad on. While tapping something on the screen with his left hand, he picks up one of the bottles and opens it with his teeth, and starts drinking right away, meanwhile, he keeps writing something down on his Notepad with his other hand.

After a while, he drops the bottle on the floor and takes the second one, Opens it with his teeth again and starts drinking, still writing down on the pad. After a few more minutes, writing something down angrily, he turns the Pad off, drinks rest of his wine and puts the bottle next to the other one on the floor. Then gets up and walks to the door without a word.

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 05-24-2010

Since it seems no one cares, RP snipped.

GC Tea House - Chase - 05-26-2010


GC Tea House - Shikyo - 06-01-2010

since it seems no one cares, message snipped.