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GC Tea House - Korny - 07-24-2010

Chi turns back to Salina with a smile in her face, she looks at her tea, slowly puts both of her hands around the cup and raises it to her lips, she takes a small sip out of it and sighs relieved. " some good tea, isn't it Salina-chan ?" She giggles slightly, still holding the cup in both of her hands. She takes another big inhale of the cardamine mixed air, and exhales again, smiling satisfied. "W-...Well...Salina-chan...if you really want to stay here, then I won't complain. You're my only friend here at the moment anyway..." The smile in her face gets bigger and she takes another, bigger sip from her tea and looks out of the window, feeling appreciated and "home" for the first time in her life...

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 07-24-2010

Having quietly sat by while the two new comers to Ainu spoke, Aki listened carefully to what they had to say without appearing to be even listening. For those few Sisters who have never seen Aki Shikyo before, by most appearances, she seems to be about the average for a member of the Golden Chrysanthemums. Her long black hair is tied up neatly today, held by two silver pins crossed together. Her choice of clothing today is a semi-traditional Kimono, cut a little more on the seductive side than would be usual, of deep shimmering blue silk weave with a blood red Obi tied around her waist properly. Unlike many of the regular Sisters, she openly carried a Daisho set, the old looking Katana resting on the table in front of her, while the Wakizashi remains tucked into the Obi. Little else can be of casual notice about her with the exception of the black shades she is actually wearing inside The Tea House.

Aki takes a sip of her own white tea, having grown fond of that particular style and without the usual Cardimine found in most of the Tea's they serve here. When the ladies conversation turns to something personal about one of them leaving her home to remain with the other, and quite possible here with the Sisterhood, she barely glances to the side, allowing the optics in the Shades to do the rest and focus on the two ladies.

She grins slightly at the reference to the quality of the tea, knowing that they may not know that unless otherwise ordered, the Tea here is served with a small does of Cardimine in it. She decides at that moment if the question about where they would stay remains unresolved, then the Sisterhood might loose one possible recruit, maybe two from what she overheard, so she rises smoothly from her seat after setting her small cup of tea down and almost in the same move, picked up her sword.

When the apperently younger of the pair took another sip of tea and smiled before looking towards the armored plate glass window that gave a fantastic view of the space outside of Ainu, she steps over to their table with the absolute quietness of one of the Sisters Agents. She paused for a moment before quietly greeting them, Kobanwa Sisters. One could not help but over hear some small insigifigant part of conversation about lack of accomodations. Perhapes this one could help you in that."

GC Tea House - Charo - 07-24-2010

"Hm?" Salina looks up at the woman standing next to her. "Oh, hello. Um, yes...if we join the Golden Chrysanthemums, then we wont have a place to live...well, I never had in the first place..." She takes another sip of tea. " could you help?" She continues to look up at the woman, a questioning look on her face.

GC Tea House - Korny - 07-24-2010

Chi jumped a little, once again scared, but this time not from a robot. She looks at the woman, her eyes run over the woman's body as if Chi would examine her. She looks up at the woman's face with a curious gaze, tilting her head. Chi stayed totally quiet, too shy to answer, or to greet back. She looks at her cup of tea, which she's still holding with both of her hands. She raises it to her lips once more, and sips from it before she places the cup on the table.

Chi looked at the woman again, she admires the beautiful kimono with her eyes and blushes slightly, looking back at the window a little jealous.

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 07-25-2010

She smiles slightly, almost in a reassuing way towards the apperently younger and shyer of the two ladies at the table. She gestures slightly towards other Sisters that are gathered in small groups or singually around the Tea House before answering, "At one time or another most here have asked much the same as you have, even this one asked such questions. The answers were simple, when you become a Sister, your home is with us. Outside of here, you will find we have few friends and allies willing to provide a place you might stay if this Station is not to your liking."

She moves a bit to take a seat with the pair of ladies, resting her Sword across her lap although she does not let go of it at any time. The calm expression on her face hides the usually devious and always dangerous thoughts of this particular Sister, though here in this place she knows that should anyone attempt anything, Iron Wastas improvements on the Security will keep any trouble maker from causing much damage.

"Allow this one to give some advice if you do not mind. Some will make sense, some will not seem to, all of it good and will potentially save both your lives in the days to come."

"First, Trust no one that is not of the Sisterhood, and even then if they claim it, there are ways of knowing and proving it. One knows that may even make what this one is telling you now suspect, that is good. Trust what your instincts tell you is truth and what is not. Always question but never too much. Here some questions are tolerated, Sisters are welcome to ask advice of the Elders."

"Second, the attitude of the Kusari people is often negative of the Sisterhood and what it truely stands for. As much as we are fighting for the people, we also try to enlighten them and show them what is right, show them the true corruption of the Shogun, his navy, and the Samura dogs who try to rule from behind the Emperors throne. Even the current Emperor is under their sway and does not understand fully the needs of the people anymore. Joining us means that you will not always be welcome by former friends and family, thus we become your family and you are welcome here."

"Third, and all this one has for now, give the Elders time. Enjoy your stay, explore Hokkido and the rest of Kusari while you still remain an unknown to the Samura and their boot jack Kusari Navy. The Elders are busy people and will call you when they have time and are ready to speak with you. One does say this though, if you happen to find a Jump Hole to Tau 65, do not go there until you ARE a member of this Sisterhood. This one would be saddened if after all this advice she had to kill you for entering forbidden space."

A slight attempt at a reassuring smile again at the pair of ladies and she raises her left hand of her sword only long enough to make a gesture to the Bar-bot. It does not take long before the robot shows up at the table with a fresh cup of white tea made specially for her. She nods once to the Bar-bot dismissing it as she picked up the cup with her right hand and took a small sip of tea before setting the cup down again then spoke once more in that velvety soft voice of hers, "This one takes a guess you may be lovers. If one is wrong and offends, she offers apology, otherwise a room has been made available for you both when ever your ready for it."

Another smile, since they may be slightly confused how Aki managed to arrange a room even as she was speaking to them, although she will not tell them exactly how extensive the Security really in throughout Ainu Depot. While she was speaking to them, the Ops Officer of the Day had made the arrangements the moment Shikyo mentioned making arrangements for them and sending a Junior Sister to the table, where the young girl bows and placed two comm badges on the table before them before stepping back to wait quietly, [color=#33FFFF][i]"This Sister here will show you the way to your room. This one also suggests that you keep those Comm Badges on you at all times while here. It will identify you to others here as belonging and keep certain members from reacting in a poor manner."

GC Tea House - Korny - 07-25-2010

Chi listened to the woman, almost hypnotized by the calm, and soft voice of the woman, yet she listened attentive, and accurate since she wanted to know as much as she could.

After the woman finished talking, Chi's blush slowly disappears, she looks at the two comm badges on the table and picks up one of them, looking at it and examining it accurately. She looks back at the woman and nods slowly, she spoke with a quiet voice..."H-...Hai...I understand...Miss"

slowly reaches for her cup of tea again, her view still focussed on the woman. She puts both of her hands on the cup, lifting it to her lips once more and takes a bigger sip. She puts it back down on the table gently, making as less noice as possible. Chi looks at the woman's kimono again, and once again she blushed slightly. Her eyes run up, and down it. Chi jealously looked away again, at her own clothes. She's wearing a skirt, and a basic shirt, nothing particulary fancy or pretty.

looks back at the woman, trying to keep her eyes on the face of her, once again speaking with a quiet and soft voice..."Uhm...Arigato, miss...Arigato for all of your nice help, we both really appreciate it..."A smile slowly appears on Chi's face..."I never had such a warm, and nice welcome as here on Ainu...Arigato..." She bows towards the woman, raises her head again and smiles warmly at her..."O-..Oh! And one more thing...may we...know your name, miss?"

GC Tea House - Charo - 07-25-2010

Salina looks at the woman and smiles. "Thank you...I never expected this kind of welcome..." She picks up the teacup and takes a sip, placing it back down on the table. Then picking up the badge and looking over it closely. " Um..but would be nice if we knew your name..." She places the badge in a pocket on the inside of her jacket. "I am Salina...Salina you can probably guess, I'm Maltese...."

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 07-26-2010

Aki smiled slightly again after the younger of the two thanked her, followed by her friend. The girl was relaxing a little in this place, which is a good thing as far as Aki is concerned at the moment. The blush and the way Chi looks at Shikyo tells her much, since she is adept at reading expressions of all kinds, a nessisary skill for what she does for the Elders and the Sisterhood. She nods her head slightly, accepting the bow from Chi and then slips out of the chair to stand. Her next move would more than surprise the pair even as she has yet to answer their question about her name, which Aki deliberately did not tell them yet.

"You like this ones attire Hai?" then grins a bit more at the obvious when Chi looked away quickly. With a single gesture, she held out her Sword and its mate to the waiting Sister who would be the ladies guide when they need one to take them to their room for the night. She pulls the Obi apart and also hold it out to be taken by the waiting Sister, before opening and slipping the Kimono off and setting it, then the Obi on the table next to Chi, "Consider it gift. You should take pleasure in beauty in all forms where and when you can, including yourself."

She glances at Salina for a moment, and looks her over, even as they, and everyone else gets a good long look at Aki's well toned body, wearing nothing more than tight fitting underwear and, what was not seen until now, a holstered pistol of some sort on one thigh and on the other thigh, a set of throwing knives. She nods slightly at Salina as well before speaking again, "You will receive one as well, so there would be no reason to envy your Lover receiving such a gift from this one. For now, one must depart, business elsewhere requires her attention. Enjoy your Cardimine Tea."

She turns and taking the Swords from the young sister, and with more than one pair of eyes on her, she heads for the entrance of the tea house, still mindful she has not told them who she is, and almost laughed to herself softly at that fact. Perhaps they will find out if they will find out if they choose to ask the right people.

GC Tea House - Korny - 07-26-2010

As the woman drops off her kimono, Chi's eyes widen, also her blush gets heavier. She quickly looks away again, then back at the table, where the woman's kimono lays. Chi is trying to avoid to look at the woman, but can't help herself and turns towards her. Chi's eyes run up and down the woman's body. Chi swallows as she looks at the woman's weapons, but quickly looks up at her face again. She takes a long bow... "Arigato..."

jumps up a little as the woman walks out..."M-..Miss! What's your-..." she stopped talking as the woman is already out of sight and looks back at the kimono laying on the table, blushing slightly again. She looked at Salina, which is also looking at the kimono a little jealously..."Ne, Salina-chan...Can you believe that ? Such a nice woman..." She picks up the kimono and looks at it, moving it up to her face a little and strokes her cheek on it, she sighs relieved at the smooth feeling, and also the fetching smell of parfume on it.

Chi looked back at the Comm Badge, and puts it on the kimono she's carrying..."Salina-chan, lets go to that room that woman told us about, hai ?"

nodded, and stood up aswell. Suddenly, a young Chrysanthemum walked up to both of them, she smiled and said..."I can take you to the room, if you wish."
Chi nodded at the woman, bowing slightly..."Hai, that would be nice."

The sister walked to the entrance of the Tea house, waiting for them, still smiling. The three walk down the hallway, Chi is carrying her new kimono and the comm badge on it proudly and smiling. They walked through the hallways until they reach the room of their new door. The sister turned to the two..."There we are, I hope you two will have a nice stay on Ainu" She smiled and walked back to the tea house. Chi and Salina walked into the room, and closed the door again.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 09-07-2010

*Weeks have came and past. The station returns to it's normal duties.
Eventually, one event of small notice happens: Lady Kurisho's family Doctors arrive at the station.

After a few days of tests, studying and a few exploratory operations, Kurisho's Doctors decide that Lady Kurisho needs to moved to an more advance medical facility.

As quietly and unnoticed Kurisho's Doctors arrive has been, they leave. Disembarking with a 'Thank You for your help and service'.

The station soon returns to it's normal activities.