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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - darkguardian - 08-03-2007

Incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: Lt.Andre.Kirelenko

Lt.Commander, I am deeply sorry for this. I will take my punishment, whatever it may be. Please forgive me for not being there when I am most needed.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 08-03-2007

Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

I led an attack against the AW in Theta today, and we gained great success. Ivan scouted Corfu base out and fought Stratos to a standstill. Myself and Lt. Kerensky arrived to back him up.

Now, after this an Outcast destroyer, broadcasting the name 'Queenbee' joined in on their side, firing upon us. We took it out, and then moved on the AW fighter as his reinforcements arrived in the form of Tyrfing and Shagohad. Note that Kerensky got all the killing blows, although Ivan did an admirable job of providing cover, and worked as a good detonator on my mine passes.

Point of interest, folks; with much personal insult to myself and the others, the AW pilots persisted in calling us Xenos, pirates or terrorists. Really, the Asgard Warriors should know by now who they are losing a war to!

-Ares out!

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 08-04-2007

"Warp Engines Online Grand Admiral!"

"Very well Chief, Make it so!"

"Taking us through... now!"

A crackle, a shoosh, and a burst of light, and the Terra III and nearly an eighth of the Coalition fleet flashed into the warp. When they return, and where, no-one could say. But they did say that Mcintosh, once a mere commander in the BAF, had certainly rocked the boat.

"Well, they're gone Admiral Britanov. Shall we launch the attack?"

"Do it!"


<div align="right]-Izaak

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 08-04-2007

Comm ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Firstly, our farewells to the Grand Admiral from the Coalition's fighter pilots. Hopefully Britanov will do your legacy justice.

Secondly, my report on todays actions...

Myself and Lt. Kerensky jumped in our fighters and engaged an HF fighter, Kayvesk, and an AW fighter, Stratos in Omega 5. Kayvesk's ship was ripped apart, bit by bit, falling apart like a right rust-bucket. Kerensky claimed the kill.

We had Stratos pinned down, and he was forced to disengage (Lagged out. Fair enough to him.).

After this we entered Bretonian space. Myself and Kerensky got in our bombers and attempted to hunt the Cichlid battlecruiser in Leeds. However, it appeared too frightened to show itself to us, and the newly arrived Ivan Voronov, in his new fighter providing Cruise Disruptor support.

Before Ivan arrived though, we were attacked by the SF heavy fighter named Grentha. After just two passes in our bombers, Kerensky put a Nova through his viewscreen with a beautifully aimed shot.

The three of us set off home to Cape Verde and lo and behold! We found an RSAM tagged ship in restricted territory! Legacy, he was named, attempted to pass through, in spite of our hurling of warnings to the rookiee. Well, we got him to stop and blasted him for his insolence. I ripped his shields off with a Nova, which was instantaneously followed by Kerensky's.

This wasn't all though, my brothers and sisters! We got a distress call from my cousins on Crete that the NovaPG were attacking. Myself, Sonja and Ivan moved to respond to this call rapidly.

When we arrived, Sonja and I pounded their gunboat, the Dragon-002, with antimatter shells. I claimed the kill. I also managed to put a Nova torp into Rogue.

Of their remaining two fighters, one burnt up in Crete's atmosphere, the other fled. The Brotherhood seem grateful and will probably not get so smart-assed with us in future. They even offered us free drinks in the bar. Sonja, Ivan and I will take up their offer later.

Furthering the cause of the people,

-Ares out

Addition for command (CC Sonja Kerensky):

I do believe that Sonja Kerensky has shown the dedication and enthusiasm to have earned her place commanding a Coalition gunboat for us. Her simulator tests are the best on record, to boot.

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sonja - 08-04-2007

Comm ID: Sonja Kerensky
To: Lt Commander Ares

I thank you Lt Commander Ares for the recommendation for the position as a Gunboat pilot, and if I am approved of this position I will not disappoint. You flatter me too much saying that my simulator records are the best. I will repay the favour one day in any way you wish sir, and I am eternally gratetful for your faith in my skill.

Also, thankyou for getting us the drinks in the bar, with your robotic arm I knew you would bring at least a crate of the stuff over, I just didn't expect you to put the wine shelf next to our table.

For the Coalition!

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 08-06-2007

Begin Transmission

To: All of SCRA
From: Admiral Viktor Britanov

Whilst outside Verde HQ, after a destroyer hunting exercise (which was successful. The Kusari Destroyer, Shagohad was destroyed in Omega 11), we were invaded by the Rheinland Scum Assault Mercenaries, or RSAM. Two Rheinland destroyers were immeadiately reduced to debris by myself, Lt. Kerensky and Lt. Commader Voronov.

The RSAM have also contacted me over comms and had the cheek to insinuate that they would soon be a threat to the mighty Coalition forces. I shall spit on their corpses. Give them a message that we are not to be messed with. Hunt them down and rip them apart.

That is all

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 08-07-2007

Begin Transmission

To: All SCRA
From: Admiral Viktor Britanov

It has come to my attention that the Bretonians and those in Rheinland have begun to slacken off their defences, having not had a decent attack towards them for a while. Sources also say that Rheinland has been gathering forces immeasurably.

In light of this new information, orders are as follows:

All co-ordinated attacks will be into house space, with the desired effect being the destruction of their police and military. As always, pirates are to be engaged at will. However, military targets come first.

If anyone has any questions about these orders, now is the time to ask them. Any questions that waste my time will be dealt with harshly.

End Transmission

OOC: Attacking the same targets over and over is becoming boring for both sides. Lay off the AW for a while, unless they attack first. Also, RP insulting, as I have told you, is to be toned down. Replace it with Coalition and communistic comments. Stay away from after-battle mockery. However much we agree or disagree, I don't want another sanction on the SCRA. I'm sure you can all understand that.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sonja - 08-07-2007

To: All SCRA
Comm ID: Lieutenant Sonja Kerensky

Orders understood sir. However, the [RSAM] along with some AW help decided to invade again today. The [RSAM] fought hard, but was no match, and the AW perished under my guns a mere fifteen seconds after the [RSAM] pilot ejected. I don't think the AW know who they are fighting.

The same [RSAM] pilot in his fighter, the Legacy, entered Omega 52 again later, with a spare fighter. He had obviously changed somewhat after losing his first ship, because he fought hard. Just before the solar storm around Cape Verde, where all ships and equipment were shut down, I scanned his ship. We both had full shield batteries, but I had 11 more nanobots than him.

Needless to say, I would have killed him for being so foolish, but the solar storm rescued his craft, and he managed to escape before the Verde defenses reactivated. My Eagle is undergoing electronics replacement to make sure a solar flare or similar electro-magnetic pulse event cannot disrupt my systems again.

The [RSAM] are becoming a pest, like a rat in the sewers. I suggest we show them who they are dealing with very soon. It also seems that the AW want to take advantage of us attacking military targets.

Transmission End

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 08-07-2007

To: Admiral Britanov
Comm ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

I do have some queries regarding your order to engage the militaries before pirates...

As you know, I have personal issues regarding the peddlers of Cardamine, particularly Outcasts. They have a very strong grip upon the population of Sirius, essentially enslaving the poor of Sirius with their purple grasses. This has potential for worse oppression and standards of living than under the current governments. Rule by corrupt drug lords would, in my opinion, be worse.

So, with your permission, if I see the option to target either armed Cardamine dealers or a military target, I will shoot the gangster scum. Of course, this will, for the most part, be during raids into House systems.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sonja - 08-08-2007

To: All SCRA
Comm ID: Sonja Kerensky

Today, I witnessed an act of absurdity! Some bounty hunter docked on Cape Verde station, and tried to ridicule communism (not successfully I might add).

My gunnery crews watched in horror as he executed the docking sequence with Cape Verde, and as such were in a temporary state of paralysis. This is being fixed as we speak, with the gunners taking a few lashes before they get back on duty.

Here are the shots that the on board camera managed to take:

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

How do we deal with this kind of action sir? The Verde security doesn't recognise him as a threat, he can stay there all year!

End Transmission