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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 07-02-2009


Mr Joe Mizerk, Samuel Hennesey, Gavin Owens, Simon Mann, you have been accepted. Suit up, gents.

Tyler Zahara, and Mr Huggin, please answer the questions sent on private comms.

Mandalore William Bishop

<Note to self. Order more Eagles.>

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 07-02-2009

Mr Huggin, you are also accepted.

Saddle up, sir.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 07-02-2009

Mr Tyler Zahara, your answers were also satisfactory, and you are therefore accepted.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - jabsjabs - 07-09-2009

*** Incomming Transmission ***

*** Location Unknown...Possible locations New York system, Texas, California....New London, error ***

*** decrypting message ***

*** Play... ***

"A friend once asked me what is the most important thing in my life, I told him that throughout the years I have learned many things that people hold dear. Respect, liberty, honour and sacrifice, the ability to show that you work for a higher cause, many people I met said such things. I however told him that the bounty on his head was currently the most pressing priority in my mind...he didn't take it well. I don't know why he fired on me, the valuables alone whould have more than paid his bounty, he gave me no choice."

*A video stream of a ship being blown up is shown*

"It was from this day that I learned somthing important, I earned all I have from nothing, I entered a cruel and unforgiving Space where every day felt like it would be my last. I have escorted mining transports and taken bounties, tracked targets and repaired my ship many times over, hell I even managed to scrape enough together for an Eagle. But the one thing I always had was a companion, now he's gone and i'm alone...he was stupid to steal those valuables, I warned him and he paid the price...but so did I. It's made me grow up and relise just how quickly things can go wrong, I need to take more account of my life and get into somthing more organised.

Anyway enough of this misery, My name is just Gandheart, i've being operating solo for some time now but things have got stale, companies are not taking private contracts like they used to and I feel a group like the Mandalorians would be of great benefit, I mean everyone has heard of the Manalorian Mercenaries. My history is somthing I don't openly share, but it certainly wasn't a lavish upbringing, it taught me to buckle up, taught me to fight back, and i've been fighting back ever since.

In my earlier flying years I met a Mandalorian in my travels, he guided us through a gas system which would have been suicide on our own, so I still feel to this day that I own the Mandalorians somthing back, as as I have had time to reflect I feel that this is the right time to do so. One good turn deservers annother as the old saying goes.

I am 27 years of age, I would describe myself as a decent pilot, I am a fairly good shot, will see a contract through, although dying is not somthing I plan to do anytime soon, so don't expect a death charge. The main thing I need however is support and I will repay that with good service as any organisation would expect. The most important thing to me is getting the job done, not at any cost, but with common sense, somthing that seems to be lacking in some corners of this space.

I look forward to your reply, which you should send to the attached frequency...This is Gandheart logging out"

*** End Transmission ***

1- For how long have you been playing on Discovery? July, 2009.

2- What made you come play on Discovery? I discovered this mod through a lucky find online, enjoying both RP and FL it immediatley kindled my intrest.

3- What other characters do you have on the Discovery server? Currently...none.

4- What OOC reason do you have for joining the MM? I find RP to be the most fun with an organised established group, plus I enjoy playing as a Merc, so the two went together.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Malexa - 07-09-2009

As seeing you have already some experience in our business, you might be a good addition to the great Mandalorian Mercenaries.

I feel sorry for your loss Mr Gandheart. If you wish to join our brethren and sistren, I would gladly forward this to the Mandalore himself and talk with him about your application.

As a Consul, I am currently bound to other duties, so I wont be able to establish a personal meeting with you, to make myself a picture of yourself.
Maybe I can be the bearer of the Mandalores and the Consuls reply soon.
Delivering blades was always my favorite.

Consul Diana Blane

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 07-10-2009

"Diane", exclaimed William, "if you feel a pilot meets our standards, you may accept him without requiring my assent."

"This 'Gandheart', for instance. Get him into a ship, as soon as possible."

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Malexa - 07-10-2009

Diana nodded fast.
"I was expecting your positive reply on this one, William."

Diana turned her head around when leaving for her ship.
"Lets see if I can catch him somewhere out there. You know that I lik to hunt."

Diana smiled and left.

A few hours later, Consul Diana Blane was able to find a Zoner, who managed to identify the location of Gandheart.
Newark Station.
Diana Blane docked a few minutes later and went looking for the new warrior.

Gandheart was waiting, right next to his Eagle. Refueling seemed to be boring.

"Boredomness is a feeling of your past life Mr. Gandheart."
Gandheart turned around fast, his hands went for his Blaster.
Sneaking up on him seemed to scare him somehow.

"Who are you for gods sake? Dont dare to scare me again like this! I easily could have....."

"You could have been killed, right." Diana interrupted him.

"Get your ship refueld Mr Gandheart, then meet me in space.
Follow me without question and your new life may begin soon.
After your training, you may be ready to claim, that you might could have killed a Mandalorian, when beeing scared."

Gandheart was looking at the smiling woman, at first not having a single clue who she was.
Suddenly he recalled a Mandalorian message.

"Consul Diana Blane" he mumbled while grabbing his helmet and paying the fuel afterwards.


Here are the links you need to know:
The Mandalore's Office Its an overview. Please read as much as you can to get an idea how we work and how our office is build up. BOOKMARK THIS!

Guidlines for Warriors Act like a real warrior.

Mandalorian Warriors Add your Bio in here.

Our currently contracts Stick to them, they are our bread and butter. Pay attention on the conditions and where you can hunt.

Executed Jobs Jobs done? A dead body in your hold? Get in here and please stick to the form.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Fori - 07-16-2009

Hola! this is Fori. I started out as a gambler in pittsburgh, won a ship there, than with that i made myself up to a good transporter, than when i collected some money i tryed to do some unlawfull trades aswell. From fighting pirates, to fighting the police, i've done it all. Now i have 50.000.000$ and i'm tired of trading. From the first fight with a pirate, i felt something....something that burned my blood. Ever since i fought everyone who tryed to stop my convoy. Since shooting, and killing targets become like a drug to me, i think i can feed my hunger as a Mercenarie. Plus i want to evolve my skills of fighting different types of enemy, and have fun in the meantime(and getting some nice $$$). If you think you can use me in your ranks than accept me.
With respect,


Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Malexa - 07-18-2009

[font=Century Gothic]Consul Diana Blane was sitting on a crate at the Manhattan main port.

"Good lord, he is late!" She mumbled while taking a look at her watch.

Just in that moment an Armored transport arrived at the port, coming from Newark Station.
Diana had to squint her eyes due to the fact she had to look against the sun.

[color=#FFCC66]"Complaining seems to help."
She said to herself when her feet touched the ground. She raised one hand to shield her eyes from the sun.

"The only thing missing is a sign with his name on, I feel stupid right now."

When finishing the sentence, she spotted a man looking out for someone.

"That must be him!"

She walked over to him openly. That was not her usual behaviour.

"You must be Fori, our new warrior. Good, don't waste your time by saying something you just studied in onboard the shuttle, just follow me to my ship. I will take you to Barrier Gate Station.
This is it my brother, you made it. Welcome Mandalorian warrior. Your training awaits you already."

"Ah and on a sidenote, don't even think of touching the Pinot Noir when we land. Mandalore Bishop would kill you himself if you get yourself a bottle unasked."

Diana laughed while helping Fori getting his bags onboard.


Congratulations Fori,
Your application got accepted.

Welcome within our ranks warrior. Please PM me your skypeaccount and I will add you to the channel. From there we will help you to get your character started and aid with questions you may have.

Link to the Office of the Mandalore
Bookmark this. You will need it often.

The Warriors creed
Read the rules, they are our bread and butter.

Our contracts
Stick to them. They get us payed. The normal bounties are for regular Bounty Hunters, we mainly do contracted work.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Seth Karlo - 07-24-2009

Sophie sighed as she walked along the barren roads. Her feet hurt, her back ached and her blaster grew heavier with each slow step.

But she kept walking.

Her eyes narrowed as she focused on object after object. Noting, registering, always watching. They called her the hawk. Fast, deadly, never caught off guard. Sometimes she enjoyed the fame, and at other times it disgusted her.

She was tired of Mercenary work, tired of making friends and then being forced to kill them. She was tired of having to stoop as low as some of the criminals she killed, sometimes sleeping in hallways in Freeports, waking in the middle of the night to fight off a drunken wannabee rapist. She was weary of the constant struggle to make ends meet, and she was fed up with having to dishonor herself again and again.

The straps of her bag cut into her shoulders as she walked along the road, and an elegant hand curled around the sunglasses that rested upon her face. 2 thin fingernails, lightly topped with dark red nailpaint slid along the stalk of the glasses, this simple act looking erotic and breathtaking for any onlookers. Her hips lightly jutted to the right, and she placed all her weight on her right heel as she rested for a moment.

In the distance stood the barracks of the Mandalorians.

It's roof glinted in the the bright sunlight, sending rays of hope and interest in all directions. Around it buzzed a hive of activity, and it was this that had caught Sophies eye.

Perhaps she could find a life of honor here... a life where she could work without fear of humilating herself. Perhaps she could find friends... a partner.

Sometimes she felt so alone.

A rustle in the brush distracted her, and her head shot round, her eyes picking out a man running towards her. He held his gun with a shaking hand, and croaked out his demand.

"Open the pack lady..."

She smirked, her mouth curving lightly at each edge. The deep rouge lipstick that decorated her lips pulled eyes away from her left hand, that was arcing towards her leg. The man made a gesture with his gun, indicating she should speed up. He took a step forwards.

It was the last step he took. Sophies hand flashed in the sunlight, a blade sliding out of a leg pouch. It glinted dangerously as it ripped through the air to meet the man's throat.

She sighed. Killing for killing's sake was something she needed to stop doing. She could have easily kicked the blaster out of the mans hand and incapacitated him, but it had been easier to kill... Such things should not happen.

She lightly tugged the blade out of the mans jugular, her raven black high heel resting against his chest as she pulled. After replacing the knife, she turned back to the dusty track ahead of her.

A new life awaited.

When she arrived, she placed a photo of herself in the box next to the ornate doors, with a little bit of information about herself.

Name: Sophie Kell
Age: 23
Occupation: None at the moment.
BirthPlace: Planet New London
Current residence: Outside your barracks
Current Ship: Sold it to get here.
Spouses: None
Parents: Dead.
Picture: [Image: SophieKell.jpg]
Thank you for applying!


1- For how long have you been playing on Discovery?

Blimey, I dunno... I can't see from the Add Reply screen. Maybe a year and a bit? Ah! April... 2008?

2- What made you come play on Discovery?

Ooooh, how philisophical of you. Etaphreven brought me here from a PvP server, and I enjoyed it so much I stayed.

3- What other characters do you have on the Discovery server?

Too many. Do you really need a list?

4- What OOC reason do you have for joining the MM?

I've always enjoyed the idea of a Mercenary (2nd character) But I did it badly the first time I tried to play a Merc. The MM looks fun, and I can earn money aswell, which is always nice.

Oh, and Dieter told me to:)
