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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 12-26-2009

Malrone starts laughing and shaking his head as Jimmy tells him about the redlight district

Nah nah no. Family fun, family fun. Bloody cheeky devil you are!

He takes a sip of his Ale and sloshes some onto the table.

Whoops. Umm...what was I say---Oh, right, fishing. That sounds good. I remember when Malrone, y'know the other one, well we went on a few fishin' trips. Planet...Kurile I think it was.

Jack looked down into his glass, his smile faded and he fidgeted with his drink coaster

Heh. Ancient history though, right?

There was a short pause and a loud Captain barged in, breaking the awkward silence. He started yelling for a strong drink. Malrone's smile came back as he watched the Captain storm across the room. As an Ensign jumped out of his seat and ran out of the room, apparently going to find Gafwmn.

He's got a better chance of finding a Bretonian meatball on a Kusarian's plate than finding Gafwmn at this time of the night.

Malrone finishes off yet another glass of Ale and finds himself slouching slightly on the fluffy, soft couch.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Sonja - 12-26-2009

What sort of bar and grill is this...? Christina thought as she slid in, passed the quickly exitting ensign. Deciding not to make an issue of it due to the package in her handbag, she scanned the room, rapidly finding what she was looking for.

She stepped softly behind the newly promoted Commander and Captain Patterson, lounging on an unhealthily soft couch. Approaching the pair, she placed two heavy hands on each of their shoulders, startling them slightly. Neither yet blessed with the bleary eyes telling of an injestion of too much ale, she smiled down with a little too much pleasure.

'Hello, gentlemen. Relaxing in fine style I see, backs straight and all.'

They both made to say something, but Christina got there first.

'Ah, ah, not a word, I'd like to guide you fellows over to Vice Admiral Anderson over there.' She nodded in the direction to the bar.

'I've a little present to share with the three of you...'

What the hell am I doing? This place is a veritable dump... were the words that came to the Commodore's head as she started tugging the pair of officers towards Galen, who was busy typing away at a datapad.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 12-27-2009

Malrone gets startled by the Commodore's entrance, almost spilling his drink. Then he remembered...he'd finished off the last of it just moments ago. This is about the time he'd be walking out the bar - A little fuzzy but not quite "sloshed". However, the Commodore was busy tugging his jacket towards the Vice Admiral.

Hey, uh...C-Commodore, m-----mind not getting the uh new bars greasy?

The Commodore didn't pay any attention to Jack. He turned to Jimmy and they both had the same look of fear in their eyes. Jack hated surprises - Surprises had always been a bad thing for him in the time he spent in the service.

Heeeyyy, Gal---Vice Admiral. Errr, umm...

Anderson swings around on his chair, still focusing on his datapad and starts looking up at the Commander. Jack coughs and his eyes dart around the room as he straightens out his jacket when the Commodore releases her grip from it. He gets a bewildered look and slowly turns his head to the Commodore.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Sonja - 12-27-2009

'Maybe you've drunk a little more than I thought, Commander.' Christina hadn't imagined it'd be this hard to keep a smile on her face while 'celebrating' the new promotions. Better to see it through to the end, she thought.

She averted the Commanders gaze and pulled out a bottle of Gallic 795.

'Well before we even knew of Gallia, courtesy of our Council friends that peddle their goods through Liberty recently. You three enjoy it, I have a few matters to attend to.'

Turning away gracefully, Christina cantered towards the exit of the bar.

'Thank god that's over...' She whispered to herself, perhaps a little too soon.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 12-27-2009

He sits down at a stool, hearing the slight hiss of the cushiony seat deflating as he eases himself onto it. Malrone leans back on his stool as he watches the Commodore leaving the bar, almost losing his grip on the bar table. He quickly corrects himself and swings back towards the bar. He looks at Jimmy and Galen and claps his hands together with glee.

Right. Now that she's gone, lets crack open this bottle, eh?

Galen cocked his head slightly and started to say something.


C'mon, Anderson, you honestly thought I was drunk?

As Jack was busy trying to jam the corkscrew into the weird-shaped Gallic bottle, A nervous grin sweeps across Jack's face, hoping Anderson wouldn't take any action against him...

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Sonja - 12-27-2009

Christina shouted back, once she had passed the exit.

Oh, and if you see Virgil, hide it from him please? He's enough of a drunk as it is without fine wines finding their way on to a concrete paving slab somewhere!

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Contaan - 12-27-2009

Arching his eyebrows towards the leaving Commodore, Galen looked back at the two officers.

"I..suppose its fine, 'sides, we're off duty." the Vice Admiral said as he saw Malrone trying to open the bottle.

"Bartender, could you get us a couple glasses?" Galen asked as he swivled his chair to put his datapad into his pocket. He suddenly noticed other patrons looking in their direction but ignored the stares.

Chuckling, Galen asked, "So.. how are things going? Its good to see you both away from the usual crap that goes on."

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 12-28-2009

"here jack this makes things alot easier i use it to open my wisky" jim relyed as he drew his service issue multi tool knife and extended the sharpened and curved bottle opener tip,and dug the blade into the cork" barkeep the glasses while were young please" the 6'2 solid muscle officer said his eyes were serious he also flashed his ice look over the patrons who all promtly backed off upon noticeing his Spec force Dagger patch on his uniform " fine liquor huh shame i cant get drunk as easly as yourselfs damned biochips they gave me dilute any poisions in my system it was incase i got captured or had to go undercover so i can drink,but itll take me twice as long to get sloshed as anybody here" he sighed and lit a ciggertte" and if your woundering why i havent had them removed ,its because they were microsurgicly implanted in my brain,part of Deltas'"augmentation " process,the rest is classified but my musculator and bones are twice as dense and strong respectfully as a result" he fnished as the barkeep passed them the glasses

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-28-2009

Jenkin Shiv heard the Jarhead make a boast


Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Ocampo - 12-28-2009

Jack Will walks into the bar slowly but swiftly, and takes a seat by himself in a under-lighted part of the bar.

Ah this should be a good job to do my work

Jack had a big folder in his hand filled with papers

Oh how I love doing this paperwork

People in the bar knew he was just kidding, he was now pondering on something else, he has hungry and wanted food

Bartender, I would like a bottle of my usual and a cheeseburger to please my hunger, you know how I like it down.

The bartender took his order and went back to the kitchen, Jack was now looking at all his papers and than took out a data-pad and started typing