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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 12-28-2009

He was just about to thank Jimmy for his multi-purpose knife thingo, when he was rudely interrupted by a seemingly drunk captain in the corner of the bar, shouting something about a drunk microchip. Well, thats what Malrone heard, anyhow. He glares at the loud captain and then turns back to Galen and Jimmy.

Bloody noisy one he is. Oh, and thanks for the uhhh...knife thingo, lets see if I can get her...

Jack pry's the knife into the bottle head, flicking out small pieces of the cork, all the while aiming it towards Anderson's head unknowingly...

Ah hell, sorry sir.

He swiftly moves the aim towards what looked like an empty part of the bar. With a strained look sweeping across his face, he looks away and fires the cork at quite a speed across the room.


For a split second, Malrone felt a small victory opening that bottle - He grinned as if he'd just single-handedly destroyed a Rogue fleet heading for a small n' fluffy dog market. He was turning to Anderson just as he heard the small howl given out from where he'd fired the cork. The was look of utter disbelief and slight worry now on his face, with the bubbles from the Gallic wine dripping down his fingers.

Heh. Uhh, sorry about that...

A face emerged from the shadows, alas it was Ensign Will in the corner seat, wielding the deadly cork. Malrone was never good at Cluedo, but the game quickly crossed his mind at this moment.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 12-28-2009

"ensign,you allright?" jim asked as he turned to jack" in laymens terms it takes me 4 times as long to get trashed then a normal person, on that note,fill 'er up" he finished smileing as he sipped the ful lglass after jack had filled it" hey ensign,c'mere and join us they say leave your rank at the door for a reason besides were all firends here anyway"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Ocampo - 12-28-2009

While sitting at his corner table Jack get hit is the head with a wine cork. He was sipping when he was hit and get it all of his papers

Ah damnit, my papers they are ruined, I suppose some Captains will have to redo their stats cards

Jack hears Malrone say he is sorry and walks towards the group

Ah hello sirs, no hard feelings Malrone

Oh and bartender, I would like a cup of coffee

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 12-29-2009

As Will was walking towards the trio of officers at the bar, Malrone heard a gracious acceptance of his apology. He moved over and made way for the Ensign, giving him a light punch.

Well, I'm still sorry 'bout it, Ensign. Here, have some...uhhh "Gallic Wine".

Malrone poured the bubbly liquid into the glass, glancing up at Anderson a couple of times. Not one for multitasking, when Jimmy was talking about his microchip, he felt a sudden chill on his fingertips...he flinched. In the process, the wine went straight onto the Ensign's shirt.

Damn it. Not having much luck, am I? I'll uhh...replace the shirt for ya.

Lucky for the Commander, the bartend brought Will his coffee just as he had his latest mishap, distracting the Ensign from the spillage.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Ocampo - 12-29-2009

Will felt a cold spot on his shirt, he looked down

Ah come on, I just had this washed...

Jack stares at Jack, than similes

Oh well, it is no problem...

Jack starts to pour his 'Half and Half' into his coffee

So...Jack, Jimmy, Anderson, how life been treating ya'?

Jack sips his coffee and awaits an answer

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Contaan - 12-29-2009

The Vice Admiral watched as the cork flew across and hit Ensign Will. As the bewildered ensign walked over, Anderson swivled his chair, with a half-grin and began talking to Captain beside him. Peering from the corner of his eye, he then saw the Commander spill the 'precious' Gallic wine on the ensign as the bartender was comming over. Galen flung his hand behind the counter trying to grab a napkin, hiding his grin, however resulted in a deafening blow to the head.

Everyone looked towards the ruckus at the counter, and at the Vice Admiral.

Pulling another unwilling officer over, he said "We were just uhh.. talking about the situation in the Hudson system weren't we.. uhh Lieutenant?"

The usual dull noise of chatter returned as Galen heard the Ensign ask his question.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Robert.Fitzgerald - 12-29-2009

Thoughts of David Olssen, self-recorded, after a few drinks at the bar:
I feel I don't belong here. No, not that I haven't earned my position as a Captain in her glorious Navy; it took a lot of effort to cut through the ranks. I'm concerned with the attitudes around here. I don't fit in with the ideal model servant of Liberty. I guess that's what you get for taking the unworn path, rather than the well-worn road.

I find it difficult to make friends amongst my peers. That is no worry to me however, I have my family. They're more important than some other Captain vying for -my- future position higher up the chain. As long as my crew obeys me, and I have the support of my mother and father, I will continue to serve Liberty's best interests.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 12-29-2009

Jimmy pocketed his multi-tool and sipped the wine" hmm ,not bad ,not bad at all" jim sighed then turned to answer jacks question" preety good ships fine im starting to feel better life is goood" jim replyed as he took a bigger drink from the glass

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 12-30-2009

Malrone glanced down at the stain on the Ensigns shirt as he raised his glass. He adjusted his view as Jimmy answered Will's question. He nodded and drank some of the wine before splurting out his own answer...

Yeah, life's treating me good. Refitting the Indiana, planning holidays...its all going well.

He takes another gulp of the wine and stares into the glass. Looking up the the trio, he quickly smiles and booms...

Alright! Another round, fellas?

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Marcus Lindberg - 01-05-2010

Commander Jordan Baker walked into the Service Members Bar & Grill looking gloomy at the sight of several Navy officers drinking and eating. She was recently promoted and Navy High Command transfered her over to the LSF to command her new cruiser, the LSFC-Port.Royal. She walked into a bar filled with Navy folks, where no one would care whether she was former Navy or not, she flew LSF colors now, and that caused a lot of pilots to look at her suspiciously, wondering what the hell an LSF was doing in Navy territory.

She went to the bar and asked the waiter for a drink, the waiter, a Navy Ensign, ignored her. She could've had him court martialled for dis obeying a direct order, but she didn't want her (former) navy friends to be even more angry at her than they already were.

She decided to leave the bar, wondering where she would go to have a drink with the people she used to work with. It occurred to her that the people she worked with would no longer care because of the deep rivalry between the two vanguards of Liberty. Now, all she would do is work, and then work some more during her free time since she wasn't welcome in Navy territory anymore.

But she still hoped some non judgemental Navy officer would walk up to her as she left and introduce him/herself and start a friendly conversation, most importantly, get her a drink.

//hope no one minds me posting as LSF, my char is a former navy so yeah