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RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 05-06-2019

Johnathan C. Graham,

We believe that our talks last night have sufficiently informed you regarding your future. Welcome, Initiate. Your application has been accepted.

-The Inner Phalanx

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Miaou - 05-08-2019


Merlin DeMatha



Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record.
Height: ~50cm
Length: 92.2cm
Weight: 20.4 lbs.

Heavy augmetic work throughout body. Currently requiring external recharging of cybernetics every twenty-four hours.

Gallia, New Paris

Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us?
Royal Guard for Lady DeMatha, ex-Gallic Civilian.
Current Liberty legal entity, Legal Mercenary for various Libertonian forces.

Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other)
Logistics, Paramilitary

Briefly tell us about yourself.
I was born in Gallia and was forced to flee due to maltreatment and capture. I fled to Liberty and with assistance of various Navy officers, was able to get asylum and made a legal entity. I have worked for the Liberty Navy ever since, though retired from active bounty hunting when there was a shift within the Navy. A full recording of my tale can be offered if needed.

Why do you wish to join us?
Assistance with my failing cybernetics, a restart on life.


What's your Discord?
I'm there.

Why do you want to join us? Be honest.
Because it seems fun. Also purple is coolest colour.

Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10.
RP skill 7-8, PVP skills 4-8 depending on ship type.

Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior?
Big Promise™.

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Kauket - 05-08-2019

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: tbar_rave2.png]


We would like to meet you in person. For now, consider yourself on a trial period. Please meet us at Invergordon at your earliest convenience.

however you're able to do that.

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - NoMe - 05-08-2019


Roger Fenwick



Medical Specifications: Height 1m85, Weight 78kg, General Physical: Fine and Mental Record Normal.


Previous Jobs: Employé in a civilian base and security in a indie Council base, affiliations: Council and past experiences: Security, Supplyier, Miner.etc? What can you bring to us: I know Sirius, my several experiences, my second official language in gallic space, and more?

Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/HF Pilot/Research & Development/Other)

Briefly tell us about yourself: We have been obliged to leave our system (Roussillon) for political reasons,now i am feelancer and open for a new departure.

Why do you wish to join us: i have read your information page, your diplomacy, and it sound good?


What's your Discord: i will give you it in private?

Why do you want to join us? Be honest: all is already said i think.

Rate your RP: it could be better and PVP skills out 5 of 10.

Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior? YES

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Vendetta - 05-08-2019

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

Roger Fenwick, your application into the Covenant's main body is denied. We will however redirect you to our reserves.

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - 'Vector' - 05-09-2019


Lucian Grier, callsign Vector



Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record.
5'11, 180lbs.
Physical record: Was temporarily removed from active duty due to severe injuries sustained during service. Subject's fighter craft was destroyed by an unidentified ship during a patrol in Inverness. Subject has now completely recovered thanks to time spent in Valravn medical facilities.
Mental evalutation: A recent psychological evaluation conducted after the incident showed nothing out of the ordinary.

Born on Planet Hamburg to Libertonian parents, worked in the Independent Worlds for most of my life.

Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us?
Independent mercenary and convoy guard all over in the Independent Worlds. I can fight the people I don't scare away.

Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other)
Logistics, Paramilitary. I have experience in running convoys, defeating and setting up ambushes, escort duties, and general snubcraft combat.

Briefly tell us about yourself.
What happened during that attack took me by surprise. You can be sure I won't let it happen again. I'm requesting to be officially re-integrated into the fold.
I hope the time I spent escorting the Achlys, the Eidolon Wraith and the Ixion these past few days shows that I'm back at the top of my game.

What follows is an excerpt of my original application.

For most of my life, I was a mercenary by trade. Security detail for merchant convoys through the Independent Worlds, bodyguard to enterprising Freelancers, and even took part in a few hits and ambushes when I needed the credits, though I'm ashamed to admit it now.
Leading this sort of life, you quickly lose all faith in the average human being. I've seen my fair share of atrocities: pirates shooting down escape pods just for the hell of it, slaves packed by the hundreds in cargo holds that were made to transport ore, suspects being executed on the spot by house intelligence agencies... Witnessing that will change a man, generally for the worse. Everyday I would wake up, wondering if there was a point to any of it. Was my only prospect in life to help people kill other people for a handful of credits, switching allegiance every week? Everyone was wasting so much time and energy on petty bullshit, on how to secure such and such contract, on how to avoid those patrols, on how to frame that trader, on how to maximize profit; and no-one seemed to care one bit about the actual issues in this goddamn sector. Who would make sure the anarchy of the Independent Worlds would not spread to the whole of Sirius? Who would make sure we would progress, not regress? Who would protect us from the threats we don't know yet?

It took me 15 years to get tired of it all. I had given up on pretty much anything. I was this close to calling it quits, retiring and living as a hermit for the rest of my life. I probably would have, if I hadn't run into your liaison officer on Invergordon. It's a long shot, but Auxesia are the only ones who seem to care.

Why do you wish to join us?
Originally, I had joined because I wanted to make a difference, to fight for a greater purpose, for people with a vision.
This hasn't changed, but now I have a personal reason. I want to find whatever it was that blew my ship to pieces, and make it pay.


What's your Discord?
I'm already in your chat.

Why do you want to join us? Be honest.
I made an indie out of curiosity, and the interactions we had together in game were great.

Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10.
RP= 7, PVP= 4.

Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior?
I promise.

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Vendetta - 05-09-2019

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

I was wondering when I'd see you here. Glad to see you've made your decision. Your application is approved.

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Lucas - 05-22-2019


Jack Steffens



Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record.
Height: 1,78m
Weight: 81kg
General Pysical and Mental Record: Sane. No notable wounds received during active service on warships.


Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us?
-Commander of ZCV-Sparta, an Aquilon that assisted the Zoner Militia during the initial phases of the Bering Crisis, as well as assisting the Commune and Zoners of Freeport-11 in their negotiations regarding Freeport-11.
- Distant buisness-partner of the Apahantas Blueprint-buisness.
- Previous contacts with the University of Cambridge.

Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other)
Research & Development

Briefly tell us about yourself.
I was born on Planet Cambridge, in the Cambridge System as the son of two bretonian parents. After successfully finishing the basic education system of Bretonia, I decided that I was tired of their goals and ideals, and instead used the money I had collected to buy an old and used space-craft. With that, I went to the nearest Freeport, being Freeport-1 in Omega-3 since I've heard only good things about the Zoners that were the operators of the freeports.

Seeing as I was not a huge fan of the laws and ideals in Bretonia, the Zoners were pretty much exactly what I have been looking for. A group of people that did not have many rules, that accepted almost anyone on their stations and treated most people equally. With that in mind, I decided to join their convoys into the outer regions of the Omegas and Omicrons, and ultimately settled on Freeport-11 after some time.

Being a consistent and trustable member of the Zoner-Community, I ultimately got assigned onto an Aquilon-Class research vessel, which served as my home for a few years. Continually working on it eventually got me promoted to Commander - although I cannot deny the fact that luck was also involved as the prior Commander and the higher-upped personnel were about to resign due to their age - and continued to fulfill the task that was given to the ship - at the time exploring the deeper Omicrons.

At some point, I was part of the negotiations between one of the prior administrators of Freeport-11 and Jared Nomak of the Commune, as I did not want my at-the-time home to be in danger or for people to be slaughtered that had no intention to fight whatsoever.

After partially deescalating the situation in Delta, we joined up with a group known as the Zoner Militia, which at the time were preparing to engage the residents of Bering to reclaim the Freeport that was taken from them. During my time with the Militia, I mainly operated as a negotiator and only ever opened fire on ships in self-defense. By now it should be somewhat obvious that I am not a big fan of killing people without any particular reason.

Meeting Aoi Oono on one of my travels to Kusari, she quickly became a vital part of the ship's most trustworthy and efficient personnel and thus became a part of the Command of the ship. This is important because the Aquilon is no longer under my command - and instead, Oono has full control over it after I decided to resign.

Alongside Oono and the crew, we've also fought off multiple Cultist Invasions such as the invasion of Hudson and the invasion of Hamburg. Luckily, at the time we were still working with the Zoner Militia and thus operated in Hudson and could swiftly assist the local residents in defending their homes from an outside-threat that refused to negotiate. During these raids, we were able to gather and collect data that later on proved to be vital, as well as recovering equipment from the Cultists that were later on brought to the Cambridge University for further research.

After all of that, I decided to resign and took a break on Planet Cambridge, up until Gallia started breaching the New-London defenses and ultimately beginning a slow siege onto our capital. I decided to contact one of the people that I met during the defense against Cultists - the Commander of the Apahanta - and bought the blueprints of multiple experimental weaponry similar to the ones that the Cultists used. To this day, I own these blueprints and have no greater means of using them except for researching a bit on my own.
And now here I am today.

Why do you wish to join us?
To put an end to pointless wars and uniting humanity as one - not many different groups that mercilessly and pointlessly fight each other to the brink of extinction, as well as researching and developing new technology alongside many competent researchers.


What's your Discord?

Why do you want to join us? Be honest.
I'm simply interested in taking another approach at roleplay that I currently haven't done. (Research, not a cocky character.)

Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10.
RP = 5/6 , PvP in Snubs 3/10 Caps 7/10

Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior?
As always, yea.

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Vendetta - 05-23-2019

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

Jack Steffens, your application is approved. Welcome to the Covenant.

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Auxesia Enrollment Center - Yazov - 07-24-2019


Aoi Oono.



Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record.
Height: 1.69 m.
Weight: 55 kg.
General physical and mental record: Sane. Progressive acute social phobia. Overall good health. Prosthesis wrist implants.


Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us?
Part-time job as an IT specialist, private ordrers.
Commanding staff of ZCV-Sparta, and it's smaller sister, ZCV-Corinth.

Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other)
Paramilitary/Research&Development, heavily leaning to the R&D.

Briefly tell us about yourself.
I've been born on Kyushu, and have spent most of my lifetime planetside, and received my basic education in the orphanage. Luckily enough, i've had an unrestricted access to the local library, which held a rich fund of technical specialisation books, related to basic and advanced engineering, and Neural Network development and maintenance. This, along with the abundance of free time, have pretty much formed the solid theoretical knowledge base.
As i have turned eighteen - i had to leave the orphanage and immediately put all the knowledge to use - following the necessarity to sustain myself, i took a first small private order, followed by few less trivial tasks from the same employer. He was paying enough, and i did not really care about his victims.
One of such orders have brought me to the Omicrons, in the middle of year 824. That's when i first met Jack Steffens, the person who offered me a much more stable, safe and convenient job aboard of his ship, which i accepted; aside from that, he adopted me as his sister.

That happened shortly before the Sparta departed to Bering - by that time, Tarrafal have emerged and it's crew have declared their rightful claim; despite this endeavour have never actually reached any logical conclusion - my brother's presence have allowed to significantly de-escalate the situation and prevent evenr more blood being spilled among the rocky wastes of the Tanner belt.
This is where we - me and Jack - have parted our ways, as he choose to resign and take his rest, returning to his home, the Sparta under my command have since then been traversing between the Freeports, watching over peace around these bustling hubs of Independent Worlds. Recently, i sought to reunite with him while seeking for a new purpose.

Why do you wish to join us?
My brothers' creed have always been to keep peace where it was most needed. Since the very first day, i have followed him and ensured he'll be able to uphold his words unobstructed. Becoming a part of the Covenant would be the very climax of following his desire of peace.


What's your Discord?

Why do you want to join us? Be honest.
I've been looking at the recruitment thread for quite some time, and, looking at the overall positive experience of interactions with the faction - i want to take a closer look at it, as well as build up something out of the RP opportunities it gives.

Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10.
RP - 7/10. PvP - 6/10 (snubs) 7/10 (caps).

Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior?