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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - mixchemical - 08-08-2009


Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 08-09-2009

Mr Vice and 'Rapscallion'

Please respond to the questions you have been sent.

Mr, er, Mixchemical, did you intend to apply?

Thank you, gents.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 08-12-2009

Mr, err, Rapscallion (?)

Application accepted.

Suit up son, money to be made.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - tarantio.dace - 08-12-2009

*jumps up and down*


*belts it out of the bar for his ship*
"Rapscallion away!"

{over the comm}
:: meet you in Coronado ::

<--Ships log-->

Whoooo! aah life is good. who'd have thought it? I'm accepted, hah! that little Corsair bit sister of mine would never have believed this possible. and now some day i can teach her that killing your brothers best friend is not the best of things to do. nor is stealing his ship. Dad will be so proud, i'll have to meet up for a beer if im around the Manhatten system, i'll message him later. he can tell mother too if she's not gallavanting in Bretonia again.
Right lets get this boat in the water,

<--/ ships log-->

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Ucaledek - 08-14-2009

Pete Templer was the son of a mid-level beaurecrat in the Libertonian government. When he was 14 his mother was sent on a 2-year long audit of the docking bay maintenance schedules on several stations throughout Liberty space. Leaving her children with her husband, a mildly successful financier, she embarked on her career-making journey. But outside of Toronto Station, she was taken in an Outcast slaver raid out of Malta.

Despondent, Pete's father began using the insurance payout on wild speculative schemes, such as the ill-fated Tuttle Creek Mining, Inc. venture and the New Omicron Cartographers, LLC debacle, and drink. Frittering away both his finances and his social status, he abandoned his children the day after Pete turned 18. Left with meager finances and several younger siblings, Pete joined the Liberty Navy, sending remittances as large as he could muster to his remaining family. Though the pay was scant and conditions unpleasant, at least he could help fight the same scum that had ruined his family. Though fairly well liked by his comrades and respected for his bravery in a fighter, his lack of focus when not in a ship kept him from moving very far up the ranks.But with the recent outbreak of hostilities with Rheinland, the focus of his superiors shifted.

Pete, furious at his superiors lack of priorities, resigned and took his remaining salary and, mortgaging his family's home, bought and kitted out a spaceship to hunt down any scum he could for a profit. After a few months of low-cash bounties, mostly for freighter pilots who'd absconded with cargo and warrants for petty thieves, he heard about a new search for recruits for the Mandalorian Mercenaries in a bar in a Junker base. Intrigued, and needing contacts and connections to land some larger rewards, he thought he'd pursue this.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 08-14-2009

Mr Templar

Your application is accepted.

Please understand. We work for Outcasts at times.

Does that pose a problem for you?

We could, in fact, use our contacts to gain your mother's freedom.

Does that idea have any appeal to you?

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Ucaledek - 08-14-2009

Templer's console flickered on. Rolling over from his bed he sleepily read the message.

Nice. The warning about Outcast contracts made him pause a moment. Jean was more moody than normal last he'd chatted with her. Something about school fees. Ah well, he knew people were mostly garbage, regardless of stripe. Those slavers were probably dead anyway, life expectancy being what it was these days out there, with the wars going on. In the end, he'd have to take money wherever it came from. At least till he got the others graduated.

"I'll take the jobs. Not too picky. I'd appreciate if someone did a little sniffing around." He typed back. Switching the panel off, he rolled back over but wasn't asleep when his alarm sounded several hours later.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - jlrfernandez - 08-21-2009

...-This time i'll get him... Nobody thinks that will be in caught near home, but I have some friends here and one bribe sometimes can make our job very easy... yes my friend, I'll kill you. - Vau.Bendak

Our friend Bendak got a contract from the high comand of Lane Hackers: Kill one of their own members.
How come? you ask... well the target is called Thomas.Brauss borned under the hacker territory and protetion on Mactan base, he is a hacker by heart... but how far he would go? The heads of hackers was asking to them selves.
His last attack he spread terror on the trade lanes. He stoped a passager ship with numbers of bank accounts and secret information about military tech. All that info could be classified as unlawfull since this kind of tecnology should not be on the hands of private coorporations and on that ship nobody knew about it just the captain who earned a good amount to keep the secret. The coorps used a civilian cruiser so it would not brind too much the attention over it, they used it like a shelter to cover the operation.
Dont ask me how Brauss knew about that, this is a speciality of hackers, information is power and they know this very well.
Until now he would be considered a god for captured all that data, but after the comander of that civilian ship had given all the things Brauss wanted, our hacker simply destroyed the ship killing all the inocent people inside.
The lane hackers leaders chose to stop with this, since Brauss was doing this kind of things with frequency and was catch too much attention over the hackers. This is not how they do their business they avoid direct confrontation when possible prefering just deal with information, but how the leaders would stop him without been charged of killing one of their own kind?

This is how the bendak hunt start...
Ho yes... i love this atmosfere of freeports always tense, specially the number 4 with the constant presence of those criminals kind.
I went straight to the bar, i have a friend here... yes that old bastard is a barmen here. Brad.Willys ... my friend.. we fought toghether on special operations against rheiland house for the liberty, and look at him: one bionic leg and false teeth yes he lost all of them. This is what you got after fight so hard for a house but i cant complain. This is how the "system" works with all those fake politicians.
After talk to him, he present me a lane hacker not too loyal to his ideal, and with some credits i got a info that Thomas.Brauss came once a week to freeport 4 to visit his girl. ... yes probably he has a family like me, but work is work right? nothing personal ( that hacker who got the bribe said to me that he would travel with all that money that i gave to him, I hope he travel straight to hell for what he did with one of his arm friends, he killed him)... Willys got me good conections and i got a fake job on the docks of fp4, i would not kill Brauss here since i have honour and i respect the freeports neutrality, but i can do some tricks. 3 days of this fake job and there was him on his bayonet ship docking. i went on his direction and asked if he wanna refueling his ship he give me an ok, and said to me for taking care of his ship very well or it will cost my job ( hahaha that bastard didnt know that my job was him! ).
I installed a signal emissor on the ship cargo bay, the lane hackers leaders gave me this equipment just for this mission, they said that with this equipment I could scan his ship from very far distances ( i dont know how they can do this, but they really can ) and said to me that after i accomplished my job i should give the equipment back.
Now my hunt begins... i can remenber when i was young.. my father and I always went on hunt on the weekend... and now i do the same as him, but i hunt people, its intresting that something that i was used to do on the past for fun would help me alot on my job my father must be pride of me or maybe not who knows? but i'm good on hunt and this is what count, all i know my fether did teach me.
yeah.. there was him on wendell ice field, sitting on a trade lane waiting for the next prey. I stoped and was waiting for any distraction because wanted to do a surprise attack. And after 4 hours a defenceless convoy appears and fall on his hands, he was so concetrated with his prey that didnt saw my torpedo coming!!! I shred his ship and tracted his pod, the convoy was grateful and gave me some money which i accepted (life is tough and some money is always welcome).
I tractored all his ships parts and threw all on the sun direction including his pod ( I almost got killed since i needed to enter sun corona to make sure that he would not survive ) this was part of the contract... to disapear with any track about his ship this was what my client wanted so this was my job, this is my life.

Name: Vau.Bendak
Borned on liberty
27 years, full of battles and hunts, still need to improve but i have motivation for that and works hard.
I hope i can join the mandalorian mercenaries...
I like the RP of discovery server and i already saw mandalorians on action and its all about RP this caught my attention, you do a nice job, and if i join i would be gratefull to help on keep this way and follow the Mandalorians rules.
See you mates! waiting contact...

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Aazalot - 08-21-2009

Communication Recieved
Reference: Joining Mandalorian Ranks.
Sender: Aazalot Voncloud.
Message Play:

To the Mandalorians, My Name is Voncloud, word has reached my ear that you are wishing to bolster your ranks. I Wish to apply my services to do such a task.
I am a Mercenary through and through, my only real loyalty has been to the credit. Those who pay me are my allys, once the payments end, they are nothing but another ship. I have no issue with any job as long as the pay is good, i have a reputation among the stars for being somewhat cold hearted, often times i have been contracted to help out the police ina raid on pirates, the very next day being hired by the same pirates to take out s specific police pilot from the same force. My focus on a contract is never shattered, i will follow the employers words, orders and objectives with every piece of skill and professionlism i possess, and the task will not be left undone unless my ship or myself is unable to do so. I have always had alone wolf persona about me, i prefer to work alone, and use my own methods without interfearance, but it has come to my notice, that nowadays, even a Lone Wolf as experianced as me, needs a pack to work with.
I make my base at Java Station, but i also bunker down in Freeport 9+11. I fly the Ravens Talon Fighter, she is my pride and joy, and i will not be replacing her, if this is an issue, then the application can stop here.

A history of myself as i think you deserve to know.

A Vast majority of my life i have been a Mercenary, at a time i was incredably rich from it. However as with most Sentiant life, when one has money, there is only one thing they want...more money. There was a time when work had dried up. Pirates were under control, there was peace accross Sirius, Traders no longer needed Escorts, bountys were few and far between, and the Security forces had all the firepower they needed. So to quench the thirst for that Sacred green paper, i turned to the House of the Devil, The Casino.
I squadered my money on gambling, a few highs were to many was enough to make me gamble not only my entire wealth..but my ship, equipment and the holdings i had on my Outpost in the tau systems.
I had lost it mearly a bum without a Credit to my name. My skills in the cockpit were considered amongst one of the that ment exactly nothing..
After 4 years of being nothing..fortune came to me..i stumbled onto a firearm, it seemed fairly new, fully loaded. Without thinking i went to the planet bounty boards, a few smugglers were wanted, this was the chance i needed, the bounty was easy to get, the smuggler was a wimp, quickly pleeing for his life at the site of the small blaster i had. With the money from one bounty, i better equipped myself, armor, weapons, Soon i started to hire myself out as a Mercenary again, bodyguard, assassin, sabatour. Once the money was availiable i hired a small ship, a starflier. Using it to return to Java Station, it was unused..deserted. I was able to dock with it still however, the automatic sequence still functioning. As i docked, i looked over at the number 2 dock, a site for my very sore pride and joy was still here, obviously never collected by the gambler i lost her to. The Ravens Talon, i rested my eyes on her dusty yet beautiful hull. I knew this was my chance to get back into the game properly, After some modifications and upgrades, my ship flew again.
In Closing, i hope to have a message waiting on my comms screen when i awake in 3 days, i have to undertake some medical treatment and will be in a comatose state for 3 days. If i am accepted i might unveal as to why.
Regards to you.
Message Ends.........

I love to Rp it has to be said, 15 years of rping and i still keep doing it. the Rp in the server is very good, and reading along on this perticular thread is very good, so there is no need to worry about that
And im away for 3 days irl as i have to go to my fianc??'s house to house sit. Back monday and hope to see the reply ^^

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 08-23-2009

Mr Voncloud, and Mr Bendak

Please respond to the questions I have sent you on the forms provided.

Thank you.