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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NonSequitor - 08-19-2008

' Wrote:

To: Captain Elias Elonen
Comm. ID: SCRA Commodore Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

All seems okay so far, pilot, but first we need to know where your cargo is headed. We don't want nuclear fuel reaching our enemies, as you must understand.

I await your confirmation.

Ares out.

---Transmission Terminated---

Encrypted incoming message from Freeport 5

Commodore Ares:

The deuterium I ship out is designated for planet Honshu. The plutonium I purchase from Honshu is brought to Lanzarote Base in Omega-49.

I am an honest trader: no hijinks, no "lollygagging", no espionage. Just delivering the good, plain and simple.

Elonen out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jimmy Patterson - 08-19-2008

===================incomming transmssion=========
to :any SCRA(ment preferably for xing as the charcter about to post this is one of mine and it was his idea to post about joining im aware of your current "problems so consider it pending)

From:scrambbled callsign only: Viper

to any coalition forces i am Viper a former molly the bretionian people have killed my family for a mis understanding i wish not to serve any of them or any of the other groups i consider myself a freedom fighter with no cause and do not know how to contact your recruiting offices if they exist im a forger UOG Sargent and capable in a Light or heavy fighter and a bomber and am experenced secondhand mind you with simulators in capitol warfare and tactics both in space and on land

contact me whens conveniant

*transmission ends sorce unknowen,bretionian space*

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 08-19-2008

Transmission to: Unknown Source
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh, Commander SCRA

' Wrote:Gibberish

This is Grand Admiral McIntosh. As you've woken me up, I assume you're trying to contact the SCRA, somehow. Unfortunatly for me, and you as soon as I get my hands on you, your message is either corrupted or is using the wrong encryption. Now, I'm going to also assume that since you apparently have the codes for the network in the first place, you must already have been granted access to our system. Either that, or you could be one of the following: A Hacker, in which case I'm going to have you brought before me in chains so I can personally break your fingers, some freelancer using old SCRA equipment, and the previous will apply again, or you're some kind of recruit, in which case direct your enquiries to Here, until you've either been rejected or been given proper codes.

Now, if you are a recruit, I would reccomend that your next transmission use the SPELLCHECK encryption system, as whatever you're using now is obviously corrupt, defunct, deficient, or some combonation thereof.

Also, if you are a recruit, I'm probably going to break your legs for waking me up anyways. You need your hands to fly though.

For the Revolution! Grand Admiral McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended


Transmission to: All SCRA Pilots, and the Captains of the Reckless Abandon and Sanctimony
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh, Commander SCRA

'Captain' Elonen, this is Grand Admiral McIntosh. I've no problem with you carrying supplies to Omega 49, in fact, I quite like the people there, not that I like people much in general.

However, I have considerable issue with your choice of escort. I've recieved a confirmed report that you waltzed through My Bloody System with a 'Fearless' Class Destroyer in tow...

Is there something 'bout us not wanting a pack of spies wandering around that ye don't un'erstad man? Was it na' clear enough for ye'?

Do ye need me ta pound it inta' yer bloody forehead?

If I ever hear of youse having any ship at all in tow when you pass through Coalition space again, I'll personally have you hunted down and skinned alive before I toss you into the sun with no spacesuit! And thanks to your indiscretion, yours will be the last ship that recieves permission to travel through Coalition space for a very long time to come! I expect confirmation within the next 24 hours, before either of you attempt to take another load of cargo through Omega-52.

Pilots, you have your orders. Good work out there in the last few months, I am currently focusing on other areas that require my attention, but I know Commodore O Jovem is taking care of you.

For the Revolution! Grand Admiral McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NonSequitor - 08-19-2008

Encrypted incoming transmission from Lanzarote Base, Omega-49:

Grand Admiral McIntosh,

The destroyer in question was not grouped with me. Truth be told, I have no idea from where the ship came from. I normally have few "security issues" on the runs I do. Most pirates are reasonable, so I have no need for an armed escort. The destroyer captain claimed to be "protecting" my interests at the time, although I hadn't solicited his ship's services.

The only ship I was grouped with was a Whale-class transport, registered as the Prometheus. I advised her pilot to fly to O-49 via O-47. The pilot was a bit green in this region of space and was also seeking a better reputation with the Zoners on GC, as well as a place to dump his plutonium.

That's all I have to say for the moment. Awaiting your response.

Elonen out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 08-20-2008

' Wrote:CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov - Gold One
Message Target: Commodore 'Ares'
Message Source: Cape Verde

Sir, excuse me for saying so, but are we just going to let every Thomas, Richard, and Zoner ship through our system? They maybe "neutral" and all, but flying through when Gold squadron is on maneuvers or testing new weaponry could very easily turn into our enemies knowing our tactics.

These "neutral" Zoners could sell to anyone! That includes secrets. My Eagle stands ready to very carefully inspect any and all ships through Omega 52...sir.

I understand Ms. Tate's free pass, her exploits in defense of the Freeport 11 are well known and respected, but pretty soon it's going to be a highway of "Zoners" passing through lol-ygaging about.

Sorry sir, but I don't know if I agree with Command's decisions on this.

Message Send

To: Lt. Karchov
Comm. ID: Commodore Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

A good point almost well-made, pilot. It's a good job I appreciate sass, but should you be speaking to anyone else in High Command, you may wish to tone it down.

Anyway, I have made a point of you lads being damned suspicious of any such transport. The Sanctimony et al are known for fighting the alien threat in the deepest Omicrons, their infected brethren whom are now on are very doorstep.

However, should such ships be passing through, I expect you to cease combat training operations and begin surveillance training exercises, should you catch my drift.

On the Reckless Abandon, it is taking nuclear fuel to Honshu, apparently. That is not to be allowed. We can't have military grade materials such as this passing through our controlled territory, en route for our enemies in Kusari.

I think you know what to do, Gold One.

Ares out.

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - GodsFavorite - 08-20-2008

Comm ID: Gold 2

Understood Commodore Ares. The Capitalist dogs will feel the sting of my guns!

Gold 2 out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 08-20-2008

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Commissar-Captain Nikolaus Al-Rashid Omega 52, Coalition Customs Office, Cape Verde Station

Fellow Revolutionaries, I have been appointed by the High Commissar and Grand Admiral McIntosh to oversee the security and enforcement of Omega 52. You shall find the new Omega-52 rules and regulations here. Please note the changes to the rules of engagement with regards to unauthorized trading vessels.

Good day to you all, if any pilot has a problem with those orders, feel free to contact me.

For the Revolution! Commissar-Captain Nikolaus Al-Rashid, out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 08-21-2008

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Admiral Kirk, Fleet Commander

Comrades, I am pleased to inform you that a new Destroyer, of the Zoners Fearless Class, has been comissioned. This new capital ship has been named for Comrade Joseph Broz Tito. Fearless class ships are well known for their reliability under heavy combat stresses, and are typically employed as Flotilla Headquarters vessels in the SCRAs order of battle. There are several modifications in use with Coalition forces at this time, but for the most part, Fearless destroyers in service today are Space-Supremacy platforms, and the 'Tito is no exception. The 'Tito has also been fitted with a Training Suite for both capital ship and fighter combat, and shall be based in Omega 52 for the most part, in order to assist with both the Coalition Fleet School and the Gold Wing's training activites.

The Captain of the 'Tito is Commander Goran Batoric, Hero of the Revolution, and Red Star for Valour. Many of you around the fleet with know Commander Batoric for his work on anti-bomber tactics, and as a gunboat commander with the Intelligence branch.

That is all. For the Revolution! Admiral Kirk out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - GodsFavorite - 09-03-2008

Comm ID: Gold 2

Comrades we have struck at the heart of Liberty and caused them to bleed. I apologize for the lateness of my report but I was knocked unconscious when my ship exploded.

Commodore Ares and Commander Striatov lead off the attack. My bomber was being serviced but I joined up with them in California. We struck at a cruiser defending Planet Mojave and utterly destroyed it.

[Image: screen49-1.jpg]

Two LN fighters attacked us there. We destroyed one before more fighters and a bounty hunter gunboat showed up.

[Image: screen50-1.jpg]

[Image: screen51-1.jpg]

Deciding that the damage done was significant enough Commadore Ares ordered the Revolutany Army's forces to fall back. Unfortunatly between a persistant LN fighter and the stress of combat my ship disentegrated and as I ejected a piece of debris hit my head knocking me unconscious. Commander Striatov picked up my escape pod and transferred me back to Cape Verde. I recovered in the infermery there.

Comrades I regret the loss of my ship but I believe the operation was a success. We showed the citizens of Liberty that their government is not as protective as they though and informed a few citizens about the oppressive nature of capitalism and the wealthy.

Lieutenant Alexandrov Vasiliev signing out.

Gold 2 closing comms.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 09-04-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
Message Target: SCRA Command
CC: Gold Wing Leader Lt. Thorvaldson
Message Origin: Gran Canaria - Omega49

Training exercises today for Gold 2 - Lt. Alexandrov Vasiliev - and myself as Gold 1 against the Havana commanded by Commodore Jovem. The Commodore had chosen Omega50 as the training ground...good to get out of the system.

Try as we might, our two Taiidans were no match for the crew aboard the Havana...and it looks like Commodore Ares has been putting them through drills. Congratulations to the Havana crew, drinks are apparently on Gold wing next time on Verde.

While setting for the second bout, two trains were spotted coming from O52. While the Havana went to he "unknown planet" to switch out the wargames software, Lt. Vasiliev and I intercepted the traders. After a conversation about violating Coalition space, Vasiliev and I escorted the traders to the O49 Jumphole.

Commodore Ares and the Havana had traveled back to Verde, and Ares had launched in his fighter in case of needed assistance, and was buzzed by an interloping Merc, some VOID merc. I ordered Gold 2 to intercept and CD at the O52 JH and after seeing the traders out, headed to intercept. The merc made it through both and jumped to O49, where I followed.

With the whole flight-group in 49, Commodore Ares quickly "subdued" the offending merc, and we were quickly set upon by another merc, who somehow got the help of an entire wing of Corsairs. Vasiliev was first to leave with equipment malfunctions, but safely made it back to Verde (good job Lt. of evading and retreat).

The TAZ flagship hovered nearby, and without it my Taiidan would have succumbed to is Obscured's Raven Talon...but the blasted Zoner neutrality had the Flagship passing regens to the merc as well. After a very long battle, with both the Merc and at least a dozen Titans hammering both ships, Commodore Ares and I docked at Canaria, where the Zoners repaired our ships and we treated the TAZ to some drinks and pie.

No losses for the Coalition this time, but it easily could have been. It's my recommendation to High Command that Gold Wing be put to more intense bomber training...specifically group tactics against capital ships AND small fighters. Also, if I could recommend, the merc "Obscured" be put on a Kill-on-Sight list.

Lt. Alexi Karchov - Gold 1

Message Send...
...Reroute to Omega52