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World of Tanks - Printable Version

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World of Tanks - Fletcher - 07-04-2012

' Wrote:Whats the refire on a Lorraine 40T? those things have 100mm chainguns or something?
I think it has a cannon with 6 shots, and another more powerful with 4 shots if memory serves. NEVER go up close to a Lorraine when its loaded, if you see it run and its got no cover, hunt that thing down even as a light tank! Lorraine40t has paper armour.

World of Tanks - ryoken - 07-04-2012

' Wrote:Whats the refire on a Lorraine 40T? those things have 100mm chainguns or something?

They have 6/4 round mags. Wait to you see it fire off its load, and then get up close and smash it before it reloads. Or nail it with arty, they are 1 shot dead by almost all arty. Plus do not bother with AP on frenchies, just use HE as they got no armour, and the HE will hurt more, and take out alot of crew, and gear.

World of Tanks - M1cha37 - 07-04-2012

please any trcik to gain many XP, and credits?

World of Tanks - Fletcher - 07-04-2012

Get a premium tank/account.

World of Tanks - Fletcher - 07-04-2012

Defending in an Assault mode with the hill and train tracks, Prohorovka but stuck in a light tank? Fear not! For here is a replay for you to use the trains to your advantage! How? Park in such a way behind the packed wagons and snipe tanks! Its very difficult for them to hit you back because they need to plant the shot through the hole at range, while you can easily plant it through up close.

Replay details link

Replay download link

World of Tanks - ryoken - 07-04-2012

' Wrote:Defending in an Assault mode with the hill and train tracks, Prohorovka but stuck in a light tank? Fear not! For here is a replay for you to use the trains to your advantage! How? Park in such a way behind the packed wagons and snipe tanks! Its very difficult for them to hit you back because they need to plant the shot through the hole at range, while you can easily plant it through up close.

Replay details link

Replay download link

Your replay link is busted. It came up as so much garbage my comp froze up for 5 minutes, and then Virus scan blocked it.

World of Tanks - Fletcher - 07-04-2012

Strange, working my end.

Here is a link:

EDIT: Just in case here it is in .7z format. Extract with 7-zip.

World of Tanks - ryoken - 07-04-2012

' Wrote:Strange, working my end.

Here is a link:

EDIT: Just in case here it is in .7z format. Extract with 7-zip.

This worked.
Every game of yours i watch, i curse you for your dam luck. So many around to shoot at you, but they never do. They always shoot your team mates lol. If i tried the same, i would have been pummeled by all who spotted me.

World of Tanks - Fletcher - 07-04-2012

Hahaha, aye I'm bloody lucky in that Chaffee. Though I still support the tactic of using the train as cover, very difficult to be sniped at range there.

World of Tanks - M1cha37 - 07-04-2012

i dont wanna spend money