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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - mt51784 - 04-14-2010

[3:02:24 PM] Wood: I present Plan B :
[3:03:17 PM] Johann Boll: we should do plan B, before we have to care about plan A, what seems more complicated....
[3:05:42 PM] joseph.abusaid: Lawl
[3:05:46 PM] fl_penpen: lol
[3:05:51 PM] joseph.abusaid: Plan B rocks
[3:05:58 PM] joseph.abusaid: But whats Plan A?
[3:06:14 PM] fl_penpen:
[3:06:33 PM] fl_penpen: i laughed. Really. But i loved it. Because it's so obvious
[3:07:45 PM] joseph.abusaid: Lets just skip to plan B
[3:08:01 PM] fl_penpen: ^^
[3:08:10 PM] Wood: Tempting, I know.


This is not the beginning or the end of what I have seen the makes me go seriously guys come on. Note: majority by indies in the ZA general chat. I left the chat simply because it normally does not pertain to the ZA and is a playground for other issues. Since I have to many chats open where I do not have the time nor care to read after while I cleared myself out of them.

*To Clarify*
Quote:Note: majority by indies in the ZA general chat.
This is about the majority of the issues not this specific comment. The other comments I can not post on forums as there are to many expletives to be posted.

I can haz skype - lousal - 04-14-2010

Quote:majority by indies in the ZA general chat.
Uh, you're completely wrong.

From the log above Wood and Boll are ZTC, fl_penpen is OSI. Actually, the ZA chat contains mostly factionized Zoners, but one thing got lost probably today: HUMOUR;)

I can haz skype - Corsair - 04-15-2010

Corsair(Alexander) shrugs.
[5:12:56 PM] Corsair(Alexander): I like it.
[5:12:58 PM] Zamu: Yeah, that's right.
[5:13:00 PM] Zamu: Take it.
[5:13:01 PM] Linxiekins: I like it too
[5:13:02 PM] Zamu: Take it.
[5:13:03 PM] Corsair(Alexander): CONTEXT THREAD

I can haz skype - Pinko - 04-15-2010

[23:35:27] Terrance Cooper: FRISKEH TIEM
[23:35:31] Terrance Cooper: SRPOLF
[23:35:34] Terrance Cooper: CM'ERE YOU

I can haz skype - Kazinsal - 04-17-2010

[6:46:10 PM | Edited 6:46:18 PM] Hack: I wonder if I can get a good deal on a apartment overlooking the 9th circle of hell?
[6:47:04 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal/Michael Cera): The view from the eighth is better, trust me.
[6:47:30 PM | Edited 6:47:39 PM] Hack: I will remember that
[6:47:37 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal/Michael Cera): The seventh is cheaper, but there's always a train full of angry demons making noises on the hour every hour.
[6:48:04 PM] Hack: I heard the beer bottles have holes in the bottom, but the women don't
[6:48:22 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal/Michael Cera): Yeah, the eighth is better.
[6:48:39 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal/Michael Cera): The bottles aren't empty but the women sure are.
[6:48:45 PM] Hack: heh
[6:48:51 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal/Michael Cera): ICHS?
[6:48:55 PM] Hack: sure

I can haz skype - Not Espi - 04-17-2010

Quote: [12:34:14 PM] *** Michael(HurricaneX) ejected Michael(HurricaneX) from this conversation. ***

I can haz skype - darthbeck - 04-17-2010

[1:19:25 PM] Dashiell: I even know what underwear you are wearing right now
[1:19:31 PM] Dashiell: no hyphen

I can haz skype - SaraOConnel - 04-18-2010

[5:54:45 PM] Sara O'Connel: wildly waving wacky inflatable-
[5:54:56 PM] Ben (Kanga the Lord of the Dinorawrs): Penis!
[5:55:00 PM] Sara O'Connel: . _ .
[5:55:08 PM] Sara O'Connel: ICHS'ed

I can haz skype - atlantis2112 - 04-19-2010

[7:53:07 PM] Dan K (Tazuras): I like big ships and I cannot lie,
all you other pilots cant deny,
that when a ship flies in with an itty bitty thruster
and a huge cargo in you face
you get sprung
[7:53:09 PM] Dan K (Tazuras): anyway
[7:53:13 PM] Dan K (Tazuras): yeah, it is a tank
[7:54:06 PM | Edited 7:54:09 PM] Josh: ._____________.

I can haz skype - BaconSoda - 04-19-2010

Chris (BaconSoda) rubs his stubble
[9:42:35 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): We sincerely didn't know that >.>
[9:42:37 PM] Ryan (pipboy): Ryan (pipboy) just shaved his off today
[9:42:41 PM] Sprolf (Hr?thvitnir): Know what?
[9:42:44 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): Yeah, I gotta shave tonight
[9:42:47 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): About Georgia
[9:42:55 PM] Ryan (pipboy): I grew a beard a while back, it was totally red
[9:43:01 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): Gotta keep clean for the ladies 8-)
[9:43:18 PM] Ryan (pipboy): what ladies?
[9:43:25 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): -.-
[9:43:31 PM] Ryan (pipboy): oh, you have a webcam date over Facebook?
[9:43:38 PM] Ashes Jermitaka: pwned
[9:43:41 PM] Zachary (Zapp): (rofl)
[9:43:46 PM] Zachary (Zapp): that would be so lame
[9:43:49 PM] Zachary (Zapp)::D
[9:43:56 PM] Ryan (pipboy): yet people do it every day Zapp...
[9:44:09 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): I don't know whether to actually defend myself or just let it go...
[9:44:16 PM] Zachary (Zapp): The implication with Bacon, though, is that he's never actually met his webcam date
[9:44:24 PM] Zachary (Zapp): (I'm just kidding Bacon;))
[9:44:32 PM] Ryan (pipboy): well this is a big step for them Zapp
[9:44:41 PM] Ryan (pipboy): you can only go so far in a relationship through a chat room
[9:44:47 PM] Ryan (pipboy): and fake or PS'd pics
[9:44:52 PM] Ryan (pipboy): eventually you must talk live
[9:45:21 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): I better go shave before she logs on, then!
[9:45:21 PM] Ryan (pipboy): you know, to be sure that the other person is actually the correct sex
[9:45:29 PM] Ashes Jermitaka: xD
[9:45:30 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): Chris (BaconSoda) scurries off
[9:45:31 PM] Zachary (Zapp): lol:D
[9:45:33 PM] Zachary (Zapp): nice one bacon
[9:45:34 PM] Ryan (pipboy): haha
[9:45:47 PM] Ashes Jermitaka: shaved bacon... mmm
[9:45:53 PM] Ryan (pipboy): oh that does sound good
[9:46:00 PM] Ryan (pipboy): that's how you get the ladies isn't it Chris?
[9:46:05 PM] Ryan (pipboy): would you like some shaved Bacon?
[9:46:08 PM] Ashes Jermitaka: a distant cousin of shaved ham, perhaps?
[9:46:13 PM] Chris (BaconSoda): (rofl)
[9:46:26 PM] Zachary (Zapp): LOL