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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 04-13-2010

-jimmy sighed and snuffed his smoke out ,flicking the stub into a trash bin behind the bar- " im nervous ,sure there's a ton of technological advances but its an iridium slug and because its so close to my spinal cord they have to break my spine to retrieve it and i cant afford to have it nano-dissipated. he took a pull from his drink and refilled before speaking "my bio-chips are whats keeping me from getting iridium poisoning,ill look into it though maybe the military will pay for it ,id have to get the procedure done at Cambridge institute,the nano surgery that is ,i can get it removed"the old fashioned way" via the vets hospital,if i dont mind sitting for 6 weeks in a cast in LA summer heat" he smiled" you've never conducted a stratospheric reentry drop,have you the heat from the glow on the body armors hypnotizing,and its a helluva rush"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 04-21-2010

Dimitrov looks at James and he starts to wonder does it hurt or something like that he tough maybe i whant to talk to him comm him down little bid. He walks to Him and says " Hi can i buy you a Drink" " How are you" " Hows the feeling to be in the LMC".

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Skullz - 04-21-2010

The Mercenary, and Newly appointed Offical of the Liberty Navy, Davis Williams walks in looking over to Jimmy, "Heya, hows it been for you?" Davis then takes a seat near his friend and old Contact.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 06-09-2010

Elena Stanford walks into the bar. Actually, floating would be near the mark, the young woman walked very lightly indeed.

She took an empty seat, ordered some good food and drink, and looked around to see if she could find anyone, while idly reading from her datapad.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Korolia - 06-10-2010

Audrey chuckled a bit, as she ordered something to eat as well, spotting a table to sit
"I see you are quite a popular sight around?" she jokingly added to James.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 06-10-2010

Angelina Walks in to the bar and See a Familiar Face she says " ah its Elena " She walks to her and sits next to her and she orders a beer " hey Elena Hi How are you ? "

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Jeremy Hunter - 06-11-2010

Zack Archer walked into the bar, finally back from West Point after the fiasco. He met his LSF attache at the door. They walked over to an empty table and sat down. lookigna round, the only faces they noticed where Jimmy Patterson and Audrey McKnight. They both took swigs of thier drinks and wondered if there was a coversation they could join.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 06-11-2010

Ah'm good. Damn Execs keep explodin' when I need 'em, and ejectin' sequences are no fun. How 'bout you Ang? Elena said, looking out of the window.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 06-11-2010

Well i am fine. She answered. She receives a Private message from some one she says Hmmm ok Tips something in pad and sends it. So Elena were your from tell me abut yourself Stanford sounds like bretonian to me ? Do you have a Family ?.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 06-12-2010

Uh, yea, they live on Erie, Parents and a brotha. What 'bout you? She said, smiling a little reminiscing on old memories.