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To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Printable Version

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To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Zen_Mechanics - 06-22-2013

ID: David Dvir
Location : Omicron-74.

Good day ladies and gentelman, I am contacting you with some sad news, one of my colluges had suffered continues harrassmanets by these machines who think that they can do whatever they want in our system ( and just to avoid the trolls We = All zoners ). The fight that they have with these so called "ZA" has nothing to do with the population in general, not only that he's been attacked but I'm he is also accused of supporting them, which ofcourse is a complete lie.
This situation must be contained, You have duties the same way we all have, and I ask, nay I demand your support. Vanish those outsiders from our system and vanish them for good, I have my doubts regarding Livadia's administration, but Omicron-74 is not a normal system and it belongs only to us and no one will state what we can or we cannot say or do. Do not turn a blind eye when you are most needed, I declare them as terrorists by all accounts and I hope you will do the same
Who the hell are they that they think they could stop people from entering or going out, moving to other places without their consent?.

People's Evidence #1
People's Evidence #2

RE: To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Joggin - 06-23-2013

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: David Dvir

Mr Dvir,

Please let it be known that we will not be drawn into a campaign in O 74 to engage in continuing disputes, conflict and violent encounters with your various neighbours, a problem that seems to be growing. Further to this, you should know that ZA's current behaviour is knocking huge chunks out of the Zoners reputation on a Sirius wide basis and as a consequence, is beginning to distance you from other Zoner Factions. Please reflect on this.

We are not turning a blind eye... Eris sees all, but just because you fall out with people around you does not necessarily mean that they are terrorists and nor does it give you the right to demand that all other Zoners mobilize for war. It all sounds hollow and without basis, so, in short, we'll not be coming over there just to get our robes shredded for no particular reason.

Instead, we suggest very strongly to you that having found yourselves in this hole, it's now time to stop digging.

So, what we are interested in, are your plans to engage in more Zoner like activities such as how you are planning to be resolving instead of creating conflict?

In this we would be willing to assist, we have good contacts in the area and would be prepared to facilitate a Summit of some kind with leaders of other Factions involved in order to attempt to broker a cease fire and possibly promote peace.

Hail Eris!

*End Transmission*

RE: To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Dourden4 - 06-23-2013

[Image: dourden_trans.png]

Mr. Dvir,

Imagine my surprise to find a transmission from Omicron 74 waiting for me upon my return to my office. Seems things have gotten exceedingly out of hand over there since my last visit.

I will be frank with you Mr. Dvir, those 'machines' , as you put it, have always held a higher degree of respect and dignity in dealings with us than those of this 'ZA'. You claim them terrorists, but I see no evidence of this. I have dealt with true terrorists, Mr. Dvir. They do not give warnings, they just destroy. This friend of yours, whomever he may be, should have realized that he was flying into an active warzone. In doing so, he accepted the risks associated with it.

Your evidence is weak at best. Yes it shows AI vessels threatening a craft destined for Omicron 74. Yes it does show some disregard for the sanctity of the Omicron 74 system. But it does not show anywhere close to sufficient reason to mobilize Zoners across Sirius to war. It certainly does not show sufficient reason for my company to deploy our limited combat assets to intervene.

I do not know you, Mr. Dvir, nor how you fit into this mess in '74, but the ZA has created this problem for themselves. As unfortunate as it is, they now must live with the consequences. I have seen on the few general communications from them their total disregard for anyone but themselves. Time and again, they have chosen insults and bravado over reason and understanding.

Rest assured, OSI is not ignoring the situation. But we will not act to defend those that would throw away any gains we would get them. We are watching, and should the need arise, we will act.

This war, and subsequent violations of Omicron 74's sanctity, was brought by the ZA. Prior to all this, there we no issues concerning '74's access and trade was free and unhindered.

Until such time as there is clear and indisputable evidence of unwarranted hostilities toward the general Zoner populous, I will not endorse any such action as you propose. This issue was brought by those that dwell within Omicron 74, and for better or worse, its solution lies with those same people.

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

RE: To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Zen_Mechanics - 06-23-2013

**Continuing Transmission**

Nay, the fact that you choose to be silent gives them more freedom to do what they desire. I have not asked any millitary assets to be deployed yet, but because the local phoenix group is incapable of controling these entities I am forced to contact you. It is impossible to defend each other because a large zoner group called "SolarR" defend these so called "AI", Rendering them as gods of this place. I would also argue that during "ZA'S" reign the system was open and safe to everyone, so your case falls. They have done mistakes, but now you are making it worse by pretending these things don't happend, but then what could I expect, Thanks for nothing.

RE: To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Aazalot - 06-23-2013

[Image: voncloud_trans.png]

Mr Dvir

You seem to think that Phoenix, and indeed the other major factions of the Zoner people, have any control over the AI, we do not, in fact, this is the first time we have ever seen them be aggressive towards any Zoners, the rest of us enjoy a peaceful coexistence with them.

And we are not making it worse, many times the ZA had been approached, to stop and change how they were being, to follow the example of their brethren, instead they chose to act as if being oppressed, to act like the victims. Well as you were warned, your actions left us no choice but to isolate you away from the rest of the Zoner people, we will not get involved in a conflict where you had ample opportunity to change the outcome of your fate through diplomatic means.

I will argue that Omicron 74 was a relativity quiet and safe section of space until the ZA arrived. In fact the traffic into 74 has more then quadrupled and its space has become hostile due to the ZA's actions, the only time OSI have lost a ship in that system, was by ZA's hands, not once have we had a ship destroyed in that system until then, and these are unarmed Whale transports.

No, this "Zoner Alliance" have well and truly made their bed. The loss of life will cause a distressing notion to the rest of us, but be certain in the fact, they have no one to blame but the leadership of the ZA and their inability to accept what the Zoner part of their name means.

As the TAZ representative has pointed out, ZA is shaming the Zoner people and our way of life. We all tried to warn you, we all tried to aim you down the right path, and you refused, then made enemies out of most, if not all of the Zoner allies in the Omicrons, and you expect us to NOW come to the rescue?
There is an ancient Earth proverb that works just right here.
"The needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few"
ZA, you, are the few.

J Voncloud OSI Security Director.
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: To: TAZ, OSI, Remnants of the COFZ - Zen_Mechanics - 06-23-2013

**Continuing Transmission**

What do you mean me? I am not part of this "ZA" guild, but you have just shown what a complete waste you people are, u know.. atleast they try and help out innocent people while you wave your diplomatic papers like a shovel going through a pumpkin. But ofcourse diplo is your only solution, you haven't lost anyone that is close to you so you wouldn't give a damn now are you? - I'll tell you what, when I see one of you "OSI" actually contributing 74 I'll be sure to drop a note, until that happends you are a dust in the wind, and asking your assistance is a waste of time.