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Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Printable Version

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Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Leo - 07-10-2008

I know that certain games you can export the ships from different games and put them into FL. Now, say the ships from Sins of a Solar Empire could be exported. There are some cool ships in that game and it would be pretty cool if they could be applied to Freelancer.


Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - ian - 07-10-2008

i would really love that Marza Dreadnaught in Freelancer *evil grin*

Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Leo - 07-10-2008

Advent Radiance Battleship.

Badass ship.

Really badass...


Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - ian - 07-10-2008

i dont think the Vasari ships would fit in Freelancer though

Advent possibly
TEC definantly fit in with Freelancer ships especially the Marza, Dunov and Kol...oh and the Kodiak heavy cruiser

Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - sn!p3r - 07-10-2008

haha, i can see the evacuator in FL, hahaha.. the overgrown vasari colony ship. TEC ships would be nice to see in FL however.

Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Leo - 07-10-2008

Advent would work being that technically they look like normal ships.


Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Exile - 07-10-2008

TEC are too Pre Sirius, if you ask me. Advent would fit. But then again, i don't see sins ships appearing in Discovery soon. We got plenty ship designers of our own.

Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Eppy - 07-10-2008

I suppose it might be possible, I'd have to have a look at the game and see what file type it is, if we can import it into Milkshape we can export it as a CMP, in all likelihood; either way, I don't see much more in the way of imports getting into FL, we are stacked with ships that are getting into the game right now...

Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - ian - 07-10-2008

the filenames are not easily identified all of the cap ships are just named "techCapitolship Siege" for TEC and for Advent i presume these are theirs "Capitolship Psionic"
which only lease "capitolship PhaseSiege" etc for the Vasasri

either way they all end with .mesh

Sins of a Solar Empire Ships - Leo - 07-10-2008

SOASE (shortened) has a large modding base, similar to Freelancer. I'm certain if you snoop around on the internet there is some sort of plugin already made to import the ships into Milkshape...if they can't be already I mean.
