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Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Printable Version

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Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Lieutenant - 08-06-2013

Omicron Systems Message

Recipients: Most Omicron Stations

'Zoners Defense Force' Identifier Sent

Playing Message! (Finally!)

[Image: Jeremy-Irons-as-Aramis-the-man-in-the-ir...00-376.jpg]

For those with video devices, the message would include video recording of the speaker. For those without? Tough. Regardless, the screen would fade into focus as a man stands before the recipient(s) of this message. He'd give a polite smile and slight nod as if to acknowledge their presence. The room he stands in is obviously a conference room of sorts, it's walls nicely crafted to resemble a stone room with large chairs about the oval table further behind him.

"I am Izii Helfari, and I would thank you for taking this time to listen to this message." The Zoner gives a weary smile, exhaling a sigh. "My words might cause some confusion, a little distress to some and perhaps elation amongst others. I wish to announce that I am taking up the initiative once more to assemble a peace-seeking group." Stance shifting, he moves towards a large observational window that shows the swirling green nebulae so plentiful in the Omicron systems. He'd lift his left hand out, motioning to the starlit void as the cybernetic fingers of his hand open his palm to present the sight as the recording camera pans over to the sight for a moment.

"We came to the border worlds, Zoners specifically, to seek new lives from our pasts. For many more of us Omicron-familiar people, we were born here and understand life here has it's splendor and difficulties. Personally, as a Zoner, I have empathized with the Corsair people. Some of those I've spoken with before, if they might see this message, will know I've even taken stances to defend them when unjust claims are laid upon them. Now and then having to take up arms to enforce what I believe as a truth." This robotic hand moves to tuck into his thigh-length jacket's pocket.

"Out here, we're in a constant and delicate state of mutual survival. While at times we have outside and inner forces pushing all of us towards a tense conflict, we have managed to be swift and understanding in seeking peace. For out here, we have greater threats we struggle against. For some it is starvation, others will combat the Nomad threats, and others merely struggle to find a peaceful place to lay their head down." Giving a slightest sigh, his right hand strokes his beard once in thought.

"I wish to ensure we keep moving ahead, most hopeful for a peaceful future for all that can be helped. As I know some problems are far from being solved by a single Zoner as myself. It is why I wish to restart the initiative for the Zoners Defense Force, though not in any shape, form or fashion of a warlike stance. As mediators who will seek to attempt all options at a peaceful resolution with all parties we may handle negotiations with." He'd continue after a brief pause.

"This message is to state my view and belief that as a Zoner, we have no place in open conflict. Thus we should strive to peacefully resolve as many of the issues I've been witness to lately. Therefore, this message is twofold: For those who wish a neutral party, one who holds no ties to any corporation or faction within the Zoners to act as a mediator for debates and negotiations. They may call upon my person as my crew and our vessel, the Saint Raphael are prepared to undertake any effort towards assisting a peaceful resolution.

"Secondly, this message is a calling for like-minded Zoners. That where we might pool our numbers towards striving for peaceful solutions, with more open minds we hold a larger chance at resolving any situation. For the primary objective of the Zoners Defense Force is to safeguard peace. Our lament is when we must defend lives of any party who finds themselves in need of our aid. It is my hope that there are Zoners willing to take up this message and work towards handling talks under an organized system.

"I will receive such interested parties questions, even from non-Zoners, aboard my vessel within Omicron Theta. If you wish to make such messages public, feel free to use this communication frequency. If you wish to be present, in person, the Saint Raphael will be within Omicron Theta, accepting all vessels who arrive with captains or representative people who wish to enter debates or to have questions answered. For those who wish privacy, I am attaching a personal communications code that will only be used by my person. Feel free to present your concerns here, as I set in motion this initiative.

"Thank you for taking the time to listen to this message, I hope the best for all people wishing peaceful resolution."

That cybernetic hand moves to deactivate the recording device. The screen fades as any communication device would have the proper frequency for the public channel and private comm code saved for use. Should they wish to respond...

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - DarthBindo - 08-06-2013

[Image: a900.png]

I have heard of you, Signore Helfari, enough to know your intention truly honourable, your heart true heavy with concern.
In this, you are not alone; but you are among few friends.
The history of Zoner alliances, both grand and small alike, is rife with hatred, bias, strife, and internal conflict.
Too few of our bretheren truly seek to balance themselves on that subtle, silent knife's edge we all must so carefully walk, and instead try and wield it's blade as if twere but a hammer by which to smite our enemies, both real and perceived.
The carcasses they have left behind when mixed en masse with such ideas of unity and power still rot in the fetid sunlight of Theta and Gamma, still drift in slow, dead, dwindling silence among the trade lanes of Omega 3 and the Taus, and the rotting husks of their passions and endeavors still blot the history books with the shadow of their hubris, their arrogance, their deadly pride.
The Omicroners. The ZDF. The original Zoner Alliance. The Council of Zoners. Half a dozen more besides that I do not care to name, nor remember.
Do not mistake my intent here, however; I say such things not to discourage, but warn.
The unique place we Zoners occupy in the grand scheme of this godless Cosmos could not have but been designed to multiply and engender peace throughout the Colonies and their Houses, both greater and lesser; it is disheartening that so few of us, on such rare occasion, have risen to such a calling, and it gladdens my soul and warms the heart to see such as you do so.
But you seek to build a powerful tool; like most tools it will care nothing for it's intent nor purpose, guided only by the hand in which it is held, and we are but men. How long before insults and imagined slights, old and new alike, boil the blood of those you recruit? How long before the indignities we often suffer rankle, and fester, and ooze as dark, formless, thoughtless bile into the minds of the weak and vengeful among you?
How long before they endeavour to find a solution in which blood is spilled?
It has happened before, many a time.
I would urge you to caution, when trying to ignite, to flame such a unity and goal within us.
The hubris that nearly destroyed a Freeport has not yet left our ranks, not by half.
Adrianna the Exile, Contessa De Silsila

[Image: u7d.gif]

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Ajmar - 08-07-2013

<<Incomming Transmission>>
<<Transmission Type: Text>>
<<Comm ID: Attash>>
<<Location: Noble.Eightfold.Path>>
<<Affiliation: Zoners>>
<<To: Zoner Defense Force>>
<<Subject: Count me in>>
<<Message begins>>

Greetings, Commodore.

Me and the crew of the Noble Eightfold Path are with you, of course. We are currently docked at Livadia Shipyard, watching ships getting shot up by the Zoner Alliance weapons platforms.

It's a sad day when the greatest threat to the Zoners isn't the mind-screwing nomads, the (sometimes) savage corsairs or any other of the horrors that exist in Sirius, but rather "our own kind".

But, like I said. We're with you.

"Admiral" Attash of the Eightfold Path, Eternal Vigilance, Aros, Skeldar and Sangha.

<<Message Ends>>

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Lieutenant - 08-08-2013

Message Relayed, Expand Signal Range: Zoner-Wide

Source: ZDF|Saint.Raphael, Omicron-Theta

Zoners Identifier: Commodore Izii Helfari

Begin Message.

[Image: Jeremy-Irons-as-Aramis-the-man-in-the-ir...00-376.jpg]

"Admiral Attash, might I begin by trying to remind you the Corsair people are not savages, they are proud and resolute. Having survived as well as they have and thrived through the help of our people. Thus why we have an understanding, even though it is blurred on how reaching such an understanding is.

"Though! I will clearly state the intention of the Zoners Defense Force as altruistic and peace-seeking. It is my goal to form a group of like-minded people from any walk of life who will apply themselves towards seeking all peaceful solutions before we must resort to defensive measures when disputes arise.

"We are not an assault force, we will never attack other groups or carry a battle to their homes. We will ensure that Freeports are protected and Zoner ships and people are not harmed while negotiations are carried out by Zoners factions. Though in some cases we may ask if we may keep a neutral tone in negotiations by providing our own diplomats. Who will research both sides of the dispute and the matter involved thoroughly before doing their utmost to offer solutions both sides may consider.

"Once again, I submit this message for Zoners who are interested to consider.

"Commodore Helfari, out."

Message Ends

Channel Open

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Ortog - 08-08-2013

This is Melliar, former Captain of Freeport 11.

I stand ready to orders, currently stationed at Freeport 9, waiting your command.

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Lieutenant - 08-08-2013

Transmission Sent

"Captain Melliar, it is good to see an old face. We are not taking any offensive position outside of keeping the chaos contained. Hopefully, with time and patience, we will see to it that this.. problematic group of people will see reason and disarm and desist.

"Stand by, assist the Order and other Zoners as needed."

Transmission end.

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Doria - 08-15-2013

--- Incoming Transmisson ---
Sender ID: Jay Sheridan
Ship ID: Black.Star
Subject: Zoner Defense Force
--- Transmission Starts ---

[Image: hJjsogB.jpg]

Greetings. My name is Jay Sheridan, I'm the commander of the Black.Star Aquilon-class carrier. As you can see by my clothing, the 'commander' is just my function here, not my rank. Could have been captain, or even skiper. I'm not military, nor are my crew. We are explorers, and we have been away from main Siruis systems for more than 3 years now. We were in the proximities of the binary star system called Ross 614 on the old sleeper ships starcharts when we received, via sub-space channels, the first transmissions about the Gran Canaria bombardments.

I then gathered with my crew and we decided to go back and help defend the planet where most of us have family and friends, and a home. Since then we've been enroute to the lower omicrons. Now that we came in range of the normal comm channels I picked up this transmission. I realise that the current crisis has passed, but others may come, and the Corsairs wont give up on Canaria that easily either.

So, me and my crew are willing to be part of this Defense Force iniciative. We should arrive in Omega-49 in the next few days, and then most of the crew will get some well deserved R&R while me and a skeleton crew will take the ship to Livadia Shipyards for a way overdue maintenance check. After that, we can be deployed to anywhere we are needed.

Mr. Helfari, I will contact you directly when we arrive at Canaria.

See you soon. Sheridan out.

Jay Sheridan
Commander of the Zoner carrier Black.Star

--- Transmission Ends ---

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Petitioner - 08-16-2013

>>>Incoming Transmission
>>>Sender: Hiyobi Kita
>>>Source: Sparta Station, Omicron-74

Mr. Helfari, allow me to introduce myself. I am Hiyobi Kita, the administrator of Sparta Station. I have heard your name from some of the older residents of this corner of space, and I must say your reputation encourages me. If you should ever wish to meet with myself, Sparta's docks will always have a space for you. I will set aside time from my duties to visit your ship within the coming weeks, and I look forward to your presence in the Omicrons.
>>>End Transmission

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Lieutenant - 08-16-2013

Omicron Systems Message

Recipients: Zoners, Omicrons/Omega Systems

Zoners Defense Force Identifier Sent

[Image: Jeremy-Irons-as-Aramis-the-man-in-the-ir...00-376.jpg]

"I admit there is a modest delay in my messages, as I've kept the Saint Raphael within the Omicron Theta and Omicron-74 systems due to the issues with the Zoner Alliance group. While things have decidedly quieted for the time being, I've had the time to properly respond. Let me say I am glad to hear from Sparta Station, and the commander Sheridan.

"As I've mentioned before, we're currently in a quiet moment where hostilities have given way to a moment's respite and hopefully calmer minds might make the purpose of the ZDF more of a diplomatic one than as a force to be on guard. Feel free to contact me on more secure communication channels. Though given the serendipity of the situation, once commander Sheridan arrives at Livadia, we may all meet at Sparta Station to talk things over.

"As for captain Melliar and admiral Attash, I do hope you are keeping alert of these communications and see to joining us at Sparta Station, where we all may take a moment to talk on a personal level. Then, we may begin laying the foundations for a more tangible meaning behind the Zoners Defense Force.

"Bis dahin, my fellow captains. Be safe wherever you go between now and then."

Communications End

Channel Open

RE: Omicron-Wide Message | ZDF Initiative - Omicron - 08-17-2013

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
Good day.

I expect that those Zoner ships keeping Order/cutting down ZA beside Solar Runner designation were belonging to you or are about to join. It is good to see that locals are taking up the fight on the right side, setting yourselfs apart from ignorants posing as martyrs in a conflict where they will be forgotten soon as last shot will be fired.

Once Omicron 74 will be resolved on matters of ZA dissolution or full retreat, I will be more than happy to hand over day-to-day security to responsible individuals who understand politics of Omicron systems. If you keep out of harm's way that brought former initiatives down, The Order will acknowledge your status.

Access to Order ports are open as for every other legitimate Zoner. Feel free to contact me to discuss issues of the edge worlds or whether you have questions concerning our own protectorate.

Golanski out.