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The Commonwealth - Commonwealth - 08-19-2013

The Commonwealth

We bite your tail, we claw your back. Chase the carrot, never received. We cut you open, watch you bleed.

The Commonwealth.

(Below: Four alternate flags used by the Commonwealth. The Viking and runic inspirations should be immediately apparent upon three of the banners. The fourth; the Zoner flag, for what little it is worth).
[Image: i2YstuR.png][Image: 264px-Zoners_Logo.png]
[Image: 1zczvw4.png][Image: Viking_Raven_Banner_by_dennistraberg.jpg]

Links to other, informative documents on forum - more to be added as per requirement.
Recruitment Thread ( open )
Trade agreement/Restriction Listings
CW P.A.T.H.F.I.N.D.E.R. (Research Department) mainpage.
Claimed Station Summary: Freeport 10
Freeport 10 Sylvania Dome (public watering hole - open to none-members)

Short bio (public):

Within every society, every culture, every establisment, there exists extremes, and nowhere is that ageless human precept more pertinent that in that loose, shadowy group of deviants who haphazardly moniker themselved “the Zoner Community”, but who all seem to be under widly differing illusions as to exactly what the “Zoner Way” physically is, who the “true Zoners” are, or even which theology to make their dictum. One opinion unites all parties however, in parity; the belief that they, themselves, are unequivically right.

The Commonwealth are a fraternity of 'Zoners within Zoners' - Zoners who believe that the interpretations of the Zoner way manifested by the other Zoner organisations are as worthy as disdain as the institutions they originally attempted to escape from.

Some groups see it quaint to describe themselves as moralists; Some groups see it quaint to describe themselves as moralists; righteous philanthropists, ever-quick to leap into the tussles of life with the unassailable goal of being “the better man”, the prophets, the diplomats, the giving types, soothing tempermants via understated threat and fear of the gun. That’s cute of them. Then there’s the half-Zoners, the house-builders, the explorers grasping for their own tiny patch on which to plant the seeds of expansionism; the forced isolationists. Colony ships serving as men’o’war, deviant millitias pesting each other over scraps of ether, alien leviathans raking the darkness. So much violence in the name of freedom, or even the word’s definition, that “Zoner”, in itself, means little, as much a generalism as say “Human” or “Individual” may provide.

From this ground then, the Commonwealth seeks an alternative definition: self-determination, and the right to seer one’s own ship - their own destiny, to whatever hedonistic aims they may desire. As Zoners, all Zoners, we fly from the drudgery of our home cultures to the danger of the edge worlds because (one way or another), our origins have rejected us all.

The Commonwealth is an organisation formed by a plethora of talented individuals from all seven Houses (including Gallic and Coalition representatives) which have collectedly decided that it is more profitable for one’s economical prosperity to form an association with others of their kind; all following similar interests to the eventual fufillment of their individual goals, regardless of their ethical nature. The organisation operates in the manner of a 19th century secret-society, with a firm division between conventional, affiliated, disposable Zoners operating blindly under the Commonwealth sphere of influence (dismissively known as “employees” because they can be easily cast aside), and a “inner circle” or “fraternity” of 30 or so private individuals which, in the manner of a puppet master at a marrionette show, pull all the strings. Within the fraternity proper lies the Commonwealth Inner Council itself, a selection of three exceptionally wealthy personages who work together (well, in competition at least), to bring a sense of unity to the fraternity’s individual projects, occasionally drafting together the entire organisation for the purpose of co-collaboration; the Gallic triad; Lucky Le Roux, Achille Augustin Nadeau, and Robert Carol d’Autoine. Due to the considerable PR attention that these three frontmen attract, the organisation is commonly mistaken for being exclusively Gallic in nature, a misconception that can prove rather tiresome after being persistently reiterated at every single diplomatic discourse the organisation selectively initiates. As their message goes; Oui, the organisation contains Gallic members and possesses a Gallic origin, Non, we aren’t attachments of the Crown. We are Zoners after all, mon ami.

The Commonwealth is a relatively recent, highly clandestine zoner socioaristocratic meritocracy based just beyond the cusp of the systems annexed by Gallia, within the Tau worlds; within Tau-37, on the still comparitively new Zoner installation of Freeport 10, aquired from a certain station overseer upon his initiation into the fraternity. Having found itself at the doorsteps of three influencial parties: The Outcasts (and their cardamine artery), Gallia and the IMG, the Commonwealth is simply besotted with opportunities to fertillize its economic prosperity. As such, it is in the Commonwealth’s plans to take opportunity from the influence of these parties by conducting treaties and trade agreements, in both physical goods and the treasures of the espionage, in parity.

This doesn’t however implicate that the Commonwealth is in any form opposed to violence or in some way “squeamish” (or, Lucifer forbid) overly “ethical” about the subject of killing when the situation requires (and in the Boarderworlds, it often does). Rather, the Commonwealth would infinitely preffer to work through any of the wide chain of unnaffiliated mercenaries and freelancers for any form of individual assasination; such as might follow a personal insult say, or a mild slight to one of it’s inner members. As a general rule, the Commonwealth is highly vindictive about any attempt to harm, defraud or otherwise cross one of it’s inner-circle members, a sentiment which could appear (to the uninitiated) entirely oppositional to the vast rapidity the CW disposes with none-essential employees. Ah well, there’ll always be more to fill their vacant shoes.

The Raven Circle:

[Image: JilaiFlag.gif]

"Nous mordons la queue, nous recouvrons le dos. Chassez la carotte, jamais reçu. Nous avons réduit l'ouverture, regardons tu saignes."

"le Commonwealth."

[Image: maalre10.jpg]

Initiation ( Recruitment ) System:

The Commonwealth, at its very beginning, wasn't subject to any kind of recruitment forms, its members were either part of the family that gave birth to the concept which would later spawn the notorious and entirely exquisite zoner organization, or trusted friends and acquaintances possessing unremarkable talents.

Later, when the Commonwealth finally established itself and assumed a sedentary ideology, the organization opened itself to Sirius by launching a sirian wide frequency so that all those with the talents to find it, and with the interest of having their potential exploited by such an organization, would attempt to join. Whether or not they succeeded, was up to their commitment and skills.

This innovation proved beneficial, the Tau-37 Zoners managed to obtain a notable number of members, now very valued, and trusted members of the fraternity. But this frequency was shutdown and erased from existence by the Councilors as, in their wisdom, believed that it has served its purpose, the Commonwealth obtaining more than enough numbers ( reaching a population of around 20 - 30 ). More members would have been the catalyst of possible detrimental effects to the party at the level of organization.

However, with the beginning of year 820 A.S, The Commonwealth has re-opened its gates again. But this time, it has taken a more elitist approach. There is no frequency, there is no way one would seek the faction, it is the faction members that will seek people who spark interest in their eyes.
Indeed, with this new approach, Commonwealth members would personally attempt to know more about any kind of individual that would spark interest for them, and if/when such individual would seem worthy for the interests of the faction ( in the eyes of the sire, the person who had found the potential new member of the fraternity ) he will be then asked by the sire himself, to file a communique of intent, where he would state his desire to join the Commonwealth. If he would be deem worthy, he would be accepted.

There is no structure or reference for said intent however, the creation of it is entirely to the sired ( the one who was found by a sire ) and would make sure to write it in such a manner as to illustrate his commitment, as well as the benefits that the Commonwealth would yield from him.

However, with the radical change of Sirius' environment, the Commonwealth took a new step forward and adapted once again to assure it's continuous proliferation. The current initiation system has been rendered as obsolete, and thus, the Commonwealth designed ways to spread out encrypted channels and signals, signals that would be accessed by any would be individual, some of them who would be competent and eager enough to be accepted.

Modus Operandi:

The Commonwealth currently utilizes two distinct branches specialized in covering certain requirements that the fraternity may boast. These are the Commerce Branch; the branch being tasked with acquiring material sustenance for the well-being of Freeport 10 and moreover, The Commonwealth, and the Research Branch, tasked with probing deeply the colon of the universe for anything bearing financial merit, indulging in a unseemly amount of fun whilst doing so, and perform research from the most trivial to ones possessing an unimaginable grandeur.

As knowledge concerning the nomads were passed down from zoner to zoner, combined with the close distance to Omicron Alpha and the increased presence of Nomads in the Taus, the Commonwealth came to know about them as well, thought their knowledge is not as rich as the Zoner Communities in the Omicrons. Still, the Commonwealth recognizes the nomad threat as well as the potential of Nomad Adapted Technology. While it understands the fact that the Nomads have the power to destroy humanity, the Commonwealth doesn’t actively support resistance against them as according to their ideology, they are allowing other parties to deal with them. Still, this conglomeration will take use of any opportunity to acquire any data or research chances concerning the nomads in order to further their goals. And that is, one reason which led to the creation of the Research Branch

However, that is but one minor purpose which the Research Branch has, mainly due to the fact that the Commonwealth doesn't actively pursue in anything Nomad related, letting itself guided by opportunity, mostly. This is due to the fact that the Commonwealth have adopted a degree of ignorance towards the nomads: They ignore the alien entities, and so far, it seems that this ignorance rendered the Nomads to respond in kind. And, in the Commonwealth's eyes, a relation a mutual ignorance is present, a relation which so far, works.

Other purposes of the Research Branch include the study of alien microorganisms, the research and innovation of new amenities and commodities that the Freeport would benefit from, and generally, materializing any idea which would rest in the cognitive entrails of the laborants, ideas that would benefit the Commonwealth, of course.

The Commerce branch may sometimes enter house space in the hopes of acquiring certain commodities that cannot be found in the vicinity of Freeport 10. Rheinland and Bretonia are the most penetrated Houses. Such an errand is easily achieveable by the Commonwealth mainly due to the fact that they rely on smaller, more agile transports which are compatible with the Sirian docking rings, while the iconic Zoner „Whales” are either entirely casted aside, or designed as mobile mooring points for the more smaller transports in hopes of better resource coordination.

While the resource acquisition modus operandi is very clear (do whatever the chickensh<expletive>t you like, just don’t blow up/have tentacles spawing from/start a zombie apocalypse in the freeport in the process), the business and diplomacy part of the Commonwealth is very elusive. The Commonwealth has developed two policies by which every member of the fraternity adheres to: Secrecy and Punctuality. It is thought that these policies are paramount and key to the survival and eventual prosperity of the Commonwealth in the heinous society of Sirius (a society which, sadly, tends to be rather insensitive when it comes to double-dealing and general back-stabbery). Moreover, the Commonwealth only conducts business with parties who also agree to adhere to or respect their policies, as such a level of mutual trust would be key to future business propositions and relations in the Commonwealth’s opinion, partly to ensure the selected business partner doesn’t go blagging to all their lawful counterparts, or the respective equivalent.

Other than that, the Commonwealth has little room for remorse or guilt whenever variables such as their own interests, benefits and prosperity are taken into calculation. This being said, the Commonwealth is said to undertake practically ANY kind of business, should the rewards and benefits overweigh the risks and consequences.

There are also rumours that he who ever decided to meddle with the plans and interests of the Commonwealth, found a band of mercenaries throwing a final blaster projectile through his head the next day. Such a rumour suggests the fact that the Commonwealth may be hiring mercenaries to do its dirty work which may involve the disposal of certain inconveniences. But even to this moment, any such rumours were denied as... well, let’s just say there’s nobody left to spread ‘em. Death is a part of life, sirs.

Timeline of the Commonwealth's History:

  • 802 A.S - Carol d'Autoine, merchant and businessman initiates a family trade business.
  • 805 A.S - Friends and other businessmen are keen on Carol's idea and express a desire to join this association. A Gaul Trade League(Association) was born, taking it’s initial positioning on Monte Carlo Freeport. Achille Augustin Nadeau joins the fraternity at this time.
  • 806 A.S - The Trade Association increases in its numbers and economical wealth.
  • 814 A.S - Robert Carol d'Autoine, Carol's nephew, joins the Trade League.
  • 816 A.S - A parth is cleared through the Orkney minefield, this allows the League to taste the business and commodities from Sirius.
  • 817 A.S - With Carol d'Autoine's “death”, Robert now runs the League. What a happy coincidence that was...
  • 818 A.S - Gallia expands its influence in the Taus. This allows the League to try its luck in the Taus, exposing itself to Sirian way of life, especially the Zoner tradition.
  • 819 A.S - The Trade League adopts the Zoner way and traditions molding it with their current ideologies. The Commonwealth was founded with Robert d'Autoine as Head Councilor. A number of its past members frowned on this adaptation and left, returning to Gallia. The Commonwealth continued to exist, gathering members from the Sirian societies and building relations with other Zoner communities. For all intents and purposes, it is now a Zoner Association, with Zoner employees.
  • Middle of 819 A.S - At the first Baffin Zoner Summit, the Commonwealth established a business proposition with the Administrator of Freeport 10, LuckyLeRoux. The Administrator (alongside Freeport 10 itself) joined the Commonwealth, whilst still maintaining his authority over the station proper.
  • Late 819 A.S - The Commonwealth took opportunity of the Outcast Revolution in an attempt to increase its influence while building propositions and a trusting relations between Outcast organizations found in said conflict.
    Freeport 10 also found itself subject to the Commonwealth influence greatly as they caressed it with their touch over its evolution, design and improvements, making deals with the Artisans Farmer Alliance in an attempt to "improve" one of the domes. The manifestation of said propositions are supposed to take place somewhere in 820 A.S


The Commonwealth was originally a shallow group of close friends and possible family members, all having their roots in either the arts of commerce or the zoner tradition. These individuals have thought that it would be better to assist one another believing that economical prosperity could be achieved more easier through numbers and not individuality.

A fraction of these members where Gauls, which, after the Gallic liberation of the Taus, have moved there seeking opportunity by collaborating with the IMG and exploiting the rich Niobium Fields. This choice however, brought them closer to the zoners and, once they saw zoner politics in administration and economy they have decided to adopt it thinking that this would further their goals.

That being said, the idea of a Commonwealth raised interest among the zoner community which these group of individuals got assimilated in. In time, more members joined the group wishing to adopt this , at first glance, magnificent idea.
However, assimilation in the zoner community among Tau-37 proved to be a hinder in the Commonwealth’s goals. It was later found out, that the relations between the glorious house of Gallia and the general Zoner community became rather tense (cough cough). Combined with the zoner reputation of pursuing agreements and treatments with all kinds of organizations , from the honest to the infamous, without giving particular attention to their bio made the group to rethink its plans and goals.

A decision was made, that decision allowed the Commonwealth to make itself known to the public announcing everyone about the potential it may have. Still assimilated in the zoner community, the Commonwealth is bound to follow the TRUE zoner traditions.

Moreover, the association is looking to untie itself from the same reputation the Zoner community adopted over time, namely that of some gastly unseaworthy version of a Sirius-Wide United Nations, poking their outsized, hairy snouts into any number of innumerable profit-pies like an avenging angel, smiting (what it percieves as) wrongdoing all all over the edge worlds with a somewhat brazen regard to the presevation of Zoner Neutrality. No Sirs, no more. The Commonwealth actively seeks to increase its relations with Gallia, A goal which is seen both as economical and patriotic as Gallia boasts a number of trading hubs and an overall good economic value and moreover, a number of Commonwealth members are of Gaul origins and some of them are not keen on the idea of completely separating themselves from the nation which gave them birth merely because some hairless barbarians wish that upon them. Xenophobia is an intolerable precept.

This conglomeration decided to settle on the Freeport of Tau-37, from where it can administrate its branches effectively and follow its goals comparitively free of scrutiny. However, the Commonwealth lays no military claim to the system (partly because they don’t actually have one), as their goal is the pursue of influence and power through economical and scientifically might. Any military claims is considered to bring a stain among their reputation and relations with other parties and would be the catalyst of armed conflicts, conflicts which the Commonwealth wishes to avoid at all cost as they consider it useless sacrifice of human life and a drawback in its administration.

Overtime, the Commonwealth took its politics of association and common assistance between its members to a slightly radical level resulting in a somewhat closed society where its members seek prosperity, power and influence with little to no regard for the “Outsiders” ,similar to Masonic societies on sol. In conclusion, The Commonwealth gives little to no importance to certain moralities. It pursues the path of accomplishing its own interests and ensuring its own survivability through persuasion and diplomacy sharing little to no compassion to the situation outside their association (I.E. you ask us for help, we ask something in return. No gift-wrapping here, beggars).

Because of their specialization on economy, diplomacy and research, the Commonwealth has no interest in competing in military might with other parties, contrary to other zoner groups’ apparent ideology. Because of this, the Commonwealth developed a shipline with an affinity for research, transport and reconnaissance ships. In the Commonwealth’s ideology, the development of unsightly, brutally outsized Nephilim fleets or any other Capital Vessel Fleets more sizable than a Corvo is deemed as a flawed tactic which needlessly squanders resources on pursuing the development of military might, a transgression to the true Zoner Tradition and the Commonwealth’s ideology and thus, the use of Nephilims and other costly and enormous “leviathans” have been completely scrapped. If the need of self the defence ever rises, the Commonwealth would rely on its diplomatic abilities to convince other parties to wage war for their cause or to simply seek a snake hole which would lead them out of the conflict. Should their assets ever betray them, the Commonwealth would use its financial resources to bankroll a mercenary branch which would protect its interests.

The Commonwealth is witness to the struggles of Sirius, maladies, crisis, armed conflicts, the nomad threat, all of this has influenced the Commonwealth into developing a research branch.

To develop it, the Commonwealth managed to hire and fund a number of scientists, though as this branch is recent, it still requires development, something which the group will certainly look into.

As knowledge concerning the nomads were passed down from zoner to zoner, combined with the close distance to Omicron Alpha and the increased presence of Nomads in the Taus, the Commonwealth came to know about them as well, thought their knowledge is not as rich as the Zoner Communities in the Omicrons. Still, the Commonwealth recognizes the nomad threat as well as the potential of Nomad Adapted Technology. While it understands the fact that the Nomads have the power to destroy humanity, the Commonwealth doesn’t actively support resistance against them as according to their ideology, they are allowing other parties to deal with them. Still, this conglomeration will take use of any opportunity to acquire any data or research chances concerning the nomads in order to further their goals.

Though that is not the only purpose of the Research Division. It also occupies with the study of alien micro organisms and the development of new resources that would aid their cause.

In conclusion, the Commonwealth has developed itself to become a conglomeration of zoners all struggling to achieve influence and power through diplomacy under one single banner while dragging its roots from the Zoner tradition and Gaul mercantilism and ultimately developing its own ideology and tradition.

After establishing contact for a series of times with the other zoner communities, the Commonwealth learned of the Confederation of Freeports. Being part of this Confederation would give the Commonwealth a backbone as well as influence in dealing with other parties especially zoner associations and such, after careful deliberation it has been decided that it will be in Commonwealth's interests to join the Confederation.

A petition was made and it was sent to the Confederation, this same petition was reinitialized at the First Zoner Summit which took place in Baffin.

At the same Zoner Summit, the Commonwealth struck a deal with the Administrator of Freeport 10, this deal would allow the Commonwealth to base itself from the Freeport 10 and the Administrator would join the association.

The majestic year of 819 A.S found itself slowly fading away as the Commonwealth steadily acquired more and more influence in the temporal shatters provided by it.
It is in this year, that an Outcast Revolution began, a revolution which threw two major organizations against each other: The Contari Lance and the 101st.

The exquisite zoner organization, as opportunistic as it is, tried to find a way to gain an interest from this heinous division of powers inside the very entrails of the Maltese. But they sought to do so without choosing any sides ( at least in an obvious side ), for the Commonwealth knew too well the possible consequences that choosing the losing side would attract, and such a risk, was a risk they couldn't afford to take.

The commodity they could ripe was trust only, trust that could in the end spawn propositions and benefits. And so it did.
The Commonwealth tried to acquire the trust of one of the organizations: The Contari Lance. Eventually, the Lancieri allowed the liberty of more privileges for the Freeport 10. Needless to say, the Commonwealth may have partaked in certain operations in an attempt to aid the Lancieri to gain its favour, it also hosted the Lancieri - 101st meeting, " The Exalted Assembly " as it was dubbed, where a resolution to the inner Maltese conflict was attempted.


As time, evolution and adaptation to the conflicts and situations of Sirius, have ultimately led the Commonwealth to pursue a variety of goals:

  • Improve Relations with Gallia -Partial success.
  • Conduct none-obtrusive research on exo-terran intelligent life.
  • Develop its influence by assessing key diplomatic treaties and agreements
  • Gain access to as many tradehubs as possible
  • Research new innovations for the benefit of humanity which would ultimately be shared at a great price for the sake of its own interest
  • Develop its Research Branch
  • Acquire new and more innovative ways of personal sustenance by replacing the synthethic food farms in Freeport 10 with more traditional, healthier counterparts. - Complete success.


In order to secure an efficient administration of the Commonwealth’s interests and objectives, a Council has been founded with the role of governing and overseer the certain branches as well as the wellbeing of the Commonwealth and certain diplomacies and business propositions it may receive.

As such, the Commonwealth has a council composed of currently three councilmen: The Research Council headed by Achille Nadeau, The head of Freeport 10 government as Lucky LeRoux and the Commerce Coouncil headed by Robert d’Autoine while the Head Council, tasked with the responsibility of overseering all the other councilheads as well as overall diplomacy, headed by Robert d’Autoine.

Despite boasting a council to govern and enhance the efficiency at which the Commonwealth’s interests are achieved, there is no formal social hierarchy inside the Commonwealth. Each and everyone of all the members inside the Commonwealth are all equals, a hyperbolic equivalent to one big, possibly dysfunctional, happy family.

Despite apparently pursuing such a possibly left-winged path inside their ranks, where every member of the fraternity is treated as an equal individual while having their individuality and personal possessions very respected, this view is different on the outside, quite the contrary:

In its external policies and modus operandi, it is obvious that the Commonwealth members depict themselves as superior to other sirians and gauls alike. This is easily observable by their lack of remorse or guilt in sacrificing innocent life in order to achieve their goals, but if it comes to the death or peril of one of their own members of the fraternity, the entirety of the Commonwealth is known to act in keeping him under the safe clutches of the family as long as possible.

Another thing which may imply this eccentric social policy is quite possibly the elitist status that the Commonwealth embodies. A recent census showed the fact that the Commonwealth’s exact population stretches to around twenty members. This is mainly due to the fact that the Commonwealth counts only true, committed members of the fraternity as ones of their own. Business partners, associates, other zoners, other citizens on Freeport 10 and even their crew members are either totally casted aside from their closed society or simply kept under the monicker of „associates” .

This has lead some individuals to style the Commonwealth as a socioaristocratic meritocracy. A term which defies all the logical bounds of political ideologies. Mainly due to the fact that inside of it, every Commonwealth member treats each other as his or her equal, still retaining their individuality, but on the outside, the Commonwealth members obviously define themselves as superior to outsiders.

Not once a Commonwealth member has defined the life of a non-commonwealth member, regardless of origins or other pre-determined traits, as "irrelevant" when it took the said life into calculations when planning their own interests and objectives.

Name Conventions:

Tag: CW|

Snubs: Firstname.Lastname

Capital ships, transports, mining/research vessels and anyother vessel which isn’t a snub: Shipname

ID and IFF: Zoner


Green - Trusted
White - Neutral
Red - Untrusted
Blue - Indefinite

Since the Commonwealth is not a warfare oriented party, it doesn't assess it's diplomacy based on hostility but rather on the level of mutual trust they have with other parties and how likely the Commonwealth is in acquiring business propositions with them.

  • Independent freelancers.
  • Mercenaries of all stripes.
  • Junkers
  • Other Tau originated Zoners.
  • Gallic Royalist Organisations
  • Organisations native to the Nacion Maltese.
  • Organisations native to the Imperio del Corsario.

  • Everyone else unmentioned below.
  • Bretonian cooporations.
  • Liberty cooporations.
  • Kusari cooporations.
  • Infected
  • The Bounty Hunters Guild Core
  • Blood Dragon clans (history of cross-clan tolerance).
  • WK (primary source of H-fuel for the Commonwealth).
  • AFA (increased to neutral after the organisation's reconditioning of the station's Planta biome to cultivate organic produce).

  • TAZ (reduced from trusting due to repeated, threatening insult and acts of violence. May be returned to neutral as relations thaw).
  • Sirian Houses.
  • The GMG
  • OSI.
  • Kusarians in general
  • Phoenix Zoners
  • The Council (Suspected of espionage against the Commonwealth)
  • The LSF (Suspected of espionage against the Commonwealth)
  • The Liberty Navy.
  • The Coalition (Ideologically juxtaposed)
  • The Bretonian Armed Forces.

  • The Order (nonexistential contact between our organisations, do not operate in the same spheres).
  • Nomads, nomad affiliates, nomad infected parties (<contact listings not for public display> near-constant sightings in Tau's 23, 37 and 27 <operational status classified, dialogue classified>)
  • Artificial Intelligence Consensus and Culture AI's (minimal contact based around the repatriation of AI intellect 'Mosquito'. Occasional sightings in-Taus).

Note again: This is an improper diplomatic chart. It doesn't emphasize or show the Commonwealth's friendliness or level of hostility towards other factions but merely the amount of trust they would afford to put into the said factions.

Zones of Interest:

The zones of interest represent the zones or systems in which the Commonwealth extends most of its influence, can be seen regularly in, or utilises as a trade corridor.

  • Primary Zones of Interest - Northern Enclave (N.E.)
  • Taus
  • Omicron 81, Omicron Alpha (added due to historical CW traffic through Nacion space)
  • Nagano (nearly all inbound and outbound trade not intended for The Royal House or the Nation Maltese will traverse via Northern Kusari. The Nagano approach is also the safest route for short-duration Niobium hauls due to the relative proximity to the Freeport main. Since the formalisation of relations with the WK, Nagano also straddles the Commonwealth's primary fuel import route).
  • Bordering Systems
  • The Royal House of Gallia

As the Commonwealth bases itself from the freeport of Tau-37. Logically then, the Commonwealth's primary zones of interest reside within the Taus, the adjoining systems of Gallia, and the nation maltese. The primary populace of the northern enclave is comprised of Gallic royalist migrants (as does the majority of the Commonwealth's hierarchy), Californians, displaced Bretonians and the odd Kusarian.

A smaller, more illegitimate quasi-unlawful enclave of the commonwealth also exists within the deeper Omegas, previously based within the (now decommissioned) Freeport 101 modular habitat, before relocating in its entirety to the Freeport five asteroid arcology. Moral within the southern enclave is (predictably) minuscule; trading the newest, largest, (arguably) most cosmopolitan stellar platform within the omegas for a dire, radiation-etched brittle slab of rock and diamond drifting incessantly in an irregular orbit around a neutron star did not seem like the fairest trade they have ever executed. The Southern Enclave finds its populace from the backs of Coalition defectors and Rheinland citizens searching for a better life, along with possible in-roads into more northerly Sirian climbs.

  • Secondary Zones of Interest - Southern Enclave (S.E.)
  • Unmentioned Omicrons
  • Omegas
  • Sigma 17, Sigma 19

  • Claimed installations
    [Image: FP10.jpg]
  • Freeport Ten, Tau 37:

    historical home of the Commonwealth for the last two years since the base's inheritance from the predating administrator, Lucky LeRoux at the 'First Baffin Zoner Summit', and exposed to extended refit and modular addition for the duration of its occupancy. The station stands as an opulently overcrowded trade hub among the Nacion's primary cardimine corridor at the very boundaries of the Tau worlds, and, for its size, is one of the most frequently visited independent worlds installations within the Tau area, surpassing Holman outpost rather recently.

    The inhabitants of Ten enjoy a decadent, cosmopolitan existence funded by the virtues of the readily available clouds of pure Niobium ore and Aqua in the surrounding fields; fields they possess ready access to due to a state of amiable coexistence with all parties surrounding. The pace of change is fluid here - clandestine interactions with the Farmers Alliance have lead to regular imports from Nagano largely replacing the synth crop which had comprised the bulk of the station's previous fare, and the station's Sylvania biome makes for a botanical garden without parallel.

    The station's claim was recently re-asserted by the Phoenix Zoner organisation, in response to an administration clarification requested by fraternal Zoner and Commonwealth founder; Robert Carol d'Autoine.

    [Image: Freeport_5.jpg]
  • Freeport 5, Omega 41:

    Quite possibly the least favourable archology within the Commonwealth's dominions, Freeport Five serves as the Commonwealth's gateway to the Sirian Undercroft of the lower Omicrons and Omegas, and all the associated smuggling routes associated with the region. The station is Spartan, aged, and asteroid pockmarked, the thick walls of slab rock providing minimal protection from the scourging intensity of the Neutron Star. Anti-irradiation drug consumption is predictably high, as is the station's death rate, level of cardimine addiction and general alcoholism. Only relatively prosperous regional artefact trade render maintaining this decaying pebble worth its inherent value.

    The inhabitants of Five live brutally short (yet extravagantly well-funded) lives in conditions a hessian would feel quite at home in, owing to the fact that the entire station's guts are comprised of a litter of gristly mineshafts. Caution is advised when docking here - the station is saturated with every partisan from Rheinlanders to purebred Zoners to Coalition to Hessians to Corsairs, and most despise the other.

Reason for Omicron presence - Mostly because of the fact that the Nomad presence is very abundant there and that they wish to study it. Though, as it is a secondary zone of interest, it is more likely for the Commonwealth to form agreements with the parties there rather than forming an active presence of their own. However, this outlook is gradually shifting into history as the CW research and commerce arms indulge in semi-regular supply runs to the Nacion and Zoner held territories of the Omicrons.

The Omegas are also viewed as a secondary zone of interest due to the presence of other zoner parties as well as the IMG and an abundance of Silver. All these three factors make the Omegas a profitable business venture, as are the Rhinelandic corner systems such as Koeln.

//Recruitment for the Commonwealth Zoners isn't entirely shut but is however highly select - recruits will be drawn from those who a proven ability to weather multiple hours of ingame Rp encounters along with forumside Rp posts. Oorp introductions and merely giving us your character sale pitch won't be enough for us to take you on.//

// Hello, dearest and most amiable members of the admin team, I would like to state that the sole purpose of this paragraph inside this humble post is to act as a testimony to the fact that all the required monetary resources in order for our request to be as legitimate as possible is located on the ship CW|Account

RE: The Commonwealth - Eduard - 08-19-2013

Well, what can I say... The Commonwealth gladly await any feedback, suggestions, opinions, and any other constructive argument that can be posted here.

Thank you!

RE: The Commonwealth - Reid - 08-19-2013

I've had good experiences with the Commonwealth so far, keep doin what you're doin

RE: The Commonwealth - Auriec - 08-19-2013

Had awesome encounters with you as Sanguine.Aurora and other characters, which were one of the most enjoyable in a while (and made me like the Taus the most).
In the end, this also made me join the faction myself and I don't regret that decision.

RE: The Commonwealth - Occam Razor - 08-19-2013

Had nice encounters with you too, keep up the good work. Good luck with your request.

RE: The Commonwealth - Eduard - 08-19-2013

The opinions you have provided are most appreciated and encouraging. Allow me to forward my highest compliments.

Thanks a lot

RE: The Commonwealth - Luke. - 08-19-2013

I've had great encounters with all of you and the RP is solid. Best of luck to you all.

RE: The Commonwealth - Lythrilux - 08-19-2013

I have had some great encounters with you guys, I wish you luck.

RE: The Commonwealth - Haste - 08-19-2013

Good luck. Nothing but fun encounters with every character I've ever taken up into the Taus, so I hope you'll make it.

RE: The Commonwealth - Enkidu - 08-19-2013

Updated the post with more recent edits.Wink