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To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vicinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Printable Version

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To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vicinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - SMI-Great.Fox - 11-27-2013

[Image: 1zp2ws2.jpg]

To all current members of Staff within the respected titles of all braches they represent in their fields.

I am requesting a current "State of Arms" due to the increasing shows of hostilities against Zoner populaces within the systems surrounding Bretonia from Gallic Forces.

With this request, we wish to know your total combat rediness, craft numbers and Secondary Division Callsigns: This is to include all Economic divisions and numbers available.

This message is of utmost importance as I fear TAZ will be drawn to fight sooner than we hoped.


Head of Baffin Security
Pope Brettonias the First

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vacinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Thexare - 11-27-2013

Routing through navy.freenet.iw...
Rerouting through shasta.freenet.23...
Connection established.

| Message Received |
[Image: Victor-Delacroix.png]

Heavy Raider forces consist of one heavy battleship, two improvised carrier frigates, three gunboats. Fighter and bomber escort can be scrambled relatively easily, and several of our freighters are also equipped for combat and have proven surprisingly competent. Fighter wing is under 24; we have more ships than pilots.

The Vagrant Transport Corps fields one liner and about five transports.

Octavarium Intelligence Commission assets unlisted. Suited for light skirmishing and infiltration, not heavy assault.

Fury-series photon blasters and Osprey-class long-range escorts would help. Just a thought. Multipurpose strike craft are useful for patrolling.

| End of message |

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vacinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Vendetta - 11-27-2013

:: Incoming transmission ::
:: Connection established ::
:: Encryption: HIGH ::
:: Subject: Combat readiness report ::
:: Comms ID: Fleet Admiral Winston Baxter ::

This is truly some unfortunate news. The Royalists clearly wont stop until every Sirian civilian is fighting to their last breath..

The Twenty-Seventh is battered, but we're not going down any time soon. I've got ten fighters prepped and ready, and what remains of our warships are armed and waiting. We wont let them kill any more innocent people.

Units available:


Colonial "Nyx" Very Heavy Fighter - 9
Colonial "Pythos" Light Bomber - 7
Borderworlds "Sabre" Very Heavy Fighter - 1
Colonial "Zephyr Mk II" Carrier Warship - 2
Colonial "Thanatos" Long range support Cruiser - 3
Colonial "Hydra" Heavy combat support Gunboat - 3


27th|TV-Hermes - "Atlas" Heavy Transport
27th|TV-Escapades - "Atlas" Heavy Transport
27th|TV-Demeter - "Atlas" Heavy Transport


27th|Spades Heavy Bomber squadron
27th|Clubs Medium Support Bomber Squadron
27th|CV - Capital Vessel
27th|SV - Support Vessel
27th|TV - Transport Vessel
27th|Name.Surname - Light/Very Heavy Fighter

We'll stand by you when needed. You know where to find us.

Winston out.

:: Signal Lost ::

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vacinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Texas Red - 11-27-2013

:: Transmission Detected ::
:: Connection... Established! ::
:: Subject: Uhm... ::
:: ID: Carl Bishop ::

So it's come down to this, huh? They finally pushed so hard that we're getting ready to push back.... Let me explain, that the members of our Flotilla aren't soldiers, we aren't prepared for a full conflict with an extremely powerful nation. However.... A lot of our vessels are equipped with advanced equipment, and can offer repairs and strategic advantages on the field. I've authorized the Flotilla's movement to Magellan in full force. Expect two re-purposed Aquillon Carriers, two Nephilim Colony ships, A Fearless destroyer and a Corvo retrofitted for medical usage to be standing by, we've also brought along our transport vessels. Five Whales. Use them where you need them. We've also brought several Osprey with us, too. Let's hope we don't have to use them.

Here's to putting a stop to this madness.

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vacinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - SMI-Great.Fox - 11-27-2013

[Image: 1zp2ws2.jpg]

To Minister Delacriox:

We have already foreseen this request due to our partnerships in the past.

Upon Shasta's third wing, there are two shipping pods with 50 Fury class Photon weapons accompanied by 10 Osprey MK II's. Ask the Shipping Manager on the station for Delivery "BonBon" and he'll take you to them.


To Admiral Baxter, 27th Colonial Division.

I did not know it was the yours truely I spoke to earlier in Magellan. Thank you for assisting us.


To Carl Bishop.

For now I reqest that you keep all current capital assets within Baffin space. I wont put innocent lives at risk as they're not fighters. But I have a task that needs to be taken care of. I request that you have all currently opperating Whale transports to head to GMG controlled space, and deliver to Shasta 40 thousand units of H-Fuel just in case. Your accounts will be paid in full for such.


Head of Baffin Security
Pope Brettonias the First

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vacinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - rhodesia - 11-27-2013

[Image: 7vfq.png]

Greetings friends,

I have created a comms channel to report our deliveries on. I have linked it for your convenience.



[Image: tnh7.png]

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vicinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Arioch - 11-27-2013

[Image: hec8gkx.png]

Good day Pope Brettonias,

Sadly these incursions and actions from the Gallics has been ever increasing, with the invasion of Leeds, and the increased presence with the Tau systems. As such, it saddens me to know that Zoners and others are feeling the wrath of the tyrannical rule that seeks to imprison us all. As in the past, the Colonial Republic has assisted and helped where we could in regards the safety of our systems and it's inhabitants, and we will continue to do so.

As far as our fleets are concerned, I have compiled a list of our forces and their locations. Rest assured, we have men and woman ready and willing to assist where we can throughout the surrounding sectors. Below you will find our squadrons, and the ships within:

Fighter-class ship registry Wrote:Total fighter-class fleet size: 121 snub craft
  • 15th "Hell's Angels" - Callsign: [15th]
    Operation area: Coronado, Cortez, Magellan, Baffin
  • 52nd "Highlanders" - Callsign: [52nd]
    Operation area: Bretonian Systems
  • 49th "Firebirds" - Callsign: [49th]
    Operation area: Tau Systems
  • 17th "Rapiers" - Callsign: [17th]
    Operation area: Classified
Status of squadrons: Active

"Eros" Colonial Light Fighter
Number of active Eros fighters: 7
15th "Hell's Angels": 5
49th "Firebirds": 2
52nd "Highlanders": 0
17th "Rapiers": Classified
Reserve ships: 0

"Nyx" Colonial Very Heavy Fighter
Number of active Nyx fighters: 59
15th "Hell's Angels": 15
49th "Firebirds": 34
52nd "Highlanders": 7
17th "Rapiers": Classified
Reserve ships: 3

"Pytho" Colonial Bomber
Number of active Pytho bombers: 55
15th "Hell's Angels": 13
49th "Firebirds": 28
52nd "Highlanders": 14
17th "Rapiers": Classified
Reserve ships: 0

Gunboat and Capital-class ship registry Wrote:Total Gunboat and Capital-class ship fleet size: 29
Operation area: Tau systems, Bretonian Systems, Coronado, Cortex, Magellan, Baffin.
Status of fleet: Active

"Hydra" Colonial Gunboat
Number of active Hydra gunboats: 10
Primary fleet: 7
Secondary fleet: 3
Hydra Gunboat callsign: [K###]

"Thanatos" Colonial Cruiser
Number of active Thanatos Cruisers: 17
Primary fleet: 10
Secondary fleet: 7
Thanatos Cruiser callsign: [FF###]

"Zephyr" Mk II Colonial Carrier
Number of active Zephyr Carriers: 2
Primary fleet: 2
Secondary fleet: 0
Zephyr Carrier callsign: [BB##]

Transport-class ship registry Wrote:Total transport-class ship fleet size: 34
Name: Colonial Movers
Operation area: Sirius-wide
Mover callsign: -CM-
Status of fleet: Active

"Celestra" Colonial Armed Transport
Number of active Celestra transports: 9

"Atlas" Colonial Transport
Number of active Atlas transports: 25

Our forces are already engaged with the Gallics through the aforementioned systems, and are able to be rallied under a moments notice should the call be given. As you no doubt are aware, our vengeance is absolute, our desire for their end is concrete. We will not forget their past atrocities, and will do all in our power to ensure others do not meet the same fate.

Safe skies,
Colonel Steven Lewis
CR| - Colonial Republic

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vicinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Kazinsal - 11-29-2013

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Encryption key expired a couple years ago ==

[Image: comm-header.png]

My fellow Independent Worlds leaders,

By now you have no doubt all seen the carnage that surrounds our homes and people. Many of you are now also finding a new internal information system and communications subchannel in your secure neuralnet terminals. In addition, I invite all of you to take a shuttle or other small craft of your choice to the surface of Planet New Westminster and visit the Natio Octavarium colony of New Vancouver. It is small, and only reachable by shuttles and freighters due to lack of docking ring access, but it is a safe place.

We must stand together as brothers in arms or we will not stand at all against the Gallic advances.

Harold A. Kane
Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed ==

RE: To: All Colonial, Council & VR Forces in the Vicinity of Baffin | From: TAZ - Texas Red - 11-29-2013

:: Transmission Detected ::
:: Connection... Established! ::
:: Subject: H-Fuel Delivery... ::
:: ID: Carl Bishop ::

As requested.

Bishop out.

:: Signal Lost ::