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FAO: Grand Maréchal Ansel Xavier | ENCRYPTED | De: Général LeBlanc, NBT-Toulouse - Printable Version

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FAO: Grand Maréchal Ansel Xavier | ENCRYPTED | De: Général LeBlanc, NBT-Toulouse - Omi - 11-28-2013


The video feed starts, revealing a blonde-haired, very short woman with a wild-eyed expression, who is clutching a half-empty bottle of wine in one hand. The room she is in looks to be some sort of cabin, though it is unusually large. A noticeable layer of smoke coils beneath the ceiling lights, and an ashtray - heaped full - is barely visible in-frame. Having just finished turning the camera on, she takes a couple of steps backwards and begins speaking, her voice not entirely steady:

Anse- or rather, Maréchal Xavier - there is something we must convene on. Face-to-face. Charbonneau, too, should be alerted.

She takes a deep, shaky breath, briefly turning to pick up a data slate from the chair behind her. Slowly, she steps forwards and holds it up to the screen:

[Image: LHKYspAl.jpg]

Retracting the slate, the woman tosses it back onto the chair, moving back so she is again in-frame:

As you can see, the visual and communications logs are almost entirely corrupt. This was the only thing I could salvage from my Cougar's data banks. I would have had the engineers do it, but-

She shakes her head, looking extremely stressed and worn-out.

I have heard the rumours of these- these alien craft, small ones, aiding our forces in the Taus. I suspected there might have been an element of truth to them, however- however obfuscated it might have become. You know how things get exaggerated. But-

Tailing off, she refocuses her gaze directly on the camera.

Ansel, you have been warring in Sirius for far longer than I. If you have knowledge of these- these things, then I want to hear of it. All of it. I made my assumptions based on what I heard, but I never could have- there is much to think on - and to reconsider.

Her eyes drift off the camera, looking somewhere beyond.

It was right there. Huge, gigantique. And Dupont couldn't see it. He came out of the lane, told me that he could not see it, and then neither could I. Gone, in the blink of an eye. He couldn't hear it, either. Told me it was just stress.

There is a brief, tense pause, before the woman addresses the camera one last time; her gaze steelier and her voice laden with markedly more resolve:

Whatever I witnessed - it cannot affect the campaign. That much is clear. The Royal Fleet scored another great victory in Agincourt orbit, with yet another strike fleet reduced to little more than debris under my command. We must continue to move Gallia from strength to strength in our advancing forwards, regardless of any other... concerns.

Arrange a meeting, as soon as possible. There is more I must tell you, but not remotely. In person.

She steps forwards, reaching out and turning the camera off.


RE: FAO: Grand Maréchal Ansel Xavier | ENCRYPTED | De: Général LeBlanc, NBT-Toulouse - Rodent - 11-29-2013

Communications ID - Ansel Xavier
Communications Recipient - Lucie LeBlanc, NBT-Toulouse.
Communications Priority: Maximum.

Ansel appears on screen, looking fairly calm and collected, perhaps even a touch amused.

Calm yourself.

I'm aware of these Aliens, and what implications and threats they bring. As soon as the Royal Navy began it's invasion of Sirius, we began running into them, and I've spent a great deal of time and risked...much, to ensure that Gallia is not unprepared.

When I was injured and put out of action, this agenda was left neglected and nobody else had the required know-how to continue developing our knowledge in this regard. Even upon my return, I'd not paid much attention to them...instead preferring to deal with more pressing issues.

Sous Lieutenant Gabriel's encounter with the Nomad reminded me well. While you, busy dismissing her claims as fancies and delusions, I knew that she was not lying. Don't worry, I have already had a discussion with her and she doesn't know much of import.

I agree that we'll have to discuss this. Several courses of actions can be pursued, and we'll have to choose. Bring Director De Montfort as well. Naval Intelligence will be an asset we need to use, and if they fail...they're not vital to operations.

Xavier out.