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To Kusari - Open Transmission - Printable Version

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To Kusari - Open Transmission - Jien Kogen - 01-18-2014

*An image interrupts your viewing broadcast. A lone man stands behind a podium. It is Emperor Jien Kogen*

My people, I am sure you are surprised to see me. I know reports of my death have been widely circulated. As you can see, they couldn't be farther from the truth. I must apologize for this necessary ruse. For this time of have been "dead" was needed to put many things into place. I have returned to Kusari, with the aid of those many, many of you who are still loyal to the Chrysanthemum Throne, still loyal to the ideals of the true Kusari. With the aid of those who still hold Kusari in your heart, I have returned to Kusari. I have returned to you, I have returned to fix what has been broken. To place the Imperial Line back where it belongs for the good of Kusari.

I know for most of you the last two years have been fraught with difficult choices. They were for me as well. These are the times that show us who we are. These are the times that are remembered in the annals of history.

Those of you who have held strong, who have done what they could to undermine this illegitimate, farce of a government that has usurped the rightful government, they shall be remembered, the shall be revered as heroes of Kusari history.

Those of you who have stood idly by, trying to maintain your own status, I understand. We have families and lives that we naturally want to protect. We want to maintain as much stability as we can. I understand all of that, but you must understand, we are stronger together than we are alone. There is only so much stability that can be achieved when the world is falling down around you. But as one, we can return security and stability to our beloved Kusari. We can bring back what was lost. A normal life, schools and stores and birthdays and weddings. Without the fear of inflation and intimidation. Without a military leadership who would oust the legitimate government. But we must do it together, we must be as one Kusari.

For those of you who have help the illegitimate government, there is still time. Throw yourselves on the gears of the machines and you shall be forgiven your previous choices. But you must do so now. Strike against your companies, sabotage the equipment. Show that you see the truth.

For those of you who is continue to fight, continue to support the illegitimate government of Kusari, for you there is no mercy. A day of reckoning will come, and when that day comes, those of you who stood against Kusari will be lined up against a wall.

For all Kusari, the time of tough choices is not over yet. We still have difficult days ahead, but as we come together, as we stand as one, as well fight for Kusari, in whatever way we can, we will, day by day, week by week, push them further and further back, and take back the only thing that truly belongs to us. Our birthright, Our Kusari.

*The image dissolves*

RE: To Kusari - Open Transmission - Kusari Uchugun - 01-19-2014

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Kogen Jien,

The Admiralty is glad to hear you are well. Some reports indeed reported your death, several months ago.

The content of your transmission is troubling. It does appear to me you are willing to fight in order to gain back the position that once belonged to you. As you are certainly aware, such decision will cause of lot of unnecessary deaths.

I'm aware many of your followers consider the Naval Forces as dishonoured traitors.
As a matter of fact, the Admiral Takahashi, among with several others high ranked officers, faced a difficult situation.

They witnessed you, Kogen-sama, ordering more and more elements of our forces to move to Seto, in order to support your will to seize planet Leeds, thus leaving our very home defenceless, while you also took the decision to open a new front-line by rising against Gas Miner Guild because of Planet Kurile crisis.

Those officers had to make a difficult choice, between their oath to serve you and to protect our people.
This is why many divisions were ordered to stay in Kusari core space, rather than moving to the Taus. And i dare say it's because of this decision the house of Kusari didn't collapse following the appearance of the house of Gallia.

Our duty remains to protect the people of Kusari. I find nothing dishonourable in this oath. We serve the power in place. We do not rule.

As a result, if your decision is indeed to regain your position, even if this mean having to make Kusari burn, we will unfortunately have to rise against your forces.

In my humble opinion, the most reasonable decision would be to return to Kusari, to acknowledge your former position is no more. Then, if our people, the people of the House of Kusari, decide you should rule, the Naval Forces would be the first to bow before you.

Many noble men and women lost their lives already. It is not necessary to add to those terrible losses.

Kaishō-ho Mochizuki,
Kusari Naval Forces.

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RE: To Kusari - Open Transmission - McNeo - 01-20-2014

The divine right to rule a land does not cease to exist for any reason, be they perceived mistakes, the loss of a war due to foreign intervention or even the will of the people. That you would dare to say that his fate be decided by some kind of due process shows your understanding of divine right to be sorely lacking. You sound like the kind of disgusting aristocrat that never truly believed in the ideals of an Emperor who rules with heavenly authority.

No true Emperor of Kusari would not fight for his land. No true subject or citizen would oppose him. In his wisdom, the Emperor has already offered far more mercy than many of those who continue to loyally serve would have done in his place. By rejecting this hand of reconciliation, you dishonour yourself, your family name, the Kusari Naval Forces and the house upon which it is his divine duty to govern and lead.

It is not surprising that the remnant of the Kusari Naval Forces has fallen into a subjugation at the sight of seemingly superior military force. It has happened once before, where the divine right of the Emperor was cast away and the Kusari people sold their soul to avert a long and bloody struggle. You show yourself to be of the same mettle as these selfish individuals, unwilling to give everything for the living God in your midst.

Once upon a time, I used to be in your ranks. I used to serve alongside Taisho Hajime Hirohito as his second, yet instead of advancing my career further, the Emperor gracefully allowed myself and a select few to serve as part of his guard. I now see that this was the correct, and only choice, for the Emperor, and for Kusari.

Fighting to the last breath seems like something this new version of the Kusari Naval Forces can't bring itself to do. If you surrendered so easily to the Gallics, the return of the Emperor to our land shouldn't be difficult to achieve, with or without your acceptance of that inevitability. It seems that this is already beginning to prove itself to be true.

It is the duty of all remaining Imperial Guard to protect and serve the Emperor against any foe. If you choose to be his foe, we will strike you down as if you were common criminals.