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The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - Printable Version

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The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - HuggieSunrise - 01-24-2014

[Image: chakrachart.jpg]

The Seal of Three

Past History Thread

What is this?:

Well frankly the cult of Sirius is a large organised group of cardamine "cultists" many other objects of value are traded related to alien origins (those with a personal relationship with the oracles can get certain nomad artifacts for great favors) but why we smuggle cardamine is a decree from the divine and also an important part of the Matlesse power hold over those who need cardamine for sustainment of life.

While insidious as the drug is this group evangelizes it as the next step in humans evolution and while in recent years the group has fallen silent because of their hybrid leaders disappearance (Oracles) one has returned to foster and revive the faith.

Our leader.
Forced into permanent Exile from his home of Malta the current leader Three Winds was the son of of the previous elder of the Cult, though he himself died to an overdose of liquid cardamine at the morph shrine a shadow or essence of the man surprisingly survived and serves and interpreter for a network of slomon khara a node known to the cult as "the three".

Why these particular voices speak to the cult is unclear but the divine is mysterious and few question the divines motives.

Three Winds was the name conferred upon the individual that emerged from this experience, his body is roughly still human however due to the unnatural hybridization process suffers a permanent split personality. Functional but split. The humanoid body is also a concern because without proper protection from airborne cyanide gas that seems to emanate from the body you would suffer severe nerve damage and possible death. Wilde and Nomad entities are unaffected limiting him to their bases.

The Oracles

While there maybe several oracles, they are the active enforcement arm of the cult, there are ranks to being an oracle and certain duties to being one however you need not concern yourself as the cult itself only receives support and guidance from them. We follow Three winds directives and warnings.

What we do.

Cardamine works it way into many areas across sirius, we make a point to supply all areas in need of cardamine expansion, like a vital heart we pump the orange dream to our seasoned dreamers and those who are unclean to be washed and dye in the wool of out truth.

From the profits we tithe to the temple. The temple provides everything to us via our merits, the work of many benefits the many.

Explained. (ooc part now)

For every run you sell cardamine there is a small percentage of donation to the group for group equipment and expenses, call it community banking earning statements and how much is in the Temple is visible to every member but part of joining the cult is recognizing that those in need will be given assistance from the tithe first. If you really want that 5th dreadnought you might need to wait until we can outfit everyone with proper transports first.

Really thats it?

Well I figured the easiest RP for a communal trading and financial group would be a cult atmosphere and while the Oracles are completely fleshed out there is no.. "earning" potential in hybrids who are half ro more alien, mutated, scary and cant dock in regular places. it allows members of this group to be as evangelical or wacky as they want to be or as serious and dedicated to thier lore as they want to be. Im a pretty lazzie fair guy in that sense id like everyone to have fun while benefiting the group?

So what if i dont want to donate to the temple or trade cardi?

Thats ok too but you'll have to finance yourself.. Pay into the temple for a time and you'll be vetted to get its assistance there's a pretty simple rubric I put in place and im not asking for a 50% tax its a small donation at a minimum of 3% per cardi trade. Hopefully at some point we can have our own fields and maybe even develop discount sources of cardi.(hey it could happen)

Why would anyone join this?

Heyyyy baby its mah birthdaaaay!

A little help, a communal atmosphere, and well great times and adventures with an rp that lets you cut loose it little more then say any other regular trader Joe. You don't have to be crazy to work here but it helps.

The facts:

Id: were figuring that out idealy OC for any ships of force. but i can also see how freelancer can work either way? im starting up here and well feedback is nice but the members will make the final decision.
Tag: CoS

Diplomacy: Carbon copy OC however im sure we will figure this out too.

Recruit related questions? IM me or get ahold me however you can.

All other questions can go on below, feedback, hate mail etc.

Roster - HuggieSunrise - 01-28-2014

Practical Cultists guide:

The Three:

Three.Winds - Huggie
Mordeth - Tyber
Nisaras - Bex Dyran (The Woman)

Who are the three? They watch over and guide the cult. Giving opportunity and defense to its children from time to time.

"But do they run it?"

Not... really. Our job is not to seek the divine and become as them our job is to accelerate humanity by the Orange Dream.

"Ok ok who runs it."

The Plantations of the northwestern mountain plateau have always been cult of Sirius farms and plantations. We serve them directly with tithes to the temple and spreading their crops.

Spiritually we serve Ishmael / Mother Malta we seek to improve their lives as well as serve as an outlet for resident slaves to serve in the cult.

The old roman catholic roots of the cult aren't completely ignored its just pushed into overdrive so that those who take cardamine according to the cults "path" will seek to bring more "unclean" unto the path.

"just how crazy do we get?"

Giving cardamine to vict- volunteers who tithe to the cult is a test of faith. If the one we gift refuses the cardamine its a grave insult. So.. depending on how you feel about it that's usually provocation enough.

Other heresy's and blaspheming cardamine, nomads, the cult, and of course Malta could incite violence as well.. unless of course the individuals are taking cardi... The walkers of the path of cardamine aren't all embraced into the fold correctly and should be forgiven WE DO NOT HARM THE ADDICTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

Oh wait you worship nomads too huh

We assist them and if were lucky they let us do their bidding. They provide us the valuable Liquid Cardamine besides being symbols of gods PERFECTION IN THE UNIVERSE.*

Disclaimer: God gods or tacos as referred to in this thread do not represent the opinions thoughts or gas produced by farting in a tub of like warm water the actualy true god and eldrich horror of all time is Huggie the tenticling praise be unto him.

Registered vessles: CoS|
Temple.Apocalypse : Our Flying Temple
Holy.Roller - hug
Frozen.Soul - venk
<ship im not remembering for richard
<ship im not remembering for tyber
Kujira - bex
<Ship i cant remember the name of for stefs

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - chase.way - 01-28-2014

Nice, I like it.

Quote:For every run you sell cardamine there is a small percentage of donation to the group for group equipment and expenses, call it community banking earning statements and how much is in the Temple is visible to every member but part of joining the cult is recognizing that those in need will be given assistance from the tithe first. If you really want that 5th dreadnought you might need to wait until we can outfit everyone with proper transports first.

Great idea, make it closed economy, so members together work for prosperity of the whole group.

Also I think OC ID/IFF suits the story rather well, and ship line BW/OC only since you're cult and from what I gathered you don't associate too much with people outside the cult. (Well except OC people I presume)

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - HuggieSunrise - 01-30-2014

(01-28-2014, 03:24 PM)chase.way Wrote: Nice, I like it.

Quote:For every run you sell cardamine there is a small percentage of donation to the group for group equipment and expenses, call it community banking earning statements and how much is in the Temple is visible to every member but part of joining the cult is recognizing that those in need will be given assistance from the tithe first. If you really want that 5th dreadnought you might need to wait until we can outfit everyone with proper transports first.

Great idea, make it closed economy, so members together work for prosperity of the whole group.

Also I think OC ID/IFF suits the story rather well, and ship line BW/OC only since you're cult and from what I gathered you don't associate too much with people outside the cult. (Well except OC people I presume)

Yeah im thinking thats the way well go for it already i have alot of people wanting to fly escort and not necessarily trade.. But there alot of tricks you can pull in the old BWT. I just want to make sure we arent rolling into town with anything too retarded like a OC dread wave (thought i sorta miss those days..... memorieees)

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - Divine - 01-30-2014

Any relation or link to the Cult of Origin?

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - HuggieSunrise - 01-30-2014

(01-30-2014, 01:33 PM)Divine Wrote: Any relation or link to the Cult of Origin?

you mean the ori from sg1? well we dont have anyone that hot in our cult yet but were working on it.

get it i said hot cause of the inara chick and the whole ori thing was fire and yeah ...

im not funny.

in .84 there was a little group a group of outcasts who worships blue things and wouldent shoot them to farm thier guns and we would shoot others for farming nomad weapons. of course we did this in vanilla freelancer too long long ago in 2003. i have kept a small group like this running off and on for awhile. Simple easy origon story.

The RP origons are covered in the nomad offical faction section (cause its still in there) from the last two forum upgrades. though thats just history. What were about now is fun. No drama lots of hilarity and hopefully good friendships.

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - Divine - 01-30-2014

Talking about if this group got any relation to the Cult of Origin.

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - HuggieSunrise - 01-30-2014

(01-30-2014, 01:57 PM)Divine Wrote: Talking about if this group got any relation to the Cult of Origin.

whoa dude.. ever read ???

the..similarities are FREAKY IM FREAKIN OUT MAN

and even my old post was reformatted from rp in game.

similarities between CoS and origon would be both beleave that the hispania was guided there the story i told quite often.

both beleave that cardamine is a bounty for mankind

both may worship different forms of what they call divine


CoS's gods are living eternal within the nomads who have for better or worse shaped thier history. Guinea pigs for the more inhuman exsparaments of cardimines limits but because CoS viewed these
trials" as necessary no ones complained.

oracles and the CoS weren't public until recently id say just before the war began they dont showboat they "support" the government and defend maltas borders. Ishmael is half of thier dogma anyone touched by cardamin is without sin in thier eyes.

Nomads have let CoS ships within thier territory namely cardmine shippers and "volunteers". CoS is more of an alien worshipping cult then a terrorist org.. thier contrary because thier ordered to and thier happy to be slaves to "something greater" because many of them come from maltas slave classes.

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - Divine - 01-30-2014

Cult of Origin, posted by Jameson 01-06-2011
Cult of Sirius: Oracles, posted by you 04-09-201

That's why I'm asking if this Cult of Sirius here got any link or relation to the still (inRP-lore) existing Cult of Origin.
Those two groups are not the same, yet similar. From there my question arises.

I'll be back home and online on Skype around 8pm GMT+1, you can hit me up if you wish. I'd like to see someone, especially someone like you who has solid experience with Cardamine, Nomads and creating the Oracles, to take up on past done player-lore.

RE: The Cult of Sirius - Meta Thread - HuggieSunrise - 01-30-2014

(01-30-2014, 02:13 PM)Divine Wrote: Cult of Origin, posted by Jameson 01-06-2011
Cult of Sirius: Oracles, posted by you 04-09-201

That's why I'm asking if this Cult of Sirius here got any link or relation to the still (inRP-lore) existing Cult of Origin.
Those two groups are not the same, yet similar. From there my question arises.

I'll be back home and online on Skype around 8pm GMT+1, you can hit me up if you wish. I'd like to see someone, especially someone like you who has solid experience with Cardamine, Nomads and creating the Oracles, to take up on past done player-lore.

sure its a date.