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Liberty Navy [LN] - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy [LN] - mjolnir - 02-10-2011


"sorry, but we can't stop giving them to pirates"
*oorp point to tech chart*
"But we can give them to you as well to reinforce a neutral stance"

... so [LN] gets the weapons.

Instead the purple cells on the tech chart should be changed to white as Dusty also mentions. But sure using them yourselves instead promotes roleplay more. Cause meeting LN GB with zoner turrets when Liberty has 2 types of own turrets is logical in RP.:crazy:

Liberty Navy [LN] - McNeo - 02-11-2011

So Zoner turrets being better than Liberty turrets is logical?:lol:

Liberty Navy [LN] - Blighter - 02-11-2011

' Wrote:So Zoner turrets being better than Liberty turrets is logical?:lol:

Got to keep balance in mind and that said turrets were designed for a 4-gun Gunboat if I remember right so said Gunboat would be balanced out against other Gunboats. Said Gunboat saw a change to a sixshooter but the turrets were left unchanged (for whatever the reason, guessing time constraints), and with the advent of the tech-chart became open-use for, if I remember right, all "generic" IDs.
I think we currently have several of such "issues" when it comes to use of certain technologies, the Zoner weaponry for generic IDs being just one of them where something good is taken to a brutally efficient level (in the case of Zoner Gunboat turrets) due to a tech-chart loophole.

Given that the tech-chart was, from what I have gathered, instated with little if no regards to actual gameplay balancing it was obvious that said loophole and others would be found and abused simply because it's possible. But yeah, given that said turrets were designed with other goals in mind than currently seen in gameplay, it must have been logical from the developers' side at the time the statistics etc. were made as the focus was gameplay balance, with the tech-chart coming later and messing that up in this area.

I suppose what people's beef with the Zoner-gun issue might be, disregarding all of the RP aspects around and behind it, is that currently the Liberty Navy has the potential to capitalize on the above-mentioned loophole, which itself puts a bad light on the faction, as the [LN] potentially now could do what every random generic ID user can freely do, namely strap on Zoner shooters. Once again, I stress the "potential" part, how the [LN] acts from now on remains to be seen. To add insult to potential injury, the [LN], were it to capitalize on it, would end up doing so not as one Dude McRandom, but as a whole official faction, and since we're on Discovery it wouldn't be "David Hale is using Zoner shooters! OMG!", it would be - as can be seen starting now - "[LN] is using Zoner shooters! OMG!" - despite the fact that it ain't the entire [LN] and, from what I've gathered, just a select few people. (Was it to be five now or something? I forgot.) This however is the [LN]'s own fault for, well, getting them / that deal / whatever, so yeah.

Anyway like I said, potential, so I'd rather wait how it plays out if the issue for people is more the above, the RP I didn't look into myself, so whether it's fishy or not or whatever, no clue.

Liberty Navy [LN] - casero - 02-11-2011

Watching the sea, I just got to say, if Ageira has a problem, it's time for them to show up and talk about it. If any faction has a problem, talk about it. If there's a OORP problem with LN using Zoner guns, then discussion can be done, but unless it goes like that, RP problems should stay in RP, and those factions should get their people to deal with it. It's a good chance for Ageira to stand up and show their RP skills, same for everyone else involved with zoner guns and the LN.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-12-2011

' Wrote:Watching the sea, I just got to say, if Ageira has a problem, it's time for them to show up and talk about it. If any faction has a problem, talk about it. If there's a OORP problem with LN using Zoner guns, then discussion can be done, but unless it goes like that, RP problems should stay in RP, and those factions should get their people to deal with it. It's a good chance for Ageira to stand up and show their RP skills, same for everyone else involved with zoner guns and the LN.

Ageira has never stated an oorp problem with this situation.

Dab =/= Ageira.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Decerebrated.Individual - 02-12-2011

My feedback is that LN shouldnt use zoner guns because its going to confuse new people.

Liberty Navy [LN] - BaconSoda - 02-12-2011


So today I was definitely out on my LSF indie, and I came upon a group of unlawfuls in California (surprise). This was all fine and dandy, but it turned out that there was already an LN there fighting one of the hostiles, and I had passed an LN battlegroup (a couple of indie caps being talked to by a pair of [LN] officers, Matt Smith and another one). I called [LN] Matt Smith for help, because an Executioner and a Guardian vs an OC GB, Sabre, Falcatta, and Barghest is no even fight. Well, push comes to shove, it happens, and I get absolutely no response from Matt Smith, who I had seen speaking not 10 minutes before.

Well, looking back at this thread, this isn't the first time I've given out a distress call in Liberty to absolute silence. It's okay to be busy, but getting absolutely no response is seriously just rude. At least give me a response like "We can't respond right now" or something. Seriously, some kind of response, no matter what it is, would really be nice because, indie or not, LN or not, we're supposed to be allies and friendly to each other. Why was I really met with silence? Anything in response would be really, really nice next time...


Liberty Navy [LN] - Ryummel - 02-12-2011

' Wrote:...

From what I could read in the group chat when I began dueling the Sabre (and I might add the fight was pre-arranged), Matt Smith and the others were already engaging the indie caps (Those LNR dudes who now like going rogue and that stuff) so I think he didn't answer because he was giving orders and dodging fire (Again, from what I read in the group chat).

Yeah, in defense of my [LN] buddies, I must say it was my fault not yelling for help via the group chat. I've got the bad habit of "isolating" myself when I'm in a duel, not paying much attention to what happens around me. If there's somebody to blame, this should be me, so I'd like to apologize to you for not playing the 'team-mate' role properly.

~ [LN]-Joshua.Ashfield

Liberty Navy [LN] - mtjsmith - 02-12-2011

' Wrote:Hi.

So today I was definitely out on my LSF indie, and I came upon a group of unlawfuls in California (surprise). This was all fine and dandy, but it turned out that there was already an LN there fighting one of the hostiles, and I had passed an LN battlegroup (a couple of indie caps being talked to by a pair of [LN] officers, Matt Smith and another one). I called [LN] Matt Smith for help, because an Executioner and a Guardian vs an OC GB, Sabre, Falcatta, and Barghest is no even fight. Well, push comes to shove, it happens, and I get absolutely no response from Matt Smith, who I had seen speaking not 10 minutes before.

Well, looking back at this thread, this isn't the first time I've given out a distress call in Liberty to absolute silence. It's okay to be busy, but getting absolutely no response is seriously just rude. At least give me a response like "We can't respond right now" or something. Seriously, some kind of response, no matter what it is, would really be nice because, indie or not, LN or not, we're supposed to be allies and friendly to each other. Why was I really met with silence? Anything in response would be really, really nice next time...


Mate - I can only apologise for not responding however you must understand that in Liberty there is usually another fight going on somewhere else. If you do not get a response it is not because I am ignoring you, but it is because I am probably too busy dodging/shooting and issuing orders.

We lost a carrier and it was 3 of our fighters against a rogue LSC, LABC and Solaris Dreadnought. That is who you saw me speaking to, rogue LNS ships.

As such, I cannot respond to every PM that comes my way. I do try, but not at a detriment to what I am doing ok? Now I was going to try to speak to you after I blue msg'd - however, I have a wife and she had just got back home from work. Therefore, I had to dash offline quickly.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Khelric - 02-14-2011

This being my first official complaint (amidst a sea of unofficial griping), I wanted to make sure it was something worth complaining about.

Today on my Rogue (LR-Wolf.Blitzer), I was doing my usual pirate stuff when a Navy official (LN-Catherine.Raven) came upon me. Standard stuff so far. I get a verbal spanking from the LN which is to be expected and then I stand down and ask to turn myself in. I thought a police type character would jump at the chance to lock up a criminal and I was wrong in this case. The first response to my asking to be put away was to the effect of,

"No. Pirate I'm giving you one chance to fly away."

I thought perhaps she had misunderstood and I again agreed to a peaceful surrender when I was replied to with

"I don't negotiate with pirates. You have one more chance to leave."

After a moment she began opening fire on me while my ship remained still. I was really dumbfounded by this kind of behavior from an official Liberty Navy member. This attack provoked me to blow up the trader I had been harassing and then after several other LN allies joined in, I too blew up.

Really, this could have been a great opportunity for a different kind of roleplay for both parties involved, but instead, this member of the LN has become accustomed to just "killing the enemy". As a proud member of the Navy myself, it's disheartening to see violence be preferred to justice when we're to be diplomats above all else. I'm not looking for anyone to get in trouble, but I'd really like to see my fellow navy members keep in mind our primary objectives when dealing with minimal threats.