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Liberty Navy [LN] - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy [LN] - SnakThree - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:You asked and answered a question? Does this mean you're talking to yourself, because then the lack of logic would make a lot more sense.

Quote:I was asked

Passive form which means action was made to object withour his direct involment.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:Passive form which means action was made to object withour his direct involment.


Liberty Navy [LN] - SnakThree - 04-05-2011


Nope. I was not pirated, because I know how to avoid it.

And why would you restrict me from posting feedback? Because it was negative?
Sorry about my concern on the [LN] and my honest wish to find out the problems or improve the overall gameflow.

You should me more open minded and care less about negative impact of feedback. And see a way to improve what was complained about or explain why it was done so.

' Wrote:What?
That message was directer to razr

Liberty Navy [LN] - Lobster - 04-05-2011

I have something to say about the LN.

I think the LN is awesome and doesn't afraid of anything.

Keep up the good work guys, and dont take crap from no one for doing your job.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Razr - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:Joe,

Nope. I was not pirated, because I know how to avoid it.

And why would you restrict me from posting feedback? Because it was negative?
Sorry about my concern on the [LN] and my honest wish to find out the problems or improve the overall gameflow.

You should me more open minded and care less about negative impact of feedback. And see a way to improve what was complained about or explain why it was done so.

It's not so much as being opened minded as you failing to understand what the Navy's job actually is, which is a bit disappointing as you were once a member of the faction. I would assume this lack of understanding would be the cause of that, and the feedback, which really isn't much of that.

Let's look at the facts;

1. Invalid complaint about something you don't understand
2. Making up details to support your broken argument
3. Trying to teach a native English speaker English with fancy copy/paste (Excellent work sir.)
4. Trying to make a dig at someone's behavior that actually doesn't exist (see comments about lack of RP)
5. Well, being a hypocrite never really gets anyone far.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 04-05-2011

' Wrote:You should me more open minded and care less about negative impact of feedback. And see a way to improve what was complained about or explain why it was done so.

Do you mean care more?

Ultimately, if criticism is valid, and stems from genuine concern or an actual suggestion, then I will listen. What you have given is not valid feedback or criticism. Allow me to quote your initial post and point out where you went wrong.

' Wrote:Come on. Escort haulers sometimes. Or do you avoid a bit more complex RP where less guns are shot or not used at all?

So here we have your initial post. It was responded to negatively because it is so short as to be context-less. It is also vaguely flame oriented, implying that we avoid complex RP, and we are pvpwhores. You seem to have set out with the intention of antagonising the people you are giving feedback to.

You are setting yourself up in conflict, when if you were actually providing feedback, we would consider you to be working with us, for our own gain and benefit, and the server's betterment.

In future, if you wish to provide valid feedback for my faction, please post in greater detail, describe the situation you thought was badly handled, and make suggestions for improvement. Also, adjust your tone so it doesn't make me annoyed. You have successfully made me annoyed by being imflamatory in your posting style.

Stop posting in my feedback thread.

Liberty Navy [LN] - SnakThree - 04-05-2011

Allrighty. Sorry if my common behaviour and type of speech offends anyone.

I will try to give more details on this matter.
First I started my trade run with gole, and being in Magellan did /fm [LN] ... Could you escort me?
I did not recieved ANY answer. K. No problem. Maybe they are busy.
Then for second run I took gold ore and again, being in Magellan did /fm [LN] Requesting escort for gold ore shipment.
No response. K. Maybe they are busy. Opened player list and saw that only two [LN]s were in New York. So I did /fm [LN] ...Complaint a.k.a. QQ for lack of response
Got a response that they won't escort me.
And after off loading ore made a post here.

Maybe I wrote with sign of aggresive tone, implying they were doing nothing good. I am sorry if my honest concern offended someone.

On the matter of "copy paste". I use mobile phone. I write on my own. In response that I asked a question and answered it my self. It is not the case, since Korny asked me a question and I gave an answer to him.

' Wrote:It's not so much as being opened minded as you failing to understand what the Navy's job actually is, which is a bit disappointing as you were once a member of the faction. I would assume this lack of understanding would be the cause of that, and the feedback, which really isn't much of that.
Protecting the citizens from criminals? Because you DO patrol New York, California, Colorado, when they are not a war zone. So I do reflect on this fact that you would use precautions to defend traders from pirates even before they get to pirate that unlucky trader

Let's look at the facts;

1. Invalid complaint about something you don't understand
Maybe. But if it is explained to me, i get new knoledge that I can put up to good use. Such as stop complaining about I do not uunderstad.

2. Making up details to support your broken argument
That's the different point of views.

3. Trying to teach a native English speaker English with fancy copy/paste (Excellent work sir.)
As I said I was using my mobile phone and was not able to copy/paste. I write it on my own, what I am thinking at that moment, and you will find spelling mistakes because of it

4. Trying to make a dig at someone's behavior that actually doesn't exist (see comments about lack of RP)
Maybe. I do mistakes too.

5. Well, being a hypocrite never really gets anyone far.
I don't know what "hypocrite" means.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 04-05-2011

So basically you're annoyed that we didn't veiw you as more important than someone else.

I see.

Now... Stop posting in my feedback thread. We do not escort traders on a regular basis. We will not in future.

Liberty Navy [LN] - McNeo - 04-05-2011

I'd like to point out that Gold is in fact a very good conductor, and it is feasible that superconductors of the future are based upon it, as those superconductors operate at room temperature rather than their supercooled cousins of today. This element is also very soft, allowing it to be formed into layers barely 20 atoms thick by current industrial processes (gold leaf), giving it a wide variety of applications in todays, and quite possibly tomorrows technologies.

It is also the case that the Gold infocard states that, due to the scarcity of the metal, colony holdings increase by 2% per year. No mention of the price is made as far as I remember.

Were I still in the LN however, my post would've been very much more condescending due to the nature of the first complaint, which was entirely unreasonable. The Liberty Navy does escort traders, it is just very low on the list of priorities. There are not many shipments that require Naval escort, and it is an activity which to some extent has been forced to a low priority to allow the LPI easy access to the task. This is to encourage activity in the LPI, which is unfortunately perpetually low, as people including myself prefer a military force to a civilian one, at least in part due to the wider variety of tasks available.

If there were two members in New York, perhaps they were doing something unrelated to fighting? Perhaps they were just roleplaying with someone else, each other, or maybe they were just chatting about real life in group. Regardless of what they were doing, it is entirely their choice whether they give you an escort or not.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Lucas_Fernandez - 04-27-2011

i killed by LN so its time for feedback !!4444!!!!!
you are all pvp whores!!!!4444 ( except pacific) [Image: emoticon-0184-tmi.gif]