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[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Printable Version

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[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Korrd - 08-30-2005


In this topic we can post our open time for the First Alliance Vs Coalition battle.

Also, we should vote for the most convinient system where the battle should take place.

The combat zone should be far from trade routes and/or NPC patrol routes (to avoid the NPC's joining the battle. It's supposed to ve a huge P-v-P, not a P-v-NPC-v-P-v-"Everything that can fly").

I've noted that most of us reside in different countries (and different time zones), so the time difference is quite big. Having that in mind, I propose the creation of teams, whose members can play at the same time on this server.

When posting your free time please do it in GMT time.
A Greenwich Mean Time map can be found here

I'm free on weekends (mostly on saturday) all day. So, whatever time you choose
it's fine for me, but I think that 2:00 PM GMT should be ok.

In my opinion, the system should be Tohoku. (because of the lack of bases, excluding tegaki's base, nobody can join the battle inmediately after being killed, so the last one standing will determine which faction has won. It will be a quick and decisive battle).

My time zone is GMT -3.

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Kane - 08-30-2005

While probably not being in on this (stupid computer problems still), i'm GMT -5. I'll help organise what I can from here, and even keep a mapst of the systems on the forums to help guide everything. Tohoku sounds like a good spot, but can you get there? I thought the jumpholes were locked.

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Korrd - 08-30-2005

The jumphole is unlocked. i went there last night.

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Timber Wolf - 08-30-2005

I think we should stick with the previous plans, starting with the Omecrons. I'm in GMT -8, so in GMT time, it would have to be evening at the very earliest. Also, since school has started, Saturday is best for me.

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Korrd - 08-31-2005

I sugested Tohoku because it's far and isolated, but if most of the people wants to do it in one of the omicrons , then omicron will be.

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Typi - 08-31-2005

i?m GMT+2. can?t tell what time it will be... ^^
but i have time all around the clock.
tuhoku is good, why not Wolf?

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Timber Wolf - 09-01-2005

Because my Battleship is already parked in Omicron Gamma. And you know how navigating such places is in a Battleship...

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Typi - 09-01-2005

you still fly this RH BS? ... why?

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Igiss - 09-01-2005

I may be online 16-18 GMT every day and random times during weekends. I'd also participate if any side will lack people... to improve balance of powers. Will create a special char for those battles.

[C] vs [A] Date arrangement, etc... - Korrd - 09-01-2005

There is a summary of the thread:

Preferred places:
Omicron Gamma

Alliance Members count: 19
Coallition Members count: 9 (We need more people here!!)

Open times:
Igiss: weekends: random, mo-fr: 16:00 - 18:00.
Timber_Wolf: Saturday (early in the evening).
Typi: All arround the clock (means all day?).
Me: Sat - Sun All Day. (Saturday Preferred).
(We need more combatants here. There are only 4 of us)

Don't forget to mention the faction you belong to.

Also we might need to choose a C'n'C (Commander in Chief) to coordinate each fleet (IF the fleet is small, might not be necessary). We can fight liderless, but with coordination there is a better chance to win a battle. This C'n'C should be a good strategist, and an experienced pilot to say the least.

It's just an idea but... we can use Skype (it's a free Voice over IP application) as a common "radio channel" between all ships from the same faction. That will remove the necessity to chat via text (Saving time, and maybe your life, because you don't need to go to the keyboard every time you want to say something), and dramatically improve comunications.

And... we might need a Neutral char (not A nor C) to play the role of an arbitrator.

just a few ideas i had tonight...