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To Borderworld exports - Printable Version

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To Borderworld exports - Captain - 08-01-2014

[Image: Liam-transbar_zpsc4d35075.png]

Yer bastards may or not may not 'ave 'eared of me,
but I soire do know yer ships and cargo!
I have something fer ye, yer know from zhe loot runs!

now yer thinkin' whot be this drunk molly 'bout, yer know,
something yer has must kiss the face of the dublin sun!
I'll await yer contact.

a good 'ol friend out.

RE: To Borderworld exports - Grail - 08-01-2014

***Open Communication Channel***
***Location: Lancaster Station***
***Identification: Sir Walter Almighty***

[Image: 132051.jpg]

Sony boy... What are you talking about ?

My... Oh my... Andy...

What have you done ?

*He stares at the eyes of Andy*

Andy, you are better than this....

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RE: To Borderworld exports - Captain - 08-02-2014

[Image: Liam-transbar_zpsc4d35075.png]

Yer bastards calling me ANDY? that filthy lowlife of a brother of me?
yer better be telling me he be killed, dead, roasted or munched on by 'sairs!
oi have something to settle with him if he's alive!!

RE: To Borderworld exports - Captain - 08-03-2014

[Image: Liam-transbar_zpsc4d35075.png]

Lets get to the point 'ere, a few weeks ago I saw me own ship
fly by meself, with fresh paint an'such,Transmitting the bloody Bowex IFF,
in that shippy are some belong'ngs that belong to me, so give me the ship,
and contents or pay me 250 milli'n creds to yer know compensate me loss!

oh, and fer yer info, its name is Fairnborne, a lil clyde.

RE: To Borderworld exports - Grail - 08-04-2014

***Open Communication Channel***
***Location: Lancaster Station***
***Identification: Sir Walter Almighty***

[Image: 132051.jpg]

My boy... You know, my eyes aren`t what they used to be. Anyway, i remenber thee... You and Andy as kids... I may be old but i ain`t that blind... You have your mother`s eyes...


Anyway, i am a bit intrigued and worried. You say you want a compensation ? For what laddie ? You need to give me more information about such ship you saw flying around with Bowex) flag. And even so, if such ship exists, why the hell you think you are being compensated for loosing it or scrap it in a junkyard ?

Hell, if you weren`t your father`s son i would had closed this communication channel already.

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RE: To Borderworld exports - Captain - 08-05-2014

[Image: Liam-transbar_zpsc4d35075.png]

Oi see what yer doing there 'walter'
troying to get me brain messed up with yer mind game!
oi've been in worser places to know that, an oi've told yer bastard
already the koind of shippy we're dealin'off,

but assuming yer not a smart man, as non of yer bowex's arr,
shippy being a clyde, flagged and tagged Bowex)Fairnborne,
oi also saw it's bigger brother, a Tanker named Fairnborne.II
yer see, that captain of yers there isn't capable of thinking,
he mus'been thinkin, oi call me bigger shippy the same with 2 on the end,
ha oi must be a smart bowex guy!

send me my molly gold or 250 million credits to compensate!

RE: To Borderworld exports - Grail - 08-06-2014

***Open Communication Channel***
***Location: Lancaster Station***
***Identification: Sir Walter Almighty***
***Encryption Level: High

[Image: image.jpg]

Lets cut to the chase lad...

Don`t mess with me, my workers nor thy brother

If you threaten my ships again you won`t forget that day

You were a rotten apple since birth and you grew so much stink inside thee

Your mind games won`t affect me

Now stop acting like a brat and act like a man for once

Listen to me good

I will give you one last chance

What do you want?

Not what do you think you want nor thy so called ships

What is the purpose of all this?

****************************Message Interrupted******************************

RE: To Borderworld exports - Captain - 08-06-2014

[Image: Liam-transbar_zpsc4d35075.png]

My gold.
ten thousand bars forged in the ovens of Garvagh,
marked with the symbol of the Molly Republic,
Shipped in a clyde to a safe spot, yer know in some sort of depot.

that is what I want, if I don't get it I'll damage every bowex ship..
this conversation is over till I have my gold.

RE: To Borderworld exports - Grail - 08-14-2014

***Open Communication Channel***
***Location: Lancaster Station***
***Identification: Sir Walter Almighty***
***Encryption Level: High

[Image: image.jpg]

Are you mad

or just trying to be funny ?

I am not laughing lad !

If i hear a word about some suposed ships

or about some gold compensation

I, and i alone will deal with your disrespectful attitude in a dark corner

where no one will hear your pain neither miss thy dead

Look at my eyes and see if i am bluffing

No ships, No Gold !

Did you understood me, boy ?

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