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To: .:j:. - Junker Congress || Subject: Supply contract - Printable Version

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To: .:j:. - Junker Congress || Subject: Supply contract - Wildkins - 08-03-2014

[Image: 9X4a2Mw.png]



To: The Junker Congress
From: Diego Rodriguez

Buenas noches, Congressmen:
I must first thank all of you for the multitude of deliveries you have made to Valetta Shipyard over the last weeks. The continued supply of scrap parts has allowed us to rather inexpensively maintain our fleet of vessels. However, I did not make this communication for the purpose of thanking you.

I am contacting the Congress for aid, as you are very good at something we are not. Putting it simply, we require a large amount of supplies to improve and construct additional vessels. While we do not have the ability to purchase the goods we require, you certainly do. I, representing the Cross, would like to put forward a contract for the Congress, entailing deliveries of specific materials to Valetta and Cartagena shipyards. In return, we will pay for the deliveries with a lump sum of money, to be directed to the bank of your choosing. If this proposal intrigues you, please contact myself on this communication frequency and we can begin to iron out the details of the contract.


--Capitan Diego Rodriguez

RE: To: .:j:. - Junker Congress || Subject: Supply contract - Wildkins - 08-04-2014

[Image: avatar_31217.png?dateline=1406436899]

==]+Boosting Transmission+[==

RE: To: .:j:. - Junker Congress || Subject: Supply contract - Arioch - 08-05-2014




*Takes a long toke*

Oh hey man... sin-or? Outcasto?

Meh anyways. You're welcome for the deliveries and such! Been fun to fly up and chill with your dudes on Valetta. Downside is that our speedy deliveries aren't allowed right now, but... I guess the normal way is good too. Those damned UC though in the taus are a pain. Sneaky little pompous wine lovers. I mean, hey. I love wine. Wine is good man! Especially a good Merlot? Ugh, so good. Don't get enough of it. You guys like wine? I mean, if you haven't tried some. You gotta! It's delicious. Did you know that in ancient stories from Sol, a dinner host would take the first sip of wine to assure guests the wine was not poisoned? Hence the phrase “drinking to one’s health.”! Seriously man! Oh, and “Toasting” started in ancient Rome I think it was, when the Romans continued that tradition but started dropping a piece of toasted bread into each wine glass to temper undesirable tastes! You have got to give it to wine man. Well, and weed.

*Takes another toke*

Where was I? Oh yeah. A Contract. What do you have in mind?

*Starts drinking wine and taking tokes, before passing out*

RE: To: .:j:. - Junker Congress || Subject: Supply contract - Wildkins - 08-10-2014

[Image: 9X4a2Mw.png]



To: The Junker Congress
From: Diego Rodriguez

Buenas noches, Congressman Vallon:

Thank you for the swift reply. I am glad to hear the Congress is still willing to assist us, even in recent times where some strife has been brought to the Omicrons.

The following is needed to be delivered to Valetta Shipyard:

25.000x Manifolds
20.000x Basic Alloy
20.000x Engine Components
10.000x Nanocapacitors
1x Whiskey

A total of 50.000.000 s.c. is available for payment once the deliveries are completed. Thank you once again for the assistance.


--Capitan Diego Rodriguez

RE: To: .:j:. - Junker Congress || Subject: Supply contract - Arioch - 08-11-2014




*Takes a long toke*

Sup Capitan -

Hmm, quite a bit of materials there! Well, not too much I guess in retrospect. Though how much is a "bit"? Have you ever thought about certain words and their meaning? I mean, a "bit" or a "lot". THink about it man! Does anyone really know how much they are? If I said I'd bring you a bit of synth weed. Would you expect a couple crates, or a small cylinder of it? It's all up for interpretation! Think about how many fghts or hell, even wars spawned from someone being so opened ended when saying a "bit" or "lot". Crazy man.

*Takes another toke*

Luckily for you, you were specific. Makes dealing with you guys easier that's for sure! Anyway, 50mil eh? Sounds good. Nice, easy number. I'll round up a couple congress boys and we'll send you over the signed docs from the docking authority at Valetta. You guys sure you don't want some Synth Weed? Noticed it wasn't on the list. Meh, I'll bring some up anyway.

*Takes another toke, before fumbling with the controls to turn off the transmission*