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Replace/Modify/Upgrade vanilla ships to make it truly Discovery? - Printable Version

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Replace/Modify/Upgrade vanilla ships to make it truly Discovery? - Fletcher - 09-11-2008

Good day, I've been thinking (I know its dangerous/stupid) what if we replaced the current vanilla ships with slightly modified ones in shape? Not just to get rid of the annoying missile vulnerability, but to bring Discovery into the future more. After all, militaries update and modify their aircraft to better suit the new times. I think the F-15 and F-18 can stand up to that.

Updating the current ships with a few tweaks will make the ships more balanced towards missiles and give them a new look, but nothing major. Like maybe a bit of a paintwork add-on and an extra body part or reshape it a bit.

What you guys think? I know we need to get rid of Vanilla missile weakness somehow.

Replace/Modify/Upgrade vanilla ships to make it truly Discovery? - mjolnir - 09-11-2008

step 1 is simply to remove the damage they take on the components...and that one is most likely going to be done for 4.85...

step 2 can be changing their looks a bit yes..

Replace/Modify/Upgrade vanilla ships to make it truly Discovery? - Fletcher - 09-11-2008

Hmm, is it that easy? Well if it is, why hasn't it been done?

Anyway, I think we need to modify the ships a bit, make it a bit more less vanilla and give Discovery a bit more than just new systems and ships.

Not complaining though, its just we could improve a few things.

Replace/Modify/Upgrade vanilla ships to make it truly Discovery? - Linkus - 09-11-2008

The missile thing could be solved by simply redoing the SUR and combining the seperate model pieces into one. That ought to basically make it like a custom fighter. Ought to is the key word there though, I've no experience in it, just makes sense however.

Replace/Modify/Upgrade vanilla ships to make it truly Discovery? - Cellulanus - 09-11-2008

I seem to remember a few people saying that all vanilla fighters will be combined into one piece in the next version.

Oh, and with the Wraith upgrade, I want to see the design that was used in the promo. (Folded wings and 6 guns instead of 5:D)