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Discovery's Current Status - FeralCallsign - 10-16-2014

I've been spending at least a few hours a day forthe last few days and just wanted to ask how you all felt about the life of the server. There's always someone on, and I don't think I've ever seen the pop below 20. I did notice that most of the activity is centered in the core systems.

So, what do you think? Has the server been growing (I understand the age of the game), has it been stagnating, stayed the same recently? How about then areas of the game that are most/least populated? What would you like to see more/less of? I'm curious to see his regulars view the health of the server and mod.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - Strichev - 10-16-2014

Its population has declined markedly since 4.85. In those days we had to wait to get online in the evening. Nowadays - not so much.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - Wildkins - 10-16-2014

(10-16-2014, 09:42 PM)Strichev Wrote: Its population has declined markedly since 4.85. In those days we had to wait to get online in the evening. Nowadays - not so much.

Essentially this. It's even been going down since the summer - It had actually gotten pretty decent over the summer (getting up to 150 in the days at high) and only hitting 40 at night. However, it's gotten a bit worse now that school has started back up for a lot of people.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - Zen_Mechanics - 10-16-2014

It's going down for many different reasons, one which no one would tell you is the fact that some people think they are monarchs here and that people who come here are subjected to their way of thinking and doing things. Yeah I'd say a great number of people left because of a few unimportant self-appointed lemmons who measure fun by how many posts or years they have been here. You probably know who you are.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - t0l - 10-16-2014

A lot of people are getting salty because they didn't get what they wanted.

That has a factor.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - FeralCallsign - 10-16-2014

How do you mean? The new update coming out?

RE: Discovery's Current Status - Zen_Mechanics - 10-16-2014

And few individuals who were on probation for trolling are also upset.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - Laura C. - 10-17-2014

(10-16-2014, 11:30 PM)Zen_Mechanics Wrote: And few individuals who were on probation for trolling are also upset.
Yes, I saw today lot of upset people, some are even experts in (passive) aggresivity and spitting at everybody who disagree with them to insane level while also trying to picture this place in the worst way possible. Did I forget anything, dear creator of zoner marines?

But back to OP: there are well known cycles of activity. Recently activity decreased because end of holidays and start of school/university. Situation usually gets better around end of exam time and during Christmas time. Then numbers will again go down until summer begins again.

Generally, server population is going down (from 200 players at evening spikes) for like two or three years for several reason. To name some basic ones - game is getting older and older, people are getting older as well so they leave because they are busy in real life and don´t have time to play anymore because of work and family. We had also technical issues - period of serious problems with hackers and server instability, period of major lag problem (I think there was problem with server hosting) which annoyed lot of people which are focused on fightining. Some people also leave because they become bored or has some major conflict and ragequit. Or got banned because they started behave like...well, bad.

Also there is of course group of those who are not happy with how devs, admins, mods do their job, claiming that everybody except them are doing everything wrong and trying to picture their opinions as facts. Interesting fact is that some of those people stays around for long time just to shout this again and again but they never leave despite they repeatedly loudly said how much unsatisfied they are here.

Just don´t let them to annoy you and find your fun...

RE: Discovery's Current Status - Machelvanius - 10-17-2014

I for one know that many of the players that I used to play with here are gone, Although it doesn't look like I've been here a while, I have played this server for about 2 years now . . . off and on. Many people just ended up with too much stuff in their personal lives that get in the way of gaming, and also with the huge amount of new games available, and steam giving away games regularly, there is less likelihood that people will come and discover disco. I have liked this game since I first found it in 2003, I played on 4 other servers before I ended up here . . . basically it was the only one left worth playing on.

I think community would help, so far I see territory contests and that's about it. It doesn't help that people who come here for the first time see a decent but gigantic mod and begin playing without really reading the server rules, which are about as big as any EULA I've ever read. People don't read that much usually, they just want to get on, blow stuff up, and head out.

It would seem that RP games are beginning to dwindle, people just don't want to play them like they used to. Most of the creative sides of RP take much effort and many just don't want to put in the effort.

That being said . . . My boss sent this to us at work today:

"Being positive about your situation is not a reaction . . . it's a choice.
When you don't have positive things going on you must understand that things never stay they same as they were, they may move slowly or they may move quickly, but in the end, you have to decide are you going to make a positive effort toward your goals.
Don't look around you and try to find things to be positive about, find a way to put your energy into doing something that will bring the results of your positive goals and aspirations. You must be intentional on where your future will lie as you move forward."

Just a bit to share with you all.

RE: Discovery's Current Status - black widow3 - 10-17-2014

I remember when you had to queue to login to discovery at weekends, player numbers always hitting 220. So much so the server would constantly lag out and crash.

The days when you used to finger bash login button to try and get on the server, however after 4.85 everything changed. Gallia changed discovery forever.

4.85 - 4.86 was when the server population began to die.