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To: [TBH] - Printable Version

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To: [TBH] - Evo - 10-27-2014

[Image: Evo_XAtb.png]

Evenin' boys. Seems one'a yers ain't heard of our relationship. Attemptin' t'aid Junkers against Xenos on our own turf, shootin' our new an' crappier recruits.

First I thought it was just some angry dude what got beer spilled on him or somethin', then he screamed for LPI for some reason. That don't much sound like a 'sair.

[24.10.2014 22:44:14] Harlok: Two XA at PR JH
[24.10.2014 22:44:19] Harlok: Help!

Remindin' 'im what his place is'd be great, since he ain't too keen to listen t'the owners of the porch he's crappin' on. 'M thinkin' ya'd rather have your titans elsewhere.

[Image: Evo_XAtb_e.png]

RE: To: [TBH] - JayDee Kasane - 10-27-2014

:::Incomming Transmission:::

Comm ID: Ronaldo Lopez
Source: Tripoli Shipyard
Security: Medium
Target: XA-Pygmy

:::Message Begins:::

[Image: jack3i.png]

Hola. This is Tribune of 'The Brotherhood' Ronaldo Lopez.

Thank you on letting us know, amigo. After Elders allowed our compadres to enter Liberty space, some of them have went far from the Corsair ways on it. Perhaps they tasted local ale, and their body couldnt accept it like it would accept rum or tequilla. Or maybe they just seen fat policeman and gone crazy about how Libertonians look like. In any event, if the named person shall return to Corsair Empire space, it shall be caught and put in trial immideatly.
But if you shall find it breaking things in Liberty - crush it down and return the vessel to Corsairs. We woudlnt want if local junkers would put their dirty hands of beauty of a Corsair design.

Ronaldo Lopez over and out
[Image: sigcorsair.png]

:::Transmission Terminated:::