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To: Breuninger Station Owners - Printable Version

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To: Breuninger Station Owners - Hauler - 11-18-2014

[Image: OIU7c1o.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Wachman Klaus Schmidt
SOURCE: Brandenburg Station, New Berlin
To: Emile Endschot

Guten Tag herr Endschot

This is Wachman Klaus Schmidt of the Rheinland Federal Police speaking.
We noticed your station wich is very close to the New Berlin planet is receiving quite a lot of foreign shipments of diferent kind.
Some of them are more or less benefitial for the people of Rheinland und for that reason we think they need to be more thoroughly examined aswell as the captains of the ships bringing them in to the Breuninger docking ports.

For this reason we are demanding an entire deck of your station for Police needs.

- An office for my self und few of kadets i will bringing along with me

- Complete separate docking port und hangar bays for Police vesels

- A separate und sound isolated chamber for suspects interogation

- Customs department for certain goods you are receiving at Breuning station

- Mess hall for mein coleagues were we can enyoj our strudels in peace

We are awaiting your reply as soon as posible herr Endschot.

Wachman Klaus Schmidt

[Image: OIU7c1o.png]

RE: To: Breuninger Station Owners - Breuninger Station - 11-22-2014

[img float=left][/img]Incomming Transmission to: Wachman Klaus Schmidt

Subject: Owners of Breuninger Station

Location: New Berlin Planet

Transmission ID: Emile Endschot

Guten Tag Klaus Schmidt,

I made a inquiry about the possibilities on Breuninger Station and I concluded with a small investment it would be possible to realize your needs on our station. But for us to make this investment this contract would include a long term commitment from the RFP. We have to make certain rooms for your interrogation soundproof. It does not come cheap I am afraid.

We calculated and came to the conclusion that with a setup fee of 15 millions we would be able to provide you with your needs. How does this sound Herr Schmidt?

If you have more questions, you can always use this channel to contact me.

Bei allem Respekt,
Emile Endschot

RE: To: Breuninger Station Owners - Breuninger Station - 12-27-2014

*** Retransmitting, receipt y/n ? ***

RE: To: Breuninger Station Owners - Hauler - 01-02-2015

[Image: OIU7c1o.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Wachman Klaus Schmidt
SOURCE: Brandenburg Station, New Berlin
To: Emile Endschot

Guten Tag herr Endschot

Herr Endschot since you decided to create a cargo installation in front of our capital which is very high traffic place I'm afraid it becomes a necessity for us to inspect the good that flow in to your base und the goods which comes out.
We don't want your installation to be turned out in to a smuggling paradise und we have a mission to keep our economy safe, but since you decided to conduct your business transactions in the middle of highest traffic area in entire Rheinland I'm afraid this become your obligation to provide to us what we ask for.
So I'm sure you will find enough founds from your own pockets und room at your station to provide us with our necessity's

Wachman Klaus Schmidt

[Image: OIU7c1o.png]

RE: To: Breuninger Station Owners - Breuninger Station - 01-11-2015

[img float=left][/img]Incomming Transmission to: Wachman Klaus Schmidt

Subject: Owners of Breuninger Station

Location: New Berlin Planet

Transmission ID: Emile Endschot

Guten Tag Klaus Schmidt,

You are a hard man to bargain with, however I can agree with you that the station is in the middle of very heavy traffic of Rheinland. Your offices will be ready within the next 48 hours. If there would be more Breuninger Station could do for you, please inform me.

Bei allem Respekt,
Emile Endschot