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(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - Printable Version

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(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - kingvaillant - 09-23-2008

Incoming transmission.
...Decoding... succeeded
...Tracking Transmission information...
...Tracking Source...LSF bureau, Manhattan, New York, Liberty
...Estimating Priority...HIGH
...Sender...Deputy director David Copperfield of the LSF
...Starting message...


It has come to our attention recently that you are over consuming some goods coming from the Liberty Forces such as fuel, munitions and power cells. From intel gathered on the fields, and multiple reports from some navy patrols in Liberty, you are, shall I say, wasting those goods when it is not necessary. Remember that we don't manufacture them in limitless quantities and that using them like you are right now will make your whole organization go bankrupt fast. It could also make prices of some supplies skyrocket on the global market which would hamper our economy, at the edge of going at war with an other nation.

From what I read here, a unusual amount of Fuel has been used to propel some of your large ships during your military operations, when they could have stayed docked. Whilst I know that you do not want to lose men on the field, you seem to overestimate the fighting capabilities of your enemies more than ever. Making such decisions dig a great hole in our supplies, and remember that fuel isn't as cheap as it was a year ago, thus it must be used in a more reasonable way in order to keep the prices as low as possible on the market.

At some lines I can also read a large usage of power cell for weapons. From what I read, it is directly linked with your use of Fuel on large ships. I also notice some higher than usual munition use by some of your ships, however these stats aren't as alarming as the others ones but they are still higher than what they should.

Also, I can see that you have a rather low repair equipment usage, that means you are whether extremely talented pilots, or, as we believe, overusing some ship in battles, thus taking less damages from encounters with local hostiles, which would explain such an high use of munitions, fuel and power cells by your organization.

May you be aware that if you continue to over consume our goods we will have to revoke your access to facilities. I don't want to see citizen and law enforcement workers having economical issues because of a supplies prices skyrocket

From The Liberty security force
-David Copperfield

[font=Arial Black]...End of message...
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OOC: Please note, this thing was typed by me a few days ago. . . Kept it in my PM box

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - DW-Suzanna - 09-23-2008

[Image: e43ea9b17d02454e80d1282c4e6d8699.gif]

Well your intel is incorrect. Our ships are powered by a fusion pulse drive designed by the DW science division, that utlilizes refined hydrogen which can be obtained from gas giants, gas clouds or large bodies of water.
Secondly, your dreadnoughts that LN often fly must consume a huge amount of fuel, and so do the other large vessels that fly in liberty. Hence the ban on DW using small gunships because of your worry about fuel consumption is unfounded.

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - kingvaillant - 09-23-2008

Incoming transmission.
...Decoding... succeeded
...Tracking Transmission information...
...Tracking Source...LSF bureau, Manhattan, New York, Liberty
...Estimating Priority...HIGH
...Sender...Deputy director David Copperfield of the LSF
...Starting message...

What you just said would have been exact, if it was said not so long ago. Price are slowly climbing, and right now, as you may have heard, we have given a similar notice to our capital ships commanders operating in Liberty. Everyone is affected by the economy. Plus, we aren't using our capital ships that much, you may have noticed that in the late days they have only been pulled out for important operations against large pirate groups.

Still yet, what you said is not explaining anything about your Ammunition consumption. We are still waiting for an answer. And do not try to divulge any false information to us, we have transactions records of all the missiles, nanobots, shield batteries and more that you have bought from our markets.

From The Liberty security force
-David Copperfield

[font=Arial Black]...End of message...
...Transmission lost...

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - DW-Suzanna - 09-23-2008

[Image: e43ea9b17d02454e80d1282c4e6d8699.gif]

Your maths don't add up. The amount of supplies that LN have been using on a daily basis when they are attacked, far outweighs the amount that DW have used. You have yet to provide an adequate or sensible reason for this ban.

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - DarkRupture - 09-23-2008

Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Commander Shad Winston of the Liberty Navy
To: all people in this channel

I speaking for myself thinks this matter is ridiculous, DW has helped us many times before and saved my life more then i can count, even after all this conflict they still help us in Texas killing Smugglers, pirates, hostiles for no fee, i think we are being to harsh about this. This issue about H fuel is obsolete, i dont understand why BH Gunships cannot enter New York when an order osiris and zoner Juggernauts can enter no problem, That is what i do not understand, i respect Liberty and the high Command's position but i think this is ridiculous. I will follow all orders but that is my opinion

Commander Winston out

Ending transmission..

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - Titan - 09-23-2008

Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Admiral John Talon
To: Recipients in channel

First to address commander Winston, this is not a discussion about were they helpful or not, no one is denying that, but their failure to comply to orders on multiple occasions, in recent and older times. Them ignoring the ban on the capital ships from Liberty, those are the main reasons. Also, with the fuel and ammunition consumption, if you can compare your organization which is a guest in Liberty, if you can compare it in consumption with Liberty's entire Navy, then I must say that's rather bad. Then again, I've left this matter in the hands of the Deputy Director for now. I still cannot see why they cannot continue to assist Liberty with their fighters and bombers, as long as they do follow orders, if not, further measures will be taken.

Ending transmission..

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - kingvaillant - 09-23-2008

Incoming transmission.
...Decoding... succeeded
...Tracking Transmission information...
...Tracking Source...LSF bureau, Manhattan, New York, Liberty
...Estimating Priority...HIGH
...Sender...Deputy director David Copperfield of the LSF
...Starting message...

When we are attacked indeed, when we need the ships indeed. May I also point out that we are a large organization compare to yours. I was in fact speaking about the supplies usage ratio per ship, that is far higher than us. Many times we have seen you pulling out a ridiculous force to repel an enemy attack. All these cases were concerning a capital ship, mainly a Gun ship class vessel but at some scarce occasion a Corvette class vessel. You used your ships when they were simply not needed at all, thus wasting a lot of supplies.

Whilst you are partly operating in Liberty, and a consumer of our economy, it does not mean that you can consume as much as an organization that is at least 10 times stronger than you and vital to the security in Liberty. And may we remind you that your capital ships aren't supposed to operate in our space for the above reasons, we have been extremely soft about it, few measures were taken in fact.

From The Liberty security force
-David Copperfield

[font=Arial Black]...End of message...
...Transmission lost...

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - Raekur - 09-23-2008

** Incoming Transmission **
** DarkWing Operations **
RE: Logistical Support

My apologies sirs,
We were unaware that the manufacturing capacity of the Liberty system was being put under such a strain. Therefore supplies will be transported from Omega-56 to the Freeport station in Bering and any additional supplies that are not available in these shipments will be purchased from the Zoners at the same location. This should alleviate any supply deficit that DarkWing is causing to Liberty.

// ooc, Kingvaillant, from the perspective of logistics it is not the per unit resources that are measured but the amount of supplies used per day total to support any group. Otherwise current day military operations would be performed using sticks and stones instead of tanks and fighter planes. For example, when the US military was examining the fuel consumption for the forces in Iraq they looked at the total cost per day in total not just the cost of supporting 1 unit. Any person that has spent any time in the military can confirm this regardless of the persons MOS.

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - Walker - 09-23-2008

New Transmission
Comm ID: Tiberius
Source: Battleship Missouri, New York
Entering code: ********
Link Established...

If I may speak and be so blunt; And while the matter I am about to bring up is of small concern to us...
While we have been providing your ships with fuel and supplies in order to further assist the Law-Enforcement... The matter stands that you are consuming resources at an alarming rate... for your size that is...
I understand that you are bringing your own supplies in from the Omegas however I doubt yours or the Bounty Hunters Guild's pockets run that deep... Liberty is after all a wealthy house, one of the biggest if I may say so - And If we cannot afford it, I doubt anything else can...
Its much like power in your own house- Sure you can run the lights twenty-four seven... But do you?
I am certain you are understanding what I say...


Link disengaged.

Ah yes Raekur they do - But the matter stands at the fact that we are looking at the Costs you have - and in more detail - Instead of saying "Your spending to much supplies, please conserve" - We look at it in detail "Half your ships are being ran at full capacity, this is not necessary, please conserve!"
So we have the total costs of the Iraq War... But what makes up those costs? One Star-Destroyer vaping Bahgdad? Or several tank brigades, mechanized infantry, Jets, Transporters, Navy... And say the Navy is using alot of resources then required - Do we have the entire participants in war asked to cut back? Or say to the Navy please be more efficient...

(DW) From The Republic of Liberty to the Darkwing organization - Raekur - 09-23-2008

Sorry, I didnt realize that 1 gunboat, 1 gunship and 2 fighters consumed that much. And yes, that is our typical flight group currently. Considering that most of the time we are faced with combatting multiple corsair and lane hacker gunboats I fail to see how we are being unfair with this configuration.