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To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Printable Version

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To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Jason Williams - 12-27-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: OS&C|Riviera
» COMM-ID: Amelia Lopez, OS&C Captain
» TARGET-ID: Justin Morgan, OS&C Captain
» SUBJECT: We need to talk urgently!

Mornin' Justin,

I hope you don't mind if I call you by your first name. I don't mean any disrespect. I just feel as though we should known each other better, that's all. You probably don't know me, so I'll share a little about myself. My name is Amelia Lopez, but you can call me simple: Ame. I was born in 793 AS on planet Crete and I had a tough life growing up in a in a poor familly of corsairs. That's less important, but I mentioned it becuase I don't want to surprise you with my volcanic attitude.

Anyway, I work for Orbital from February 22 and I'm the captain of a very elegant and sophisticated luxury liner, known as "Riviera". Unfortunately, for months, the company administration team has simple vanished! A lot of good people... Susan Miller, Christopher Ashe, Chris Tyler, Richard Wells, James Blackwood, Nate Clancy, Joshua Wood, Dannielle Collins, Thomas Bryant, Victor Ervins, Henry Smith, Melanie Tyler... are just a few names that comes to mind. They all have disappeared. No trace, no explanation. I don't know what happened, but shortly, it seems that all employees have given up, one by one. Then I decided to suspend the activity of my "Riviera", hoping that in one day, someone from the old administration will come and regroup us. But this didn't happen.

Therefore, yesterday evening, when I saw your luxury liner undocking from Planet Baden Baden, I felt shocked, almost like I couldn't believe it. So I tried to find out who is the captain, and thanks to a bartender from a local bar, I got your name. Now, I admit that I don't understand how you've got the password code for using OS&C| badge as sign of your luxury liner? You are somehow in touch with someone from the old administration? And who are you, after all?

Don't get me wrong, Justin. I'm excited to see that this company is still on the market, but last time when I was at the headquarters on Las Aves, I didn't saw any official representative. So, I just hope that you know more than me... and I think that we might see each other soon! I still have some resources that could be useful in case of a possible reorganization of the company.

Currently, I am docked at Hawaii, for a complete overhaul of the "Riviera", but I'm willing to come anywhere you want to discuss more. So if you're interested, please let me know! But please, DO NOT USE of the official communication channels of the company. It seems that all are compromised, so it is safer to use this frequency.

I'm looking forward to getting your answer.

Lopez out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Justin S. Morgan - 12-27-2014


DATE: December 27, 821 A.S.
FROM: OS&C|Serenity
TO: OS&C|Riviera
SUBJECT: A meeting? Why not?

[Image: Justin_Morgan_OSC.jpg%5D]

Hi Ame,

My full name is Justin Samuel Morgan, I'm glad to know you and do not worry, it didn't bother me at all to take over formalities. But I prefer to call me Samy, not Justin.

Now, to answer your questions. Your assumptions that I am in touch with someone from the management team, are correct. It's about Ms. Susan Miller. I met her two weeks ago, in a bar from the Luxury Liner Antibes, located somewhere in Provence system. At that time, I was a simple freelancer trader who was looking for opportunities to earn more money.

I'll not go into details, given that anyway, as a coincidence, she promised me that will contact me soon to schedule a discreet meeting, to a bar called Maravillas del Estanque from Planet Curacao. That explains how I came into possession of the pass-code for using OS&C| as sign for my luxury liner.

About what happened with all those people you've mentioned, I think that Ms. Miller is more entitled than me to offer you an explanation. All I know is that were some divergences between members of the Board of Directors. Also, she mentioned something about a betrayal from Mr. Chris Tyler but... honestly, I don't know much. I never met these people and for me, all that matter is to have a career as captain.

So, if you really want to know each other, let me talk with her first and maybe she will agree with your participation at this meeting. Perhaps, with your consent, we should give her access to this conversation. In this way, it would be easier to establish an exact time of the meeting.

But I don't have any idea about relationship between you and Ms. Miller, so please let me know what do you think about that, okay?

Justin Morgan, OS&C|Serenity


RE: To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Jason Williams - 12-29-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: OS&C|Riviera
» COMM-ID: Amelia Lopez, OS&C Captain
» TARGET-ID: Justin Morgan, OS&C Captain
» SUBJECT: We need to talk urgently!


Nice alias. Indeed, I didn't know your full name. Well, I'm a little surprised that you find Ms. Miller there. Now I'm wondering what she did all this time in Gallia? Anyway, the relationship between me and Ms. Miller has been good, although there were some disagreements, but I'm sure that it could be even better in the future.

So, now that we know each other a little bit better, I don't see any problem to have a private meeting. Please, get in touch with her, bring her into this communication channel and let's set the time and place of this meeting.

I assure you that I will be there.

Lopez out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Justin S. Morgan - 12-30-2014


DATE: December 30, 821 A.S.
FROM: OS&C|Serenity
TO: OS&C|Riviera
CC: Susan Miller
SUBJECT: Some good news

[Image: Justin_Morgan_OSC.jpg%5D]

Dear Ame,

I'm a little hurry right now but I want to give you some good news. I talked last night with Ms. Susan and we both agreed that this meeting should be held as soon as possible. In fact, she looks very eager to see you, so I gave her access to this channel and I'm pretty sure that she will contact you shortly.

To be honest, we've discussed many things about a possible reorganisation of the company. I just wondering if you will be interested in being a part of this attempt, but I guess that I'll find out when we will be face to face. Until then, all we can do is to wait patiently.

Justin Morgan, OS&C|Serenity


RE: To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Diana Dumitrescu - 12-31-2014

[Image: header.png]

» Source: Planet Curacao, Cortez
» Comm-ID: Susan Miller [OS&C CEO]
» Target-ID: Amelia Lopez, Justin Morgan
» Subject: I'm back!

Ame and Samy,

First of all, I want to thank you both for your interest in the company's future fate. I finally returned from Antibes and right now, I'm at the Orbital Tower Center, in Las Aves City, on planet Curacao. Sadly, everything here's a mess. It seems that those who were in the old administration team have given up. I know that you might be wondering what I've done all this time in Gallia. Well, for some reasons, I'd rather not get into right now.

All I can say is that it was more a personal life issue and this year has been really stressful for me. Probably, I haven't always done a good job and I realise that I've made a lot of mistakes along the way, due to a lack of knowledge and experience on the position of CEO. The only thing I regret about my past is that I gave my trust to people who showed me they did not deserve it. Yes, Chris Tyler was one of them. But now, it doesn't matter anymore. I've learned from each mistake and now I'm ready for a fresh start. And, no! This is not the beginning of a new chapter. This is the beginning of a new book!

We need to work hard in a more stable leadership team and finally we will bring this company to life. We must provide superior services and put our clients first. They should be at the center of everything we do. In order to accelerate the revival of the Orbital Spa and Cruise corporation, we must rediscover our soul, our unique core. We must all understand and embrace what only Orbital's can contribute to the world and how we can change the world. I really think that we should use the month of January to have a dialogue about our bold ambition and our core focus. We are moving from a past where opportunities were scarce to a present where expansion capabilities are almost limitless. So, we must learn from each other and put our ideas into action.

During my time spent in Gallia, I understood that not all what the authorities from other houses told us so far about these people, is true. Believe me, these gallics have some possibilities that we can now only dream about, but fortunately, for some odd reasons, they didn't exploit them as much as they could have and we should take advantage of this. The resort market is going to have a positive growth in the future and Orbital's should be at the centre of it. We have a huge tradition in operating resorts and luxury liners throughout the Sirius Sector. Its part of our strength and now, more than ever, we should dominate the market. How? By focusing on high quality services, good business relationships and involving personnel with high levels of experience. We need people who are really willing to put some effort in to get the job done.

So, if you're really prepared to take part in further consolidation of the Orbital Spa and Cruise position, I invite you both to "Maravillas del Estanque", on Friday, January 02, at 17:00 SMT. It is a bar located in the South part of Las Aves City, on planet Curacao, where usually bankers and businessmen go to discuss or celebrate after the signing of a deal. Not being open to public access, I think we'll have enough privacy there, far away from indiscrete eyes. At entrance, you'll be asked to provide a proof of your identity. As I speak, I send you via S.K.Y.P.3 protocol, a badge that will grant the access. Once you are inside, go to bartender and ask him for a bottle of blue water. He will know who you are and will tell you where I am. Now I'll go out for other things. I don't want to spend the last day of the year at work. We'll keep in touch!

Happy New Year!
[Image: R7CKhNctyoMoSKqmsKW5EKAfVMjiKywLGSC08ZPmdxQ=w700-h40-no]

RE: To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Jason Williams - 01-01-2015

[Image: header.png]

» Source: Hawaii, Sigma-19
» Comm-ID: Amelia Lopez
» Target-ID: Susan Miller, Justin Morgan
» Subject: I'm back!

Hi Ms. Miller,

I've received the badge. Many thanks. Even I'm still a little confused about what happened between you and Mr. Tyler, I'm very happy to hear that you've decided to come back, take action and stop the decline of our company. I waited long time for the moment when my vessel will fly again and I am convinced that together with Samy, we will succeed to reach our goals, and make the Orbital Spa and Cruise the most famous company on the tourism market, providing best travel services from Sirius. As I said, I have some resources that could be useful and I am very determined to help you.

So, count on me. I'll be there for meeting!
[Image: R7CKhNctyoMoSKqmsKW5EKAfVMjiKywLGSC08ZPmdxQ=w700-h40-no]

RE: To: OS&C|Serenity | From: OS&C|Riviera - Justin S. Morgan - 01-01-2015

[Image: header.png]

» Date: January 1, 822 A.S.
» Source: Hawaii, Sigma-19
» Comm-ID: Justin S. Morgan [OS&C Captain]
» Target-ID: Susan Miller [OS&C CEO], Amelia Lopez [OS&C Captain]
» Subject: Count on me, too!

Ms. Susan, it's time to change something and it's time to change it now so... I guess it's pointless to say that you can count on me, too! I will follow your instructions and I will be there on time for the meeting.
[Image: R7CKhNctyoMoSKqmsKW5EKAfVMjiKywLGSC08ZPmdxQ=w700-h40-no]