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Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Printable Version

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Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Zenith - 02-02-2015


You are led into the metallic corridors of the small Zenith area on Battleship Yamaguchi, the smell of chemicals lurks into your nose. The four Exile guards surround you, leading you into the midst of the intelligence centre. You reach a large symbolic door, it hisses open as one of the escorts types in the password. The party proceeds until it reaches a smaller doorway marked with "Taisa", this time the door hisses open on its own accord. Your now shaking legs move into the room with great caution of the unknown. A shaded figure at the far end of the room waits, you stop looking around at the numerous, fake portraits of operatives and approach the man. He speaks "Sit down, tell me your story." You do as he says, for he doesn't seem to be a character to be messed with.

Application form

[indent][indent][b][color=#6f2f36]• Callsign:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color]
[b][color=#6f2f36]• Gender:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color]
[b][color=#6f2f36]• Age:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color]
[b][color=#6f2f36]• Eye color:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color]
[b][color=#6f2f36]• Hair color:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color]

[b][color=#6f2f36]• Biography:[/color][/b]

[indent][color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color][/indent]

[b][color=#6f2f36]• Who does the Zenith ultimately serve?:[/color][/b][color=#d7cfd0]<answer here>[/color]

[b][color=#6f2f36]• Do you plan any deeper character RP? (welcome, not required):[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<answer here>[/color]
[b][color=#6f2f36]• 5KYP-3 protocols:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<Answer here>[/color]
[b][color=#6f2f36]• Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, provide a link:[/color][/b] [color=#d7cfd0]<answer here>[/color][/indent][/indent]

Your tale is told, the figure nods and indicates for you to leave. The thoughts rush through your mind, did I say enough? Was I too timid? Am I fit to serve side by side with the best? The escorts show you to your room. The wait begins.

Callsign database

RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - KaiserDietz - 02-02-2015

• Callsign: "Doubt"
• Gender: Female
• Age: 28
• Eye color: Grey/Blue
• Hair color: Black
• Biography:
Born Holly Tsukino, Doubt began her life on Planet Harris in the Fall of 794 A.S., born to a Kusari father and Bretonian mother. She grew up a lonely child, as permanent families were few on the hostile world. Her father, connected through Hogosha, was wealthy enough to send her to University on New Tokyo, where she dreamed of becoming a ship designer for Renzu, gaining a degree in Aeronautical Architecture. When war broke out with Bretonia, she was drafted into the Empire's service, serving as a flight mechanic. She was motivated by the imprisonment of her father and mother on espionage charges, who were shipped to the newly found Poole System.
Doubt's battlegroup was isolated during the invasion of Leeds, she was drafted as a pilot to supplement the numbers of battlegroup until they could be rescued. She showed natural talent for dogfighting and rose as a well recognized ace in the forces, serving on the front line of the heaviest engagements, racking up a kill count of close to twenty enemies.
With the events of Reunion, she abandoned the Imperial Forces for a time, and became an independent pilot, drifting in border systems, hunting high value Gallic targets as a Bretonian Privateer. Eventually, using her Hogosha connections, she organized the transfer of her parents out of Poole, a convoy she promptly attacked alone and saved her father and mother.
Now unwelcome in Bretonia, she has retreated back to the Taus and rejoined the Imperial remnant. Hearing of the Zenith, she is now seeking to join, feeling her skills would bolster the organization.
• What makes you better than the rest?: Intricate understanding of the Tau sector and it's in an outs, excellent combat skills and extensive underground connections.
Intricate understanding of the Tau sector and it's in an outs, excellent combat skills and extensive underground connections.
• Who does the Zenith ultimately serve?: The Emperor
• Reason for joining Zenith (oorp): Enjoy Exile roleplay, and have always been interested in an shadowy type group.
• Do you plan any deeper character RP? (welcome, not required): I've been developing this character since my part in the brief Ronin revival, would like to see further development, possibly use the naval architecture qualification for a USRP.
• 5KYP-3 protocols: KaiserDietz
• Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, provide a link: Nah, I'm not n'er-do-well you're looking for

RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Cashew - 02-03-2015


Sender: "Silence" 沈黙, Zenith
Recipient: - "Doubt"
Source: Battleship Yamaguchi, Roussillon

Subject: Your application


After discussing your application further, we have decided to enlist in your services. You will be issued all of the necessary equipment along with a new ID card. Prepare yourself for a new life. "Doubt".

Taisa "Silence" 沈黙


RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Pacific - 02-23-2015

• Callsign: Honor
• Gender: Male
• Age: 34
• Eye color: Blue
• Hair color: White
• Biography:

As the person begins to tell his tale he drops a bloody bag on the flor and kicks it towards the recruitment officer having no douth in his mind and he began to speak.

My name is Ira,Ira Gamagori I am born in the city of Mitaka on Planet New Tokyo in the year 788 After Settlement born in a rich Kusari Family close to the emeperor my father, Issei Gamagori was a Officer in the Imperial Guard one of the best the Lord had in his survice. The moment I graduated from High School I began my training as an officer of the Empire eventualy in 811 I became a fighter pilot in the Secondary Fleets of the Naval Forces to eventualy in 818 AS I became a Member of the Imperial Guard and was placed second in commnad of the Destroyer Fabuki .

My ship my Captain and my Crew fought the Bretonians with Honor and Courge showing no douths or hessitation. How ever the Bretonians are not an a opponent to underestimate and a Bretonian Admiral Named Charles Davis leading the Leeds defence forces ambushed my battle group and wipe it out from the face of this sector. The fabuki managed to survive and as placed in Kure Shipyard for repairs as well as my crew in hospitals. That day I lost my sensei a man I respected for many years. And for our survice what did we get ? Betreyal when the Naval forces bowed down to Gallic gaijins and betrayed their true ruler. High Command placed the dog thats head now is in a bag infront of you as our Commanding Officer. He was undiciplined without honor and way to young probably someone little boy that got in his post by contacts. After the repairs were complete the Fabuki was assigned to the Kyushu system where it would do border patrols as well patrol some sectors of Tau-29. You ask yourself how I managed to get in one peace. Well I waited for my moment and gently put together a mutnity plan with the Crew memebers and Officers I truested. A Destroyer crew is not that large and most of the Survived the Bretonian Onslaught. It was simply a matter of time to know for sure who would the majority of the crew side on.

What comes next is intresting about a mounth ago We recived orders to Patrol the Tau-29 system , that very same day they military installed a cloaking divice on the ship wich made it all the very easy for the escape plan. I started the Riot 5 days in to our mission wich was a Six day mission. AT first we desabled the comms so the twi escort Gunboats wont made aware of our plan. From there it was peace and cake since 90% crewwas on my side the 10% simply give up Once in control of the ship We engaged the cloak and before the two boats knew what hit them we were gone. Few hours later in the Tau-31 system we dispossed of the exes bagedge and I got you that present in the bag. It was not for long after scavenging the Tau's I heared of your organisation and found myself here and I came here with the Fabuki after I cut down this faul man She and the Big dragoon transport are at your disposal if you would use us.

• What makes you better than the rest?:

Courage Honor Dicipline

• Who does the Zenith ultimately serve? : His Imperial Royal Majesty the Emperor

• Reason for joining Zenith (oorp): I see the Kusari Exiles need a lot of activity and offer vast of unknown opertunities for the organisation to develop. Especialy when we talk about the Imperial KPT
• Do you plan any deeper character RP? (welcome, not required): Yes absoluteley
• 5KYP-3 protocols: bg.cpt.dimitrov
• Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, provide a link: Just warned one time 3 years ago.

RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Zenith - 02-23-2015


Sender: "Curse" 呪い, Zenith
Recipient: "Honor" 名誉, Zenith
CC: -
BCC: -
Source: Battleship Yamaguchi, Roussillon

Subject: Your application.


You have been accepted. You can retrieve your necessary equipment and your new ID card in the quartermaster's office, deck 2, room 8C. Welcome to the Zenith, [Honor].

Shosa "Curse" 呪い


RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Zenith - 05-02-2016

//Refreshing the thread.

RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Shalo - 06-18-2016

• Callsign: Pride
• Gender: Male
• Age: 28
• Eye color: Brown
• Hair color: Black

• Biography:

Pride was born in Planet Kyushu to a Hogosha couple. Although his mother didn't
spend much time in Kyushu during his childhood, he had a rather normal and monotonous life living with his father.
When the war between Bretonia and Kusari for the taus had started he had just turned 18
and went to study medicine at the New Tokyo's University. He Graduated in the university as one of the top of his class , which made him extremely egocentric and a rather arrogant person.
He then enlisted in the Naval Forces and went to work in a Kestrel as a neurosurgeon. It was a dream come true for him, to not only be able to join the Naval Forces and work in a medical bay as a neurosurgeon but to be assigned to a mobile medical station inside a freighter where he would often go on small risk missions to support fighters from the Naval Forces on small raids against Bretonia or patrols in the taus's systems.
As a doctor his worst fear came to reality some months after enlisting, when he had to kill a man for the first time... During a patrol within the taus they were attacked by three Outcast fighters who then boarded the Kestrel. luckily when they were being taken captive he managed to grab a scalpel he had with him and stabbed two of the men in the subclavian artery, he then proceeded to the freighter's bridge and sent a distress signal to a squad of Chimaera fighters from the Kusari Naval Forces who made it in time to defeat the remaining outcasts.
When the Gallic Royal Navy invaded the Taus and Bretonia the Kusari Imperial forces took heavy loosses, fortunately he was stationed outside of the Taus, in the system of Kyushu. When the Republic was founded and the Naval Forces announced that there would be no attempt to rescue the Emperor and that the Imperial Navy Forces still under his command would be exiled from Kusari, Pride simply could not understand how and why this would have happened, he kept asking to himself "Why are they abandoning the Emperor, the true ruler of Kusari and our traditions?". He managed to get some of the people he knew agreed with him without a doubt and they defected the Kusari Naval Forces, seeking to join the ranks of the Kusari Imperial Forces.
Now after some time fighting both the Gallic forces and the traitors who call themselves the "Kusari Republic" he decided to join the Zenith, an intelligence branch within the ranks of the Kusari Imperial Guard.

• What makes you better than the rest?:

Extensives skills in medicine and human anatomy and some experience as the captain of a freighter.

• Who does the Zenith ultimately serve?:The Emperor

• Do you plan any deeper character RP? (welcome, not required): Maybe, but i doubt i have the skills to make a very complete character.
• 5KYP-3 protocols: freelancer-shalo
• Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, provide a link: no.

RE: Zenith || /Z/- || Recruitment - Zenith - 06-22-2016


Sender: "Curse" 呪い, Zenith
Recipient: "Pride" 誇り, Zenith
CC: -
BCC: -
Source: Battleship Yamaguchi, Tottori

Subject: Application.


I'm glad to inform you that you have been accepted. The quartermaster's offices are on deck 2, room 8C. Please make sure your NN identification cards are turned off and destroyed, you will be given new ones. Do us proud, [Pride].

Taisa "Curse" 呪い