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Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - Hawk - 02-19-2015

LNS-Retribution has been sanctioned for:

Quote: 3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

You've been playing here long enough to know better than to just kill a ship without saying anything......even if it is a Xeno. Credits and guns gone. Please don't do that again.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



RE: Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - mathiaskade - 02-19-2015

This is LNS-Retribution. Im very unaware of what sanction is for. I see its about a xeno ship? I have always said something or RP before I attack. On one occasion I had someone asking for help and when I arrived to them they were almost dead and being chased so I defended them and have proof of it. Can you tell me what incident this is referring to or if it was that one? Because that is the ONLY time I have ever done that and that was like 2 weeks ago. If it is then I do apologize and ask how do I get unsanctioned?

RE: Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - mathiaskade - 02-19-2015

Also could I see proof that this was done? The picture? Just to make sure and all that it was that specific incident. That way I can learn from it and avoid doing it in the future. As I said before I do apologize and want to do whats right. Thank you.

RE: Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - mwerte - 02-19-2015

PM sent

RE: Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - mathiaskade - 02-19-2015

Ok thank you. I do recall this altercation. I do remember joining in the middle of the fight and didn't say anything in system chat that I was engaging. I remember now talking in group chat but I got caught up in the moment of the intensity of the fight and didn't write anything in system. It happened very fast. Thank you for showing me the pics. I will be more careful next time.

RE: Player Sanctioned: LNS-Retribution - mwerte - 02-20-2015
