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Wanted inputs on character - Printable Version

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Wanted inputs on character - Jessitrescott - 05-18-2015

so its been striking in mind to develop a character which under his own will becomes crazy scientist or terrorist . How will you react to this character or would you want this character at all or do you want me to throw this idea in the grabage and think of something else ???

character backlog in short : The character name is Adam no second name. adam's father and mother were working in the BAF ground troops in leeds they get killed by the gallics , adam gets shipped to planet cambridge were he studies about viruses(note adam was also working with the doctor in planet leeds in a warzone doing research {why he was working there is still a secret}) . Adam has devoloped a personal vengance against the gallic's for the killing of his parents he is a lost soul waiting for his time to strike against the gallics to full fill his vengance , now recruited by doctor James thomas to work in his lab the PFI Longford vessel in the omicron delta . What better time to put his plans in order adam starts to research the organisms present in the omicrons secretly without the knowledge of others . Two core vessel see the PFI longford vessel and the person adam (which is not really adam , its the voice of adam and the face of james) in the delta system a scream is heard from the vessel a core vessel offers help were he hears gun shots and screaming inside the vessel , before docking in freeport 11 some one shuts of the transponder.

RE: Wanted inputs on character - sindroms - 05-18-2015

From personal experience I can say that Terrorist characters, when it comes to modern Disco, are very rare for a reason. Too many people are already agitated by oorp hate and attacks on their characters, both tagged and non, to have to deal with a random Terrorist ID.

In other words, no matter how good your RP will be for said character, people will look past the fascade that is the ingame presentation and will be too distracted by questions like ''is this person attacking me because of their RP or is it someone's alt hunting me down again...'' to notice your efforts.

Most terrorist or aggressive RP these days get a "Ugh, another pvpwhore" from the overall playerbase. I suggest either you go for the ID and then do not kill anything ever, just to show self-restraint, but if that is not the case, just pick a random unlawful ID and blow up anything that is not a transport within your ZOI. If your goal is to kill stuff, that is pretty much all I can suggest at this point.

Then again, I've no idea what exactly you are planning, so if you can explain things a bit more in detail, more input can be given.

RE: Wanted inputs on character - Jessitrescott - 05-18-2015

the idea is to be develop viruses (havent decided on this one yet) which will control gallic pilots(what the nomads did to humans in the nomad war) hence my story's name Project MK ultra 2 , In short mind control. The character will learn about mind control by watching the influence of nomads on humans how they affect and evolve in them.

RE: Wanted inputs on character - sindroms - 05-18-2015

Speaking as a Khara member, mind control RP is sketchy at best, frowned at at worst. People mostly hate it and I had moments where either me or the person flying with me simply got a message from the player saying //Please do not do that, I do not like that sort of RP.

Powergaming something something.
I suggest choosing something else.

RE: Wanted inputs on character - Shalo - 05-18-2015

I don't see any problem from my point of view of having mind control RP , as long as it is well done and fun for both sides. I have experienced mind controll RPs quite fun to be a victim of.