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Bretonia's Mash Box - Cashew - 06-21-2015

Bretonia's Mash Box



Lucy Triplebreast, from Planet Cambridge, claims that the MP McBayne is a blatant fraud! Seems everyone agrees! Though Lucy has led the crusade!

The obnoxious mammoth of a woman posted on social media earlier on preaching to Bretonia that she had solved the greatest puzzle in the Human Race's history. The video of Lucy contained a rather disturbing view of, well, nothing. Her enourmous mass blocked out the entire camera, we're still not sure if it's 97 rolls or 96 - we have researchers working on that as you're reading this. But her points still stand! Here's what she said, so inspiring, "We can't let this fraud spread ?#@*&%! about our brave and desirable Fleet Admiral." Whilst some may disagree with her, studies show that 97% of Bretonia would infact stab McBayne for personal pleasure. Never has there been such a hated MP in Bretonian history!

After speaking to a government representative, McBayne has been branded a "tosser" and a "un-patriotic trash pile". We are keeping the representative's name confidential to avoid any shenanigans, not that McBayne cares though! Shenanigans is oozing from every crevice in his body, his ears, nose, mouth and his!.... Wait no this is getting published. Incredibly the MP hasn't been arrested yet but we are definitely expecting some sort of action from the BPA, if not the BAF. We doubt they will allow this to go on un-noticed.

Written by: A satirical maniac


RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - jammi - 06-21-2015

Board ID: BretaniaFirst69
Posts: 81,201.
Joined: 03/07/816.
Karma: -563.

all politicians are all the same!!! theyr all scum and need to be strung up! lucy ur a fine wuman and r on the rite track!! r u 3 at the weekend cos id like to by u a hotdog if u know wot i mean ; )

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - SpaceTime - 06-21-2015

Board ID: JenifromLeeds23
Posts: 836
Joined: 20/12/821
Reputation: +16

I saw McBayne's smile in the end, did you see it? That devilish smile, he's working for the Gallics I soure of it!

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - TheProphet - 06-21-2015

Board ID: MadGib110
Posts: 2
Joined: 20/12/821
Reputation: +2

I fought in the war and let me tell you you have all forgotten what it means to be a soldier everyone is so much in politics stop reporting on this and support our veterans seriously my father and i fought in the war and i am going to join the army

EDIT: it is sad to see how little people care for serious accusations WAEK UP

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - Cashew - 06-21-2015

Board ID: chillywillie-am
Posts: 7
Joined: 20/06/821
Reputation: +45

wow this is so inspirational i wish i cud be like lucy one day. comment on this post if u think we should burn mcbayne!

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - Char Aznable - 06-21-2015

Board ID: Hax0r;Magellan
Posts: 1
Joined: 23/11/821
Reputation: +0

#galliawar #valorwatch #cardilove


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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - t0l - 06-21-2015

Board ID: SheepleShaker10
Posts: 1
Joined: 21/06/822
Reputation: 0

leeds was an inside job... gallia is a lie constructed by the LIBERTY and BRETONIA governments...wake up SHEEPLE!!!!!

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - Pacific - 06-21-2015

Board ID: LoliHentaiEchi-110
Posts: 90
Joined: 20/12/819
Reputation: +8

Gallia is a creation of the LSF and the Libretonian Goverment. We must unit all Bretonian against the Libretonian Agressive agendas !!

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - jammi - 06-21-2015

Board ID: TrUtHiSfOrThEwEaK
Posts: 12
Joined: 19/06/822
Reputation: -233

@'SheepleShaker10' H Fuel cant melt MPs

@'LoliHentaiEchi-110' lol everyone knows that the BAF admirals are in kahoots with the gallics so theyre screwing everything up on purpose so they can b important lords of whats left after bretonia falls over lol

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RE: Bretonia's Mash Box - Pacific - 06-21-2015

Board ID: LoliHentaiEchi-110
Posts: 92
Joined: 20/12/819
Reputation: +8

@'TrUtHiSfOrThEwEaK' No there are some admiral whi fight the oppresion but their voice can't be heared !

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