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New on forums, but not in space ! - PauLucario - 11-10-2015

important note : this is just a re-post of a thread that i posted, i recovered it, thankful to the catched version of the lost thread.


Bonjour ! Oh, attendez...


Hello ! Sorry, i forgot to activate my translator.

As you can see, i am French. And as you can see, i am a Lucario addict. A few of you must already know me, because they seen me in space around Gallia and Leeds. Yeah, i'm the Gallic capitaine of the RNS-Pontoise and the RNS-St.Lazare.

I'll start by introducing myself.

My name is Paul, i am 21 years old and i live in the Normandy Region in France (i'm not a separatist !! è_é). I don't have any job or school thing actually. And one thing very important to say : I'm a "pokephile". I will not explain what is it. It's not the place to talk of it. i'll just say that it's why i have "Lucario" in my username. I have a good english speaking but it seems that the english level of Discovery is very high because it's really hard for me to understand what players are saying during events or raids, or even during a random pirate attack ! And don't call me in skype, because i understand english only by writing, not when talked. I already tryied with an Angel several months ago and i didn't understand anything. He wrote the same thing and i understood. Strange, isn't it ?

About Freelancer :

my father started freelancer in 2003, i think i started too in 2005, or maybe 2006, i don't remember. I started in a french server named "FL-Contact" in my father's faction. A few years later, the server closed... forever... the owner stoped paying the host... and then my father and a few guys discovered Discovery 4.84 and i joined the server with them. (i'm the only one who stayed) In 4.84, i didn't knew what was a roleplay. I didn't even knew this word. And i was doing nothing really serious. I was a kid at this time, after all.

I stoped playing freelancer for a while, and when i came back, discovery was on 4.85. I tryed roleplaying for the first time as an outcast but i was still a kid and i was still doing things like a fool... like attacking without engaging phrases, for exemple. I was not speaking english at all.

I leaved freelancer again a few months later, and when i came back, Discovery was on 4.86. This time, i stayied a bit longer, joining the LNS, but still not very roleplay. For the first time, i got credits for my first capital ship ! It was a Liberty Cruiser. I played as "LNS-Dauphin". I know, i know, dauphin means Dolphin in french and it's REALLY NOT rp in LNS ! I told you that i was a kid ! (click here to see a screen about my LNS period in 4.86)

I leaved freelancer again for a long period. And when i came back in 4.87, all of my ships were deleted, including my cruiser. i started to mine helium again, then. (it was the only route i knew at this time) And, how suddently, a guy send me 250 millions ! Wow ! He told me that he was about to leave freelancer and he gave me this ammount of money ! I couldn't believe this ! I was on my "Lucario" character and i went to Gallia to buy a Gallic Advanced Train. And i am still using it today. Later, i created "Dauphin076" (my old username) and bought the Lynx. And for the first time, i changed the name to take a roleplay name ! Dauphin076 became "Paul.Lucario" and i am still using this Lynx actually. (this period is also the first time i started to understood something in english)

Gallia was (and is still) very peaceful. i rarely seen pirates in there ! It's a really good place to make money without being attacked non-stop ! The only danger were those outcasts and .:J:. in Tau-23 for those GMS who are mining.

When i got a sufficient amount of credits, i made a new char, but this time, i didn't choose the best name.... I was about to buy a Gallic Cruiser so i named it... RNS-Normandie ! Yeah... I didn't knew that there were Normandy Separatists in Discovery when i created this... but i don't know any town name outside Normandy, so i kept it. And then, i started to participate in some events with my lynx and my cruiser. And finally, some months later, thankfull to the DHC mining route, i was finaly able to buy a Valor ! I played freelancer since 2006 and i finaly bought a Battleship in 2014 ! I was really happy ! And this one have a good RP name : the RNS Pontoise.

But after one more event battle, and after i was kicked out from DHC (not enough english speaking level, and bad roleplaying) i leaved Freelancer again... i was too busy with an other community to continue playing Freelancer... (i leaved about 1 week before the 4.88 update, and i also leaved the gallic skype group). I finaly came back one month ago with two french friends and one week later, they bought a cruiser, and i was finaly able to buy the cau8 ! We were planning to build a new team named PGB (Protectors of Gallic Borders) but the two friends leaved Freelancer... and i'm alone since this moment... this screen is the last thing i got from them... (but this PGB period had changed the name of the RNS-Normandie, who is now the RNS-St.Lazare). My period with an other community had learned me the basis of roleplay (but in french...), and i hope that i'll be better now that i came back in freelancer.

I tryied a few times to come to this forum but i still don't understand many things right now. The rules are the worst thing... argh... there are too much thing to read... And french people are known for their laziness. And google translate is REALLY BAD to translate !! (i didn't use it to write this post)

Well.... i think it's enought writing. I'll end this presentation then. If i forgot something or if you have something to ask, i'll answer as soon as possible.

May the Aura be with you ! (Lucario's most famous phrase)

note : this is the characters i got before the big crash of the forum and the server.
note2: i don't have anything really important on this forum, so i repost only this presentation and something in the media thread, but i have nothing else to repost.

RE: New on forums, but not in space ! - Benoit - 11-10-2015

Messire! Les Anglois, les Anglois!