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Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Printable Version

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Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Jansen - 01-09-2016

Gabriella.Casta[101st] has been sanctioned for:
Quote:1.1 Use of abusive, vulgar, obscene, political, or racist materials
Dont insult other people. Soap fine taken.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Divine - 01-09-2016

Evidence please.

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Jansen - 01-09-2016


RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Divine - 01-09-2016

So what's the issue now? Having used a short for the lovely word we use to describe sexual interaction between two living animals (a really bad thing to do kids, so don't do it) or the rather unwelcoming description at the end of that sentence?

As for the first: frakking, freaking and literally any substitution for that just means the very same, but does not contain the "bad word".
As for the second: Your filter doesn't filter it, so I take it's alright.

What's next? Can't say frakking anymore bc it is used as the same lovely word used to describe sexual interaction? What about fokkin' ?

Also lol, some mates of the Cross posting a report where their cross-friends got insulted inRP. What a story.
That was an inRP insult btw, just for the record.

Lesson learned, just candyfloss-rp wanted - check.

Have a nice day.
Cashew Wrote:Don't feel like you have to reply to this.

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Divine - 01-09-2016

Hey, it's me again...

I'll just pretend I shortened frakking, how's that? It can also be written fking. See, I left out the rak in it.

As we're on it, I said fokkin' on my Molly at the event yesterday, ofc inRP too. Might want to've a look into that.

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Jansen - 01-09-2016


RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Divine - 01-11-2016

I'd like a clarification on a few things. As rule-violation was quoted 1.1 reading:
Quote:1.1 Use of abusive, vulgar, obscene, political, or racist materials
which falls under the Community Rules and covers the ooc-interaction/-actions related to the behaviour on forums and ingame between players.

Rule 1.1 of the Server Rules is more specific on the matter and the subject of this sanction, reading:
Quote:1.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Threats and insults are only allowed on the server if used within roleplay.
Here I might add that the line was directly aimed, even by calling the name, to Scourges char, Erika. It was the char Gabriella Casta addressing the char Erikasaria Espinosa. Server-Rule 1-1.1 clearly states that threats and insults are allowed within roleplay.

As the original game itself is rated ESRB T (and sold as that: so we assume that just players of suited age are in possession of a legal copy of the game) I took the freedom to take for granted that the mod also is treated like that when it comes to the roleplay done by players (mind here that I'm just referring to roleplay-interactions).

If this is not the case, I'd ask for a clear statement as to what rating the mod actually has, so I can adjust my language ingame inRP properly.

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Jansen - 01-12-2016

The original game is rated as suitable for 13 years and above, that is true. The Mod in itself and as single player game likely would have the same rating, however you are playing in a multiplayer environment. This means that it can be handled differently, as even corporations do usually not give out ratings for games you can play with other players, so I also can not give you a rating, because there simply is none.
The rules you stated there apply both to your case and I think it shouldnt be a problem to express yourself in roleplay without having the need to use swearwords.
If you want to adjust your language accordingly you simply do not use swear words at all, if you get reported for swearing, you likely will get sanctioned as the other person apparently had a problem with it.

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Divine - 01-12-2016

So there's again no actual standard defined by the staff to which people could adapt accordingly and it ultimatively ends in what the staff in all its wisdom deems suitable. Again.
Some people get offended over trivial things, others need hell raining down on them to get offendend. It's as subjective as it can get.

That being said can't both rules apply at the same time and if so you're just looking at the first part of the Server Rules 1.1 and leave out the exception made for threats and insults done inRP.

So there's no swearing then allowed at all anymore according to your say, which includes all sorts of substitutions for swearing as they might be just as offensive to some.

(01-12-2016, 07:21 PM)Jansen Wrote: ...This means that it can be handled differently, as even corporations do usually not give out ratings for games you can play with other players, so I also can not give you a rating, because there simply is none.

Tera - ESRB M
GuildWars 2 - ESRB T
WildStar - ESRB T
Defiance - ESRB M
Skyforge - ESRB M

That's some proper MMOs here.

RE: Player sanctioned: Gabriella.Casta[101st] - Jansen - 01-13-2016

(01-12-2016, 07:56 PM)Divine Wrote: So there's again no actual standard defined by the staff to which people could adapt accordingly and it ultimatively ends in what the staff in all its wisdom deems suitable. Again.
Some people get offended over trivial things, others need hell raining down on them to get offendend. It's as subjective as it can get.

See above.
If you use coarse language and get reported for it you might get slapped. So, if you dont know the other person and are unsure if he/she will report you, then just play it safe and dont use insults at all.
Its your responsibility to make sure that you do not get reported for violating rules, as much as it is mine to take care of reports should you not have been responsible in the first place.

The ratings you mention there are meant for the game content, not the player interaction, as I'd really like to see how anyone would dare to rate this. I have given you an estimate for the rating of the Mod itself, I can and will not give you one for the interaction with other players.