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The razor now... - Printable Version

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RE: The razor now... - jammi - 01-12-2016

Capital ships are allegedly a hard counter to gunboats, while bombers are a soft counter. As in you can win with enough coordination and numbers, but not 1:1. Gunboats still excel at killing snubs, just a group of bombers has a better chance of taking one down than a comparable group of fighters.

RE: The razor now... - Wesker - 01-12-2016

(01-10-2016, 03:02 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Because they're not supposed to be a one shot kill for bombers. Gunboats are no longer the do all end all ships in the mod. Thats balance.

Gunboats never where the end to all ships lmao

RE: The razor now... - Haste - 01-12-2016

Gunboats are not exclusively anti-snub. They haven't been for a very long time. If anything the class' trademark is versatility, which I kind of like.

It's worth noting that I dislike instakills and would like to avoid them wherever possible. Although let me just point out again that double-razor Gunboats (which is more or less what the weapon is balanced around) are still very much capable of blowing up deshielded fighters in one salvo.

And, just one more time: if Razors prove to not be "competitive" with the other options available to Gunboats they will be buffed accordingly. I've toyed with the idea of more projectile speed (possibly coupled with reduced turret turn rate, to make the weapon more all-round useful but not necessarily unstoppable against snubs), more efficiency or perhaps a combination of those things.

RE: The razor now... - Thyrzul - 01-12-2016

(01-12-2016, 01:51 AM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(Perhaps light fighters will soon be rebalanced with devs having taking out Dreadnoughts in mind, you can never know.)

[2:23:14] Haste - Iseijin Rep: i think light fighters should get valor forward guns and infinite powercores

Ok, confirmed.

RE: The razor now... - nOmnomnOm - 01-12-2016

(01-12-2016, 02:26 AM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(01-12-2016, 01:51 AM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(Perhaps light fighters will soon be rebalanced with devs having taking out Dreadnoughts in mind, you can never know.)

[2:23:14] Haste - Iseijin Rep: i think light fighters should get valor forward guns and infinite powercores

Ok, confirmed.

the arrow should get 2 :3

RE: The razor now... - SkyNet - 01-12-2016

(01-10-2016, 06:39 AM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: ... Is horrible.

it takes 1/3 damage from a waran bomber when hit.
it takes like 1/10 or less hull damage from a cau 6 GB ...
it is useless...

Unless someone here knows what this gun is now useful for, i do not see how a gun that is skill-based (I think so?) has such low hit damage potential now?

Pretty much everything that is larger than a VHF is horrible now. Happens if you razor devs in their snubs too often.

RE: The razor now... - nOmnomnOm - 01-12-2016

(01-12-2016, 03:22 AM)SkyNet Wrote:
(01-10-2016, 06:39 AM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: ... Is horrible.

it takes 1/3 damage from a waran bomber when hit.
it takes like 1/10 or less hull damage from a cau 6 GB ...
it is useless...

Unless someone here knows what this gun is now useful for, i do not see how a gun that is skill-based (I think so?) has such low hit damage potential now?

Pretty much everything that is larger than a VHF is horrible now. Happens if you razor devs in their snubs too often.

i really would have to disagree... since i do well with lots of ships that are larger...
but hey... there is a ship class fit for everyone... and also a ship in that ship class as well.


RE: The razor now... - TheShooter36 - 01-12-2016

(01-12-2016, 03:22 AM)SkyNet Wrote: Pretty much everything that is larger than a VHF is horrible now. Happens if you razor devs in their snubs too often.

let devs SNAC you in their bombers and we will have GB s buffed!

RE: The razor now... - Microsol - 05-13-2016

OK, I can understand that GBs being able to one-shot bombers was a bit silly, so why not.
My real problem is not so much with the new razors themselves but with the new GB weapon slots system, because I can't have two razors and at least one pulse mounted at the same time, which was the one (and sole) thing I enjoyed about GBs: being able to insta-kill.

I don't see any reason why that should be removed though, as it is really tricky to do in a battle, most of the time I died before I could achieve such a shot. But sometimes it worked, with the right circumstances and a bit of luck, and how rewarding that was!

It was a real challenge to succeed in insta-killing with pulse + razors, and challenge is what makes good games imo.

Also, as heavy turrets slots are now preset, I can't pick which slot I'd like my razors to go to anymore.

(01-12-2016, 02:03 AM)Haste Wrote: Gunboats are not exclusively anti-snub. They haven't been for a very long time. If anything the class' trademark is versatility, which I kind of like.

It's worth noting that I dislike instakills and would like to avoid them wherever possible.

I'd like to point out what really is worth noting in all that: Look at how self-centered you are. It seems that you are under the delusion that this mod should be made solely to please you. This mod is not meant to please you. It's meant to please its entire community.

I only just saw that post of yours, and I am astounded. I'm starting to believe that what SkyNet said ("Pretty much everything that is larger than a VHF is horrible now. Happens if you razor devs in their snubs too often") is actually the reason for those GB turret changes... Now, that would be sad.

(01-12-2016, 02:03 AM)Haste Wrote: Although let me just point out again that double-razor Gunboats (which is more or less what the weapon is balanced around) are still very much capable of blowing up deshielded fighters in one salvo.
Yeah, right. Hypocrisy at its finest. Deshielded fighters sure. GBs come across them so often and easily. Haha.

If changes are made so that frustrated-players-for-being-killed-in-a-game don't get killed anymore, that would be sad indeed, and definitely the server's biggest problem.

So for the sake of Discovery's good gaming and its players in their whole, it would be a good idea if only GB pulses could at least be set as standard guns so we can mount them on any slot, because otherwise I'm pretty sure the only GBs equipped with pulses will be NPCs...

RE: The razor now... - Pilip - 07-04-2017

Cruiser Razor-> Bring it back plix!

The heavy Solaris basicly forces you to stick to full solaris setup Or just keep that as a Minor Annoyance along with regulars, against the real newbie that hasn't understand yet that all he has to do is Not fly in a straight line and Take Turns with your colleague when you go against a cap!

So if i get hooked by a cruiser and 2 bombers i know for sure that it will be sad but at least give me a chance to land a lucky shot and deshield something , any bomber knows by now that if yo shield is off turn then turn and take distance, dont worry, the hull guns have allmost no chance at hitting you while doing that.

In other words cruiser still can't chase and threat the snub, it only adds a need of self-awareness and caution for the snub when going against something 'teoretically' so dangerous.

Hell, keep them both, Razor and Heavy solaris.....just leave that razor option still there (that would be fair).

Besides Razor really looked coooool!

Simple as that.