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Another Day, Another Grind. - Printable Version

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Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 01-29-2016

"What you fancying?" "Maccie-Dee's... I want a Big Maccie with large fries." The sit inside their compact sports car, overlooking the view of Nuremberg. It was slightly bleak, the grey clouds shadowed what little sunlight made it to the planet. Enfield Pulled out a Chocolate bar and started eating away the first few bits. "When do we expect them?" "They're conducting the arms meeting now. Although the traffic we want will be approaching soon. I'll call its time" There was a small urban town seen in the distance, low roofed estates and high rise apartment buildings. All seem to be built for mass housing rather than luxurious getaways. But with Nuremburg's state, people who could afford to get away to other planets generally would, so skies were quiet with traffic and the people who walked the streets were fewer. Nuclear winter littered the place, snow that was small in radioactivity.

"There, think I see them." Enfield pulls out a pair of electronic binoculars. "Yeah... Thats seems to be the group." The binoculars were focused on a group that seemed to have assembled on a rooftop of one of the buildings. "The other group is around Fifteen Minutes out." He presses a button on the top "Okay, rock and roll." Enfield pulls out a long black case from the back seat of the car. "I'll be ready to up link you to a satellite, give you targeting co-ordinates from there." Zeal reached for the center console piece of the car and tuned on the music player. Quickly the sound of Drum and Bass flooded the interior and leaked to the outside of the Compact sports car. "Thats pretty good." Enfield was bobbing his head back and fourth to the constant beat of drums. Opening the case, he took out the parts of a long rifle and stated to assemble them bit by bit. "Twelve Minuets." Zeal pulled out a laptop from the glove box and opened a few images showing files on the people seen through the binoculars. "That's Him, Unioner fuhrer for Nuremberg northern operations. Straus Velccellinko." Enfield was just about done, twisting the barrel into position between the two receivers and the guard rail. He then swooped a hood from his jacket over his head "Right..." He opened the Car door, stepping out, having the cold weather seep in and the music flood out into the surrounding area. He left the door open and placed the Rifle behind it and stood there for a good while, doing nothing but surveying the area with his eyes.

"Eight Minuets." The music still stayed in the same genre. Doing repetitive beats and bass runs, he continued to bob his head to the music. But suddenly from one of the houses below the car park came a old woman's voice. "Diese verdammten Kinder, Autos und dumme Musik!" "Verpiss dich, alte Hure!" The woman ended up grumbling her way back into her house with a slam. He gave a smug smile on his face and chuckled to himself. "Seems appropriate." Zeal commented as she continued to type away on the laptop. Enfield started screwing on a suppressor at the end of the rifle. He then placed it in the gap between the open door and frame of the car. He looked through the Intelli-Scope, the infra-red displaying a range of at least 1,250 Meters towards its intended target. "Stabilizers on... Ready to engage." He slotted in a twin drum magazine of what seemed to be high power cartridges. "5 Minuets, we're about to enter the window." His hot breath started misting up as it conflicted with the cold weather. "Rate of fire is 600RPM, rate the music to match." His breathing slowed down to a pace of focus, inhaling every four seconds, exhaling every four seconds. The music started playing a heavy spree of vibrating low frequencies, shaking the car slightly. Much slower than the last piece of music. This didn't seem to bother Enfield or his aim. "Two minutes. They'll be in visual range in thirty-" A single cock of the rifle was heard, before a flurry of suppressed rifle fire wasn't even heard, but in replacement, a spree of matching drum and bass; Masking even the dropping of the rifle casings.

"Nice..." Zeal looked through the binoculars. "One left... Get back in the car." He throws the rifle to the back seat before coming back in and closing the door, immediately turning on the heating. "Turn down the music for a bit, not too much... I like this tune." He takes the binoculars from Zeal, looking down at the Kill-zone. "And... Hes looking..." A small blimp in the sky seems to be getting closer, it flies over in the distance before stopping a few blocks away from the dead Unioners "Here comes the transport." "There's the VWA, dropping off supplies. And he has spotted them." He takes a moment to rest back a bit. "Wipe those terrorist arseholes off the map. I have no care for Unioners." "Can we go for the Maccies now?" "Yeah, I'll just confirm our auxiliary assignment." He turns on the ignition of the car, its low oar from the exhaust is heard. "Foooood~" He mutters to himself while turning the music back up as he takes a short reverse turn out of the car park, turning on the neon lighting under the car as he drives out. Its beats echoing down the Car park.

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 04-10-2016

[Image: Y8Avhrq.png?2]

"Right, Intel says we got a depot that's used for artifact and weapons smuggling ring. Some independent group set up only a few weeks ago in these northern ice fields and have quite a stable operation. Hamburg is an quiet right now at 2500 hours, but a lot of this is just a half way point for tourists to sneak out a bunch of contraband into Liberty." A small group of around 10 unmarked operatives we're priming weapons and preparing each others kit. They were out in some sort of iced tundra plain, not many other buildings in sight and the nearest city was only a blimp in the distance. They were under the cover of darkness, the freezing temperatures were obvious from the ice buildup around their Helmet visors. Assembled around a map, Enfield discussed their assault plan on what looked like a small structure in the middle of nowhere. They all seemed to be gathered around in a circle, overlooking a small low-light-exposure holomap."The old water pump facility doesn't have great height and has little roof access, they also seem to be running light discipline to avoid detection by passing vessels. Suppressors are to remain attached, minimize viability at all costs keep to optics and infrared night vision set for cold temperatures on the exterior, and standard for interiors." "What about power?" "The facility seems to be maintained by a on site generator, they don't seem to be relying on the power grid as normal. Half of Bravo team north east are going to proceed below the ice at the lake, and make their way through the water intake pipes. They'll disable the generator and hopefully the place will go dark, soon as that happens, Alpha will enter the facility and secure what we can. Their call sign is Bravo-Two, Bravo-One are demolitions, they'll clear up anything we can't take after we secure it."

Enfield takes out a cigarette from one pouch and brings his augmented hand up to his mouth, his thumb hinges back to reveal a lighter built in. He lights his cigarette, taking a few puffs. A pair of operatives were listening to a radio, before one of them removed their headphones and readied himself. "Bravo is running Obvious jamming on all frequencies, nothing but static is coming through." Enfield throws the rest of his cigarette into the snow. Placing his helmet back on. "Okay, Alpha remember the objective. Take what you can, artifacts take priority. We have around 1 hour from now, timers are synced so when they start bleeping, drop all four smokes and leave the facility even if everyone has been eliminated, switch to infrared and scatter outside, RV will be back here for Alpha, Bravo-One and Bravo-Two will be at their respective RV. Cloaked freighters will be here for extraction." Enfield looked at the ring of operatives around him. Most of them didn't seem familiar, the Buro normally ran operations with them not meeting each other again on the same case for months on end.

"Lets do it..." The all seemed to respond quickly and move off into the cover of darkness, the snow masked their footsteps and not a single piece of equipment made the slightest of noise.

[Image: f8wfL34.png?1]

The skies were still setting, but the shadows were at their blackest. Although every operatives vision has changed, viewers of the night, seeing anything that made heat. From what they saw was a building that stood out thermally from the snow. "There... move up, but stay in the cover of the snow." Staying almost an acre away from the building, the dead of silence had fallen upon them. They waited in the snow, the frost laying on them slowly for the next five minutes. "What are the rules of engagement Kommandant?" "Weapons free, engage all hostile."

Soon noises came from the facility, a number of gunshots, all internally. Then returned the shouting and rabble. "Bravo-Two is in, move in now!" The whole group of Alpha operatives moved towards the facility quickly. Up to one of the walls one of them slammed a large explosive breach on the wall, everyone took cover beside it. "Breach!" "Breach!" An Implosion on the wall caved in a large section, providing entrance to the dark facility. The gunfire was a lot more audible and seemed to be coming from lower levels. Enfield took position up front, which was soon met by two rouge figures. Barely seeing a silhouette that he was from the emergency lighting. The two thugs failed to bring their weapons up on time, before being filled with silent lead on fully automatic from Enfields rifle. "Move, take anything you see. Tenco, Hugo, Tristar, stay up here and secure this point for us to leave." Enfield and the rest of Alpha moves to a much larger room, seems like an old filtration and purification area, as they moved across a catwalk, below them was a reservoir containing not water, but crates and containers. Soon a few figures popped up from behind the containers and began shouting. Their weapons were lasers, breams of light passed over the heads of Alpha operatives before they started returning fire. Hot brass casings fell on their feet, over the catwalk and below them into the reservoir. One by one the resisting thugs were heavily injured or killed. Their guns fell silent, the brass was still making their way to the bottom of the room, clinking onto the floor, being the remaining thing that echos before Alpha starts moving again. "Okay, seems like we found the stockpile. You guys stay here, secure everything, try stay masked in the darkness. I'm going to link with Bravo-Two. Bravo-One should ready the perimeter for extraction."

[Image: u8ADKPf.png?1]

Enfield fought his way through the corridors of the facility, taking down anyone with the slight signs of resistance. His armor took a few hits, although nothing penetrated, they left nothing but scorch marks. He made his way down to the pump station, to find a trail of bodies as he worked his way to the stairs. He comes to a corridor with a T-shaped passage, there seems to be noises of equipment and heavy breathing. "Someones coming..." Enfield stopped and readied his weapon, aiming towards the T-shaped corridor. "You are my Upsilon." Enfield lowered his weapon, a familiar phrase had reached him.

[Image: ViZbcHL.jpg?1]

"And you, my Epsilon." Enfield heard the voice come from the left corner of the bend, he walked around to see that the corridor was littered with bullet holes, blood and bodies. "How'd you know it was me?" Enfield came face to face with her, his attitude relaxed, everything about his seriousness relaxed. "I know the noise of your cybernetics like your voice in bed." "Oh quiet." They only chuckled at each other before returning to work. Zeal had joined Bravo-Two in the operations, she was holding a rifle, strapped in additional Armour to her robotic body, although slightly damp with some damage, to Enfield he knew she seemed to be fine. "How was the water?" "It was wet and cold. But Helena isn't too good, she got hit in the arm, quite an amount of plasma burn. flesh wound, nothing major." Enfield turned to Helena and looked at her "Can you move?" "Yeah... I'm not carrying anything back..." "Any other injuries." "I burnt my hair." He stares at Zeal's state, she seemed to be using a different body, similar in form, but obviously not for comfort build, since two turrets we're positioned over her shoulders. She seemed to have a few cracks which were still being repaired by self sealant, dents and scorch marks covered her without even any signs of full penetration or serious damage. Whatever protected her, was indeed strong. And her hair was indeed burnt. "......... Okay." He gave her a kiss on her silver lips, they seemed chipped from a previous firefight. "I love you." "I know sweet-cheeks. I love you too. Lets go!"

They moved back up into the upper areas of the facility, the two other operatives helped eachother, one had swapped her rifle for a pistol while the other covered her. Enfield and Zeal were leading, as they moved further up, more retreating smugglers were making their way down from the upper levels. "Fire fire!" Enfield continued to spray ahead at them, Zeal had both turrets feeding off her backpack, as well as a rifle like everyone else. "We're running out of time, we got ten minutes." "Okay, only one more level." Some thugs still made their way down, unaware that operatives had staged an attack from underneath. Only to be met with the unforgiving actions of Buro special-operatives. Enfield came rushing through back to the reservoir section, only to be met by barrels of his fellow Operatives. "Shadow!" "Ghost!" Tristar removed his helmet to speak more clearly, seems most of the firefighting had stopped, although there were still a few shots that went off elsewhere. "Kommandant. We're ready to move, we have all artifacts and select priority weapons packed, Bravo brought the thermite to burn the rest of these cheap weapons." "Good, set the thermite to go in five minutes. We're wrapping this up." "Bravo, thermite, demolitions on the rest of the stockpile." Operatives started pouring thermite from the catwalks above onto what remained of the seized depot.

Suddenly, bleeps from all over the reservoir started coming from the operatives. "Exfiltrate, smokes, scatter!" "Exfiltrate, smokes, scatter!" "Exfiltrate, smokes, scatter!" "Move, move!" Shouting came all over the facility in one short burst before footsteps started leaving the area. Everyone managed to scatter outside and covered the closer exterior area of the facility. They all dropped smoke grenades creating a blinding smoke screen before they all disappeared into the darkness. Shouting still came from the inside, remnants left inside sounded confused. Left to deal with the damaged by these unmarked raiders.

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 06-02-2016

[Image: mbpFSfi.png?1]

Nuremberg again, although the cold has cleared up for the summer time, its poisoned sunshine allows for rear occasions of light to come through and bless the grass with what short life they have left. As usual, Enfield and Zeal liked to spend as much time as they can being as close as they can be, albeit either in their own home or seclusion in the public. Hidden under an archway, the clearly expressed lovers intent. Although while doing their business, the door behind them had opened and three individuals carrying a large flight case just looked at these two, Zeal's face was hidden by Enfield's embrace and her silver hair. The group looked in disgust and chucked a few jokes on their way before they continued to a black high-end car just around the corner. They saw back to the pair that were still going at it, but the female had her legs off the ground and now wrapped around the man. "Hey, Alfred... You can watch that when you get home and by yourself." "Shut up... Just put the box in the back."

Soon two electric cracks are heard at the back of the car were heard, along with two bodies slumping onto the floor laying unconscious. As the driver panics the door glass is suddenly smashed from Enfield's fist making a clear hole in the window, less than a second later Zeal then steps in a pulls out a taser and shoots it into the forehead of the driver. The two prongs send thousands of volts through the body of the man and his face looked like it was having a fit in the process, the shock so intense there wasn't time to even shout before his face met the front of the steering wheel. After the shock she drops the hand taser on the ground. "Nice... Gloves?" Zeal passes him a pair of gloves to work with. He takes a moment to look at the pocket of the driver. Taking out a brown leather wallet and starts sorting through the various cards. "Wallet... Yeah, Key-card." He pockets not just the key card but a few untraceable credit cards. "Spending money..." "You ever thought about robbing a bank?" Zeal is working with the flight case in the back,, which shes then passed a key-card. "Once... We do have the capability. But I wouldn't risk it."

She slides the key-card over the reader to which the pressure seal around the flight case is released. Zeal takes her time to open it, to see that a parchment piece sitting in a glass container. "Can't be..." It sat around four other artifacts, all purple in nature. "What is a sup-par smuggling group doing with this?" Zeal takes the parchment in her hands and unravels it... "Damn." "What?" "Its a fake... Look here, that curve isn't gone all the way down, this symbol is familiar but they've forgotten aligning dots and... That doesn't spell anything as far as that I'm aware of." "So this is all just for show then." Zeal chucks the parchment carelessly back in the flight case, but takes note of a larger gem that surrounds it. "But this... This is a proper sample." She points at a gold coloured band that coils around a purple gem with engraved writing on the side. "This seems correct... Correlates with other writing I've sampled back at the lab. It looks like a-" "Information bank." "Odd..." She puts the rest of the artifacts in her side bag and closes the flight case leaving a screwed up parchment. "Take the money from the others, I'm going to strip any electronics, looks like a car strip job."

Enfield reaches the front of the car pushing the driver back , the driver seems to moan and grunt seeming to be disturbed by being moved. Enfield uses his hand on the screw holds of the cars center console having the end of his cybernetic finger with a screw head spin rapidly to loosen the panel, ripping out a touch screen, speakers and the cars computer, shoving them into his bag. "Lets go." Just before leaving, he yanks the taser prongs from the head of the driver.

Returning to see that Zeal was just finishing stripping the cash off the other thugs, he had already thrown his back pack over his shoulder and was ready to move. "Ready hon...?" "Yeah just... Extra credits." She stood up and moved under Enfields arm, looking at the flight case. "Shame... Only if it was real." "Yeah.... Better luck next time." They soon left the area looking like a happy young couple. Her face perked up as they walked back under the archway, she looked at the area where they put on a show. "Did you really mean every bit of that...? Or were you just putting it on?" "Can I show you tonight?" "Pffft~"

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 06-04-2016

New Berlin, Buro Regional Headquarters.
Its Cold, But the Molotov's make it hot.
People are wrapping up warm, Even if its Kevlar.
People are shopping in some places.
But over here, they're throwing whatever they find.

"Get back, Get back!"
A shield and a electric baton.
They tend to send a message.
"Do not... Don't throw that-!"
Although they tend to respond with flaming cars.
"Get me the beanbags, Now!"
There was one rolling towards me.
Covered in ash, on fire.
Probably say around four tons of metal.
"Disperse from the area! Move away!"
So the barrel is pointing at people now.
Its normally the rowdy lot that are left over.
"He's got a Gun!"
The peaceful protesters are gone, so the signs are missing.
I forget what they're protesting about.
Some of them are screaming about police brutality.
They forget that we're not the police.
"Mein gott, You shot me in the face!"
"Its a beanbag, you're nicked."
So hes being dragged behind the guard line now.
Probably being shoved in the back of a van.
They probably don't expect a Bretonian enforcing their laws.

There were ten of them charging at once.
Line was preparing for another wave.
Something happened, Found myself far out.
"Get him! Times up government dog!"
So what did I have?
A Shield.
A Electric baton.
A beanbag shotgun?
No, that's empty.
"Geoff! I'm coming!"
Oh and her.
Even if shes under that gear, no one can see her.
I can always tell who it is.
I'll give it to her, shes always there for me.
Shes more reliable than others.
Even if people see her as a machine.

Ten rioters turned to fifteen.
And Fifteen turned to thirty.
First fist flew, I'd already intercepted.
Easily jammed the end of the electric baton into him.
Fell like rock on the ground into a fit.
Next guy I'd smacked my shield into his nose.
Left a nice red pattern on it.
People tried to hit her.
Found out that bones and metal didn't mix.
I guess coming into the Buro changed us.
Whatever, half of these protesters are on the ground.
Some are hold back, other still trying.

Give me about 10 minutes.
The last guy i whacked with the grip of the shotgun.
The rest of the guards are now dragging them in.
People I've knocked out, now being put in cuffs.
That's a quite a few for two people.
Its just a job for me.
Even if I had to kill everyone instead.
"You Okay?"
"Yeah just... I'm fine."
At least I got my lover.
Thats pretty much all I need.

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 07-03-2016

Super-Cities are loud, ships flying over more occasionally than most other planets, the rain still wouldn't stop but that didn't halt the nightlife of this Kusarian city. Nibbling through a bowl of rice and curry, Enfield set under the shelter of a small food stall. He seemed to be enjoying the meal quite well, eating though what seemed to be his second bowl. "This curry is fantastic, and this rice..." Zeal seemed to sitting through half a bottle of sake and respective cups, she also seemed to be wearing a full leather pilot gear, as well as placing her fully visored pilot helmet on the table. She seemed to be reading through a data-pad as she swing her legs back and fourth. "I'd love to eat, but solids are a no go in my cooling system." "That's why I feel like crap, eating in front of you sometimes." "Yeah well, I never liked the idea of you feeding off an IV for the rest of your life for that reason." The cook seemed to be calm with the presence of a robot at the food-stall, he continued washing the wok up that he'd just used. "Toki! Onegai takoyaki. Itsumo no yō ni." "Oh~ You know, you not need to speak to me in Kusarian." The Chef seemed happy that he'd started talking. He started preparing a set of takoyaki that was already made hot from the pan grills. "You want sauce with takoyaki?" "Yes please, but for on the go though, we'll need to make a move." "Oh~oh~ You are in a hurry?" Zeal seemed prepared, she put down the sake glass and hid away her data-pad inside her pilot jacket. "Yes, we're heading back now." "Haw-Haw~ You enjoy big office Mr Enfield, Sayonara!" "Goodbye Toki, we'll see you in a few months." Zeal swiped her pilot helmet from the bar desk and placed it over her head, pulling down a glossy visor so no one could intrude on her vision. Enfield Took his Takoyaki dumplings and ate a few as they walked along into the lower levels of the city.

"Where too now?" "Mphmm... Mphmmmhmfh." Bits of dumpling batter flew out of his mouth as he tried to talk with his gob full. "Stop it, thats disgusting." He takes a moment to chew down the rest of his food. "I said, I have to go back." Zeal stops quite suddenly, holding his hand and stopping him from walking any further. "Listen... I know where you're going and you've been spending a lot of time there recently, a lot more than normal." He looks at her, closing up his box of takoyaki, licking up any remaining soy sauce around his lips. "They keep me down in a Nuremberg lab-bunker about two hundred meters underground, working away on some projects, they're big projects..." He tugs at her, towards a more secluded area. "Look, Its better than all the fighting we've been doing, you know how i feel about it. But you're right... I've been there too long, but they've been keeping an eye on me too... I can tell the caterer who brings me food down there isn't a regular. Everyone keeps looking over me." He gives her kiss on the lips and a hug before whispering in her ear. "Find out what they're doing, i know something is going to happen." "I love you." "I know... Thats not going to be the last time I hear that." He pulls back, holding her soft silver hands, rubbing the back of them with his thumbs. "It feels real... Oh!" "What?!" He quickly scurries something out of his pocket, giving her a set of keys. "Take the Sabre, its parked in the south area of this district, just outside Maronuchi station 12, second level near the ship-port!" He closes her palm with the keys in them, giving her another kiss. "Stay away from Rheinland, that's all i ask. I'll visit you when i can." He jogs off around the corner of the street quickly, leaving her. "Wait...!" Zeal quickly gives chase, but un-suprisingly he'd already vanished somewhere.

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 05-13-2018

As the Planet was within the midst of its six months of darkness, the office on Neu-Berlin wasn't where the director went often due to his preferences of enjoying a secluded environment as an ex-agent. But the proximity to where he'd left the Bundestag that his quiet conversation and drink with Agent Richten would go undisturbed and un-noticed, despite being within the centre of the Mega-city. Enfield was in his leatherette chair, a back rest towering over his head and arm-rests well worn from the previous Directors usage. The lights from the city casted beams between the blinds of the window that rested along Richten who was enjoying the view of the moving city. Both of them were holding glasses of whiskey as they listened to the news being broadcasted on TV of recent protests picking up after a fraud scandal had recently been published by the Agency.

"Your appointment to public finances should be finalised within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the senator." Enfield crossed his legs, and tilted back in his chair. "I take it he was agreeable." Agent Richten turned his head to look back at the director. Taking a break from the bright view. "He didn't exactly have a choice." "Was he worried?" Richten lent his head slightly, the obvious possibility that this wouldn't work in his mind previously was completely eradicated. "Oh yes, most definitely. When I mentioned that we'd publicise his accounts for tax evasion from the Daumann bribery, he was so willing it was almost pathetic." Enfield gave a small smile on his face, seeing as how he's not taking advantage of the political corruption situation into the Bruo's favour. "This fraud, the first instance of it going out caused political demonstrations to intensify to the point we might not be able to contain it?" "Why contain it? Let it spill out onto the news channels and public forums, let the accounts rack up on the court evidence. In the end they'll beg us to save them." Enfield was watching the TV across the room, seeing as how political rallies and peaceful public demonstrations were being broadcasted on the news. He took the delight of turning up the sound on the TV to hear the stories of some previously reported public figures being arrested on massive accounts of tax evasion; Obviously due to his agencies efforts. "I've received reports of armed attacks on some senators and wealthy individuals. There won't be enough slots for protection detail, and the oligarch and figures are starting to get desperate." Enfield chucked the remote on his desk and quickly spun around in his chair to face Richten, rolling his eyes at such a statement. "Of course they're desperate, They can smell their resignations and board room terminations, and the sound they'll make rattling their panhandles will serve as a warning to the rest." "Hmm..." Richten looked down at the floor with a large amount of concern, taking a sip of his whiskey. Richten had a concerned twist on his lips. "I hope you're not underestimating the problem, the others might not go as quietly as you think. Intelligence indicates they're the ones behind the earlier funding and supply cuts from the Bundestag." "A bunch of pompous old politicians and corporates playing at running Rheinland. But the state left them behind long ago. They're not the future."

"We might have other Problems." Richten walked over and placed the document he was holding on the Enfield's desk, open with freshly gathered intelligence."The Bundschuh?" Reaching over, Enfield slid the document closer to himself using two fingers, looking up with a face in questionable doubt. "Starting to increase after the situation on Nuremberg, I have something in place though, but I'm more concerned about their Order overlords. They're stating to move them towards Counter-Agency operations." Quietly smiled with a luagh that was silent but noticeable. He shook his head at such a statement. "Our technology and funding is far in the Human spectrum than theirs, as is our electronic warfare. And their... attachment towards nomad technology has allowed us to make great progress with less reliance on the vulnerable technology that they call superior." To Richten, that description rang a bell to which made shuffle in his shoes. "The Spectre project?" With quiet nodding, Enfield dove his lips into his glass for another sip of his whiskey. "Among other things -- But I must admit, that I've been somewhat disappointed with the schedule of the prototype vessel." "The pacing should pick up soon, Its currently undergoing its heavy modification phase and should be operational within six months or sooner. My people will continue to to report on its progress. If necessary, I'll divert more attention to its development." After reading through the document placed lazily flipped the cover back shut before grabbing the neck of the liquor decanter on his desk. "We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be superiority again, a greater level. People used to speak of the power of Rheinland and its agencies... Soon, that power will be a reality. And we shall be its holders. Maybe more than its holders..." Popping off the glass top, he poured himself another glass full of whiskey before raising his glass at a now smiling Richten. "Its masters."

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 05-30-2018

The office on Schatten research facility for the Direktor was a little more extravagant. Maybe a few black market goods here and there due to the secret nature of the station allowed for a more relaxed tone compared to the one on the Neu-Berlin. The quiet hum of the stations life support is normally the noise that occupies Enfields office if it wasn't normally the scribbling pen that accompanied it. But what made the office commonly used by the person who's name plate occupies the desk is the lack of windows. No sun mean't that no light could stimulate the pain in ones retina on his occasional hangovers.

But the desk seemed to be occupied, two figures had scattered their clothes along the floor and traded place with the files and ornaments on the desk apart from the decanter of almost absent cognac. The silver figure was lounging herself on top of Geoff, casually trailing her finger though his hair, they both seemed shaggy and rough. "Well, two weeks certainly seemed deadly, who knows how long you could of lasted without me." "I'm a Direktor, I can only be here every now and then. You know the Bundestag have been calling me in because of-" Zeal quickly placed her finger on his lips, quieting his excuses. "Two weeks..!" It did, allowing her to enjoy the moment quietly. He cupped the cheeks of her rear, a silicone touch but similar to the real thing nevertheless. "Alright, times up... Let's get dressed before someone sees us." While they both started to get themselves off the table and gather the clothes that trailed all the way back to the office door. Zeal quickly put her pants back on and reached around to put on her bra. "How are you getting used to the whole... Clothes thing?" Enfield sat himself on the desk side so he could get his trousers on, but he took the enjoyment of seeing his wife getting dressed. "Oh~ You mean anything thats not the flight suit? I guess fashion has its taste, although I'm not keen on spending One million credits on a designer Henshell fur coat." "No its... You gave yourself a nice rack, never thought you'd go that far to put on a bra..." "Humanising... Isn't it?" Enfield chuckled as he looked down to button on his shirt, attempting to also brush out the creases. "Sexy is what it is." They were both quiet for a moment as they finally got around to putting on their trousers. "You're lucky... I'm here for another week, working my... our little girl." "She's going to need months more work before she can fly." "We'll get there, don't worry."

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 08-09-2018

Niigata wasn't exactly a 'star' of a city, it was very much like any other. It had its high rises and it had its slums and it certainly had its underworld activity regardless of its corporate governing society. Its rail system allowed the mega-structures to connect its mass populace. But the slums within one section were empty for a very particular reason, nothing but the occasional passer by. A small building was riddled with bullet holes, shattered windows and blasted and torn panelling. Two men were stood outside with long dark trechcoats to deal with the rather cold environment of the star-city. Enfield and his escort aid stood staring at the housing,,, Or what they called housing, more like a cargo container retrofitted with living amenities.

"Look at this... The MND really screwed up this time." They opened what was left of the front door, Enfield was rather casual about the whole ordeal, stepping on broken glass as they cracked under his feet and over the dead bodies that littered the slum housing floor. "They get eager and they get ballsy... What a fucking waste." His hands were in his pocket to stay warm inside this cold building as he scanned around at the bodied wastes. "Direktor, they still have their phones..." His escort started stripping phones, ID's and weapons they still had on them. While the slums were within the Guild Miners rule, crime and punishment were things that kept to themselves around here without the involvement of its corporate policing. "Idiots like these think they're hot shit... And this is why they don't end up in the Buro." He rolled over one body with his foot, His aid was rummaging though the mobile device, ripping out a component from the rear and plugging it into his. Enfield noticed he'd finished salvaging the recorder and strolled over to him, minding the debris on the floor.

"This is Hermann Vernberg phone... Match the record date to the time we intercepted their sub-net message." Enfield gazes on in the cold slum as his aid flicks though the recording dates. Until they hit one time segment that seemed to show quite a bit of audio activity. "Mister Klugmann, I hadn't taken you as the type to play dumb. Where's the man that appeared on hacked encryptions, exhorting we commonfolk to put up a bulwark against the foul, genocidal men and women of Rheinland's government--" "God. Just skip this, I can't be arsed with this patriotic crap." Enfield seemed to have lost interest for about 5 seconds after Hermann's monologue began, his aid quickly hurried to another segment of the audio bug. "The Bundschuh meant well, but they relied too much on the same thing you do. Ego. Power. The never-ending satisfaction of both." Enfield quickly closed into the phone being held out to blare its audio. At this point he was interested enough to stand close attention and take out a cigarette from his pocket. "I was being hunted not just by you, but by leaders among them. And they, like you, are stuck in their old ways. 'Social Democracy' is just the same exploitation with a rainbow coat of paint over it--" He took a moment to take out the cigarette from his mouth. "Well, that's a certainly surprise. The man finally opened up his eyes to the Human element of politics..." His aid paused the recording and looked up at him, he seemed confused too at Enfield statement. "Sir, I don't follow--" "He got real Kauffler, Communist and Socialist extreme revolutionaries who take power never do it for the people... They do it for themselves. I'm going to try and avoid going on a long winded tangent here but all I'm saying is, every communist and socialist 'revolutionist' victory has created a bigger divide in wealth within 3 years. What they call their leading politicians are just war lords and remnant generals who take advantage of their famed position." He takes another puff from the ash dangled cigarette before flicking off what was expended. "Whats that near the end?" He points to an area where the audio peaks itself for quite a while. His escort follows his inquiry and skips to the audio segment. "The Buro are going to have a good ti -" Then the gunfire and shouting followed suit, for about five straight minutes there was shooting and shouting before ending the audio with a thud. All that was heard after that was unintelligible muffled chatter and mumbling for the rest of the recording that bewildered the pair for a moment until-. "Damn... The body." The recording was ruined thanks to the body having put the pressure between the phone and the floor. Blocking any audio microphone it had. "Right, just take the bug, and keep in in the archives... We need to move anyhow. The freighter leaves in about quarter-of-an-hour."

"You know what I don't get...?" "What sir?" The pair leave the cargo container housing, walking down catwalks and blending in with the current calmness of the slums. "Why did the Widerstandsarmee ally themselves with the GMG? A corporate empire is something they oppose... Whatever, they're a distant relic--" They both continued to navigate though the winding corridors of the Kowloon class star city, people passing by or hiding under doorways. "So, what are your orders about Klugmann?" "I haven't decided yet... Probably keep him in a detention centre. He's worth more than being locked up and forgotten about on Veirlande or even Heldrungen. For now, keep tabs on his activities."

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 12-04-2018

While the territorial HQ was where the Direktors office sat publicly. It was rarely used. Not even the one that sat on Schatten was used as much as the desk that he'd regularly occupied in the Human-Tech research laboratory. The lights were already dimmed down to a more suitable level resembling almost like a midnight study hour with the majority of the illumination beamed from the monitor of the terminal. It was almost coming close to his 16th consecutive hour in front of a access terminal as schematics and memo's have laid unsaved for a while from its current progress. Even cybernetic eyes get tired, or at least show such actions since tedious boredom has taken over as they've found themselves covered by his eyelids as he's rocking gently back and fourth into his seat. A pen in between fingers is tapping out a rhythm along the edge of the table in a bid to support his day dream distraction.


A pair of gentle bleeps were heard at the door to the laboratory before a sweeping wind came in as the air tight seals released from it sliding open.
"Yeah-- Yeah... I know, its past hours and-" He didn't even take the time to look around and see who'd made their way in as he was still having his fingers press into his eyelids. "Uh Direktor." A lady with a tray with an assortment of coffee, milk, sugar and biscuits to assist him. "Oh... Doctor Lenzbraun-" He quickly found himself up-righting in his seat and straightening his tatty uniform out. "I forgot, thanks for the coffee." "Ja, its your eighth one today. How can you even keep going." He took the coffee by both hands and took one hefty sip of it... It was calming-- So calming he circled himself in his seat and mellowed down into place.


"Because I have to-- We're riding on this research religiously to bear golden fruit to which we'll seed more trees from."

RE: Another Day, Another Grind. - Geoffacake - 12-27-2018

27th December 825A.S.

"Christ... S-Sorry- Miss Mayer, You'll expect the transfer tonight." Being stopped at his doorway almost sent him rushing at his side arm. But the threat of the blind landlady really wasn't going to exceed a shin beating by her guiding cane. "Herr Danzig, I expect so... I've never known someone to fall behind so quickly, let alone not live in the place he's renting." Enfield wouldn't write his real name on the tenant papers for his apartment, somewhere near New Berlin and the suite no bigger than 200 square meters. Selling the property on Stuttgart had almost taken place four years ago in trade for something a little more clandestine and closer to the office. Moving into an apartment complex filled with people might be a questionable choice, but it counting the civilian risk, some agents living in the block and agents posing maintenance workers gave Enfield CCTV access. This place was a lot more secure than the lonely wood cabin out in the Stuttgart hillsides. That... And it was cheaper. "Sorry Miss Mayer, work tends to keep me away on long periods of time... I just like to know I have a place to call home." Miss Mayer grunted and pointed her cane at his general direction. "I am happy to provide that... If, you pay your rent, Vanderstand?" "Vanderstand meine Damen." She was a friendly lady really, although she knew how to be firm, and a few agents could learn from her. "Gut, Guten Abend Herr Danzig." She slowly made her turn around and waddled a three legged walk down the corridor. Enfield just huffed, patting his Kevlar padded chest, he'd fought aliens, rebels and even opposing agents; but the wrath of Miss Danzig was something he'd wanted to avoid facing. So he quickly flashed his key card and the doors lock rods quickly retracted and unlocked the handle and slipped inside eagerly wanting to plant himself on the couch.

In one quick swoop, he dragged his suitcase into the bedroom and continued onto his dresser. Generally he'd keep his suit in top shape until he got home. But he'd signed out with the entire column undone and had been looking unkempt for the entire trip back. As he hung up his jacket, appropriately deposited his clothing on the floor to wear in the almost showroom like area, he'd taken to the floor mirror to check on himself. A desk job was hard on the body, "... Shit--" But his work out tends to keep his muscles and weight in shape, what he was mostly concerned with is the scars of the conflicts he's found himself in over the years. Glazing his fingers over the paths of them tend to send a huff that contemplates himself in silence... The merging of his body and arm augment was layered with artificial skin that was cold to the touch and the merge line between false and true was still observable. He had mix feelings on his mechanical addition, it gave him abilities as to which he'd counted his life on so many times yet it he'd always try to avoid it becoming part of his identity. "Twenty Five--" He looked at the calendar up near the bedroom door. "Twenty Six years... Fucking Shit." He'd decided he'd looked at them enough and was time to cover up again, his clothing choice for today was suitable. A pair of grey sweat pants, his old military recruit shirt and the warmest pair of slippers that had a novelty twist to their toes in the form of a pair of words; 'Booze time'.

He'd come here for his weekend back from work, a Bi-weekly break from constantly travelling was almost like a rear experience as he'd normally spend it working on Schatten. With the conflict going on, most calls were diverted to the Oberkommando to handle. As for Enfield, his duties were to contemplate what beverage he'd contour up for himself as he browsed the populated liquor shelf, from Kyushu Scotch Whisky to New London Dry Gin, Stuttgart Wines and Houston Bourbons. Enfield was careful to choose what he'd like for now, a hearty of Dublin Cream, triple sec and coffee liquor made for a drink that would last the next hour and something that was specifically ensured to not let you do anything else for the rest of the day. He poured the contents gently one after another into a cocktail shaker along with a few cubes of ice. Giving it a good shake stirred up the cream with the ice, cooling it further all around as the ice rattled around the metal shaker and drowning the room in its noise. And with a metal tight pop, he managed opened the shaker without denting the thing with the strength of his augment. The pouring of the cocktail came out like a thickened syrup, its darkened browned cream colour glazed itself across the tumbler glass and ice. "No cake but- I'll guess this'll do."

He planted himself on the couch, an almost perfect cushion that had yet been touched from the date of its purchase; left alone due to a schedule that had only time for the bed. He'd taken the liberty to put the coffee table to good use for its first job by mounting his feet on the glass top... "Yeah... Happy birthday to me."