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To: Liberty Navy High Command From: Battlegroup Harmony Command - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Navy High Command From: Battlegroup Harmony Command - Victoria Knight - 02-11-2016

[Image: harmonytbar.jpg]

This is Rear Admiral Knight speaking.

Yesterday, two of my pilots and the unassigned second fleet pilot Ivy Grant encountered something that might be way more important than I initially asumed. After a regular patrol, my pilots went to stop intercept and stop an autonomously operating drone with the callsign "XT-8". It appeared to be a common Bayonet class heavy fighter apart from the overabundance of tech. It freely shared some basic information but when it was asked to reveal more, it tried to escape and when it was stopped it opened fire, forcing my pilots to destroy it.

You will receive the report of my pilot attached to this transmission but here are the logs of the first encounter:
This would already be enough of a concern if not suspiciously soon after a Freelancer appeared, freely sharing a lot of information about these drones. The LSF or ESRD might want to look into it. Here are these logs as well:

You see I wouldn't really be worried but the danger of heavily armed ships, preparing to bombard our homeplanets is no threat we should just disregard. My Battlegroup has already been made aware of the danger these drones pose and we will fend them off where we can. But I should share the last encounter my pilots had that day too. First a coalition ship that may or may not be related tried to breach the Manhattan defense perimeter and was quickly dispatched by Ensign Thistle. While busy with the Coalition pilot, another drone managed to sneak past and my pilots managed to locate it within time, not able to extract any information or the illegal cargo it transported because the damned Junkers allowed it to dock on that cursed installation of theirs in the debris field.

I suggest to take swift action. We are standing ready to receive orders in case we are going for something less passive.

Rear Admiral Knight out.

823-02-10 Report by Ensign Mikel Thistel, Battlegroup Harmony

[Image: harmonytbared.jpg]

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command From: Battlegroup Harmony Command - Victoria Knight - 02-12-2016


[Image: harmonyre.jpg]

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command From: Battlegroup Harmony Command - Arbs - 02-12-2016

- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -

SENDER ID: FADM Harriet Fieldson ::: Liberty Navy, First Fleet
RECEIVER ID: Rear Admiral Knight
SENT ON: 12 (Friday) ::: 02 (February) ::: 823
SUBJECT: Troublemakers


Rear Admiral Knight,

High Command received your report in good health. Tell you what, I don't remember there being any laws against killing machines. Jokes aside though; Since these units are nothing but a bunch of troublemakers you are cleared to obliterate them with anything you have at hand or that you deem fit. We won't be taking easy to useless menaces.

Follow normal protocols as per every other threat the Navy faces.

Best regards and keep up the good job,

Harriet Fieldson
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy

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